اللهم إني عرفتك على مبلغ إمكاني
فاغفر لي؛ فإن معرفتي إياك وسيلتي إليك
Omar Khayyám
أدعو : اللهم لا تعلق قلبي بما ليس لي، لكن لساني يسبقني: و...
محمد العدوي نهاري نهار الناس حتى إذا بدا
لي الليل هزتني إليك الم...
قيس بن الملوح ليس لي أعداءٌ يا ربّ. فإن صار لي عدوٌ اجْعله مثلي قوَّةً...
KAHLIL GIBRAN إني على خلاف مع الكثيرين أحترم الأفلام الهزلية
نجيب محفوظ وكما يقول أهل الفكر : إذا كان الظمأ إلى الماء يدل على وج�...
مصطفى محمود ثوري أحبك أن تثوري
ثوري على شرق السبايا والتكايا وال...
نزار قباني لست متشائماً. أنا ثائر على كل شيء، والمتشائم لا يكون ثا�...
أدونيس أنت لست لي .. ولكنّي أحبك .. ما زلت أحبك .. وحنيني إليك يقت�...
MAHMOUD DARWISH I despise the zeal of the devout, but I have never said that the One is two.
I am not one of th...
AMIN MAALOUF لست مشتاقاً إليك ولكنني ألوم جمال رفقتك على رفع سقف توق...
ABDULLAH ALHUSSAIN ثاو على صخر أصم، وليت لي قلب كهذي الصخرة الصماء
خليل مطران إنما انت كحجر المغناطيس الصّلد، تجذبني دوماً إاليك، غي...
لأنني لم أحمل يوماً في قلبي حقداً على أَحد ..<...
نبال قندس أتعلم لو كنت بقربي الآن ؟
لكنت ضممتك إلي بكل ما أوتيت...
نجلاء حسن لو عددتُ درجات بيتي
وكم من مرةٍ صعدتُها
لكان هذا د...
زياد الرحباني وفي جوف الليل اخرج من تحت رمادك وقل اللهم اجعل يدي تساه�...
أحمد خيري العمري ليست الحرية غياب الالتزامات، إنما القدرة على اختيار ما...
PAULO COELHO قال أحد الطيور الذكور لإحدى الطيور الإناث في قبة سليما�...
أحمد بهجت أنتَ لا تحاكم الآخرين إلا على أساس إدراككَ ذاتَك. قلْ ل�...
KAHLIL GIBRAN لم يَعُدْ عندي شِعرٌ
لم يَعُدْ هُناكَ في واحَةِ الحُ...
عمر مصطفى وشاحي قال لي و لديه رغبة ملحة في السخرية مني و النيل من أعصابي...
AZZA BONDOK إذا أساء إليك أحد فقل له : إنني أغفر لك جنايتك علي ، و لك�...
فريدريك نيتشه فخذني كي أصبك
خمراً نهائياً لأشفي منك فيك ، وهات قل�...
MAHMOUD DARWISH إنمـا الأمـم الأخلاق مـا بقيـت
فإن هم ذهبت أخ�...
أحمد شوقي قال: الليالي جرعتني علقما
قلت: ابتسم ولئن جرعت العلق�...
إيليا أبو ماضي يتطلب التغيير طويل الأمد النظر بصدق لحياتنا ، وإدراك أ�...
JACK CANFIELD, MARK VICTOR HANSEN, كل شيء يتوقف على موقفك إزاء الأمور. فإن كنت تبحث عن وحيد...
ELIF SHAFAK .. فكيف قدر لرجل حبته الطبيعة بروح واسعة الآفاق, و كانت ا...
جان جاك روسو ولأول مرة منذ كنت طفلة تفزعني أصوات حوافر خيول القوقاز ...
GOLDA MEIR It is a shame for anyone
to be well-known for righteousness.
It is a great disgrace to fee...
OMAR KHAYYáM Your hand can seize today, but not tomorrow; and thoughts of your tomorrow are nothing but desire. D...
