Nosotros escuchábamos a los Adverts y a los Jam, a los Stranglers, los Clash y los Sex Pistols. Aunque en las fiestas, la gente ponía a la ELO, o a 10cc o, incluso, a Roxy Music.
Neil Gaiman
Related ¿Donde residen los recuerdos de las personas? ¿En los patrones de conexiones sinápticas del... MAKOTO SHINKAI En cuanto al poder, se aleja a toda vela de la calle y del mercado, de las asambleas y de los parlam... ZYGMUNT BAUMAN Conozco las estrellas por memorias, los ejércitos de la noche, y hay en la delantera los que nos tr... AESCHYLUS La poesía acompañó a los agonizantes y restañó los dolores, condujo a las victorias, acompañó... PABLO NERUDA Porque nadie es tan necio que prefiera la guerra a la paz: en ésta los hijos entierran a sus padres... HERODOTUS Pero los escritores mienten, aun los más sinceros. Los menos hábiles, carentes de palabras y frase... MARGUERITE YOURCENAR Este es un homenaje a los locos. A los inadaptados. A los rebeldes. A los alborotadores. A las ficha... WALTER ISAACSON No puedes esperar que existan los finales felices. Tienes que creer en ellos. Luego haz el trabajo, ... NORA ROBERTS En otras palabras, la individualización consiste en transformar la identidad humana de algo 'dado' ... ZYGMUNT BAUMAN La historia no ha cambiado. Hace mil anos ellos eran los duenos del mundo. Hoy en dia lo siguen sien... ANTONIO GUADARRAMA Los Padres son dueños de todo y la gente no posée nada; es la obra maestra de la razón y la justi... VOLTAIRE (...) y todo aquello unido era el río, todas las voces, los fines, los anhelos, los sufrimientos, l... HERMANN HESSE Siempre he envidiado a las personas que se duermen con facilidad. Sus cerebros deben de estar más l... DAVID BENIOFF En los cuentos infantiles, las princesas besan a los sapos, que se transforman en príncipes. En la ... PAULO COELHO -Prometo solemnemente que te protegeré y que valoraré profundamente en mi corazón nuestra unión ... E.L. JAMES Se sabe que las bicicletas han tratado por todos los medios de remediar su triste condición social.... JULIO CORTáZAR Llega un momento en que nos damos cuenta de que nuestros padres no se pueden salvar a ellos mismos n... JOHN GREEN —Pues ahí, no aquí [...] siguen morando en nidos y en «boudoirs», en cortes de justicia y en o... VIRGINIA WOOLF Y todavía los que no murieron bajo las chozas ni se rajaron los huesos bajo los árboles ni se desa... POPOL VUH La mayoría de las personas no tienen tantos recelos ante lo sobrenatural como les gusta creer a los... STEPHEN KING Pero en los casos en los que no ha sido costumbre sino el más íntimo impulso el que nos ha llevado... HERMANN HESSE La labor más importante del ser humano es buscar la moralidad en sus actos. Es de lo que depende nu... ALBERT EINSTEIN La noche previa fue un grito de lanzas y gemidos de flechas que enmudecían a los seguidores del pri... SERGIO OMAR MARTINEZ Nosotros somos los culpables de esta destrucción, los que no hablamos su lengua ni sabemos estar en... YURI HERRERA Antes de la tragedia, cada hombre se consideraba unido inescindiblemente a los demás, en pensamient... JOSé RAFAEL HERRERA La fuente de la mayoria de los males radica en cómo los seres humanos se aferran a los seres humano... EFRAT CYBULKIEWICZ Los bits se presentan como si estuvieran vivos, mientras que los humanos son fragmentos pasajeros. T... JARON LANIER Yo he visto estos solitarios apretujados en increíbles racimos en los andenes y en los coches del t... ARTURO USLAR PIETRI Las cosas cambian. Y los amigos se van. Y la vida no se detiene para nadie. STEPHEN CHBOSKY Porque ésa era la terrible arma de los dementores: obligar a su víctima a revivir los peores recue... J.K. ROWLING Es una mera ficción eso de que no existe un puente de unión entre una y otra gente, y que todos vi... HERMANN HESSE Los hombres, como los niños, caminando a tientas sobre la tierra, ignorando de dónde vienen y adó... JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Las consecuencias de esos procesos nos duelen hasta hoy cada vez que una comunidad originaria debe