السهولة التي تنتشر فيها بعض الآراء وتصبح عامة تعود بشكل خاص إلى عجز معظم الناس عن تشكيل رأي خاص مستوحى من تجاربهم الشخصية في المحاكمة والتعقل.
Gustave Le Bon
نحن بحاجة إلى التخفيف من عقدة "الأعداء الأشرار"، والمزي...
BERTRAND RUSSELL اليأس ليس حالة عامة، بل هنالك يأسٌ خاص بحالات ما، ولا ي�...
جلجامش نبيل, GILGAMESH NABEEL المصادفات في عمر معين تفقد سحرها، لا تعود تُدهش، وتصبح ...
ميلان كونديرا القراءة المبالغ فيها لا تجعلنا اذكياء , بعض الناس يبتلع...
علي عزت بيجوفيتش يختار بعض الناس الإنتقام، ويحاولون أن يجيدوا حقيقة ما �...
باولو كويلو هذا ما ستقوله في كل مرة تحب فيها, ستقسم لها على صدقك بضو�...
أحمد بهجت سمعت يوماً أحد مدربي التنمية الذاتية وهو يوضح للمستمعي...
ياسر حارب إن ما يسمى بوسائل الإعلام الجماهيرية، كالصحافة والراد�...
علي عزت بيجوفيتش لسنا نؤيد القول الذاهب إلى أن الإدارة بشكلها المنظم تع�...
د.نادر الملاح أن الجريمة التي تفلت من العقاب تكرس الإثم بين الناس وتز...
نجيب محفوظ تذكر عندها أسطورة أفلاطون الشهيرة «المأدبة»: ففي الساب...
ميلان كونديرا لا تظن أن الناس في مكسلةٍ عن التثقيف، و مشغلة عن التفقه ...
أحمد المطوع ومع ذلك، وقبل أن يصل إلى بيت الشعر الأخير، كان قد أدرك أ...
جابرييل جارسيا ماركيز فإني اعتقد أن الكلمات النابعة عن المحبة والإخلاص هي ال�...
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE طفقت أسأل نفسي، هل الشرودُ فِكْرٌ، أم هو تعطيلٌ للفكر، ...
عبد الإله بن عرفة معظم الناس لا يريدون الحرية حقاً، لأن الحرية ينطوي علي�...
سيغموند فرويد الرجل يعشق الأنثى في مبدأ الأمر لأنها امرأة بعينها: امر...
عباس محمود العقاد أعددت قائمة سوداء بكل من تعامل مع هذا النظام خلال 18 يوم�...
IHAB OMAR ... حب الفضائل السامية قلما يعول عليه في المجتمع, وأن من �...
جان جاك روسو هذه هي الاسئلة ذاتها التي تجول في رأي تيريزا منذ الصغر ....
ميلان كونديرا معظم البشر أعينهم مغلقة بغبار الخيبة إلى حدّ يمنعهم من ...
ELIZABETH GILBERT المخدة سجل حياتنا. المسودة الأولية لروايتنا التي، كل م�...
مريد البرغوثي العالم ليس معنياً بقدسنا، قدس الناس، قدس البيوت والشوا...
مريد البرغوثي إن النفس المشغولة بالبحث عن عثرات الناس وجمعها ومحاصرت...
سلمان العودة مات وهو لا يزال حياً.
قد تبدو هذه الألفاظ متناقضة، لك...
PAULO COELHO إنني أكبر ، و أنت معي . ظننت كثيرا أنَّني سأقطع هذا الدر�...
ليلى الجهني من السهل تذكر الأمور الجميلة في الحياة ، الأوقات التي ي...
OLIVER SACKS كل إمرىء يحيا حياتهُ وعليه أن يجد طريقهُ بين متشعب المس...
مي زيادة و الحق أن الرجولاتِ الضخمة لا تُعْرَفُ إلا في ميدان الج...
محمد الغزالي النساء يحببن أن يجمعن شهادات جميلة مثل هذه أحيانا، تشه�...
محمد حسن علوان عن أبي العباس سهل بن سعد الساعدي رضي الله عنه ، قال : جاء...
