تعرف أنا مجرد أحمق آخر، يظن أنه يغير الدنيا..ويفشل يوميًا في أن يغير نفسه التي بين يديه..ولكني والله أحاول… وكأي "آخر" أخسر يومًا وربما أفوز آخر ...ب"شغف
Ahmed Abdelhamid
Related أن أكون وحدي مع نفسي أمر تعودته، لكنني في حياتي ما استط�... كوليت الخوري الدين موضوع ، والله موضوع آخر نجيب محفوظ تخاطب نفسها و كأنها شخص آخر،انفصام في الشخصية يعالج به ... نوال السعداوي كل إنسان في حاجة إلى أن يؤمن بشيء ، تصديق خدعة برغبتنا ه... بتول الخضيري إننا إذا ركبنا في سفينة الغير، فعلينا ألا نتوقع أن نصل �... أحمد خيري العمري على وجهٍ ما الحبّ حرية،وعلى وجهٍ آخر فقدانٌ للحرية،ضرو... حسين البرغوثي حين تغيب لا كحل، لا أحمر شفاه ، لا عطر ربما إطار خ... محمد الكتبي دع المقادير تجري في أعنتها ولا تبيتن الا خالي البال....م�... مسفر بن مهلهل الينبغي إذا ركبنا سفينة الغير، فعلينا ألّا نتوقع أبداً أن نصل إ... أحمد خيري العمري في أول الشهر أضع فلوسي في جيب البنطلون .. وفي منتصف الشه�... أنيس منصور مجرد إدراك الإنسان للخير والشر يثبت تفوقه العقلي على ب�... مارك توين الوطن ليس ظلا ، الوطن صورة يحضر جانبا منها هنا ، ويحضر آ... ربعي المدهون من حين إلى آخر كانت تبدو في الأفق بارقة ضوء، أظل أجري نح... خيري شلبي بعضهم يقول إن الحياة قصيرة، وأنك قد تموت في حادث سيارة �... CHRIS ROCK حياتي تتدفق دائمًا بنفس الطريقة أقرأ، آكل وأنام وأف�... ANTONIO GRAMSCI إن تمثال الحرية موجود في الولايات المتحدة بالذات، ودون... جورج برنارد شو لا يدرك الناس أن كتابا واحدا قد يغير حياة انسان MALCOLM X ما أجمل أن يعيد الإنسان تنظيم نفسه بين الحين و الحين, و �... محمد الغزالي إن جوهر الدين بالنسبة لي هو أن يكون المرء قادراً على أن ... ALBERT EINSTEIN الحب يعني أن تهتم بسعادة شخص آخر أكثر من اهتمامك بسعادت... NICHOLAS SPARKS و كلما زادَ الكسل و التواكل و زادت السلبية، كلما زادت خ�... أحمد خيري العمري في عالم من الضجيج، الكل يتكلم، و لا يسمع أحدٌ أحداً. أرج... عبد الرحمن منيف لماذا تأتي الطعنة دائما من المقربين؟ ربما لو كانوا أكث�... دعاء عبد الرحمن لقد كنت الناجي الوحيد من شعب منقرض وهو يطأ أرضاً جديدة،... جلجامش نبيل, GILGAMESH NABEEL ما قيمة الأسماء عندما لا تختلف عن أي واحد آخر ؟ أحمد خالد توفيق أجمل حب هو الذي نعثر عليه أثناء بحثنا عن شيء آخر أحلام مستغانمي طويلاً، سافرتَ، أيّها الشاعر في شمس المجهول. قل لي: أكا�... أدونيس إننا نتشابه في آخر الطريق ..كلنا" لا توجد فروق تكفي ل�... مصطفى محمود كثيرون هم الذين ينسون حكايتهم مع الزمن ، أما أنا فلا .. و... غالب حمزة أبو الفرج أنا لا أتجاهل، أنا فقط أحاول أن تبقى روحي بعيدة لكي لا ت... KAHLIL GIBRAN لكي يستمر الاستبداد لايكفي أن يوجد حاكم مستبد أو حكومة ... محمود عوض إن بائعة اللبن، التي رفضت مزج اللبن بالماء، وسمعها الخ�... أحمد خيري العمري عن "الضمير الفكري" : لا شيء يبدو لي اليوم أكثر ندرة من... فريدريك نيتشه أن الجريمة التي تفلت من العقاب تكرس الإثم بين الناس وتز... نجيب محفوظ لولا فتح العرب للأندلس ووجودهم فيها لما انتقلت الحضار�... نبيل فاروق ها قد جاءت آخر الأيام و أصبح كل إنسان يهذي بما يعرف وبما... بهاء طاهر تظنُّ بأنني قادرة على أن أترك كل شيء خلفي وأن أمضي قُدم�... أثير عبدالله النشمي المهم ألا تيأس من الاستقامة إن وقع منك ذنب .. فقد يكون هو... بهاء طاهر طفقت أسأل نفسي، هل الشرودُ فِكْرٌ، أم هو تعطيلٌ للفكر، ... عبد الإله بن عرفة شعرت حينها بغصَّة تعتصرها، ودموع بعينها على وشك الانهم... LOBNA GHANEM بغروب آخر يوم في خريف القلب, ندخل في سباتٍ طويل لشتاءٍ ع... أحلام مستغانمي مشكلة الأحزاب يا صديقي دائما أنها آخر من ينزل الشارع و �... مصطفى شهيب كيف يفرض إنسان سلطته على إنسان آخر يا ونستون؟ فكر ون�... GEORGE ORWELL • المشكلة أنني أحارب من أجلك .. أقاتل من أستطيع ومن لا أ�... AZZA BONDOK نعم .. سنة الحياة أن يتقلب المرء بين حُلوةٍ ومُرةٍ .. أنا ... محمد عبدالرحمن العريفي ثمة حزنٌ يصبح معه البكاء مبتذلاً، حتى لكأنه إهانة لمن ن... أحلام مستغانمي شعرت بالتعاسة, إذ حاضرت في يوكيكو هكذا. ما قلته كان صحيح... HARUKI MURAKAMI تصفر الريح في داخلي. أنا عار. سيد اللا شيء, سيد لا أحد,... EDUARDO GALEANO إنني أكبر، وأتورط في سحر الكتب والقراءة أكثر فأكثر، لم ... ليلى الجهني إن الشريعة كالشمعة ، توفر لنا نورا لايُقدر بثمن . لكن يج... إليف شفق مشاعري معهم .. مع الإخوان .. رغم أنهم تخلوا عني و عن الديم... محمد نجيب لم تكن أنت، لم أكن أنا... في عالمٍ غير العالم، قبل أ... إيناس حليم ((لعَمري كيف تجعلُ هذه الحياةُ للناس قلوباً مع قلوبهم، �... مصطفى صادق الرافعي أمي: يجب أن تقولي لأدميا بلا تهرب أن والدها في السجن، يج... ANTONIO GRAMSCI إنّنا نعتمد دومًا على واقع معيّن -لندعوه واقع متعاقب- و ... HARUKI MURAKAMI ما أحمق الإنسان ! يجعل من حياته سلسلة مسببات للحزن. يحزن... يوسف السباعي في كل الحكايا حولنا وفي الروايات العربية وفي صفحات ا... غادة السمان هناك آلاف يكتبون القصص والشعر ويؤلفون..أي إنسان عادي با... توفيق الحكيم أن تكون الدنيا في يدك وخارج قلبك، أن تكون قادرا عليها و ... أحمد بهجت لماذا يتصرف النَّاس على هذا النحو بمشاعرهم؟ سواء أكانت... ROHINTON MISTRY الأخلاق والعادات والتقاليد نسبية، وما هو مقبول في مكان... جلجامش نبيل, GILGAMESH NABEEL قرأت يومًا إن راحة القلب في العمل، وأنّ السعادة هي أن ت�... أحلام مستغانمي الخطأ ليس في التحيز المسبق بل في ان تسمح لتحيزك المسبق �... جلال أمين عدم اعتيادك على حَقيقة أن الدُنيا تتقلب بين السّعادة و�... محمد الشوابكة إني على قناعة مطلقة أنه ما من ثروة في الدنيا يمكنها أن ت... ALBERT EINSTEIN إذا خفيت عنا الحكمة في العذاب أحيانا.. فلأننا لا ندرك كل... مصطفى محمود أمريكا لن تمانع بإرسال طائراتها تلقي علينا المسابح وال... أحمد أبو خليل يُرعبني دائماً أن يحدث في حياتي أحد الأشياء التي كنت أظ... سارة درويش فكرت في أن الشجرة المحرمة لم تكن شجرة المعرفة بل شجرة ا�... جلجامش نبيل, GILGAMESH NABEEL كان علىّ أن أحاول أن أوفق بين فكرتي عن نفسي كإنسانة تتك�... KAY REDFIELD JAMISON من منا ﻻ يضل الطريق ومع ذلك نسير جميعًا إلى غاية واحدة �... FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY اذا شعرت يوماً أنك متمسك بشيء ما كي يعطيك سبباً للحياة،... CLAUDINE CHEDID ويل لأمة تكثر فيها المذاهب والطوائف وتخلو من الدين ، وي... KAHLIL GIBRAN النهضة , هي روح تسري في مجتمع ما , أو تبعث أمة من العدم , م... أحمد خيري العمري أنا لا أخشى على الإنسان الذى يفكّر وإن ضلّ، لأنّه سيعود... محمد الغزالي أنا أسّر بإقناع الآخرين بوجهة نظري، لكنني قادر على تقب�... ALBERT ELLIS إن الإنسان يعلو كل شيء في الدنيا ، فإذا انحطّ وتدهور ، ف... أليكسس كاريل نحن من أولئك الذين يفرحون دون ذهب أو ثروات نحن هادئو... JALALUDDIN MEVLANA RUMI ما أحمق الإنسان ! يجعل من حياته سلسلة مسببات للحزن ، يحز... يوسف السباعي هذه أمة الإسلام وأمة الإنسان الحر الذي يشعر أنه عضو في �... حسين مؤنس يختلف الناس في سر القهوة وتختلف آراؤهم: الرائحة، اللون�... مريد البرغوثي إني أختنق. أموت في اليوم مائة مرة. أريد أن أتنفس... أريد أ... خولة حمدي ان السبب اللذي يجعلنا نتألم كثيرا لفراقنا هو لان ار�... نيكولاس سباركس لسنا نؤيد القول الذاهب إلى أن الإدارة بشكلها المنظم تع�... د.نادر الملاح مجنونة هي الغربة التي تطفئ لهب الفتنة وتكبح جماح الجّش�... HANAN FARHAT أحدنا غائبٌ عن الآخر حتماً، أنا.. أو هذا العالم، و طالما... بثينة العيسى فلا شيء يؤكد لبدرية أن ما تفعله هو عين الصواب ، أكثر من �... محمد حسن علوان أوحش بنت في الدنيا البنت اللي شايفه نفسها حلوه و�... عمر طاهر لا تجالس أنصاف العشاق، ولا تصادق أنصاف الأصدقاء، لا تق�... KAHLIL GIBRAN إنه لمنظر جميل وجليل أن ترى الإنسان يرفع نفسه من العدم �... ROUSSEAU JEAN-JACQUES 1712-1778 أسمع من المحيط إلى الخليج أن من لا يقدر على إفهامنا لم ت... أبو يعرب المرزوقي الرغبات العامة هي مجرد أمنيات واهنة، إن الرجل الذي يتم�... GEORGE S. CLASON إن العالم الإسلامي لايستطيع في غمرة هذه الفوضى أن يجد ه... مالك بن نبي واذا كانت في الحياة مشقة ..فلأن قاطف الورود لابد ان تدمي... مصطفى محمود كم علىّْ أن أخسر فى هذا العالم .. كى أربح نفسى ! أسما حسين أنا لا أعرف الحقيقة المجردة , ولكني أركع متواضعا أمام ج�... KAHLIL GIBRAN لا أحد يُخيّر وردة بين الذبول على غصنها... أو في مزهريّة ... أحلام مستغانمي فإني اعتقد أن الكلمات النابعة عن المحبة والإخلاص هي ال�... WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE يختار بعض الناس الإنتقام، ويحاولون أن يجيدوا حقيقة ما �... باولو كويلو أولادكم ليسوا لكم أولادكم أبناء الحياة المشتاقة إلى... KAHLIL GIBRAN