r... FELIPE PIGNA Lo que mucha gente llama amar consiste en elegir una mujer y casarse con ella. La eligen, te lo juro... JULIO CORTáZAR Ya en el escaparate de la librería localizaste la portada con el título que buscabas. Siguiendo es... ITALO CALVINO Qué feo eso de que le digan a uno la verdad, sobre todo si se trata de una de esas verdades que uno... MARIO BENEDETTI Estaba destinado a aprender su propia sabiduría aparte de los otros o a aprender la sabiduría de l... JAMES JOYCE Que yo sepa, lo único que no da resaca y que disipa momentáneamente la muerte —tambié... MILENA BUSQUETS Los Gamins se acurrucan en sus cubículos, como dulces palomas en un campanario, y examinan manuscri... SALLY THORNE Los nombres son lo primero que desaparece cuando se extingue el aliento y el corazón deja de latir.... NEIL GAIMAN Sólo mediante la información que poseemos, incorporada a nuestro organismo, sean los esquemas inna... JOSé ANTONIO MARINA Aquí están todos los sitios a los que hemos ido. Y todos los sitios a los que iremos. Y estoy yo, ... JOHN GREEN Es la hora, amor mío, de apartar esta rosa sombría, cerrar las estrellas, enterrar la ceniza en la... PABLO NERUDA Soy un gato, un ser extremadamente sensible a los más sutiles cambios en la mente o el alma del mun... SōSEKI NATSUME Y al final resultaba que ser soldado de la patria no era precisamente defender el suelo, las fronter... MARIO BENEDETTI Porque los rayos del amor y del odio atraviesan de un salto la más espesas selvas y los ríos más ... EDUARDO GALEANO La memoria imprime en blanco y negro, los grises se pierden por el camino. ISABEL ALLENDE - La gente debería tenerle miedo a Ursula Monkton - afirmé - Quizá. Y a qué crees que le ti... NEIL GAIMAN las acciones —no los pensamientos ni las intenciones— eran la verdadera forma de juzgar a los de... NICHOLAS SPARKS Si escuchas la canción Asleep, y piensas en esos días en los que hace un clima precioso que te hac... STEPHEN CHBOSKY Pero siento como si conociera a Rue...La veo en las flores amarillas que crecen en la Pradera junto ... SUZANNE COLLINS Algunas veces te levantas de la cama y ya no sabes porqué estás luchando. ¿Estás luchando el dí... EMILIO BUESO la conveniencia de las actitudes esquiva los cuerpos, la decencia de las palabras blanquea los discu... MICHEL FOUCAULT Pero el amor, esa palabra... Moralista Horacio, temeroso de pasiones sin una razón de aguas hondas,... JULIO CORTáZAR Hablar es tener demasiada consideración por los demás. Por la boca mueren los peces y Oscar Wilde. FERNANDO PESSOA Cómo soportaba él los ojos de la muchacha y revolvía los suyos contra la cabeza juvenil, escapand... JUAN CARLOS ONETTI No hereden el odio. Después de cuanto acaba de pasar (las infinitas matanzas, los campos de extermi... JOSé EMILIO PACHECO porque el camino recto del amor, ya se guíe por sí mismo, ya sea guiado por otro, es comenzar por ... PLATO He ido encontrando tesoros en lugares que no queria buscar. He estado escuchando sabiduría de bocas... SUZY KASSEM Muchos de los que viven merecen morir y algunos de los que mueren merecen la vida. ¿Puedes devolver... GANDALS Muchos de los que viven merecen morir y algunos de los que mueren merecen la vida. ¿Puedes devolver... J.R.R. TOLKIEN Estoy bajo el agua y los latidos de mi corazón producen círculos en la superficie. MILAN KUNDERA Otra vez tambores de guerra, y son siempre los mismos quienes los percuten. Decía Roger Garaudy que... FERNANDO SáNCHEZ DRAGó Cuando el jardín de la memoria comienza a secarse -le había dicho Celâl una de aquellas noches-, ... ORHAN PAMUK Tres Anillos para los Reyes Elfos bajo el cielo. Siete para los Señores Enanos en palacios de piedr... J.R.R. TOLKIEN Antes de los 30 años, los hombres buscan la enfermedad; después de los 30, la enfermedad busca a l... VíCTOR R. RAMOS Todos los hombres tienen que destruir su vida. Y según la manera como lo hagan se llamarán triunfa... CIORAN Dale vida a los sueños que tienes escondidos..descubriras que puedes vivir estos momentos, con los ... NO Sé QUIEN LO DIJO Me abrazo