الإمام النووي - الأربعين النووية فقط كنت مُثقلاً بالنوم في اللحظة التى حِدتُ فيها عن طري...
دانتي اليجييرى دائماً نحن نعرف عن الآخرين أكثر من معرفتهم عن كمّ المعل...
ALI A. H. AL-ALLAQ القاعد الاولي : إن الطريقة التي نري فيها الله ما هي الا �...
ELIF SHAFAK جرب صدق حسن الظن في تعاملك مع الناس , وستشعر بإرتياح نفس...
احمد الشقيري لديَ من العيوب ما يكفي لإنشغالي عن الناس ..كما هي لك أيض...
هشام ريوشامي وصدق من قال: الناس رجلان، رجل نام في النور، و رجل استيقظ...
محمد الغزالي عقدة أوديب"
مرحلة في تطور الطفل بين ثلاث سنوات إالى س...
سيغموند فرويد لا يوجد في العالم أسمى من دفع الآلام عن انسان لايستطيع �...
يوسف زيدان آه لو رأيت حقول قصب السكر العالي أو زهر الكتان في الوان�...
AHDAF SOUEIF أحياناً نحتاج إلى أن نكون غرباء عن أنفسنا، عندئذ سينير ...
باولو كويلو لا تعد فحبي ليس مقعدً في حديقة عامة !تمضي عنه متى شئت .. و...
غادة السمان النهضة , هي روح تسري في مجتمع ما , أو تبعث أمة من العدم , م...
أحمد خيري العمري إذ أشار إلى مدى تعلمه من أسفاره الكثيرة، واعتبارها مدر�...
جابر حدبون ليملأ كل منكما كأس الآخر ولكن لا تشربا من كأس واحده
KAHLIL GIBRAN إن ما تشعرون به من الألم هو انكسار القشرة التي تغلف إدر�...
KAHLIL GIBRAN ورددت في قرارة نفسي : حطم هذه الكأس ، لأن تحطيمها بادرة �...
PAULO COELHO الصراع في سورية ليس بين أغلبية (تُصنف أنها سُنيّة) وأقل�...
سلامة كيلة ولقد يكون في الدنيا ما يُغني الواحد من الناس عن أهل الأ�...
مصطفى صادق الرافعي و تدلنا التجربة أن الحب ليس أن ينظر بعضنا إلى بعض ، وإنم...
ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPéRY القراءة المبالغ فيها لا تجعل منا أذكياء. بعض الناس يبتل...
علي عزت بيجوفيتش أزعم أن المطلوب ليس "تحرير المرأة" وإنما "تقييد الرجل". ف...
عبد الوهاب المسيري لم تعطني يا رب ما أشتهي كما أشتهيه ولا بمقدار مني، وجعل�...
مصطفى صادق الرافعي آه من الناس! كان دائمًا محاطًا بهم، صباح مساء، ناس عن ال...
KATIA TAWIL ذلك أن استحالة اقتناص المخلوقات الحقيقية طوحت بي إلى ع�...
جان جاك روسو إن المجد والنجاح والإنتاج تظل أحلاماً لذيذة في نفوس أص�...
محمد الغزالي عن "الضمير الفكري" :
لا شيء يبدو لي اليوم أكثر ندرة من...
فريدريك نيتشه إن بلادنا في حاجة إلى جرعات قوية من قلة الأدب حيال المل�...
NAGUIB MAHFOUZ بيكثر في هذا الجزء من العالم، الحديث عن الشيطان كمصدر خ...
أحمد العسيلي بيَكْثُر في هذا الجزء من العالم الحديث عن الشيطان كمصد�...
أحمد العسيلي جميع حالات السعاده يمكن ادراجها في حياه رجل العلم فهو ي...
BERTRAND RUSSELL لم يكن صراخها لهاثاً ولم يكن تأوّهاً، بل صراخ حقيقي. كا�...
ميلان كونديرا في إحدى المناسبات سئل الحاخام ليفي اسحاق أحد كبار معلم�...
ALBERTO MANGUEL لا يحتاج محارب الضوء إلى من يذكره بالمساعدة التي تلقاه�...