OMAR KHAYYáM This world
that was our home
for a brief spell
never brought us anything
but pai...
OMAR KHAYYáM As far as you can avoid it, do not give grief to anyone. Never inflict your rage on another. If you ...
OMAR KHAYYáM Wake! For the Sun, who scatter'd into flight
The Stars before him from the Field of Night,
OMAR KHAYYáM Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
OMAR KHAYYáM From the house of unbelief
to true religion
is a single breath;
From the world of dou...
OMAR KHAYYáM Here with a Loaf of Bread beneath the Bough,
A Flask of Wine, a Book of Verse - and Thou
OMAR KHAYYáM To wisely live your life, you don't need to know much
Just remember two main rules for the begi...
OMAR KHAYYáM A book of verses underneath the bough
A flask of wine, a loaf of bread and thou
Beside me ...
OMAR KHAYYáM Oh threats of Hell and Hopes of Paradise!
One thing at least is certain - This Life flie...
OMAR KHAYYáM I sent my Soul through the Invisible,
Some letter of that After-life to spell:
And by an...
OMAR KHAYYáM My tomb shall be in a spot where the north wind may scatter roses over it.
OMAR KHAYYáM الدرع لاتمنع سهم الأجل
والمال لايدفعه أن نزل
وكل �...
OMAR KHAYYáM There are too many tears in my eyes!
The fires of Hell are no more than sparks of fire
as ...
OMAR KHAYYáM When your soul and mine
have left our bodies and we are
burried alongside each other,
OMAR KHAYYáM I can’t reveal the mystery to either saint or sinner; I can’t state at length what I’ve said c...
OMAR KHAYYáM Scholars really have nothing to teach you.
But from the soft touch of the eyelashes of
a w...
OMAR KHAYYáM Ah, make the most of what we yet may spend,
Before we too into the Dust descend;
Dust into...
OMAR KHAYYáM Why ponder thus the future to foresee, and jade thy brain to vain perplexity? Cast off thy care, lea...
OMAR KHAYYáM Poor soul, you will never know anything
of real importance. You will not uncover
even one ...
OMAR KHAYYáM O friend, for the morrow let us not worry
This moment we have now, let us not hurry
When o...
OMAR KHAYYáM وأسعد الخلق قليل الفضول
من يهجر الناس ويرضى القليل
OMAR KHAYYáM Drink wine and look at the moon
and think of all the civilisations
the moon has seen passi...
OMAR KHAYYáM عاشر من الناس كبار العقول
وجانب الجهال أهل الفضول
OMAR KHAYYáM When you are so full of sorrow
that you can't walk, can't cry anymore,
think about the gre...
OMAR KHAYYáM فما أطال النوم عمراً
ولا قصَّر فى الأعمار طول السهر
OMAR KHAYYáM Beyond the earth,
beyond the farthest skies
I try to find Heaven and Hell.
Then I hea...
OMAR KHAYYáM Realise this: one day your soul
will depart from your body and you will
be drawn behind th...
OMAR KHAYYáM فعاشر الناس على ريبة .. منهم ولا تكثر منَ الأصدقاء
OMAR KHAYYáM How sad, a heart that
does not know how to love, that
does not know what it is to be drunk...
OMAR KHAYYáM And do you think that unto such as you
A maggot-minded, starved, fanatic crew
God gave a s...
OMAR KHAYYáM Drink wine. This is life eternal. This is all that youth will give you. It is the season for wine, r...
OMAR KHAYYáM In monasteries, seminaries, retreats and synagogues, they fear hell and seek paradise. Those who kno...
OMAR KHAYYáM Then to this earthen Bowl did I adjourn
My Lip the secret Well of Life to learn:
And Lip t...
And when like her, oh, Saki, you shall pass
Among the Guests Star-scatter'd on the Gr...
OMAR KHAYYáM The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure...