a la almohada. Pido, aunque ya sé que no me será concedida, una noche tranquil... MILENA BUSQUETS Gran parte del deseo, a esa edad, era un acto deliberado. Nos empeñábamos en difuminar los bordes ... EMMA CLINE ¿Quiere que vaya a la iglesia y me confiese? ¿Cree que los detectives nos rebajamos a hablar con s... PABLO DE SANTIS El hecho es que el ordenador está aquí para quedarse y los niños saben utilizarlo y nosotros no. ... TOM SHARPE Anfiteatro" llaman aquí a la morgue, y no hay taxista en Medellín ni cristiano que no sepa dónde ... FERNANDO VALLEJO Gollum merece la muerte. La merece, sin duda. Muchos de los que viven merecen morir y algunos de los... J.R.R. TOLKIEN La dicha es una cosa tan rara en este mundo, que el hombre no ha pensado en inventar palabras para e... THéOPHILE GAUTIER Me gusta mirar a las personas guapas, y hace un tiempo decidí no privarme de los sencillos placeres... JOHN GREEN —Bah, nunca lo entenderás —suspiró Zarpa Gris—. Tú no naciste en libertad. Eso marca la dif... ERIN HUNTER Creo que la idea es que cada hombre o mujer tiene que vivir su propia vida y luego decidir si la com... STEPHEN CHBOSKY Esa pareja equilibrada no es una utopía ; existen tales parejas, a veces incluso en el mismo marco ... SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR Pero el amor puede transformar en belleza y dignidad cosas bajas y viles, porque no ve con los ojos,... WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Abajo hay miedo, sufrimiento y muerte. Hay guerra. Y todo parece ser tan normal que podríamos olvid... ARTURO USLAR PIETRI Todo el que disfruta cree que lo que importa del árbol es el fruto, cuando en realidad es la semill... FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Los libros sólo se escriben para, por encima del propio aliento, unir a los seres humanos, y así d... STEFAN ZWEIG Es mejor soñar una vida que vivirla, aunque vivirla siga siendo soñarla, pero menos misteriosament... MARCEL PROUST A veces se preguntaba si los instintos del ser humano habían cambiado en ese tiempo, y siempre lleg... NICHOLAS SPARKS Algo se marchitó de repente muy dentro de su ser: quizá la fe en la perennidad de la infancia. Adv... MIGUEL DELIBES ¿No sabéis quiénes son los críticos? Aquellos que no han tenido éxito en la literatura y en el ... BENJAMIN DISRAELI Y escribir cada día, ganar la lotería de al menos una frase que nadie ha dicho nunc... HéCTOR ABAD FACIOLINCE Si alguna vez me suicido, será en domingo. Es el día más desalentador, el más insulso. Quisiera ... MARIO BENEDETTI La escuela debería seducir, enamorar. Ser ese escenario donde todos los días los alumnos al salir ... ANNA FORES A veces oigo una música... O una canción... Una voz de mujer... Y allí encuentro lo que he sentid... SVETLANA ALEXIEVICH La gente le tiene muchísimo más miedo a las palabras que a los cañones. Las palabras han hecho re... BENITO TAIBO El universo conspira a favor de los que lo mueven. Y ésos son los que lo paran. ¿Tú quieres mover... ALBERT ESPINOSA Todos eran efímeros y transitorios, y a la vuelta de cien años no quedaría rastro de ellos sobre ... MIGUEL DELIBES Quizas te sorprenda que me acuerde con tanto detalle de ese dia, de esas horas (...) A mi tambien me... SáNDOR MáRAI Supongo que hay dos tipos de personas en el mundo: los que se sientan alrededor de un fuego a mirar ... JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT El paradigma 2.0 es la antesala de los paradigmas 3.0 y 4.0. CRISTO LEON Los jóvenes entendemos que en el siglo 21 es inaceptable que familias enteras tengan que resignarse... RAFAEL OLIVERO La caza y la guerra son la principal ocupación del hombre. Desde el principio de los tiempos. SVETLANA ALEXIEVICH .. Me producen escalofríos los que se arrodillan y besan el suelo, los que se flagelan, los que se ... LAURA RESTREPO
More Neil Gaiman
