Jangan coba meniru jadi orang lain.
Coba jadi diri sendiri yang ditiru orang lain.
harry slyman
Ada sesuatu yang bukan hasil "pikiran", "perasaan", dan "ajaran agama" yang membuat orang berbuat ba...
GOENAWAN MOHAMAD Gy, jalan kita mungkin berputar, tetapi satu saat, entah kapan, kita pasti punya kesempatan jadi dir...
DEE LESTARI Jangan berwajah seperti besok akan mati.
Nggak enak sama orang-orang yang hampir mati
AKIRA FUJIWARA Ibu, rasa nyaman selalu membuat orang-orang sulit berubah. Celakanya, kami sering kali tidak tahu ka...
TERE LIYE Bukan doa orang lain yang membuat anda sukses atau gagal,
tapi karena anda telah mengaminkannya...
TOBA BETA Aku belum tahu apakah Islam itu sebenarnya. Aku baru tahu Islam menurut HAMKA, Islam menurut Natsir,...
AHMAD WAHIB Tidak mengapa kalau kau patah hati, tidak mengapa kalau kau kecewa, atau menangis tergugu karena har...
TERE LIYE Albus Severus," kata Harry pelan, sehingga tak ada orang lain kecuali Ginny yang bisa mendengarnya, ...
J.K. ROWLING Memilih bukan karena benar atau salah, tapi memilih apa yang memang lo anggap baik dan di jalanin se...
SEINZ Begitu seorang pengarang mati, tugasnya sebagai pengarang tidak dapat diambil alih orang lain. Sebal...
BUDI DARMA Jangan takut jatuh, karena yang tidak pernah memanjatlah yang tidak pernah jatuh. Jangan takut gagal...
HAMKA Orang bilang, manusia terbiasa memakai topeng. Pada suatu saat dalam perjalanan hidup kita, risiko m...
FRANCISCA TODI Semakin bersedia seseorang untuk menilai sesuatu dari sudut pandang orang lain yang berbeda, maka se...
TOBA BETA Bagi manusia, hidup itu juga sebab-akibat, Ray. Bedanya, bagi manusia sebab-akibat itu membentuk pet...
TERE LIYE Seseorang semestinya memutuskan bersama orang lain karena menemukan keutuhannya tercermin, bukan ket...
DEE LESTARI Apa yang orang bilang realistis, belum tentu sama dengan apa yang kita pikirin. Ujung-ujungnya kita ...
DEE LESTARI Benarlah. Jika kalian sedang bersedih, jika kalian sedang terpagut masa lalu menyakitkan, penuh peny...
TERE LIYE Aku melumpuhkan inderaku saat aku bersamamu;
Telinga yang mendengar betapa buruknya dirimu dari...
AHIMSA MURFI Percayalah, membiarkan dirimu sengsara hanya untuk menyenangkan orang lain tidak ada hubungannya den...
FRANCISCA TODI Agama, sebaliknya tidak mengklaim untuk jadi petunjuk praktis pengubah dunia. Semangat agama yang pa...
GOENAWAN MOHAMAD Pada masa ini sebuah teori sering terdengar seperti sebuah omong besar yang melalaikan kenyataan bah...
GOENAWAN MOHAMAD seperti telah kubuktikan kepadamu, aku bisa membuat kesalahan seperti orang lain. Malah, karena aku ...
J.K. ROWLING Berhenti lari dari kenyataan hidupmu. Berhenti cemas atas penilaian orang lain, dan mulailah berbuat...
TERE LIYE Kau tahu, kenapa orang yang menikah selalu mendapat ucapan selamat menempuh hidup baru?
Karena ...
RHEIN FATHIA Jangan meminta yang lebih kepada orang disekitarmu, karena belum tentu kamu bisa membalas apa yg dia...
@DANANGME Orang yang mampu melupakan mantan dengan baik adalah orang yang memiliki daya ingat yang sangat buru...
IFDAL SUKRI Pada masa itu sering saya menjawab pertanyaan yang kadang-kadang diajukan kepada saya, "Mengapa Saud...