OMAR KHAYYáM ქვეყნად რაიმე, ქარის გარდა, არ არსებულ...
OMAR KHAYYáM The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on.
OMAR KHAYYáM Dünyada olan biteni ben de görmedeyim;
Haksızları hep baş köşelerde görmedeyim;
OMAR KHAYYáM Of all my seeking this is all my gain:
No agony of any mortal brain
Shall wrest the secret...
OMAR KHAYYáM Tis but a day we sojourn here below,
And all the gain we get is grief and woe,
Then, lea...
OMAR KHAYYáM I sometimes think that never blows so red
The Rose as where some buried Caesar bled;
That ...
OMAR KHAYYáM إن جوهر الدين بالنسبة لي هو أن يكون المرء قادراً على أن ...
ALBERT EINSTEIN إنّ البشر لا يقتنعون بأسبابك وصدقك وجدّية عذابك إلا حي�...
ألبير كامو هذه السيدة هي أستاذة أولادي و إضافة إلى ذلك تحاورهم في �...
نجيب محفوظ لا ترم لي بالفتات وتمضي
فلست جائعة
كي ارضى..بالفتا...
شهرزاد الخليج رُزقتُ مع الخبز حبك
ولا شأن لي بمصيري
ما دام قُربك
MAHMOUD DARWISH على وجهي الاصفر .. خريفٍ طال ..
وسلال من رذاذ وملح ..
بدر عبد المحسن اللهم أدم لعنة النسيان علي أصحابها
أحمد العايدي اللهم اغفر لقومي فإنهم لا يعلمون
محمد بن عبدالله رسول الله PROPHET MOHAMMAD لا ينبغي لنا أن نثق كثيراً في السعادة. إنها آتية هاربة, ...
محمد شكري عادَ النبيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم أعربيًا مريضًا يتلوَّى...
محمد الغزالي ان السبب اللذي يجعلنا نتألم كثيرا لفراقنا هو
لان ار�...
نيكولاس سباركس كلما زادت معرفتي بالعالم , كلما تيقنت بأني لن أجد رجلاً ...
جين أوستن .... فأنت الحسناء السعيدة ..
عيناك نجمان متألقان .. <...
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE إني على قناعة مطلقة أنه ما من ثروة في الدنيا يمكنها أن ت...
ALBERT EINSTEIN أحب خياناتك لي، فهي تؤكد أنك حي،
عاجز عن الكذب وا�...
غادة السمان إني سأرحل عندما يأتي قطار الليل
لا تبكي لأجلي....
فاروق جويدة ** إن فهم اللغات الخمس للحب وتعلم كيفية التحدث باللغة ال...
GARY CHAPMAN زهقت من قولة
دي بنت بألف راجل
أنا عايزة أحس
إني ...
علي سلامة قال لي : " أنت تعرف بالطبع المثل الشهير (اللي يخاف من الع�...
أحمد صبري غباشي أتعلم أيها القمر، أنني أشبهك تمامًا؟ أنت تحيا وحيدًا ف�...
LOBNA GHANEM قالت لي إيرينا:" محمد.. قل شيئا"
قلت: " ليس لدي ما أقوله"...
محمد المخزنجي يقول لي منزلي : ناشدتُك ألا تهجرني فها هنا يقيمُ ماضيك .<...
KAHLIL GIBRAN كنت أصمت أذعن لمصيري. أحمل دميتي,أنزع ملابسها, أشد شعره�...
مليكة مستظرف لاتحكم على اختيـــاراتي إذا لم تكن تعرف أسبـــابي
ألبير كامو وضعوني في إناء ثم قالوا لي تأقلم
و أنا لست بماءٍ
أحمد مطر في تلك اللحظة عشت هنيهات من الطمأنينة الغامرة. فما عاد �...
TAHAR BEN JELLOUN نحن أحياء هذا الصباح.. هنا لم نزلْ
بكينا طويلا ..