The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vis... NEIL GAIMAN When you're starting off as a young writer, you look at all the stuff that's gone before and... NEIL GAIMAN When I was a kid, we actually lived in a house that had been divided in two at one point, which mean... NEIL GAIMAN There was only one guy in the whole Bible Jesus ever personally promised a place with him in Paradis... NEIL GAIMAN The world always seems brighter when you've just made something that wasn't there before. NEIL GAIMAN All your questions can be answered, if that is what you want. But once you learn your answers, you c... NEIL GAIMAN Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure wh... NEIL GAIMAN Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break... NEIL GAIMAN Words save our lives, sometimes. NEIL GAIMAN When I was 7, my proudest possession would have been my bookshelf 'cause I had alphabetized all ... NEIL GAIMAN Is the chemical aftertaste the reason why people eat hot dogs, or is it some kind of bonus? NEIL GAIMAN I think I’ll dismember the world and then I’ll dance in the wreckage. NEIL GAIMAN I like the stars. It's the illusion of permanence, I think. I mean, they're always flaring up and ca... NEIL GAIMAN Idris: Are all people like this? The Doctor: Like what? Idris: So much bigger on the insid... NEIL GAIMAN Gods, religions and national boundaries are absolutely imaginary. They don't tend to exist. As soon ... NEIL GAIMAN I started blogging a decade ago because I like blogging. Writing's a kind of lonely thing to do,... NEIL GAIMAN I've been blogging since February of 2001. When I started blogging, it was a dinosaur blog. It w... NEIL GAIMAN Name the different kinds of people,’ said Miss Lupescu. ‘Now.’ Bod thought for a mo... NEIL GAIMAN Anyone who believes what a cat tells him deserves all he gets. NEIL GAIMAN We...we could be friends.' We COULD be rare specimens of an exotic breed of dancing Afric... NEIL GAIMAN What's your name,' Coraline asked the cat. 'Look, I'm Coraline. Okay?' 'Cats don't have names,'... NEIL GAIMAN There's never been a true war that wasn't fought between two sets of people who were certain they we... NEIL GAIMAN Google can bring you back 100,000 answers. A librarian can bring you back the right one. NEIL GAIMAN That which is dreamed can never be lost, can never be undreamed. NEIL GAIMAN I mean, maybe I am crazy. I mean, maybe. But if this is all there is, then I don't want to be sane. NEIL GAIMAN CORALINE'S STORY THERE WAS A GIRL HER NAME WAS APPLE. SHE USED TO DANCE A LOT. SHE DANCED AND D... NEIL GAIMAN Sleep my little baby-oh Sleep until you waken When you wake you'll see the world If I... NEIL GAIMAN Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes, when you fall, you fly. NEIL GAIMAN Does it make you feel big to make a little boy cry? NEIL GAIMAN I would like to see anyone, prophet, king or God, convince a thousand cats to do the same thing at t... NEIL GAIMAN 25 And the Lord spake unto the Angel that guarded the eastern gate, saying 'Where is the flaming swo... NEIL GAIMAN I've been making a list of the things they don't teach you at school. They don't teach you how to lo... NEIL GAIMAN People think dreams aren't real just because they aren't made of matter, of particles. Dreams are re... NEIL GAIMAN Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and i... NEIL GAIMAN The gods we prayed to when we were young used up their time so long ago. They cannot answer anymore.... NEIL GAIMAN Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn’t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and... NEIL GAIMAN Oh, he'll help us whether he wants to or not. I told the truth. I would not kill him. The death-curs... NEIL GAIMAN I am the mother of Odin's stallion, Sleipnir. I am the father of Fenrir Sun-Eater, and of Hel Half-R... NEIL GAIMAN He estado haciendo una lista de las cosas que no te enseñan en la escuela. Ellos no te enseñan có... NEIL GAIMAN I'll tell you a secret. A raven created the world. When Noah sent him out to find land, he couldn't ... NEIL GAIMAN It must be a real betrayal, when your body turns against you. I wonder if she likes flow... NEIL GAIMAN Have you ever been in