AJIP ROSIDI Cinta itu adalah perasaan yang mesti ada pada tiap-tiap diri manusia, ia laksana setitis embun yang ...
HAMKA Pilihan kitalah Harry yang menunjukkan orang seperti apa sebenarnya kita, lebih dari kemampuan kita....
J.K. ROWLING [...] orang-orang sering mengklaim lapar akan kebenaran tapi jarang yang menyukai rasanya ketika dis...
GEORGE R.R. MARTIN Orang berakal hidup untuk masyarakatnya, bukan buat dirinya sendiri.
HAMKA Dalam sebuah skenario infiltrasi ide jangan pernah peduli dengan latar belakang lawan biacara kalian...
TERE LIYE Dengan kesederhanaan hidup bukan berati tidak ada kebahagian, kebahagian ada pada seberapa besar keb...
TERE LIYE Namun pendaki pertama tahu apa yang hebat : menerima tantangan untuk terus melangkah maju. Ia tahu t...
PAULO COELHO kepuasan diri melindungi orang bahkan dari terkena pilek. pernahkah seorang perempuan yang tahu bahw...
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Kamu, Caraka Pamungkas, kamu yang harus jadi alasan Nathan untuk tetap hidup!
WINDHY PUSPITADEWI Modernisasi pada akhirnya memang suatu permainan kekuatan. Ada yang tergusur, ada yang menggusur. Ad...
GOENAWAN MOHAMAD Agama akan tetap, tapi yang mengalami perubahan adalah diri Tuan sendiri. Jangan jadikan agama sebag...
INDAH EL HAFIDZ Semua orang akan melukan engkau, semua orang akan membuatkan engkau kecewa. Yang itu engkau tak bole...
SAHARIL HASRIN SANIN Pupuklah seni untuk menjadi orang yang menyenangkan dengan berbicara yang benar dan diam.
SIDNEY NEWTON BREMER untuk hidup sendirian, orang harus menjadi binatang atau dewa--kata Aristoteles. ada yang ketiga: or...
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE beberapa orang bilangsaya gila
beberapa orang bilang saya bodoh
namun, beberapa orang bila...
EMMANUELLA ELMA Seperti cermin yang merefleksikan sosok kita, orang juga merefleksikan perasaannya
KOZUE AMANO Selalu ada impian yang lebih besar dari impian lain, kan?
WINDRY RAMADHINA Orang yang paling bahagia di dunia adalah orang yang bisa menggunakan Cermin Tarsah seperti cermin b...
J.K. ROWLING Penjajah itu tidak tahu kekuatan bersabar. Kekuatan ini bahkan lebih besar dibandingkan peledak berh...
TERE LIYE Sejatinya, rasa suka tidak perlu diumbar, ditulis, apalagi kau pamer-pamerkan. Semakin sering kau me...
TERE LIYE Orang yang memendam perasaan sering kli terjebak oleh hatinya sendiri. Sibuk merangkai semua kejadia...
TERE LIYE Orang yang memendam perasaan sering kali terjebak oleh hatinya sendiri. Sibuk merangkai semua kejadi...
TERE LIYE Apa pun yang terlihat, boleh jadi tidak seperti yang kita lihat. Apa pun yang hilang, tidak selalu l...
TERE LIYE Benar bahwa kamu punya hak untuk mencoba menemukan pengganti perempuan itu. Tapi bukan begitu carany...
PUTHUT EA Ketika satu kota dipenuhi orang miskin, kejahatan yang terjadi hanya level rendah, perampokan, mabuk...
TERE LIYE Orang tua-tua kena beri laluan kepada generasi muda. Kalau orang tua-tua tamakkan pentas, bangsa kit...
SAHARIL HASRIN SANIN Orang yang tidak pernah dibakar panas mentari, mustahil menghargai rimbun berteduh - peribahasa Turk...
HASRIZAL ABDUL JAMIL Orang yang mengatakan bahwa kekuasaan tidak memunculkan kecanduan pasti belum benar-benar berkuasa
DAN BROWN Prestasi akademis yang baik bukan segalanya. Tapi memang membukakan lebih banyak pintu, untuk memper...