More Ahmed Abdelhamid
The results of the bids will be known at the end of June 2006. ABDELHAMID LAALAMIA We have already started our program to renovate our rail network. ABDELHAMID LAALAMIA In the Middle East, it is clear that peace will never be reached without solving the Israeli-Palesti... AHMED ZEWAIL As we saw in the Queen's Speech, anti-social behaviour - a phenomenon that I believe to be a gen... KAMAL AHMED Of, course it always cheers a news editor when a story has what we describe as 'legs' theref... KAMAL AHMED The 'Bourne' films totally reimagined and elevated the action genre. RIZ AHMED Cultures are rubbing against each other more than ever before in history. We need to be sensitive to... AKBAR AHMED If America's seen as being indifferent or even attacking the prophet, a lot of Muslims are going to ... AKBAR AHMED He has left a tiny exit route, which is good because in the international arena, he is seen as very ... AKBAR AHMED It humiliates millions and millions of ordinary peace-loving Muslims. AKBAR AHMED It humiliates millions and millions of ordinary peace-loving Muslims, AKBAR AHMED The whole thing goes back to the presence of God, AKBAR AHMED Walking breaks down all the barriers you become part of one common mass of humanity, ... global mess... AKBAR AHMED The whole thing goes back to the presence of God. You need to be in a state of decorum. You must ask... AKBAR AHMED sends out a message both to critics and to supporters that he has the backing of America. AKBAR AHMED We are not going to accept this document... unless there are fundamental changes. AHMED TUGOD I cannot say there are any tangible results. AHMED TUGOD We have come to the stage of taking a decision. It is not a stage of negotiating details. Since we a... AHMED TUGOD So far there's nothing new. We heard from the AU chairman the same proposals we'd heard before from ... AHMED TUGOD There's no basis for understanding between the parties on these issues. As far as power-sharing is c... AHMED TUGOD We came to this round with an open heart to find a definitive peace. We seriously want to engage in ... AHMED TUGOD The Israelis and some Westerners are trying to delete Arafat from our memory, but he will remain ali... AHMED TIBI a milestone in the building of a Palestinian state. AHMED TIBI The security issues were settled between American and Palestinian officials, AHMED TIBI It will be a dangerous step. Very unjustified. I am appealing to Mr. Netanyahu to remain here to con... AHMED TIBI We're here waiting, either to sign, or to leave if the Israelis leave, AHMED TIBI [Palestinian officials said implementation of a cease-fire would take time.] It is a gradual process... AHMED TIBI To punish villages by cutting budgets if they are led by Islamic leaders, especially if those villag... AHMED TIBI This is a conscious declaration of war against the Palestinians in East Jerusalem and the Palestinia... AHMED TIBI In a civilized country the justice minister, attorney general