love? Horrible, isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and ... NEIL GAIMAN Facets, Matthew. Each facet catches the light in its own way. It glints and sparkles and flashes uni... NEIL GAIMAN Love takes hostages. NEIL GAIMAN We are all improved by the glow of memory. NEIL GAIMAN As-tu déjà été amoureux? C'est horrible non? Ca rend si vulnérable. Ca t'ouvre la poitrine et l... NEIL GAIMAN MORPHEUS: I did not intend to hurt you, THESSALY: And what if you did not? Intent and out... NEIL GAIMAN Delirium: You use that word so much. Responsibilities. Do you ever think about what that means? I me... NEIL GAIMAN There is a madness, yes, this is true. Few mortals possess it, the willingness to step away from the... NEIL GAIMAN I suppose the point you grow up is the point you let the dreams go. NEIL GAIMAN Can't say I've ever been too fond of beginnings, myself. Messy little things. Give me a good ending ... NEIL GAIMAN Have you ever been in love? Horrible, isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and ... NEIL GAIMAN I would feel infinitely more comfortable in your presence if you would agree to treat gravity as a l... NEIL GAIMAN It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no cl... NEIL GAIMAN All around me darkness gathers, Fading is the sun that shone, We must speak of other mat... NEIL GAIMAN We do what we do, because of who we are. If we did otherwise, we would not be ourselves. NEIL GAIMAN We make choices. No one else can live our lives for us. And we must confront and accept the conseque... NEIL GAIMAN You don't have to stay anywhere forever. NEIL GAIMAN Then, one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...... NEIL GAIMAN Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and i... NEIL GAIMAN She seems so cool, so focused, so quiet, yet her eyes remain fixed upon the horizon. You think you k... NEIL GAIMAN I think I fell in love with her, a little bit. Isn't that dumb? But it was like I knew her. Like she... NEIL GAIMAN We who make stories know that we tell lies for a living. But they are good lies that say true things... NEIL GAIMAN It would have been hard for Fat Charlie to say exactly when the accumulation of birds on the wire me... NEIL GAIMAN You'll think this is a bit silly, but I'm a bit--well, I have a thing about birds." "What, a ph... NEIL GAIMAN Nobody looks like what they really are on the inside. You don’t. I don’t. People are much more c... NEIL GAIMAN There was a smile dancing on his lips, although it was a wary smile, for the world is a bigger place... NEIL GAIMAN In a perfect world, you could fuck people without giving them a piece of your heart. And every glitt... NEIL GAIMAN Honestly, if you're given the choice between Armageddon or tea, you don't say 'what kind of tea? NEIL GAIMAN Stories, like people and butterflies and songbirds' eggs and human hearts and dreams, are also fragi... NEIL GAIMAN Stories you read when you're the right age never quite leave you. You may forget who wrote them or w... NEIL GAIMAN There's none so blind as those who will not listen. NEIL GAIMAN Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell u... NEIL GAIMAN There was once a young man who wished to gain his Heart’s Desire. NEIL GAIMAN For tea she went down to see Misses Spink and Forcible. She had three digestive biscuits, a glass of... NEIL GAIMAN She sat down on one of her grandmother's uncomfortable armchairs, and the cat sprang up into her lap... NEIL GAIMAN The cat looked as if it were about to say something sarcastic. Then it flicked its whiskers and said... NEIL GAIMAN For a moment she felt utterly dislocated. She did not know where she was; she was not entirely sure ... NEIL GAIMAN It won't hurt, said her other father. Coraline knew that when grown-ups told you something wouldn't ... NEIL GAIMAN There's a but, isn't there?" said Coraline. "I can feel it. Like a rain cloud. NEIL GAIMAN On the first day Coraline's family moved in, Miss Spink and Miss Forcible made a point of telling Co... NEIL GAIMAN They were having an argument as old and comfortable as an armchair, the kind of argument that no one... NEIL GAIMAN The cat wrinkled its nose and managed to look unimpressed. "Calling cats," it confided, "tends to be... NEIL GAIMAN The world seemed to shimmer a little at the edges. NEIL GAIMAN You know I love you,' said the other mother flatly. 