ADHITYA MULYA Manusia itu lebih berani menghadapi apa pun kalau melakukannya demi orang yang dia sayangi.
WINDHY PUSPITADEWI Carilah orang yang nggak perlu meminta apa-apa, tapi kamu mau memberikan segala-galanya.
DEE LESTARI Carilah orang yang nggak perlu meminta apa-apa, tapi kamu mau memberikan segala-segalanya.
DEE LESTARI Apa boleh buat, jalan seorang penulis adalah jalan kreativitas, di mana segenap penghayatannya terha...
SENO GUMIRA AJIDARMA gue sih ga ribet ya. orang yang respect ya gue respect. karna lo gue bukan artis.
So, care to ...
VERGI CRUSH Ketika kau memiliki firasat buruk tentang kehilangan orang yang paling berharga, kau akan mencoba un...
K.A.Z. VIOLIN Mencintai adalah melebur dengan orang yang kita cintai dan menemukan percikan Tuhan di dalam dirinya...
PAULO COELHO Kau sendiri tahu. Bila kau dah bulatkan tekad, tak perlu ragu untuk bikin atau buat. Dapat atau tak,...
RIDUAN A. DULLAH Setiap kamu punya mimpi atau keinginan atau cita-cita,
kamu taruh di sini, di depan kening kamu...
DONNY DHIRGANTORO Sedih juga ketika kita baru bisa bersyukur hanya saat memikirkan orang yang lebih menderita dari kit...
LUCIA PRIANDARINI Cinta itu mensucikan akal, mengenyahkan kekhawatiran, memunculkan keberanian, mendorong berpenampila...
ابن قيم الجوزية mengapakah ibadah yang dilakukan seringkali bersifat egosentrik dan pentingkan diri sendiri? Sedarka...
AMIR 'IZZUDDIN MUHAMMAD Orang-orang di Amerika Serikat tidak mencemari lingkungan sebagian karena takut didenda. Orang-orang...
ERIC WEINER Ada orang bilang bahwa cinta pasti dapat menyelesaikan segala problema yang ada.
Padahal mungki...
TOBA BETA Semua momen dalam kehidupan saya, setiap orang yang saya temui, semua perjalanan yang telah saya tem...
ERIC WEINER Hanya karena sebagian dari kita pernah mencintai orang yang salah, bukan berarti kita dikutuk untuk ...
JEANIENE FROST Jika kehidupan adalah suatu teks yang berirama, aku hidup pada bait ketiga dimana tak banyak orang y...
NOM DE PLUME Jangan berharap dunia yang berubah, tapi diri kita lah yang harus berubah. Ingat anak-anakku, Allah ...
AHMAD FUADI Burung bernyanyi riang. Angin berhembus sepoi-sepoi bahasa. Dan lain-lain klise.
SAHARIL HASRIN SANIN Ini bukan sekadar kumpulan cerita. Ini sejarah, penggalan sejarah dari negara-bangsa yang__setelah h...
ROEM TOPATIMASANG Kenangan itu cuma hantu di sudut pikiran. Selama kita cuma diam dan nggak berbuat apa-apa, selamanya...
DEE LESTARI Menulis itu berjuang untuk mengalahkan diri sendiri...
IZZATUL JANNAH Kita perlu faham bahawa hak manusia perlu diraikan dengan syarat mengikuti panduan syarak. Jika semu...
NAJMI NAWAWI Kita perlu faham bahawa hak manusia perlu diraikan dengan syarat mengikuti panduan syarak. Jika semu...
NAJMI NAWAWI Ujung-ujungnya kita juga tahu kok, mana yang diri kita sebenernya, mana yang bukan diri kita.
DEE LESTARI Gadis kecil itu benar sekali.. mengapa dunia diciptakan dengan penuh perbedaan. Yang satu dilebihkan...
TERE LIYE Sekuntum mawar yang kupetik tadi
dari taman hati
Khas buat engkau yang ke sini
A.D. RAHMAN AHMAD Kamu walau memang dari kaum santri tapi ayahmu bukan kyai, jadi kamu bukan gus, bukan ningrat.