and state prosecutor should have been ... AHMED TIBI There is discrimination between Arab and Jew in everything but your votes, you will be shooting your... AHMED TIBI This is an illegal court and I won't attend it. AHMED SAADAT Our choice is to fight or to die. We will not surrender. AHMED SAADAT Maybe they will take us alive or dead. We will not surrender. Our morale is high and we will die as ... AHMED SAADAT We will not surrender and we will fight with courage. We will face our fate together with the Palest... AHMED SAADAT They have to come in and maybe they will take us alive or dead. We will not surrender. AHMED SAADAT We are not going to surrender. We are going to face our destiny with courage. AHMED SAADAT We want to know what he has been doing over the past few years which he spent behind bars. We are no... AHMED SAADAT It would have been preferable to carry it out in the country itself, inside America. He was in agree... AHMED RESSAM get the money to carry out an operation in America. AHMED RESSAM they stopped me. They asked me, 'Where are you going to,' from what I understood. ... They said, 'Op... AHMED RESSAM because it was sensitive politically and economically. AHMED RESSAM I did not tell him precisely and I did not give him the target, AHMED RESSAM [In response to their questions, Keenan told jurors they could not convict Haouari of terrorism cons... AHMED RESSAM important and dangerous business. AHMED RESSAM I said, Mokhtar, I am not going to America for tourism. I am going on some very important and danger... AHMED RESSAM it was an enemy of Islam and that if one is to carry out an operation it would be better to hit the ... AHMED RESSAM Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US. AHMED RESSAM The only person capable of defeating you is you. AHMED REHAB My Intent is to reclaim my faith by debunking extremism - both extremism within my faith community, ... AHMED REHAB Be righteous without being self-righteous. AHMED REHAB Hatred is a self-addressed envelope. AHMED REHAB Ignorance is the enemy. AHMED REHAB They have a sanctuary, they have a logistical framework, and they have a recruiting base in Pakistan... AHMED RASHID We're seeing a complete breakdown of law and order. The army is holed up in its barracks or in its b... AHMED RASHID It's fulfilling all the wishes of those who believe in a clash of civilizations and so far moderate ... AHMED RASHID All Muslims were repulsed by the cartoons, even non-practicing ones whose Muslim identity is more cu... AHMED RASHID There are many Dostums. If you bring up records right now of warlords, you wouldn't find a single cl... AHMED RASHID The main issue now is to provide Afghanistan and the government there with the resources to be able ... AHMED RASHID What we are seeing right now is a huge intelligence effort similar to the one that captured Saddam H... AHMED RASHID Hizb ut-Tahrir does not advocate a violent overthrow of Muslim regimes... Instead HT believes in win... AHMED RASHID Thus, there is a high probability that the new parliament, rather than being a venue for discussin... AHMED RASHID They've gone in with a steam roller in an area which is extremely pro-Taliban and pro-al Qaeda. AHMED RASHID The decree was legitimate, and we have no intention to foil the cabinet. Moreover, we want it to suc... AHMED RAHMAN We would never do so, but if there are mistakes or failure of the cabinet, everything of course woul... AHMED RAHMAN He sabotaged the Mitchell report instead of accepting it