باولو كويلو (كان مرتدیا القمیص وحده، ویحمل شیّالات بلون بنفسجي شاح�...
ERNESTO SABATO بالرغم من كل شيء، ليست حياتنا سوى سلسلة من الحوادث، سلس...
ROHINTON MISTRY ماعاد يعنيني أن يفهم أحد اختلافي أو حتى يتقبله، ليس يأس...
ليلى الجهني ** إن فهم اللغات الخمس للحب وتعلم كيفية التحدث باللغة ال...
GARY CHAPMAN عندما تختفي فلسطين كسلسال على ثوب السهرة , كحلية , أو كذ�...
مريد البرغوثي في جميع تعاملاتنا مع من يعيشون في عالمنا، تبقى مشاعر ال...
حمد الحمادي شكر خاص
شكرن لنظام المدارس الذي علمني كيفيت الكت�...
ABDULLAH ABU SNAINEH الناس الطيبون لا ينتظرون أن يُحسن أحد إليهم حتى يحسنوا ...
FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY معظم الناس لا تفهم إلا ما تعرف ، ويربكها الاختلاف
ليلى الجهني أسمع من المحيط إلى الخليج أن من لا يقدر على إفهامنا لم ت...
أبو يعرب المرزوقي إن المبدع في الأدب والفن والعلم ، هو الشخص القادر على ا�...
عبد العلي الجسماني إن الله أقرب إلى الذين يجتهدون في فهمه من الذين يؤمنون �...
مصطفى محمود عن إنك تكون موجوع ولا تبينش
أفضل 100 مرة من انك تبين لو...
AZZA BONDOK إنني أكبر وأميل إلى الصمت أكثر فأكثر، صارت تمرضني فكرة ...
ليلى الجهني ودخلت إلى قاعة الاجتماعات فوجدت ستين قائدا إفريقيا حول...
GOLDA MEIR ابتعد عن الأشخاص الذين يحاولون التقليل من طموحاتك بينم...
إبراهيم الفقي فكما أن الإفراط في تناول الطعام الشهي يؤدي بنا إلى كراه...
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE بعد موت النبي آدم تفرق أبناءه لشعوب كثيرة، وانحرفت عن ا...
محمد الكتبي اختلاف الأماكن من بلد إلى بلد اّخر لا يعنى كثيراً,و إنم�...
مصطفى محمود الآلام أنواع : فهناك آلام تخفض قيمتنا أو تنقص قدرنا ، كا...
فيودور دوستويفسكي يعتقد الرجل إنه يسيطر على المرأة، وتعتقد هذه في دخيلة ن...
مصطفى حجازي كل إنسان في حاجة إلى أن يؤمن بشيء ، تصديق خدعة برغبتنا ه...
بتول الخضيري لا شيء، أبدا، في الواقع، يحل محل الرفيق المفقود. لا نست�...
ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPéRY السفر من بلادك لأخرى لا يعني هروبك من الرقابة ، أو الإف�...
جابر حدبون ليس هناك ما هو أفظع من قهر الأحرار ، فقلوبهم التي تنبض ب...
كمال السيد عندما يفاجئنا الموت ، لا نتذكر إلا الوجوه السمحة التي م...
واسيني الأعرج نحن نقتني الكثير من الأشياء التي تزيد عن حاجتنا،ونستخد...
DOMINIQUE LOREAU لا تسخر من أحلام الناس.. مهما كانت غريبة
ولا تتنازل ع�...
محمد الرطيان إن المجتمع في كل مكان ديكتاتور عنيد طاغ يحيل الأفراد إل...
إحسان عبد القدوس الشعور الديني أو القومي يتصاعد في أوقات المحن التي يشع�...
جلجامش نبيل, GILGAMESH NABEEL الأشخاص كالألوان , إذا رحل عن حياتك اللون الأحمر قد يهو�...
عمر طاهر إنه لمنظر جميل وجليل أن ترى الإنسان يرفع نفسه من العدم �...
ROUSSEAU JEAN-JACQUES 1712-1778 أتعلمين ..أي حزن ٍ يبعث المطر..