DIAN NAFI Kalau kau ingin menggerakkan orang sesuai dengan kehendakmu, genggamlah rahasianya…
AKIYOSHI RIKAKO Mungkin kau harus berhenti memedulikan apa kata orang tentang dirimu.
FRANCISCA TODI Maaf, buku ini hanya dijual di Gramedia, jadi sangat tak mungkin apabila buku ini Anda bilang "bisa ...
BUNGA MAWAR MAAFIN ILHAM YA... Orang sekarang ini makan dengan pikiran mereka, tidak dengan tubuh mereka
MASANOBU FUKUOKA Who knows what the long-term effects of saving rescue dogs are and the healing lessons and love they...
JADI KINDRED I don't know what sort of numbers we will get next year, especially if we have this new law saying t...
JADI RAJAGUKGUK They told us at the meeting we should blame previous legislators since they drafted the bill.
JADI RAJAGUKGUK The draft bill is like the seed of a disease, and will make foreign tourists afraid to come to Indon...
JADI RAJAGUKGUK Apakah ada yang tahu bagaimana rasanya mencintai seseorang yang tidak boleh dicintai? Aku tahu. Hidu...
ILANA TAN Berputar menjadi sesuatu yang bukan kita, demi bisa menjadi diri kita lagi.
DEE LESTARI Apakah penampilanku satu-satunya hal yang membuatku berharga? Jika begitu, jangan tatap aku. Wajahku...
DEEPAK CHOPRA Budak-budak mentah dan orang tua berusia, kadang kala, kurang ajarnya sama sahaja.
SAHARIL HASRIN SANIN Then when Jesus came, he found that he had lain in the grave four days already.
BIBLE I've literally gotten out of my chair, lain on the floor and fallen sound asleep,
SCOTT ADAMS Manusia menuntut manusia lain untuk punya drama. Itu syaratnya supaya kita kelihatan normal
DEE LESTARI Jangan pernah kehilangan dirimu sendiri hanya tuk bertahan pada seseorang yg bahkan tak peduli jika ...
More harry slyman
My whole philosophy is to broadcast the way a fan would broadcast.
HARRY CARAY I know it is the fans that are responsible for me being here. I've always tried in each and ever...
HARRY CARAY When I die, I hope they don't cremate me 'cuz I'll burn forever.
HARRY CARAY I've only been doing this fifty-four years. With a little experience, I might get better.
HARRY CARAY It's the fans that need spring training. You gotta get 'em interested. Wake 'em up and l...
HARRY CARAY I knew the profanity used up and down my street would not go over the air... So I trained myself to ...
HARRY CARAY It might be, it could be... it is! A home run!
HARRY CARAY Experience is the best teacher of all. And for that, there are no guarantees that one will become an...
HARRY CALLAHAN I wish more people felt that photography was an adventure the same as life itself and felt that thei...
HARRY CALLAHAN A great burden was lifted from my shoulders the day I realized that no one owes me anything.
HARRY BROWNE Like many people, most Libertarians feel empathy and sympathy for less fortunate people. But they kn...
HARRY BROWNE What we really need is compassion of the mind - compassion for others that is directed intelligently...
HARRY BROWNE You can't give the government the power to do good without also giving it the power to do bad - ...
HARRY BROWNE Some people object to libertarian ideas because there are too many irresponsible people in the world...
HARRY BROWNE Only free people have an incentive to be virtuous. Only people who bear the consequences of their ow...
HARRY BROWNE There was no military reason to drop atomic bombs on Japan. They were used as terrorist weapons - ki...
HARRY BROWNE You are where you are today because you have chosen to be there.
HARRY BROWNE Government is force, pure and simple. There's no way to sugar-coat that. And because government ...
HARRY BROWNE When people do things for you, it's because they want to - because you, in some way, give them s...
HARRY BROWNE Everything you want in life has a price connected to it. There's a price to pay if you want to m...
HARRY BROWNE In the 1880s, people all over the world looked to America for inspiration. Its very existence was pr...
