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John Banville
Related - Защо се смееш? - възмутено попита тя. - Защото ми хар�... Димитър Димов Ще им кажа как оцелявам. Ще им кажа, че в лошите сутрини ... Сюзан Колинс Големите не осъзнават колко са прави, когато казват с о... JOHN GREEN „Да съжаляваш и да се извиняваш, е загуба на време. Чов�... JENNIFER NIVEN Драги Тео, Струва ми се, че работата в един кабине... WOODY ALLEN Адът е тук и сега. Раят също. Престани да се плашиш от ад... ELIF SHAFAK Двамата с Пийта се сближаваме. Все още има моменти, ког�... Сюзан Колинс — Къщата край морето не е просто недвижима собственос�... Дъглас Адамс Здравомислие: Цял живот можеш да си повтаряш, че жив�... STEPHEN KING - Живеете ли в грях? Настъпи бездиханен момент. Видях... RAY BRADBURY „Тя не държи да се харесва — мислеше си той, — да бъде �... BORIS PASTERNAK Може би и в любовта не трябва да обръщам поглед към зей�... Блага Димитрова Да съчустваш на всичко, да си едновременно поглъщащият... GEORGI GOSPODINOV - Сега какво? - попита Реми. Сам сви рамене. - Да се �... Клайв Къслър — Шибуми, сър? — Николай познаваше думата, но само кога... TREVANIAN Първо зървам русата плитка, която се спуска по гърба й. ... Сюзан Колинс Понякога се пробуждах посред нощ, с пресъхнала уста, и �... FRANçOISE SAGAN Случвало ли ти се е да се събудиш посред нощ и да усетиш... RAY BRADBURY Истината се превръща в сила, стига да е продиктувана от... Денис Олегов Започнах да пиша в обкръжение, което твърде силно ме тл... MARGUERITE DURAS Човешките същества обичат да се прегръщат. Ако случайн... GEORGI GOSPODINOV Да започнеш отначало. Най-тъпият израз, добър за второс... GEORGI GOSPODINOV Обичам да я гледам, когато се събужда. Започваш да разб�... Захари Карабашлиев Самотата не е да си сам, тя е да се опитваш да избягаш от... Ханде Алтайлъ Сè противречи едно на друго, сè протрчува едно крај дру... HERMANN HESSE Не трябва винаги да показваш всичко, което знаеш. Таков... Харпър Ли Ще ми се някой да каже: този роман е хубав, защото е и... GEORGI GOSPODINOV Приближавам се към камерата, обзета от ярост: — През... Сюзан Колинс Аз обичам да пиша, но обичам и много други неща. Може би ... JENNIFER NIVEN Животът ми е пълен провал, но никой не го забелязва , за�... FRéDéRIC BEIGBEDER Kогато започнеш да виждаш отвъд милите жестове, усми... JESSIE BURTON Но любовта винаги е нова.Няма значение дали обичаме ве�... PAULO COELHO — Видяхте ли гибелта на този свят? — продължаваше жрец... DMITRY GLUKHOVSKY Понякога се чувствам като кукла. Някак нереална. Позна�... STEPHEN KING Всемирът е едно. Всичко и всички са свързани помежду си... ELIF SHAFAK Миналото е въпрос на тълкуване. Бъдещето е илюзия. Свет... ELIF SHAFAK Ако бях млад, щях да напиша историята на човешката глуп... KURT VONNEGUT Възпитателят на людете е длъжен не да предпазва от заб�... JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE - Искам да кажа – продължи той, като махна на Рики за ощ�... RAY BRADBURY Предупредих те. Не можеш да се намесваш в живота на хор�... GEORGI GOSPODINOV Случи ми се и още нещо, много забавно. Някакъв си парижк... ÉDITH PIAF Никой не трябва да ме съжалява. Могат да ме обичат, или �... PHILIPPA GREGORY Оказва се, че въпросът, който ме разяжда от толкова вре�... Сюзан Колинс — Идваш при мен за съвет, а не можеш да понесеш нищо, ко�... Дъглас Адамс Винаги съм се чудил кое всъщност се празнува - краят на ... GEORGI GOSPODINOV ... научих колко лесно с да отминеш и да допуснеш извъ... CHERRY MOSTESHAR - Къде в Ирландия един мъж може да легне с жена? Той о�... RAY BRADBURY Блоковете отново бягат зад стъклото и оставят сива сле... Ружа Лазарова Аз ще продължавам да търся, а ти никога не се появявай, �... GEORGI GOSPODINOV Приспособяваме се тихо към живота, доволни и от блед... HART CRANE Пощадата, както имах възможност да науча от личен опит,... ROGER ZELAZNY Тя е кислород, водород, натрий, калций и фосфор, всички �... JENNIFER NIVEN ...