'You have a very funny way of showing it,' ... NEIL GAIMAN Now you people have names. That's because you don't know who you are. We know who we are, so we don'... NEIL GAIMAN Oh- my twitchy witchy girl I think you are so nice, I give you bowls of porridge And ... NEIL GAIMAN I was kidnapped by aliens, they came down from outer space with ray guns, but I fooled them by weari... NEIL GAIMAN Coraline shivered. She preferred her other mother to have a location: if she were nowhere, then she ... NEIL GAIMAN Mirrors,' she said, 'are never to be trusted. NEIL GAIMAN Nothing’s changed. You’ll go home. You’ll be bored. You’ll be ignored. No one will listen to... NEIL GAIMAN We are small but we are many We are many we are small We were here before you rose We... NEIL GAIMAN I have no plans to love you," said Coraline. "No matter what. You can't make me love you. NEIL GAIMAN The sky had never seemed so sky; the world had never seemed so world. NEIL GAIMAN The names are the first things to go, after the breath has gone, and the beating of the heart. We ke... NEIL GAIMAN It is astonishing just how much of what we are can be tied to the beds we wake up in in the morning,... NEIL GAIMAN But how can you walk away from something and still come back to it? NEIL GAIMAN How do I know you'll keep your word?" asked Coraline. "I swear it," said the other mother. "I s... NEIL GAIMAN Because,' she said, 'when you're scared but you still do it anyway, that's brave. NEIL GAIMAN I don't want whatever I want. Nobody does. Not really. What kind of fun would it be if I just got ev... NEIL GAIMAN I believe in absolute honesty and sensible social lies. NEIL GAIMAN You have to believe. Otherwise, it will never happen. NEIL GAIMAN I can believe things that are true and things that aren't true and I can believe things where nobody... NEIL GAIMAN You've a good heart. Sometimes that's enough to see you safe wherever you go. But mostly, it's not. NEIL GAIMAN What I say is, a town isn’t a town without a bookstore. It may call itself a town, but unless it�... NEIL GAIMAN I’m not happy about any of this,” said Thor. “I’m going to kill somebody soon, just to relie... NEIL GAIMAN Fair enough,” said Thor. “What’s the price?” “Freya’s hand in marriage.” “He just wa... NEIL GAIMAN Because,” said Thor, “when something goes wrong, the first thing I always think is, it is Loki�... NEIL GAIMAN You're a poem?' I repeated. She chewed her lower lip. 'If you want. I am a poem, or I am ... NEIL GAIMAN Kiss a lover, Dance a measure, Find your name And buried treasure. Fac... NEIL GAIMAN Face your life, its pain, its pleasure, leave no path untaken. NEIL GAIMAN I hope you will have a wonderful year, that you'll dream dangerously and outrageously, that you'll m... NEIL GAIMAN It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no cl... NEIL GAIMAN God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which migh... NEIL GAIMAN Most books on witchcraft will tell you that witches work naked. This is because most books on witchc... NEIL GAIMAN Everybody going to be dead one day, just give them time. NEIL GAIMAN I'll agonize over sentences. Mostly because you're trying to create specific effects with se... NEIL GAIMAN The only people I ever get irritated with are the ones who announce, using my Twitter handle, that t... NEIL GAIMAN So the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is out there preserving and fighting for, and sometimes winning... NEIL GAIMAN My guiltiest pleasure is Harry Stephen Keeler. He may have been the greatest bad writer America has ... NEIL GAIMAN A library is a place that is a repository of information and gives every citizen equal access to it.... NEIL GAIMAN You can take for granted that people know more