وكيف يشعر الوحيد فيه ب...
بدر شاكر السياب نحن نتكلم عندما توصد أمامنا أبواب السلام عن افكارنا ، و...
KAHLIL GIBRAN إن كلا منا يعرف في بداية حياته ما هي أسطورته الذاتية ال�...
باولو كويلو تنظر سيكولوجية الإعلام الجماهيرية إلى التليفزيون على �...
علي عزت بيجوفيتش
More Gustave Le Bon
The art of those who govern consists above all in the science of employing words.
GUSTAVE LE BON Crowds exhibit a docile respect for force, And are but slightly impressed by kindness, Which for the...
GUSTAVE LE BON The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste...
GUSTAVE LE BON Crowds are somewhat like the sphinx of ancient fable: It is necessary to arrive at a solution of the...
GUSTAVE LE BON A civilization, when the moment has come for crowds to acquire a high hand over it, is at the mercy ...
GUSTAVE LE BON The unreal has about as much influence on them as the real...
GUSTAVE LE BON Reason creates science; sentiments and creeds shape history
GUSTAVE LE BON الآراء التي لا ترتبط بأي عقيدة عامة ولا بأي عاطفة عرق و�...
GUSTAVE LE BON My style is definitely schizophrenic; it does change from day to day a lot. It depends on my mood: s...
AMBER LE BON I don't know where I see myself next month let alone five years. My whole life is last minute. I...
AMBER LE BON When Steven Spielberg thinks you're the one, then I'll do anything. If you want me to put a ...
CHARLOTTE LE BON I like to make people laugh. That's for sure. And I really like to humiliate myself and go very ...
CHARLOTTE LE BON A tip for looking 'picture perfect' is probably a smile. I think everyone looks better when ...
AMBER LE BON What is protecting me is that it is not a finality being an actress. I really think we tend to ideal...
CHARLOTTE LE BON I always accessorize with jewelry. I am a bit of a magpie; I love sparkles, and so wearing jewelry m...
AMBER LE BON After a foreign invasion, there has to be a sort of feeling of musical inadequacy in the country.
SIMON LE BON I feel sorry for the '90s, because it was never able to be anything much more than the hangover ...
SIMON LE BON Digital music boils down the actual musical experience.
SIMON LE BON There's no question that a vinyl record is a lot nicer than a CD. It's nicer to hold in your...
SIMON LE BON My kids love vinyl, I had to teach them how to put the needle on the records. Now they're worrie...
SIMON LE BON I succumbed to hedonism.
SIMON LE BON Throw out the rule book. If you like wearing navy and black together, wear it; if you like mixing up...
AMBER LE BON I didn't choose Paris. I like to think that the city chose me.
CHARLOTTE LE BON I'm vegetarian, so it's difficult for me to eat Tourtiere.
CHARLOTTE LE BON Food from Quebec is not known to be amazing. Actually, even though you can eat really, really well i...
CHARLOTTE LE BON Though good faith should be banished from the rest of the world,
it should be found in the mouths o...
JEAN II ("LE BON") All the songs we do are basically about one of three things: booze, sex or rock n roll.
BON SCOTT No matter how long you play rock n roll songs might change just as the balls are there, the rock bal...
BON SCOTT I've never had a message for anyone in my entire life. Except maybe to give out my room number.
BON SCOTT I've been on the road for fifteen years and I had no intent to stop.
BON SCOTT It keeps you fit - the alcohol, nasty women, sweat on stage, bad food - it's all very good for you.
BON SCOTT I'm a special drunkard... I drink too much.
BON SCOTT There is 20-30 chicks a day I can have the choice of. But I can't stand that. Mixed up.
BON SCOTT I was in a band called the valentines and they broke up last week.
BON SCOTT Im more in love with Rock n Roll today than other things. It grows, you know?
BON SCOTT Guys are OK... shake their hand... Women are special. You can hug 'em.
BON SCOTT What's helped has been giving myself time and taking care of myself and my health. That's been a pri...
BON GOLLERO I think I'm meant to be single. Relationships are very demanding. I guess it can work, but you have ...