HARRY BROWNE I found that I was getting a warm reception for my message of freeing you from the income tax, relea...
HARRY BROWNE Libertarians know that a free country has nothing to fear from anyone coming in or going out - while...
HARRY BROWNE It is well known that in war, the first casualty is truth - that during any war truth is forsaken fo...
HARRY BROWNE The important thing is to concentrate upon what you can do - by yourself, upon your own initiative.
HARRY BROWNE Left-wing politicians take away your liberty in the name of children and of fighting poverty, while ...
HARRY BROWNE A Libertarian society of unfettered individualism spreads its benefits to virtually everyone - not j...
HARRY BROWNE Since no one but you can know what's best for you, government control can't make your life b...
HARRY BROWNE I'm a machine man, and I head a machine.
HARRY BRIDGES Everything is produced by the workers, and the minute they try to get something by their unions they...
HARRY BRIDGES There is a weapon we can fight with. That is the weapon of political action.
HARRY BRIDGES Neither, I must say with all due respect, is it the power of teachers and students. Basically the tr...
HARRY BRIDGES I'm a working stiff. I just happened to be around at the right time, and nobody else wanted the ...
HARRY BRIDGES There will always be a place for us somewhere, somehow, as long as we see to it that working people ...
HARRY BRIDGES This generosity that has been offered to the United States says very much about the Venezuelan spiri...
HARRY BELAFONTE You can be arrested and not charged. You can be arrested and have no right to counsel.
HARRY BELAFONTE I've always been supportive of the right of Israel as a state, and I've always fought agains...
HARRY BELAFONTE I think Bush has a very selfish, arrogant point of view. I think he is interested in power, I think ...
HARRY BELAFONTE If you believe in justice, if you believe in democracy, if you believe in people's rights, if yo...
HARRY BELAFONTE Bring it on. Dissent is central to any democracy.
HARRY BELAFONTE Fascism is fascism. Terrorism is terrorism. Oppression is oppression.
HARRY BELAFONTE We treated all of the dead with dignity.
HARRY ANDERSON The biggest challenge in New Orleans has been to find workers who can climb a ladder after lunch.
HARRY ANDERSON I'm not Hollywood. I'm a Quarter Rat. I belong here.
HARRY ANDERSON I'll give it a shot. But I don't know that a year from now I'm going to be here. Nobody ...
HARRY ANDERSON There's this perception sometimes around here that I'm this Hollywood guy.
HARRY ANDERSON I am richer than Davy Crockett. I can settle back and do what I want to do. And what I want to do is...
HARRY ANDERSON Is now the time to legalize prostitution?
HARRY ANDERSON Even a fool knows you can't touch the stars, but it won't keep the wise from trying.
HARRY ANDERSON I like writing my own material - I'm pretty good at it.
JACKEE HARRY I try not to do bad, but sometimes it's irresistible.
JACKEE HARRY When I got '227' and broke out from the rest of the cast, I became a workaholic, and I was v...
JACKEE HARRY I was married for four years, then success happened.
JACKEE HARRY Water really does great things for my skin.
JACKEE HARRY I really am a feminist, though I never used to call myself that.
JACKEE HARRY I don't mind dating younger men now.
JACKEE HARRY I don't exercise.
JACKEE HARRY I like a man who's going to tell me 'No!' sometimes.
JACKEE HARRY When I see something, I go for it.
JACKEE HARRY I like beautiful clothing. I love Bergdorfs.
JACKEE HARRY If you're being attacked by something on the outside, which I feel a lot being in show business,...
JACKEE HARRY I hate to say it, but the older you get, you really do have to cut down on the amount you eat. Less ...
JACKEE HARRY I love DKNY. I love her sweaters because I can take them and just wear nothing underneath and just w...
JACKEE HARRY I was always telling my family I wanted to become an actress, and I did.
JACKEE HARRY I have one weakness: I love meat loaf.
JACKEE HARRY I miss Broadway, what little there is on Broadway now.