when he said that he will continue building... AHMED RAHMAN President Clinton listened in two meetings (to) our reservations on his initiative. And he promised ... AHMED RAHMAN The right to statehood is no longer in question and it (the declaration) makes clear that negotiatio... AHMED RAHMAN Some people do not want democracy. (However) we are determined to have these primaries today. AHMED RAHMAN It is no longer acceptable to out conditions on reviving the peace process, AHMED QURIE As far as we're concerned, we will organize the use of arms, AHMED QURIE Why doesn't Israel disarm its settlers who shoot and kill Palestinians? AHMED QURIE We refuse the establishment of a state only in Gaza. Gaza is part of the occupied areas. A viable Pa... AHMED QURIE What is happening is very dangerous ... They are expanding the borders of Jerusalem to the Jordan Va... AHMED QURIE This will renew the cycle of violence, AHMED QURIE The Palestinians are very worried about the expansion of settlements in the West Bank, particularly ... AHMED QURIE Be united and fight against those who will try to harm our image. AHMED QURIE We will be happy to see them getting out from Gaza and northern West Bank and will prepare ourselves... AHMED QURIE The nightmare is over, the occupation has gone and Gaza is now without settlers ... Today we begin t... AHMED QURIE This is a very dangerous act, ... They targeted one of the Palestinian security leaders. AHMED QUREIA By Sunday, we will conclude the negotiations, AHMED QUREIA It's a kind of state terrorism organized and used with the approval of the prime minister and the Is... AHMED QUREIA This problem is finished for now, but there will be a committee and a procedure for dealing with thi... AHMED QUREIA What happened is a pre-planned massacre. It is proof that Israel should not have a security presence... AHMED QUREIA We consider the presence of the settlers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip illegal. Until the time tha... AHMED QUREIA We refuse this resolution, ... and we want to address a very clear message that this resolution will... AHMED QUREIA Ross managed to bridge the gaps on some issues. AHMED QUREIA French and Palestinian doctors who treated the martyred brother found that medicine could not find t... AHMED QUREIA [The Palestinian Authority ordered flags lowered to half-staff for one day and declared a three-day ... AHMED QUREIA Neither the French medical reports, nor the Palestinian reports managed to come to the exact reasons... AHMED QUREI The file will remain open ... Maybe the doctors might be able to find out the reason for Arafat's de... AHMED QUREI Neither the Palestinian, nor the French report, arrived to conclusive results regarding the causes o... AHMED QUREI Voting in Jerusalem is an essential condition for the holding of elections. AHMED QUREI The next period [after Israel's withdrawal] will be difficult. We have to be strong and wait... Ther... AHMED QUREI an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. AHMED QUREI We call on the Israeli voters to elect their parties that support peace in Israel and anyone who wan... AHMED QUREI comes within the framework of the continuous cooperation, coordination and consultation with our bro... AHMED QUREI This withdrawal should prepare for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, AHMED QUREI The French and Palestinian doctors have concluded that there was no known cure for the illness that ... AHMED QUREI Security cannot be achieved through