IBRAHIM NASRALLAH إنني أتشوّف إلى أن أردد لك أعمق الكلمات التي
ينبغي أ�...
More Omar Khayyám
It is a shame for anyone
to be well-known for righteousness.
It is a great disgrace to fee...
OMAR KHAYYáM Your hand can seize today, but not tomorrow; and thoughts of your tomorrow are nothing but desire. D...
OMAR KHAYYáM This world
that was our home
for a brief spell
never brought us anything
but pai...
OMAR KHAYYáM As far as you can avoid it, do not give grief to anyone. Never inflict your rage on another. If you ...
OMAR KHAYYáM Wake! For the Sun, who scatter'd into flight
The Stars before him from the Field of Night,
OMAR KHAYYáM Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
OMAR KHAYYáM From the house of unbelief
to true religion
is a single breath;
From the world of dou...
OMAR KHAYYáM Here with a Loaf of Bread beneath the Bough,
A Flask of Wine, a Book of Verse - and Thou
OMAR KHAYYáM To wisely live your life, you don't need to know much
Just remember two main rules for the begi...
OMAR KHAYYáM A book of verses underneath the bough
A flask of wine, a loaf of bread and thou
Beside me ...
OMAR KHAYYáM Oh threats of Hell and Hopes of Paradise!
One thing at least is certain - This Life flie...
OMAR KHAYYáM I sent my Soul through the Invisible,
Some letter of that After-life to spell:
And by an...
OMAR KHAYYáM My tomb shall be in a spot where the north wind may scatter roses over it.
OMAR KHAYYáM الدرع لاتمنع سهم الأجل
والمال لايدفعه أن نزل
وكل �...
OMAR KHAYYáM There are too many tears in my eyes!
The fires of Hell are no more than sparks of fire
as ...
OMAR KHAYYáM When your soul and mine
have left our bodies and we are
burried alongside each other,
OMAR KHAYYáM I can’t reveal the mystery to either saint or sinner; I can’t state at length what I’ve said c...
OMAR KHAYYáM Scholars really have nothing to teach you.
But from the soft touch of the eyelashes of
a w...
OMAR KHAYYáM Ah, make the most of what we yet may spend,
Before we too into the Dust descend;
Dust into...
OMAR KHAYYáM Why ponder thus the future to foresee, and jade thy brain to vain perplexity? Cast off thy care, lea...
OMAR KHAYYáM Poor soul, you will never know anything
of real importance. You will not uncover
even one ...
OMAR KHAYYáM O friend, for the morrow let us not worry
This moment we have now, let us not hurry
When o...
OMAR KHAYYáM وأسعد الخلق قليل الفضول
من يهجر الناس ويرضى القليل
OMAR KHAYYáM Drink wine and look at the moon
and think of all the civilisations
the moon has seen passi...
OMAR KHAYYáM عاشر من الناس كبار العقول
وجانب الجهال أهل الفضول
OMAR KHAYYáM When you are so full of sorrow
that you can't walk, can't cry anymore,
think about the gre...
OMAR KHAYYáM فما أطال النوم عمراً
ولا قصَّر فى الأعمار طول السهر
OMAR KHAYYáM Beyond the earth,
beyond the farthest skies
I try to find Heaven and Hell.
Then I hea...
OMAR KHAYYáM Realise this: one day your soul
will depart from your body and you will
be drawn behind th...
OMAR KHAYYáM فعاشر الناس على ريبة .. منهم ولا تكثر منَ الأصدقاء
OMAR KHAYYáM How sad, a heart that
does not know how to love, that
does not know what it is to be drunk...
OMAR KHAYYáM And do you think that unto such as you
A maggot-minded, starved, fanatic crew
God gave a s...
OMAR KHAYYáM Drink wine. This is life eternal. This is all that youth will give you. It is the season for wine, r...
OMAR KHAYYáM In monasteries, seminaries, retreats and synagogues, they fear hell and seek paradise. Those who kno...