и най-внушителните съоражения в основата си израства... Силвия Томова Дарвин е бил мечтател, уверявам ви. Каква ти еволюция! Н... Карлос Руис Сафон Докато изминавах цели тунели с книги в полумрака, не мо... Карлос Руис Сафон Това, което се премълчава, се превръща в счупени бъркал... GEORGI GOSPODINOV Това описание е било изтълкувано от средновековното д�... WOODY ALLEN Хей! - извика Гроувър. - Тя май припадна! - Гррр! - обади... RICK RIORDAN Десет доказателства за съществуването на любовта MAREK BACZEWSKI Знам, че викам насън - запуши си ушите. Все едно - невъ... Камелия Кондова LVI Не те обичам аз, защото те обичам много, от толк�... PABLO NERUDA Такава е на любовта мощта, че възвишава низките неща... WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Што се сите наши години, што се годините на еден старец ... Венко Андоновски Започне ли да мисли човек, лицето му веднага се превръщ... Оскар Уайлд Все пак да живееш на границата може и да не е толкова ст... Бистра Якимова BISTRA YAKIMOVA Казвам се Катнис Евърдийн. Защо не съм мъртва? Би трябв�... Сюзан Колинс Х- Какво е любовен егоизъм? Y- Да си пълен егоист и да �... SLAVENA DINEVA Представи си, че си американски писател, търсещ матери�... RAY BRADBURY С нелепото си поведение и мокасините си на бос крак (за ... FRéDéRIC BEIGBEDER Странно е, че всички грешки свършват еднакво, че винаги... IVO ANDRIć Научих преди всичко, че за да бъдеш щастлив, трябва да с... FRéDéRIC BEIGBEDER Любовният ужас е сладък и опиянителен, но той има качес... Димитър Димов Сякаш някои издърпа запушалка и всичката сива морска в... RAY BRADBURY Три часът. В три винаги е твърде късно или твърде рано з... JEAN-PAUL SARTRE За момент, докато говорехме под студените струи, акорд�... RAY BRADBURY „Здравей, пазачо на стада, Там, край пътя, Какво т... FERNANDO PESSOA Ако приемаме - казваше ти - хората такива, каквито са, ни... Йохан Волфганг фон Гьоте Разбирай ме добре: сега не мога пред тебе на колени �... Евтим Евтимов На този свят няма нито щастие, нито нещастие, има само с... ALEXANDRE DUMAS „В читалнята сравнявах увлеченото й четене с въодушев... BORIS PASTERNAK Някога можех да бъда във всичко,да бъда всичко.Сега,в б�... GEORGI GOSPODINOV Слабите, неуловими, всекидневни пориви към него се бях�... Димитър Димов ... защото спомените много държат да съответстват напъл... JOHN BANVILLE Вярата е пламък в очите на страданието и огън в очите м�... RALITSA TSANOVA Сега не съм по-мързелив, отколкото бях преди 40г., но то е... MARK TWAIN Боли ме тук, нещо вляво долу, може да е апендикс. Без �... GEORGI GOSPODINOV Незначителното и малкото - там се таи животът, там гнез�... GEORGI GOSPODINOV Очите им се срещнаха и едно обещание бе дадено, прието �... JAMES CLAVELL Проблемът на хората е, че през повечето време забравят ... JENNIFER NIVEN Тогава си счел всички земни придобивки за нищо. И сега �... Феофан Затворник В мълчанието мога само да те поведа, с безмилостно безм... Георги Рупчев Поетът е роден самотник. Твърде много мисли за любов, з�... BLAGA DIMITROVA Ако изпушиш три цигари, четвъртата ще ти се стори безвк... Димитър Димов Защо всеки, който е губил пътя в даден момент от живота ... JOHN GREEN Съвестта е онзи глас Божий в нас, онова огледало, в коет... Схиархимандрит Касиан Бях роден от собствената си майка и баща, но това не ме �... GEORGI GOSPODINOV Човек трябва да си гледа в краката - особено когато ход�... Бистра Якимова BISTRA YAKIMOVA …трябва да стигнем там, където ни отведе пътят. Това зн... JENNIFER NIVEN Тя усети изведнъж, че все пак нещо й липсваше през този ... Димитър Димов - Като дете изпитвах същото по клоните на големите дърв... RAYMOND E. FEIST
More John Banville
Of the things we fashioned for them that they might be comforted, dawn is the one that works. JOHN BANVILLE The past beats inside me like a second heart. JOHN BANVILLE The telephone ringing gave me a dreadful start. I have never got used to this machine, the way it cr... JOHN BANVILLE We carry the dead with us only until we die too, and then it is we who are borne along for a little ... JOHN BANVILLE You will remember this when all else fades, this moment, here, together, by this well. There will be... JOHN BANVILLE Together they will spend a happy hour seated side by side..., while Ivy's tender hand guides Duffy's... JOHN BANVILLE [DUBLIN - Not everyone was thrilled by the decision last month to give the Man Booker Prize, Britain... JOHN BANVILLE Yes, this is what I thought adulthood would be, a kind of long indian summer, a state of tranquillit... JOHN BANVILLE How is it that in childhood everything new that caught my interest had an aura of the uncanny, since... JOHN BANVILLE Happiness was different in childhood. It was so much more than a matter simply of accumulation, of t... JOHN BANVILLE It was not a wave but a smooth rolling swell that seemed to come up from the deeps, as if something ... JOHN BANVILLE I too could go, oh, yes, at a moment’s notice I could go and be as though I had not been, except t... JOHN BANVILLE ... защото спомените много държат да съответстват напъл... JOHN BANVILLE If that child dreaming by the wireless had been asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, what