JACKEE HARRY My mornings go by so fast I forget breakfast. Lunch - that's turned out to be my biggest meal. I...
JACKEE HARRY My goal is to give young girls confidence in this world so they can be more like men in the decision...
JACKEE HARRY I'll use men's shirts, I love men's shirts, but you have to get them altered because the...
JACKEE HARRY Red, electric blue - the only color I don't wear is green, which I still don't wear. I wear ...
JACKEE HARRY Women often come up not knowing how to make decisions. We get wishy-washy. We become great wage earn...
JACKEE HARRY Sitcoms are making a comeback, but you've got to have a little quirkiness in there now.
JACKEE HARRY Forcing people to be generous isn't humanitarian, effective, compassionate or moral. Only acts t...
HARRY BROWNE I am a greedy, selfish bastard. I want the fact that I existed to mean something.
HARRY CHAPIN There is a whole bunch of great British actors of my age who aren't film stars or theatre actors...
HARRY LLOYD I get a huge buzz from spending time with kids.
PRINCE HARRY The chief problem with the individual investor: He or she typically buys when the market is high and...
HARRY MARKOWITZ To cause the face to appear in a mass of flame make use of the following: mix together thoroughly pe...
HARRY HOUDINI I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it's hell. -Harry Truman.
HARRY TRUMAN It is a great boost for confidence in a squad when there is not just one or two players scoring goal...
HARRY KANE Portfolio theory, as used by most financial planners, recommends that you diversify with a balance o...
HARRY MARKOWITZ I mean I think that Blondie's influence is a little bit in a way more eclectic than those bands.
DEBBIE HARRY I think it's a Blondie tradition that all of our albums sort of have a wide spread of styles.
DEBBIE HARRY Democrats always like to brag that their guys are smarter than the opponents and Republicans always ...
HARRY SHEARER [The American President] has to take all sorts of abuse from liars and demagogues.… The people can...
HARRY TRUMAN To be honest dinner conversations was the worst bit about being a child and listening to the boring ...
PRINCE HARRY Thinking clearly and effectively is the greatest asset of any human being. We are constantly reminde...
HARRY LORAYNE The problem with the 11:11 Phenomenon is getting anybody interested in it that hasn't experienced it...
HARRY WHITEWOLF Driving down deserted early morning roads. Round and round. Round downtown. Through naked streets. L...
HARRY WHITEWOLF It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.
HARRY TRUMAN A real girl isn't perfect and a perfect girl isn't real.
HARRY STYLES I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.
HARRY TRUMAN Don't remember what you can infer.
HARRY TENNANT Journalism is a kind of profession, or craft, or racket, for people who never wanted to grow up and ...
HARRY REASONER Ignorance is like the itch -- the less you have of it the better off you are.
HARRY MENDELSON Syntax and vocabulary are overwhelming constraints --the rules that run us. Language is using us to ...
HARRY MATHEWS If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the first woodpecker that came ...
HARRY WEINBERGER A man is too apt to forget that in this world he cannot have everything. A choice is all that is lef...
HARRY MATHEWS We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open.
HARRY EDWARDS It isn't the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog, that counts.
HARRY HOWELL Statistics are to baseball what a flaky crust is to Mom's apple pie.
HARRY REASONER Success is the sum of details.
HARRY FIRESTONE It is only as we develop others that we permanently succeed.
HARRY FIRESTONE You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself.
HARRY FIRESTONE Whatever the price, identify it now. What will you have to go through to get where you want to be? T...
HARRY BROWNE Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we may diet.
HARRY KURNITZ There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but only one view.
HARRY MILLNER Weep not for little Leonie, abducted by a French Marquis. Though loss of honor was a wrench, just th...
HARRY GRAHAM Security... it's simply the recognition that changes will take place and the knowledge that you're w...
HARRY BROWNE When you know that you're capable of dealing with whatever comes, you have the only security the wor...
HARRY BROWNE The important thing is to concentrate upon what you can do -- by yourself, upon your own initiative.
HARRY BROWNE You don't need an explanation for everything, Recognize that there are such things as miracles -- ev...