OMAR KHAYYáM Then to this earthen Bowl did I adjourn
My Lip the secret Well of Life to learn:
And Lip t...
And when like her, oh, Saki, you shall pass
Among the Guests Star-scatter'd on the Gr...
OMAR KHAYYáM The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure...
OMAR KHAYYáM ქვეყნად რაიმე, ქარის გარდა, არ არსებულ...
OMAR KHAYYáM The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on.
OMAR KHAYYáM Dünyada olan biteni ben de görmedeyim;
Haksızları hep baş köşelerde görmedeyim;
OMAR KHAYYáM Of all my seeking this is all my gain:
No agony of any mortal brain
Shall wrest the secret...
OMAR KHAYYáM Tis but a day we sojourn here below,
And all the gain we get is grief and woe,
Then, lea...
OMAR KHAYYáM I sometimes think that never blows so red
The Rose as where some buried Caesar bled;
That ...
OMAR KHAYYáM A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thou.
OMAR KHAYYAM A hair divides what is false and true.
OMAR KHAYYAM When I was a boy, my older brothers listened to Earth, Wind & Fire and Kool and the Gang. When I...
OMAR SY People only look at you and say, 'You are black and you are from the banlieue,' and all the ...
OMAR SY When I was young, a lot of things were closed off to me. I was always told, 'Don't do this, ...
OMAR SY Nothing in my younger life could have told me I would have needed to know how to speak English.
OMAR SY I'm definitely more at ease with comedy - that's where I started out - and so it's my fi...
OMAR SY He read his mind. He's a strange sort of man, isn't he? It's not just the advice and the...
OMAR SHARIF They didn't accept me theory - not a theory, but just a thought I had about this character. I no...
OMAR SHARIF I see only defects because I'm not following the scene as it were. I'm not following the oth...
OMAR SHARIF There are lots of wonderful old Italian actors. You don't need to take an Egyptian to play an It...
OMAR SHARIF This is one of the factors that also made me very much want to make this film, apart from the fact t...
OMAR SHARIF I didn't want to be a slave to any passion anymore. I gave up card playing altogether, even brid...
OMAR SHARIF I had too many big passions in life and it gets in the way of work. You can't concentrate proper...
OMAR SHARIF I'm very wary about giving advice. I think it's very dangerous to give advice to people, exc...
OMAR SHARIF I love to be with my son and my grandchildren, like normal people. I have no particular idea of what...
OMAR SHARIF This character in the film, these things that he says which sound like advice and wise things, they ...
OMAR SHARIF The reason it has relevance is because I, as a popular Arab personality - the Arab people like me an...
OMAR SHARIF I can't say I gave up totally my passion for women but almost.
OMAR SHARIF Women know when they've got the menopause but men don't quite know. They know it afterwards.
OMAR SHARIF I want to live every moment totally and intensely. Even when I'm giving an interview or talking ...
OMAR SHARIF I don't know what women are attracted to. I can't tell, but certainly I have no notion of ha...
OMAR SHARIF Working gets in the way of living.
OMAR SHARIF I don't know what sex appeal is. I don't think you can have sex appeal knowingly. The people...
OMAR SHARIF I don't think any actor feels comfortable watching themselves in movies. You must be very narcis...
OMAR SHARIF My philosophy is that when I go out of my room, I'm prepared to love everybody I meet, unless th...
OMAR SHARIF Living Life Tomorrow's fate, though thou be wise, Thou canst not tell nor yet surmise; Pass, the...
OMAR KHAYYAM When I want to understand what is happening today or try to decide what will happen tomorrow, I look...
OMAR KHAYYAM The Flower that once has blown forever dies.
OMAR KHAYYAM A lot of directors are overbearing and tend to make you doubt your instincts.
OMAR EPPS It's natural for any actor that segues into directing to be an actor's director. You know ho...
OMAR EPPS That word, fan, has always kind of bothered me.