I h... JOHN BANVILLE I have ever had the conviction, resistant to all rational considerations, that at some unspecified f... JOHN BANVILLE It was a sumptuous, oh, truly sumptuous autumn day, all Byzantine coppers and golds under a Tiepolo ... JOHN BANVILLE From earliest days I wanted to be someone else. The injunction nosce te ipsum had an ashen taste on ... JOHN BANVILLE I was always a distinct no-one, whose fiercest wish was to be an indistinct someone. JOHN BANVILLE What is money, after all? Almost nothing, when one has a sufficiency of it. JOHN BANVILLE Life, authentic life, is supposed to be all struggle, unflagging action and affirmation, but when I ... JOHN BANVILLE And incredulity, that too was a large part of being happy. I mean that euphoric inability fully to b... JOHN BANVILLE Although it was autumn and not summer the dark-gold sunlight and the inky shadows, long and slender ... JOHN BANVILLE The tea-bag is a vile invention suggestive to my perhaps overly squeamish eye of something a careles... JOHN BANVILLE And indeed nothing had happened, a momentous nothing, just another of the great world's shrugs of in... JOHN BANVILLE We did our best, Anna and I. We forgave each other for all we were not. JOHN BANVILLE I think I am becoming my own ghost. JOHN BANVILLE These days I must take the world in small and carefully measured doses. It is a sort of homeopathic ... JOHN BANVILLE I was thinking of Anna. I make myself think of her, I do it as an exercise. She is lodged in me like... JOHN BANVILLE Yes, this is what I thought adulthood would be, a kind of long indian summer, a state of tranquility... JOHN BANVILLE There are times, they occur with increasing frequency nowadays, when I seem to know nothing, when ev... JOHN BANVILLE Given the world that he created, it would be an impiety against God to believe in him. JOHN BANVILLE Life, authentic life, is supposed to be all struggle, unflagging action and affirmation, the will bu... JOHN BANVILLE Perhaps all of life is no more than a long preparation for the leaving of it. JOHN BANVILLE Happiness was different in childhood. It was so much then a matter simply of accumulation, of taking... JOHN BANVILLE - A więc, panie doktorze - odezwała się trochę za głośno, radosnym, zdecydowanym tonem gwiazdy... JOHN BANVILLE My family is from Liverpool, so I have some of those vowel sounds, I've got the slack tone of so... JOHN OLIVER Protest and anger practically always derives from hope, and the shouting out against injustice is al... JOHN BERGER No man is to be credited for his mere authority's sake, unless he can show Scripture for the mai... JOHN WYCLIFFE By ensuring that no one in government has too much power, the Constitution helps protect ordinary Am... JOHN ROBERTS Human beings, we have dark sides; we have dark issues in our lives. To progress anywhere in life, yo... JOHN NOBLE Learn as many mistakes and what not to do while your business or product is small. Don't be in s... DAYMOND JOHN Being thrown into the fire and getting the thing turned around in a hurry made it more difficult. Th... JOHN ELWAY This Constitution was not made for a day, nor is it composed of such flexible materials as to be war... JOHN TYLER Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. JOHN LENNON Farce is tragedy played at a thousand revolutions per minute. JOHN MORTIMER No power on earth has a right to take our property from us without our consent. JOHN JAY Every man has a property in his own person. This nobody has a right to, but himself. JOHN LOCKE High School is like a spork: it's a crappy spoon and a crappy fork, so in the end it's just ... JOHN MAYER When I was growing up in rural Alabama, it was impossible for me to register to vote. I didn't b... JOHN LEWIS The documented incidences of voter fraud are very rare, yet throughout the country, forces have mobi... JOHN LEWIS Seeing that a Pilot steers the ship in which we sail, who will never allow us to perish even in the ... JOHN CALVIN I was introduced to the Turducken in New Orleans. And it wasn't Thanksgiving. Glenn at the Gourm... JOHN MADDEN Christians were instructed to serve others, and the thanksgiving was for the grace of God and the fa... JOHN CLAYTON Is it possible that the portrait of the divine Son of God is an exaggeration, at best, or a complete... JOHN CLAYTON Was the real Jesus of history one and the same as the Christ of faith whom we read about in the New ... JOHN CLAYTON I believe any question that man can ask has a reasonable answer-at least an answer