HARRY BROWNE The principles we live by, in business and in social life, are the most important part of happiness.
HARRY HARRISON Translation is the paradigm, the exemplar of all writing. It is translation that demonstrates most v...
HARRY MATHEWS Survival is triumph enough.
HARRY CREWS Everything you want in life has a price connected to it. There's a price to pay if you want to make ...
HARRY BROWNE At last God caught his eye.
HARRY SECOMBE According to the Bank of England the economy is growing too fast so interest rates must rise to coun...
HARRY ENFIELD You don't have to buy from anyone. You don't have to work at any particular job. You don't have to p...
HARRY BROWNE You are where you are today because you've chosen to be there.
HARRY BROWNE You can cage the singer but not the song.
HARRY BELAFONTE One we discover how to appreciate the timeless values in our daily experiences, we can enjoy the bes...
HARRY HEPNER Appreciation is a combination of understanding, quiet amazement, and gratitude. Appreciating somethi...
HARRY PALMER Everyone will experience the consequences of his own acts. If his act are right, he'll get good cons...
HARRY BROWNE The greatest right in the world is the right to be wrong. If the Government or majorities think an i...
HARRY WEINBERGER All progress occurs because people dare to be different.
HARRY MILLNER The most protean aspect of comedy is its potentiality for transcending itself, for responding to the...
HARRY LEVIN Sex in a woman
HARRY GOLDEN I pitied him in his blindness But can I boast, "I see?" Perhaps there walks a spirit Close by, who p...
HARRY KEMP Our lives are to be used and thus to be lived as fully as possible, and truly it seems that we are n...
HARRY CHAPIN Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only on...
HARRY TRUMAN The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work.
HARRY GOLDEN If absolute power corrupts absolutely, does absolute powerlessness make you pure?
HARRY SHEARER Christina Aguilera is an incredible musician and singer.
DEBBIE HARRY Bush is a frat boy in the White House but we've had that before. But I wasn't one of those p...
HARRY SHEARER I am a great admirer of mystery and magic. Look at this life - all mystery and magic.
HARRY HOUDINI That's the amazing thing about music: there's a song for every emotion. Can you imagine a wo...
HARRY STYLES There's always room for an operator like Airbnb, but it's quite a different thing to my serv...
HARRY TRIGUBOFF I don't think I have to combat Airbnb. It is like comparing Tiffany to a shop that sells things ...
HARRY TRIGUBOFF We looked into and tested the Airbnb website and found the inquiries generated were at price points ...
HARRY TRIGUBOFF I was on acid and I looked at the trees and I realized that they all came to points, and the little ...
HARRY NILSSON Right now I am trying to be in a place of calm, a place where I can chill out and then handle the ch...
JACKEE HARRY Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.
HARRY DAY Never, ever, compromise on science.
HARRY KROTO I've had some lovely extraordinary experiences on New Year's Eve.
DEBBIE HARRY I was used to getting changed in pub toilets before going on set. Then suddenly I had studios in L.A...
HARRY TREADAWAY After World War II great strides were made in modern Japanese architecture, not only in advanced tec...
HARRY SEIDLER The laissez-faire attitude to science education has resulted in a disaster exemplified by the fact t...
HARRY KROTO I wouldn't say I'm girl-crazy, because that makes me sound like a bit of a womanizer. That i...
HARRY STYLES I heard some stuff recently from Julian Casablancas, and his solo stuff is amazing. If I could write...
HARRY STYLES I think, you know, we entered the 'The X Factor' in the U.K., and you kind of want someone w...
HARRY STYLES To win one Moonman is amazing, to win two is incredible.
HARRY STYLES One time, a girl dropped her phone in my pocket and I found it and was like, 'There you go.'...
HARRY STYLES I never like it when a celebrity goes on Twitter and says, 'This isn't true!' It is what...
HARRY STYLES Quite a lot of the girls I get photographed with are just friends and then, according to the papers,...
HARRY STYLES I'm not really a pick-up-line guy. I don't know what I do.
HARRY STYLES I'm an 18-year-old boy, and I'm having fun. I'm just not having as much fun as people ma...