OMAR EPPS You want to live your own life, but when you have fame, there are certain things you can't get a...
OMAR EPPS There's show and there's business. Business is a whole other beat.
OMAR EPPS Writing is the beast unto itself.
OMAR EPPS I've never taken myself too seriously.
OMAR EPPS The only way to ensure a film is going to sell is put Will Smith in it and you open it in 3,000 thea...
OMAR EPPS People don't want to pay 8 or 9 dollars to go see a problem that they have in their life, on scr...
OMAR EPPS The world is as it should be.
OMAR EPPS We were all Romans once, I guess.
OMAR EPPS I spend 90 percent of my time saying no, and my accountant yells at me for it, but when I started in...
OMAR EPPS Whatever art form you're working in, it's crucial to see it clearly, to feel it clearly, and...
OMAR EPPS I like boxing movies. One of the hardest things for me to watch as far as boxing films, is the boxin...
OMAR EPPS I believe success is preparation, because opportunity is going to knock on your door sooner or later...
OMAR EPPS If someone saves your life, you develop a brotherhood, no matter what your race.
OMAR EPPS My kids are in school and in all these clubs - chess club, fashion club, you name it. When my dad ca...
OMAR DORSEY When I was a kid, I used to make up all these characters. I love comedy a lot, and I don't get t...
OMAR DORSEY It takes a while for audiences on film to see you as something different if they've seen you for...
OMAR DORSEY Dontel Benjamin on 'Eastbound' is a loud-mouth, braggadocios, crazy man, while Roy on 'R...
OMAR DORSEY Ava DuVernay is my personal Phil Jackson. She's a perfect coach.
OMAR DORSEY Sometimes a time dictates what a film will be. Sometimes a film dictates what the time will be.
OMAR DORSEY At the end of the day, I want to be a teacher at a university, teaching film or acting.
OMAR DORSEY I worked with James Orange and Hosea Williams as a teenager, and he's portrayed in the movie by ...
OMAR DORSEY In spite of our poverty and our economic dependence, we do not have to give in, neither because we a...
OMAR BONGO Instead of ideological objectives of a political nature, today we are faced with ideological objecti...
OMAR BONGO From the time of independences until the end of the Cold War, in spite of the participation of a con...
OMAR BONGO Because the world is in economic recession, which worsened since this drama happened, and our countr...
OMAR BONGO It is not right to associate the fight against international terrorist networks with an imaginary cr...
OMAR BONGO Economic sanctions rarely achieve the desired results.
OMAR BONGO But it is important to observe that when Europe or the United Nations impose sanctions that are supp...
OMAR BONGO There is an idea of democracy produced by one-sided thinking.
OMAR BONGO But since independence, Gabon is one of the few countries in Central Africa that enjoys peace and st...
OMAR BONGO The birth of the African Union should encourage us to reexamine relations between African States.
OMAR BONGO The shock caused by the September 11 events has also lead to a thorough reflection on the existing d...
OMAR BONGO In short, we have, among African countries, a duty of solidarity.
OMAR BONGO It is up to African leaders to show their will and political courage in order to assure that this ne...
OMAR BONGO It is important to stress: Africa is also a victim of the September 11 attacks.
OMAR BONGO I am in favor of complete freedom of information and of free access to the new communication tools, ...
OMAR BONGO Therefore, every country has to understand that fighting against international terrorism is not for ...
OMAR BONGO For about ten years now, the struggle for democracy and the respect of human rights has been in the ...
OMAR BONGO But the Western countries that link their partnership with the poorest countries with respect for de...
OMAR BONGO If the Soviet Union and the United States have not experienced direct military confrontations, on th...
OMAR BONGO The introduction of political pluralism often quickly led to bad results.
OMAR BONGO The African Union has to act in order to put an end to armed conflicts that undermine the continent,...
OMAR BONGO Globalization, far from putting an end to power diplomacy between States, has, on the contrary, inte...