BON GOLLERO I really think you need a year of grieving, overcoming the pain and putting things in proper perspec...
BON GOLLERO It's taken me a year to even want to get back into the game of dating, or even feel normal. I'm no l...
BON GOLLERO We knew (the Reapers) had to key on our running game because we have four powerful backs. That leave...
BON BEAN I'm taking it one game at a time. But our team goal is getting a ring, so in a way, I am (looking ah...
BON BEAN I got to get me one! I got to get me one!
BON BEAN He asked for that. Since the first one, he wasn't on me for that one, but after that one, they put h...
BON BEAN We're going all the way. It's a done deal. Put 'Gladiators' on the rings and set up the parade.
BON BEAN It got me excited and in the game. Then, there's no telling what can happen. It's all up in the air.
BON BEAN Sol is absolutely fine. I have been in continuous contact with him. He needed time and space to gath...
BON BATTU Sol is absolutely fine. I have been in continuous contact with him since Wednesday evening.
BON BATTU He has no personal problems whatsoever and will be back training next week.
BON BATTU Sol is absolutely fine. He needed time and space to gather his thoughts.
BON BATTU I'm a special drunkard... I drink too much.
BON SCOTT We've got a happy sexless marriage!
BON JOVI The detention has been extended for another 2 years from January 31. No reasons were given.
EDMUND BON We will know on February 23 if their detentions are being extended as well.
EDMUND BON Here he is not able to defend himself at all, so it is unfair for people to go around making stateme...
EDMUND BON You promised me Heaven...
And put me through Hell!
BON JOVI You can calculate the worth of a man by the number of his enemies, and the importance of a work of a...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT It is a delicious thing to write, to be no longer yourself but to move in an entire universe of your...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT The author should be in his work like God is in the universe--present everywhere and visible nowhere...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Doubt … is an illness that comes from knowledge and leads to madness.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Human speech is like a cracked kettle on which we tap crude rhythms for bears to dance to, while we ...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Everything measurable passes, everything that can be counted has an end. Only three things are infin...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT The more you approach infinity, the deeper you penetrate terror
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT There are two infinities that confuse me: the one in my soul devours me; the one around me will crus...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT An infinity of passion can be contained in one minute, like a crowd in a small space.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Charles's conversation was as flat as a sidewalk, and everyone's ideas filed along it in their ordin...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT When she had thus for a while struck the flint on her heart without getting a spark, incapable, more...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Be steady and well-ordered in your life so that you can be fierce and original in your work.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Do not read as children do to enjoy themselves, or, as the ambitious do to educate themselves. No, r...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT What baffled him was that there should be all this fuss about something so simple as love.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT To be stupid, and selfish, and to have good health are the three requirements for happiness; though ...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Language is a cracked kettle on which we beat out tunes for bears to dance to, while all the time we...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT All one's inventions are true, you can be sure of that. Poetry is as exact a science as geometry.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT A man is a critic when he cannot be an artist, in the same way that a man becomes an informer when h...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Nothing is more humiliating than to see idiots succeed in enterprises we have failed in.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Our ignorance of history causes us to slander our own times.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Read in order to live.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT One can be the master of what one does, but never of what one feels.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT The artist must be in his work as God is in creation, invisible and all-powerful; one must sense him...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT The most glorious moments in your life are not the so-called days of success, but rather those days ...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT There is no truth. There is only perception.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT I believe that if one always looked at the skies, one would end up with wings.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT By trying to understand everything, everything makes me dream
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Better to work for yourself alone. You do as you like and follow your own ideas, you admire yourself...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Read the sacred writings of all the peoples on Earth. Through all of them runs, like a red thread, t...
GUSTAVE MEYRINK The whole dream of democracy is to raise the proletarian to the level of stupidity attained by the b...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Stupidity is something unshakable; nothing attacks it without breaking itself against it; it is of t...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT One arrives at style only with atrocious effort, with fanatical and devoted stubbornness.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT One mustn't look at the abyss, because there is at the bottom an inexpressible charm which attra...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT I am dominated by one thing, an irresistible, burning attraction towards the abstract.