or less what a street, a shop, a beach, a sky, an oak... NEIL GAIMAN And there never was an apple, in Adam's opinion, that wasn't worth the trouble you got into ... NEIL GAIMAN Empathy is a tool for building people into groups, for allowing us to function as more than self-obs... NEIL GAIMAN You get ideas from daydreaming. You get ideas from being bored. You get ideas all the time. The only... NEIL GAIMAN Life is always going to be stranger than fiction, because fiction has to be convincing, and life doe... NEIL GAIMAN Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and adventures are the shadow truths that will endur... NEIL GAIMAN I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you ar... NEIL GAIMAN Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest a... NEIL GAIMAN CHORONZON: I am a dire wolf, prey-stalking, lethal prowler. MORPHEUS: I am a hunter, hors... NEIL GAIMAN Oh, monsters are scared," said Lettie. "That's why they're monsters. NEIL GAIMAN Traveling through the Dragon's Den, it has just been explained that Haroun, the Ifrit, has been caug... NEIL GAIMAN I think all - or the ones thet I've run into - tend to have a faintly tenuous relationship with the ... NEIL GAIMAN I think all geniuses - or the ones thet I've run into - tend to have a faintly tenuous relationship ... NEIL GAIMAN Every hour wounds. The last one kills. NEIL GAIMAN Even nothing cannot last forever. NEIL GAIMAN I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making're Doi... NEIL GAIMAN May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine boo... NEIL GAIMAN And sometimes, when you fall, you fly. NEIL GAIMAN - The myths are dead. The gods are dead. The ghosts and ghouls and phantoms are dead. There is only ... NEIL GAIMAN And all the time we spent in this place would fade and vanish, like a dawn dream on waking that colo... NEIL GAIMAN You shouldn't trust the storyteller; only trust the story. NEIL GAIMAN Value's in what people think. Not in what's real. Value's in dreams, boy. NEIL GAIMAN We write our names in the sand, and then the waves roll in and wash them away. NEIL GAIMAN Bodies are strange. Some people have real problems with the stuff that goes on inside them. You find... NEIL GAIMAN Trees there were, old as trees can be, huge and grasping with hearts black as sin. Strange trees tha... NEIL GAIMAN If you do not climb, you will not fall. This is true. But is it that bad to fail, that hard to fall? NEIL GAIMAN Dreams are composed of many things, my son. Of images and hopes, of fears and memories. Memories of ... NEIL GAIMAN I must confess, I have always wondered what lay beyond life, my dear. Yeah, everybody wonders. ... NEIL GAIMAN It is sometimes a mistake to climb. It is always a mistake to never make the attempt. NEIL GAIMAN You know what happens when you dream of falling? Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kil... NEIL GAIMAN Never trust the storyteller. Only trust the story. NEIL GAIMAN Of course you don't believe in fairies. You're fifteen. You think I believed in fairies at fifteen? ... NEIL GAIMAN Some things are too big to be seen; some emotions are too huge to be felt. NEIL GAIMAN It is sometimes a mistake to climb; it is always a mistake never even to make the attempt. If you do... NEIL GAIMAN You attend the funeral, you bid the dead farewell. You grieve. Then you continue with your life. And... NEIL GAIMAN There was a skyness to the sky and a nowness to the world that he had never seen or felt or realized... NEIL GAIMAN There are only two worlds - your world, which is the real world, and other worlds, the fantasy. Worl... NEIL GAIMAN We do not always remember the things that do no credit to us. We justify them, cover them in bright ... NEIL GAIMAN October knew, of course, that the action of turning a page, of ending a chapter or of shutting a boo... NEIL GAIMAN This is a work of fiction. All the characters in it, human and otherwise, are imaginary, excepting o... NEIL GAIMAN I've known ambitious people with no aptitude for the thing they