force -- through the use of force -- but through the creation of... AHMED QOREI I can say that there are very serious discussions, ... All issues that represent the keys of the agr... AHMED QOREI The French and Palestinian doctors have concluded that there was no known cure for the illness that ... AHMED QOREI The government will on Wednesday publish the report of the ministerial commission into the death of ... AHMED QOREI The first thing we want is a very clear position regarding settlements. We cannot say that there's a... AHMED QOREI I invite the Israel, the international community, the world to listen carefully, to remember careful... AHMED QOREI This will only add fuel to the fire. We call on the Israelis to immediately stop these moves and to ... AHMED QOREI What he needed was a real partner on the Israeli side, AHMED QOREI Palestinian security forces last month foiled 48 attempted attacks against Israeli targets. This is ... AHMED QOREI This is a wrong decision and reflects that Israel is trying to find any excuse to disrupt any seriou... AHMED QOREI At that point I just had to release everything that was in me. My emotions, as you can imagine, were... AHMED PLUMMER There are other options, but the option I feel most confident with is taking (the fragment) out, ...... AHMED PLUMMER The option I feel more comfortable with is taking it out, ... It's my ankle. It's the way I make a l... AHMED PLUMMER I couldn't cut, I couldn't walk. It was weak and giving out on me, ... To be honest, it was a blessi... AHMED PLUMMER They definitely have plenty of threats over there, and it opens it up for all three of them, because... AHMED PLUMMER I honestly don't know. We'll see, ... It's been a couple of years, so we'll see what happens. AHMED PLUMMER It's not going to stop me from getting my job done, ... I played with it against the Rams (last Sund... AHMED PLUMMER This is one of the more talented groups that we've had around here in a long time, since I've been h... AHMED PLUMMER Egyptians -- the community at large, the opposition parties and the judiciary -- have all agreed tha... AHMED NAZIF We are after peaceful elections. AHMED NAZIF The election commission is headed by the head of the supreme court in Egypt, which is much higher ra... AHMED NAZIF The Arab League is melting at the edges. It is a time of change, in many dimensions. AHMED NAZIF It's just a rogue act of violence done by people who have been misguided, AHMED NAZIF If there are demonstrations, they will be sabotaging the elections, AHMED NAZIF There will be judges and candidates' delegates in the voting centers, and it would be chaotic to let... AHMED NAZIF are the ones that seem to be doing those violent acts. AHMED NAZIF That's a difficult question. Definitely, we can see that the acts of violence are increasing. Whethe... AHMED NAZIF It's the responsibility of the police and the security forces to secure the voters' rights to cast b... AHMED NAZIF The U.S. has a great power to protect our people. Only you have the power. AHMED MANSOUR They try to destroy our dignity, rape our women, our sisters, shoot the men with lizard guns, burnin... AHMED MANSOUR I personally just thought it was an earthquake. ... Fifteen minutes later, I started to get phone ca... AHMED MANSOUR I just woke up because our house is made out of glass doors, and simply the glass started shaking re... AHMED MANSOUR You must understand that the pressures on Syria and Islamic Iran are primarily because of their stan... AHMED JIBRIL