GUSTAVE MOREAU I love my work with a frenetic and perverse love, as an ascetic loves the hair shirt which scratches...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT The public wants work which flatters its illusions.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Do not read, as children do, to amuse yourself, or like the ambitious, for the purpose of instructio...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT I am not one who was born in the custody of wisdom; I am one who is fond of olden times and intense ...
GUSTAVE COURBET No one could have less faith in the absolute and definitive importance of the work created by man, b...
GUSTAVE MOREAU Of all lies, art is the least untrue.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT But the disparaging of those we love always alienates us from them to some extent. We must not touch...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT The deplorable mania of doubt exhausts me. I doubt about everything, even my doubts.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT The beautiful is in nature, and it is encountered under the most diverse forms of reality. Once it i...
GUSTAVE COURBET As a rule we disbelieve all the facts and theories for which we have no use.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT The more humanity advances, the more it is degraded.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Nothing is more humiliating than to see idiots succeed in enterprises we have failed it.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidit...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Be regular and orderly in your life like a bourgeois, so that you may be violent and original in you...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT ...exaggerated turns of speech conceal mediocre affections: as if the fulness of the soul might not ...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Our ignorance of history makes us libel our own times. People have always been like this.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT A child of my own! Oh, no, no, no! Let my flesh perish with me, and let me not transmit to anyone th...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT A thing derided is a thing dead; a laughing man is stronger than a suffering man.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Exuberance is better than taste.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT The better a work is, the more it attracts criticism; it is like the fleas who rush to jump on white...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT I have come to have the firm conviction that vanity is the basis of everything, and finally that wha...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Fine art is knowledge made visible.
GUSTAVE COURBET The most important thing in the world is to hold your soul aloft
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Love is a springtime plant that perfumes everything with its hope, even the ruins to which it clings...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT There is not a particle of life which does not bear poetry within it
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT What is beautiful is moral; that is all there is to it.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Happy are they who don't doubt themselves and whose pens fly across the page. I myself hesitate, I f...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT By dint of railing at idiots you run the risk of becoming idiotic yourself
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT You must not think that feeling is everything. . . . Art is nothing without form.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Exuberance is better than taste
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Books are made not like children but like pyramids and they're just as useless! And they stay in the...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT . . . human speech is like a cracked tin kettle, on which we hammer out tunes to make bears dance wh...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Judge the goodness of a book by the energy of the punches it has given you. . . I believe the greate...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT The artist ought no more to appear in his work than God in nature.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Nothing is more humiliating than to see idiots succeed in enterprises we have failed at
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT A man is a critic when he cannot be an artist, in the same way that a man becomes an informer when h...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Artists who seek perfection in everything are those who cannot attain it in anything.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Success is a result, not a goal
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT What an elder sees sitting; the young can't see standing.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Human speech is like a cracked cauldron on which we bang out tunes that make bears dance, when what ...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT You must write for yourself, above all. That is your only hope of creating something beautiful.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT One mustn't ask apple trees for oranges, France for sun, women for love, life for happiness.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT How you measure the performance of your managers directly affects the way they act.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Painting is an essentially concrete art and can only consist of the representation of real and exist...
GUSTAVE COURBET Earth has its boundaries, but human stupidity is limitless
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Everything one invents is true, you may be perfectly sure of that. Poetry is as precise as geometry.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT He seriously thought that there is less harm in killing a man than producing a child: in the first c...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT There are neither good nor bad subjects. From the point of view of pure Art, you could almost establ...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT I hope to live all my life for my art, without abandoning my principles one iota.
GUSTAVE COURBET Are the days of winter sunshine just as sad for you, too? When it is misty, in the evenings, and I a...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Here is true immorality: ignorance and stupidity; the devil is nothing but this. His name is Legion.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT I am irritated by my own writing. I am like a violinist whose ear is true, but whose fingers refuse ...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT One mustn't look at the abyss, because there is at the bottom an inexpressible charm which attracts ...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Painting is the representation of visible forms. The essence of realism is its negation of the ideal...
GUSTAVE COURBET Painting is the representation of visible forms. . . The essence of realism is its negation of the i...