OMAR BONGO My actions to promote peace, the mediation missions which I carried out during many conflicts, which...
OMAR BONGO The world is now aware that the most unavoidable and most dangerous weapon that exists is the blind ...
OMAR BONGO The free market economy is supposed to be the only path leading to the happiness of humanity by prom...
OMAR BONGO When you start to think about politicians, you've got to realize these are strange creatures. Ot...
OMAR AHMAD Letters actually work. Even the top dog himself takes time every day to read 10 letters that are pic...
OMAR AHMAD One of the things that defines a TEDster is you've taken your passion, and you've turned it ...
OMAR AHMAD I never predicted that I'd be a comedian, but it was something that came so naturally to me. I j...
OMAR SY I began in radio in 1997 on a radio show hosted by a now very famous comic, Jamel Debbouze. I would ...
OMAR SY I understood from a very young age that school was important and that my parents were making great s...
OMAR SY I really like to kid around, and it's my own way of concentrating. In order for me to be able to...
OMAR SY I tell my brethren in Palestine: be patient and continue your blessed struggle. We did not forget yo...
MOHAMMED OMAR 'Tis all a Checker-board of Nights and days where Destiny with Men for Pieces plays: Hither and thit...
OMAR KHAYYAM Living Life Tomorrow's fate, though thou be wise, Thou canst not tell nor yet surmise; Pass, therefo...
OMAR KHAYYAM Gunmen warned my father to close his real estate agency, threatening to kill him because they regard...
ALI OMAR The residents knew what happened last time the moths came. Hundreds of people suffered skin irritati...
ALI OMAR We are going to be more balanced and that will make us more dangerous. One person can be double-team...
ALI OMAR Our midfield will be steady. Some of those players will be on the field the whole game. Up front we ...
ALI OMAR We did very well. Our biggest addition that should have some immediate effect are our two Division I...
ALI OMAR I've been trying to vote since 10 a.m.. They say I'm not registered to vote, but four days ago, I we...
ALI OMAR We've got some big names on this team that get a lot of recognition, but Schumacher has been great f...
ALI OMAR This was the best game we have played this season. You can't say enough about our defense. They did ...
ALI OMAR Before (Saturday), we had 47 corner kicks and no goals off of them. We worked very hard on that duri...
ALI OMAR And that inverted bowl we call The Sky, where under crawling coop't we live and die, lift not thy ha...
OMAR KHAYYAM Drink! for you know not whence you came nor why: drink! for you know not why you go, nor where.
OMAR KHAYYAM I am under no illusion that our present strategy of using means short of total war to achieve our en...
OMAR BRADLEY Myself when young did eagerly frequent doctor and saint, and heard great argument about it and about...
OMAR KHAYYAM Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
OMAR BRADLEY Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to ens...
OMAR BRADLEY There was a door to which I found no key: There was the veil through which I might not see.
OMAR KHAYYAM We need to learn to set our course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship.
OMAR BRADLEY Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. If we continue to develop our technology with...
OMAR BRADLEY We've learned how to destroy, but not to create; how to waste, but not to build; how to kill men, bu...
OMAR BRADLEY You know, my friends, with what a brave carouse I made a Second Marriage in my house; favored old ba...
OMAR KHAYYAM I am convinced that the best service a retired general can perform is to turn in his tongue along wi...
OMAR BRADLEY We are given one life, and the decision is our whether to wait for circumstances to make up our mind...
OMAR BRADLEY Making love? It's a communion with a woman. The bed is the holy table. There I find passion -- and p...
OMAR SHARIF If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may prove to be our...
OMAR BRADLEY The thoughtful soul to solitude retires.
OMAR KHAYYAM The wine of life keeps oozing drop by drop. The leaves of life keep falling one by one.
OMAR KHYYAM The moving finger writes, and having written moves on. Nor all thy piety nor all thy wit, can cancel...