I say it frankly, we will not only be on their side, we will be in the forefront. AHMED JIBRIL We will not allow any aggression against Syria or the Islamic Republic of Iran. AHMED JIBRIL He was a great leader and a founder of the Palestine Liberation Organization and his death is a grea... AHMED JIBRIL We thank God for this gift he presented to us on this new year. AHMED JIBRIL We say it frankly that God is great and is able to exact revenge on this butcher. ... We thank God f... AHMED JIBRIL It is a damned country, banished from divine mercy and deserving only of being cursed. AHMED IBRAHIM The condition of the children is very serious, ... Most of them are malnourished, suffering from mea... AHMED IBRAHIM The condition of the children is very serious, ... Most of them are malnourished, suffering from mea... AHMED IBRAHIM Five people are dead and 12 others have been wounded. AHMED IBRAHIM We seek a peaceful relation with the United States, a cooperative relation, an equal relation. AHMED IBRAHIM We welcome foreign oil investments, no matter they are from Chinese companies, European companies or... AHMED IBRAHIM They are a bunch of criminals, killers and traitors who sold themselves to the foreigners, ... If th... AHMED IBRAHIM Any decent Iraqi would not do that, and every good citizen rejects that, too, AHMED IBRAHIM say 'No¡¯ to the draft constitution which will divide the country ... AHMED IBRAHIM We are not ready to sign till the Sudanese give concessions to our demands. AHMED HUSSEIN We categorically reject these declarations. AHMED HUSSEIN But whether we have support or not in Chad... our cause is legitimate and we will continue our strug... AHMED HUSSEIN Khartoum supports the Chadian rebels, financially, politically and militarily. AHMED HUSSEIN There is no question about it, the rebel offensive against Deby was engineered in Khartoum. AHMED HUSSEIN We need more troops with a clearer mandate to protect civilians. AHMED HUSSEIN Because we are not the only parties in this meeting, we can't predict the outcome. AHMED HUSSEIN Terrorists are trying to drive a wedge between Sunnis and Shiites. AHMED HASSAN Some worshippers were leaving and others were praying inside when the explosion blasted glass all ov... AHMED HASSAN I hope the public will give us the same kind of support in the next match. It was a very difficult g... AHMED HASSAN My brother was given electric shocks while my 77-year-old father watched. AHMED HASSAN They have been in this square for months, drinking alcohol and conducting their marital relations fo... AHMED HASSAN Most of the victims are children. AHMED HASSAN These people rioting, they are uneducated and out of work. We are more aware, although we were also ... AHMED HASSAN He died and the guard threw him from the window. Pregnant women gave birth in the prison. Their babi... AHMED HASSAN He said 'Saddam'. Then Saddam hit him in the head with an ash tray. AHMED HASSAN I swear by God I walked by a room and on my left I saw a grinder with blood coming out of it and hum... AHMED HASSAN There are many ingredients that are needed to implement, to realize the 2010 target, including build... AHMED DJOGHLAF We know little of what is living below our feet...yet it is vital to sustaining life on earth. AHMED DJOGHLAF What is needed is a Global Alliance that brings governments, business, industry, non-governmental or... AHMED DJOGHLAF For six years there has been a deadlock. I think the decision could likely be taken at this meeting. AHMED