that is as consis... JOHN CLAYTON Almost every time I am in a lectureship on a college campus, young people will say, If there is a Go... JOHN CLAYTON I guess none of us like to look back in our lives to a time when we made poor judgments and foolish ... JOHN CLAYTON In the surface of the paper there is only length and width-there is no such thing as thickness. JOHN CLAYTON Why is it any more reasonable to believe that God has always been than it is to say that matter has ... JOHN CLAYTON What is the origin of God? JOHN CLAYTON The emphasis on the birth of Christ tends to polarize our pluralistic society and create legal and e... JOHN CLAYTON The denominational world tries to pressure its members to focus on the birth of Christ, but in doing... JOHN CLAYTON Not only are Christians writing about Jesus, but also Communists, Jews, atheists and agnostics are t... JOHN CLAYTON There was no instruction to be thankful that the Christians were special people, chosen people. Ther... JOHN CLAYTON It is my fervent hope and prayer that by exposing my mistakes and by pointing out the things that we... JOHN CLAYTON We are assuming that we exist, that there is reality, and that the matter of which we are made is re... JOHN CLAYTON The purpose of this study is to offer a logical, practical, pragmatic proof of the existence of God ... JOHN CLAYTON Since I was an atheist for many years and came to believe in God through my studies in science, it f... JOHN CLAYTON How beautiful the leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days. JOHN BURROUGHS You wouldn't do something for a receiver to catch the ball if the quarterback couldn't throw... JOHN MADDEN I'm not everybody's cup of tea. But sometimes criticism can be hurtful. Be respectful. I'... ELTON JOHN The prison-industrial complex, poverty, and the school system has more effect on a young black male ... JOHN LEGEND I have learned in fashion to be a little savage. JOHN FAIRCHILD Perhaps they thought I was on a fact-finding mission, never for one moment thinking that a man of my... JOHN PRESCOTT My consultant keeps telling me sudden death could come at any moment. JOHN TAVENER As you grow older, you learn a few things. One of them is to actually take the time you've allot... JOHN BATTELLE When California was wild, it was the floweriest part of the continent. JOHN MUIR Inherent in architecture, it involves everything in life so that there is absolutely no end to it. B... JOHN LAUTNER My folks always let me go to the movies every Saturday. We were really motion-picture goers. JOHN WAYNE I was ashamed to admit I was hipped to the idea of acting. That's why I started in with the prop... JOHN WAYNE I've loved reading all my life. JOHN WAYNE Nothing is so discouraging to an actor than to have to work for long hours upon hours in brightly li... JOHN WAYNE I'd read up on the history of our country and I'd become fascinated with the story of the Al... JOHN WAYNE Get off your butt and join the Marines! JOHN WAYNE Everybody that I was in school with had an uncle or father in the law, and I started to realize that... JOHN WAYNE Real art is basic emotion. If a scene is handled with simplicity - and I don't mean simple - it&... JOHN WAYNE In westerns, you meet a hardy bunch of characters. There is no jealousy on such pictures. JOHN WAYNE I was sure I'd set the world on fire, and it was hard for a young feller like me to realize the ... JOHN WAYNE I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them. There were great numbers ... JOHN WAYNE All I'm for is the liberty of the individual. JOHN WAYNE Nobody should come to the movies unless he believes in heroes. JOHN WAYNE When you come to see a picture of mine, I want you to know that I'm not going to do anything tha... JOHN WAYNE You learn a lot more from the lows because it makes you pay attention to what you're doing. JOHN ELWAY I've experienced the highest of highs and lowest of lows. I think to really appreciate anything ... JOHN ELWAY If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything. I'm positive that a doer ... JOHN WOODEN Surrealism had a great effect on me because then I realised that the imagery in my mind wasn't i... JOHN LENNON Take care, be kind, be considerate of other people and other species, and be loving. JOHN LITHGOW Buildings should serve people, not the other way around. JOHN PORTMAN No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent. JOHN DONNE Self-righteousness has killed more people than smoking. JOHN MCCARTHY If you don't interfere with me, I'll