GUSTAVE COURBET Madame Bovary is myself.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Is it not time to cry that the blind shall see, the deaf hear, the lame walk? But that which fanatic...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT (Egypt) is a great place for contrasts: splendid things gleam in the dust.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT To be simple is no small matter.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Sentences must stir in a book like leaves in a forest, each distinct from each despite their resembl...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT You need a high degree of corruption or a very big heart to love absolutely everything
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Writing is a dog’s life, but the only one worth living.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT It’s hard to communicate anything exactly and that’s why perfect relationships between people ar...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Había un no sé qué de vertiginoso que Emma sentía llegar hasta sí, como una emanación de aquel...
FLAUBERT GUSTAVE Before a Parisienne in lace, in the salon of some illustrious physician, a person of importance with...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Well," he said, "don't you know that there are souls forever in torment? They must have alternate dr...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT I tried to discover, in the rumor of forests and waves, words that other men could not hear, and I p...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT What wretched poverty of language! To compare stars to diamonds!
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT It is an excellent habit to look at things as so many symbols.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Abstraction can provide stumbling blocks for people of strange intelligence.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT I believe in the Supreme Being, in a Creator, whatever he may be. I care little who has placed us he...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Before her marriage she had thought that she had love within her grasp; but since the happiness whic...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT He was bored now when Emma suddenly began to sob on his breast; and his heart, like the people who c...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT [T]he truth is that fullness of soul can sometimes overflow in utter vapidity of language, for none ...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Doesn't it seem to you," asked Madame Bovary, "that the mind moves more freely in the presence of th...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT After the pain of this disappointment her heart once more stood empty, and the succession of identic...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT And she felt as though she had been there, on that bench, for an eternity. For an infinity of passio...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT La parole humaine est comme un chaudron fêlé où nous battons des mélodies à faire danser les ou...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT She loved the sea for its storms alone, cared for vegetation only when it grew here and there among ...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT She was the amoureuse of all the novels, the heroine of all the plays, the vague “she” of all th...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Of all the icy blasts that blow on love, a request for money is the most chilling.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Haven't you ever happened to come across in a book some vague notion that you've had, some obscure i...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT The denigration of those we love always detaches us from them in some degree. Never touch your idols...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT I'm absolutely removed from the world at such times...The hours go by without my knowing it. Sitting...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT She would have liked not to be alive, or to be always asleep.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT But, in her life, nothing was going to happen. Such was the will of God! The future was a dark corri...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT She was not happy--she never had been. Whence came this insufficiency in life--this instantaneous tu...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Everything, even herself, was now unbearable to her. She wished that, taking wing like a bird, she c...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Deep down, all the while, she was waiting for something to happen. Like a sailor in distress, she ke...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Love, she thought, must come suddenly, with great outbursts and lightnings,--a hurricane of the skie...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT You forget everything. The hours slip by. You travel in your chair through centuries you seem seem t...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT What better occupation, really, than to spend the evening at the fireside with a book, with the wind...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT She wanted to die, but she also wanted to live in Paris.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT At the bottom of her heart, however, she was waiting for something to happen. Like shipwrecked sailo...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT He had carefully avoided her out of the natural cowardice that characterizes the stronger sex.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT What an elder sees sitting; the young can't see standing.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT I go from exasperation to a state of collapse, then I recover and go from prostration to Fury, so th...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Anything becomes interesting if you look at it long enough.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT A los ídolos es mejor no tocarlos porque algo de la pintura dorada que los recubría se nos queda s...
FLAUBERT GUSTAVE Caught up in life, you see it badly. You suffer from it or enjoy it too much. The artist, in my opin...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Happiness is a monstrosity! Punished are those who seek it.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT The melancholy of the antique world seems to me more profound than that of the moderns, all of whom ...
FLAUBERT GUSTAVE She was as sated with him as he was tired of her. Emma had rediscovered in adultery all the banality...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT He had the vanity to believe men did not like him – while men simply did not know him.
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT How badly arranged the world is. What is the purpose of ugliness, suffering, sadness? Why our powerl...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT In the dark room a cloud of yellow dust flew from beneath the tool like a scatter of sparks from und...