OMAR KHAYYAM I work with a group of actors, and whenever one of us has an audition, we all get together, and we a...
OMAR DORSEY I am ready to sacrifice everything in completing the unfinished agenda of our noble jihad... until t...
MOHAMMED OMAR Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
OMAR KHAYYAM Believe in God, for with the grace of God the American rockets will go astray and we will be saved.
MOHAMMED OMAR Do not forget that the Arab countries, starting with Algeria and Egypt, are the ones that have paid ...
OMAR BONGO People are realizing that color has no bearing on what's known as brotherhood.
OMAR EPPS Because I'm a big guy, I was always playing the bad guy or whatever, but after I did 'The Bl...
OMAR DORSEY The world has achieved brilliance without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical ...
OMAR BRADLEY Boxing, for me, it's the beginning of all sports. I'm willing to bet that the first sport wa...
OMAR EPPS The Worldly Hope men set their Hearts upon Turns Ashes - or it prospers; and anon, Like Snow upon th...
OMAR KHAYYAM We live in a digital world, but we're fairly analog creatures.
OMAR AHMAD sometime hate is just confused love!
OMAR TYREE The way to win an atomic war is to make certain it never starts.
OMAR BRADLEY On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, on the dawn of victory, sto...
OMAR KAYAM Oh, the brave Music of a distant drum!
OMAR KHAYYAM It is important to prevent criminals capable of such inhuman behavior from taking advantage of this ...
OMAR BONGO I haven't heard anything like that since John Rocker , ... I think an apology is not going to be eno...
OMAR VIZQUEL I'm pretty sure he can do it just because of his natural talent,
OMAR VIZQUEL We're still fighting for something and when he comes back it will be even better, ... I don't know w...
OMAR VIZQUEL Everybody knows what he can do. Personally, I'm one of those players who came here to watch him play...
OMAR VIZQUEL I think it's because there's more energy around the clubhouse. Guys are kind of pulling for each oth...
OMAR VIZQUEL It's stupid because he can still remember and still holds me that grudge.
OMAR VIZQUEL The necessary groundwork to make the roundtable a success has not been done. However, I will attend ...
OMAR ABDULLAH There has been a setback and the problem is not between us and New Delhi. It is between the separati...
OMAR ABDULLAH All the efforts to bring peace and normalcy in the state are futile until and unless all those were ...
OMAR ABDULLAH Events like this don't deter us from our objective, which is to get out and about and actually make ...
OMAR ABDULLAH Our only aim is to see the state out of the current painful and precarious situation.
OMAR ABDULLAH ... When they talk about Bowling Green and Omar Jacobs, it comes with the territory. I just have to ...
OMAR JACOBS I was off the whole night. It was probably one of my worst games I ever played in college.
OMAR JACOBS It was a decision that was certainly not easy and a decision that I hope the people who have support...
OMAR JACOBS It's great to give Floridians an opportunity and there is so much talent there. Some may not want to...
OMAR JACOBS Everybody who enters the NFL Draft, it's a roll of the dice. I won't know how ready I am for the nex...
OMAR JACOBS I've been doubted since I've been in high school and have had to prove them wrong. I'll just go out ...
OMAR JACOBS I sent my soul through the invisible,some letter of that afterlife to spell;and by and by my soul re...
OMAR KHAYYAM It's nothing with his arm.
OMAR MINAYA We have to look at the big picture, and we have to be wise in how we handle not only him but any pla...
OMAR MINAYA That's why I'm very proud not only of the way the team has responded, but Beltran, also.
OMAR MINAYA I just froze. I was speechless, felt awful. My heart was pounding. I was scared for the guys.
OMAR MINAYA He's a threat to beat you in so many different ways.
OMAR MINAYA Right now, we are in a pennant race, as we develop players. Our young players are going to get exper...
OMAR MINAYA We knew he had some punch. He's our best option right now.
OMAR MINAYA You win one more, you win the series.