did. Most of whom, rather terrif... NEIL GAIMAN We all not only could know everything. We do. We just tell ourselves we don't to make it all bea... NEIL GAIMAN The great thing about Batman and Superman, in truth, is that they are literally transcendent. They a... NEIL GAIMAN We often confuse what we wish for with what is. NEIL GAIMAN Touched by her fingers, the two surviving chocolate people copulate desperately, losing themselves i... NEIL GAIMAN A philosopher once asked, "Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because ... NEIL GAIMAN Really, he thought, if you couldn't trust a poet to offer sensible advice, who could you trust? NEIL GAIMAN I mean, d'you know what eternity is? There's this big mountain, see, a mile high, at the end of the ... NEIL GAIMAN Adventures are all very well in their place, but there's a lot to be said for regular meals and free... NEIL GAIMAN Stories may well be lies, but they are good lies that say true things, and which can sometimes pay t... NEIL GAIMAN I saw the world I had walked since my birth and I understood how fragile it was, that the reality wa... NEIL GAIMAN Proper bread was white, and pre-sliced, and tasted like almost nothing: that was the point. NEIL GAIMAN Monsters come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them are things people are scared of. Some of them ar... NEIL GAIMAN Grown-ups don't look like grown-ups on the inside either. Outside, they're big and thoughtless and t... NEIL GAIMAN Books were safer than other people anyway. NEIL GAIMAN I don't think I'm mainstream. I think what I am is lots and lots of different cults. And whe... NEIL GAIMAN As an author, I've never forgotten how to daydream. NEIL GAIMAN Remember your name. Do not lose hope ---what you seek will be found. NEIL GAIMAN I felt like a Porsche that had learned it wasn't a bicycle anymore but was still taking part in bicy... NEIL GAIMAN I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, ... NEIL GAIMAN One of the dwarfs walked in front of Thor to get a better view of the prye, and Thor kicked him irri... NEIL GAIMAN The last dead leaves of fall crackled underfoot, winter-crisp. NEIL GAIMAN I asked him if it were a mirage, and he said yes. I said it was a dream, and he agreed, But said it ... NEIL GAIMAN You don't get explanations in real life. You just get moments that are absolutely, utterly, inexplic... NEIL GAIMAN Every lover is, in his heart, a madman, and, in his head, a minstrel. NEIL GAIMAN So I went out and bought myself a copy of the Writer and Artist Yearbook, bought lots of magazines a... NEIL GAIMAN When you smiled you had my undivided attention. When you laughed you had my urge to laugh with you. ... NEIL GAIMAN Watching you walk out of my life does not make me bitter or cynical about love. But rather makes me ... NEIL GAIMAN As I look back on all that's happened..growing up, growing together, changing you, changing me -- th... NEIL GAIMAN I miss you when something really good happens, because you are the one I want to share it with. I mi... NEIL GAIMAN Love that we can not have is the one that lasts the longest, hurts the deepest and feels the stronge... NEIL GAIMAN Yes I love him. I love him more than anything else in this world and there is nothing that I would l... NEIL GAIMAN To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, bu... NEIL GAIMAN Love comes to those who still hope even though they've been disappointed, to those who still believe... NEIL GAIMAN I've noticed that being with you, I smile more often, I anger a little less quickly, the sun shines ... NEIL GAIMAN What power would Hell have if those imprisoned there were not able to dream of Heaven? NEIL GAIMAN Anyway: I'm not blessed or merciful. I'm just me. I've got a job to do and I do it. Listen: even as ... NEIL GAIMAN The biggest difference between England and America is that England has history, while America has ge... NEIL GAIMAN Archimedes said that with a long enough lever and a solid enough place to stand, he could move the w... NEIL GAIMAN