always do something really good. JOHN MALKOVICH I think people took Grenada for what it turned out to be, which was a very specific incident and fro... JOHN NEGROPONTE Generalizations, like brooms, ought not to stand in a corner forever; they ought to sweep as a matte... JOHN LUKACS Well, if you're true to yourself you're going to be true to everyone else. JOHN WOODEN The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven. JOHN MILTON I'm not interested in my legacy. I made up a word: 'live-acy.' I'm more interested i... JOHN GLENN The loss of wealth is loss of dirt, as sages in all times assert; The happy man's without a shir... JOHN HEYWOOD Those who agree with us may not be right, but we admire their astuteness. JOHN HEYWOOD Would ye both eat your cake and have your cake? JOHN HEYWOOD When all candles be out, all cats be grey. JOHN HEYWOOD Written by a sponge dipped in warm milk and sprinkled with sugar. JOHN CIARDI It is easy enough to praise men for the courage of their convictions. I wish I could teach the sad y... JOHN CIARDI What has any poet to trust more than the feel of the thing? Theory concerns him only until he picks ... JOHN CIARDI Every game ever invented by mankind, is a way of making things hard for the fun of it! JOHN CIARDI A university is what a college becomes when the faculty loses interest in the students. JOHN CIARDI Poetry lies its way to the truth. JOHN CIARDI Intelligence recognizes what has happened. Genius recognizes what will happen. JOHN CIARDI Nothing goes further toward a man's liberation than the act of surviving his need for character. JOHN CIARDI The day will happen whether or not you get up. JOHN CIARDI You don't have to suffer to be a poet; adolescence is enough suffering for anyone. JOHN CIARDI Modern art is what happens when painters stop looking at girls and persuade themselves that they hav... JOHN CIARDI The classroom should be an entrance into the world, not an escape from it. JOHN CIARDI With any of the movies I've had a chance to do, or any of the TV shows I've had a chance to ... JOHN CENA The deep joy we take in the company of people with whom we have just recently fallen in love is undi... JOHN CHEEVER Lay this unto your breast: Old friends, like old swords, still are trusted best. JOHN WEBSTER Old friends are best. JOHN SELDEN They say stay in the lines, but there's always something better on the other side. JOHN MAYER Rome was not built in one day. JOHN HEYWOOD You win by working hard, making tough decisions and building coalitions. JOHN ENGLER I love the description of Gothic churches before the printed word, that they were the bibles of the ... JOHN MCGAHERN The last thing on my mind was to be an actor, but I had a crush on a cute girl in the drama departme... JOHN RATZENBERGER He who laughs most, learns best. JOHN CLEESE Some people feel fulfillment from a bitter end - it gives them some sort of sense of reality. But, w... JOHN BOYEGA I've never eaten just a few bites of things I liked in my life. JOHN MADDEN The main ingredient of stardom is the rest of the team. JOHN WOODEN A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment. JOHN WOODEN Just try to be the best you can be; never cease trying to be the best you can be. That's in your... JOHN WOODEN If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over? JOHN WOODEN Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out. JOHN WOODEN Where all is but dream, reasoning and arguments are of no use, truth and knowledge nothing. JOHN LOCKE It is of great use to the sailor to know the length of his line, though he cannot with it fathom all... JOHN LOCKE It is one thing to show a man that he is in an error, and another to put him in possession of the tr... JOHN LOCKE The only fence against the world is a thorough knowledge of it. JOHN LOCKE It doesn't matter how long my hair is or what colour my skin is or whether I'm a woman or a ... JOHN LENNON I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people cal... JOHN LENNON I believe time wounds all heels. JOHN LENNON The thing the sixties did was to show us the possibilities and the responsibility that we all had. I... JOHN LENNON When you're drowning, you don't say 'I would be incredibly pleased if someone would have... JOHN LENNON If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the Sixties, th... JOHN LENNON I'm not going to change the way I look or the way I feel to conform to anything. I've always... JOHN LENNON You don't need anybody to tell you who you are or what you are. You are what you