HARRY STYLES A lot of the time, the way it's portrayed is that I only see women in a sexual way. But I grew u...
HARRY STYLES I went to watch Coldplay in Florida and saw Chris Martin before they went on. He sang 'What Make...
HARRY STYLES You're always going to write and draw inspiration from things that you're feeling, things th...
HARRY STYLES I've got a really good family; I've got great friends around me.
HARRY STYLES Ages ago, my girlfriend had this little park near her house, with a bridge running over a stream... ...
HARRY STYLES I don't want to be viewed as a womaniser or whatever. I don't like going crazy crazy, I like...
HARRY STYLES I think when you're writing songs, it's impossible to not draw on personal experiences, whet...
HARRY STYLES I'm quite old-fashioned. I like going out to dinner. You have the chance to talk to somebody and...
HARRY STYLES I find ambition really attractive too - if someone's good at something they love doing. I want s...
HARRY STYLES You get moments all the time that kind of make you pinch yourself, some of them make you quite emoti...
HARRY STYLES I meditate and pray before going onstage - it helps me focus.
HARRY STYLES I grew up with just my mum and sister, so I respect women a lot.
HARRY STYLES You're never going to get used to walking into a room and have people screaming at you. There...
HARRY STYLES You get a lot of who you are as a musician across through the music you write. If you're writing...
HARRY STYLES I think you have to be cool to be a good flirt, and I don't think I'm very cool.
HARRY STYLES The responses of the baby monkey are very similar to those of a human baby.
HARRY HARLOW I have never met a grateful performer in the movies.
HARRY COHN No performer should attempt to bite off red-hot iron unless he has a good set of teeth.
HARRY HOUDINI But I'm very thankful that no one is slamming my head against the wall anymore.
HARRY ANDERSON Contrary to all the blather we here about the unique goodness of the American people or our religiou...
HARRY BROWNE The Bill of Rights isn't some legalistic fine print. It was written to make our lives freer, mor...
HARRY BROWNE Scientific education is by far the best training for all walks of life because it teaches us how to ...
HARRY KROTO They're sensational!
HARRY STYLES In 1989, I was awarded the Von Neumann Prize in Operations Research Theory by the Operations Researc...
HARRY MARKOWITZ For the last 30 years our cinemas have been ruled by science fiction and horror. We've had some ...
HARRY KNOWLES Eating coals of fire has always been one of the sensational feats of the Fire Kings, as it is quite ...
HARRY HOUDINI After about the first Millennium, Italy was the cradle of Romanesque architecture, which spread thro...
HARRY SEIDLER God did not create the world, He became the world. God became the world to realize himself, in mater...
HARRY WATON I was doing a show at the National Youth Theatre, playing an old man. Before that I had played fat c...
HARRY MELLING Capote wrote every day. He said that's the only way, you have to sit down every day and do it.
DEBBIE HARRY The word 'iconic' is used too frequently - an icon is a statue carved in wood. It was shocki...
DEBBIE HARRY People in Nevada know me from the street to the ring to the Senate chambers. I've never had to p...
HARRY REID This is a lifetime job. You don't look at it, you know, now and then. It doesn't really matt...
HARRY TRIGUBOFF More matches are lost through carelessness at the beginning than any other cause.
HARRY VARDON A common pickpocket trick is for the operator to carry a shawl or overcoat carelessly over the left ...
HARRY HOUDINI The government's War on Poverty has transformed poverty from a short-term misfortune into a care...
HARRY BROWNE Becoming an economist was not a childhood dream of mine.
HARRY MARKOWITZ I was immediately smitten with an attraction to this culture, not in the sense of high culture but o...
HARRY MATHEWS A fair trial is one in which the rules of evidence are honored, the accused has competent counsel, a...
HARRY BROWNE But then, so far as I know, I am the only performer who ever pledged his assistants to secrecy, hono...
HARRY HOUDINI But it must not be thought that I say this out of personal experience: for in the many years that I ...
HARRY HOUDINI Good dreams don't come cheap, you've got to pay for them and If you just dream when you'...