DJOGHLAF The Iraqi people never had a personality that galvanized them, and around which they gathered, throu... AHMED CHALABI According to UN Security Council Resolution 1546, Iraq is a sovereign state. There are multinational... AHMED CHALABI The Iraqi people are living a long-running tragedy because of the legacy of the old regime, the Amer... AHMED CHALABI The intelligence agencies of the United States say they have a five-year plan - that we must develop... AHMED CHALABI Patriotism is not a piece of paper. Had we wanted to live in other countries, we would have stayed t... AHMED CHALABI I don't think that they have many of the scientists who were involved in the weapons program to talk... AHMED CHALABI Democracy in Iraq will be an example that the Arab population will look to with great interest. And ... AHMED CHALABI I call on the international community to be fair to the Iraqi people. My position is that we respect... AHMED CHALABI As for democracy and the political process in Iraq, isn't there democracy in Germany? And yet is the... AHMED CHALABI I strongly believe that a federal structure based on administrative and geographic lines with strong... AHMED CHALABI If there was one thing that I took away, it was paying attention to every single solitary detail, no... AHMED BEST I'm going to move on and do other things. My life isn't going to be about Jar Jar Binks. AHMED BEST I dug all the fighting, like the saber fights. AHMED BEST Not only do I think that has no validity, I think it's really stupid for anyone to put their own pre... AHMED BEST We're focusing so much on kill, die, and then we're wondering why people go crazy, why people shoot ... AHMED BEST I've been going out on auditions, but it's hard if you don't have a certain image. AHMED BEST I wore what was called a motion capture suit, which was like a tight scuba suit with a whole bunch o... AHMED BEST We like to think of film and music as art, but actually art is something that is not restricted. AHMED BEST It's Star Wars. You can't really get tired of it. AHMED BEST I'm recording another demo for another batch of record labels that we'll shop it around to. AHMED BEST Once you're in the immigration system, it's a much different ballgame. AHMED BEDIER It's a clearinghouse for defamation and attacks against Muslims. AHMED BEDIER While the Al-Arian verdict was a turning point for our community, I'm not sure it has the same signi... AHMED BEDIER They have the authority to do it (levy immigration charges), although they usually don't in most cas... AHMED BEDIER I'm not going to let bigots like that define who I am. AHMED BEDIER It's not an open-ended edict to go out and kill people. There are hundreds of thousands of verses th... AHMED BEDIER He's spreading lies, slandering individuals. These are vigilantes. AHMED BEDIER No one wants to attack their own people. Muslims here see themselves as Americans more than Muslims ... AHMED BEDIER It will not only restore faith in the justice system by American Muslims but also by Muslims all ove... AHMED BEDIER This shows we have faith in the American justice system. This has shown that America is not only the... AHMED BEDIER The builders have no right to construct any building without the approval of the layout plans by the... AHMED ALI Suddenly we found the Sunnis pushed out of the Iraqi government. Because of that, we decided to go t... AHMED ALI All people hope Islam helps everything in life. Islam will make jobs. Islam will make freedom. Islam... AHMED ALI