are! JOHN LENNON Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted. JOHN LENNON All men are liable to error; and most men are, in many points, by passion or interest, under temptat... JOHN LOCKE In response to the challenge of strangers, sport arose as a sublimated representation of a community... JOHN THORN I'm really passionate about pantomime because it is often the first introduction for a child to ... JOHN BARROWMAN You have to keep persevering. An actor goes to a lot of auditions and doesn't get the part. JOHN MCENROE Unemployment is sky-rocketing; deflation is in our future for the first time since the Great Depress... JOHN MELLENCAMP A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work. JOHN LUBBOCK So much of what we do is ephemeral and quickly forgotten, even by ourselves, so it's gratifying ... JOHN WILLIAMS Remaining childish is a tremendous state of innocence. JOHN LYDON There's rock n' roll in hip-hop, there's rock n' roll in pop music, there's rock... JOHN VARVATOS Get off your horse and drink your milk. JOHN WAYNE The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do. JOHN MCAFEE I can never consent to being dictated to. JOHN TYLER There, I guess King George will be able to read that without his spectacles! JOHN HANCOCK When you have a regime that would be happier in the afterlife than in this life, this is not a regim... JOHN BOLTON Well, you could take several stories off the buildings of most U.S. government agencies and we'd... JOHN BOLTON You don't need to spend tens of millions of dollars on political consultants to tell you what yo... JOHN BOLTON Diplomacy is not an end in itself if it does not advance U.S. interests. JOHN BOLTON Just as the Security Council was largely irrelevant to the great struggle of the last half of the tw... JOHN BOLTON I'm a conservative Republican. I have been since I was 15 years old and participated in the '... JOHN BOLTON People say you favor assassination, what do you think war is? Except that it's assassination on ... JOHN BOLTON There's no religious test under the constitution. That's what it says. Period. JOHN BOLTON North Korea is going to get away with keeping its nuclear weapons. JOHN BOLTON I think that, especially among conservatives, there's a clear understanding that there are three... JOHN BOLTON A lot of people have said to me, 'That's a great idea, running for president. You'll get... JOHN BOLTON The U.N. is one of many competitors in a marketplace of global problem solving. JOHN BOLTON I don't do carrots. JOHN BOLTON My philosophy is not a bean-counting, accounting 'look at this.' It is a philosophy that sma... JOHN BOLTON Politicians, like generals, have a tendency to fight the last war. JOHN BOLTON Reform is not a one-night stand. JOHN BOLTON I think the International Criminal Court could be a threat to American security interests, because t... JOHN BOLTON There is no such thing as the United Nations. JOHN BOLTON Everybody pursues their national interests. The only one who gets blamed for it is the United States... JOHN BOLTON There is no patriotic obligation to help advance the career of a politician who is otherwise pursuin... JOHN BOLTON We estimate that once Iraq acquires fissile material - whether from a foreign source or by securing ... JOHN BOLTON There's no such thing as the United Nations. If the U.N. secretary building in New York lost 10 ... JOHN BOLTON In the United States, there is a broadly shared view that the U.N. is one of many potential instrume... JOHN BOLTON It's not natural disasters that are to blame for the deprivation of the North Korean people, but... JOHN BOLTON Negotiation is not a policy. It's a technique. It's something you use when it's to your ... JOHN BOLTON I haven't given up on the possibility that sweet reason will prevail. JOHN BOLTON Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. JOHN ACTON My best tennis at my peak was when I played a lot of matches. JOHN MCENROE Punishment is the last and the least effective instrument in the hands of the legislator for the pre... JOHN RUSKIN There is no priority higher than the prevention of terrorism. JOHN ASHCROFT If my leg falls off, I'll get a prosthetic. There'd be no deep sadness about. I'd just g... JOHN LYDON It's a challenge to grow professionally and move up the corporate ladder when you're not rec... JOHN RAMPTON Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you reall... JOHN WOODEN I do not support raising the minimum wage, and the reason is as follows. When the minimum wage is ra... JOHN SUNUNU