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Lilly Lindner
Worte sind die blassen Schatten vergessener Namen. Und wie Namen Macht innewohnt, wohnt auch Worten ...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS Man muss die Originalität des eigenen Lebens infrage stellen wenn es sich mit den Zeilen eines Rock...
JONATHAN TROPPER [...] dass es völlig hirnrissig ist, etwas für andere Menschen zu tun, weil man selbst ein Mensch ...
JULI ZEH Siehst Du, Momo", sagte er, "es ist so: Manchmal hat man eine sehr lange Straße vor sich. Man denkt...
MICHAEL ENDE Der Wahnsinn ist nur die Kehrseite der Macht, beide Ungeheuer wurden erschaffen, um einander zu näh...
FAWZI MELLAH Am Anfang merkt man noch nicht viel davon. Man hat eines Tages keine Lust mehr irgendetwas zu tun. N...
MICHAEL ENDE Mit Worten über Worte sprechen zu wollen, das ist, als würde man versuchen, mit einem Bleistift eb...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS Es ist übrigens ganz leicht, alles kaputt zu machen, wenn man sich mit jemandem wohl fühlt. Man br...
FRéDéRIC BEIGBEDER Ich möchte wissen", sagte er vor sich hin, "was eigentlich in einem Buch los ist, solang es zu ist....
MICHAEL ENDE Natürlich dauerte es eine Weile, bis alles kompliziert genug wurde, um Gaswolken, Galaxien, Planete...
TERRY PRATCHETT Die meisten Lügen sind wahr und spinnen sich von ganz allein, kaum jemand kannte diese Wahrheit bes...
CHRISTOPH MARZI Das Bild vom Wirtschaftsgeschehen als einem Wettlauf oder Wettkampf ist in seinen Details etwas vers...
J.M. COETZEE Ich würde niemandem raten die Luft anzuhalten ... Abgesehen von der Filmfrage, denke...
RENE AUBERJONOIS Aber eins weiß ich mit Sicherheit: Dass wir das Leben führen, für das wir uns entscheiden. Dass w...
LILLY LINDNER Man kann jemanden nur dann als verrückt bezeichnen, wenn es jemand anderen gibt, der normal ist. Wi...
RICK YANCEY Einerseits überschätzen wir den Andern, andererseits unterschätzen wir ihn und wir überschätzen...
THOMAS BERNHARD Wenn ich nur ein Telephon habe, der Wald
wird sich finden! Ohne Telephon kann man nur
KARL KRAUS Aber die Liebe lässt einen genauer und immer genauer hinsehen. Man bemerkt den Handrücken, eine Dr...
ALLY CONDIE Wie es im Zeitalter der Könige naiv gewesen wäre zu glauben, dass der erstgeborene Königssohn der...
J.M. COETZEE Wie befreit man die Erde von den Menschen? Indem man die Menschen von ihrer Menschlichkeit befreit.
RICK YANCEY Der Mensch ist taub und blind gegen die Welt, aber er spürt es wie Rheuma, wenn ihn etwas am Schick...
JULI ZEH Die großartigste Fähigkeit des menschlichen Geistes ist vielleicht die, mit Schmerzen fertig zu we...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS Nun, wenn du siehst, wie etwas aus dem Meer kriecht und zu atmen versucht… Sag ihm, es sei die Mü...
TERRY PRATCHETT Irgendwo war mir ein Rest von Glauben an den freien Willen geblieben, aber an diesem Morgen war ich ...
ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER Ich selbst spiele nie Billard, [...],aber ich weiß, dass man den Ball hoch oder tief, rechts oder l...
ROBERT MUSIL Bei den Big Five geht es um die fünf Dinge, die man in seinem Leben tun, sehen oder erleben will, b...
JOHN STRELECKY Es gibt kein Vergangenes, daß man zurücksehnen dürfte, es gibt nur ein ewig Neues, daß sich aus ...
JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Nein, man spürt nichts. Es fehlt einem eben nur etwas. Und jeden Tag fehlt einem mehr, wenn man dav...
MICHAEL ENDE Aber sie halten es für eine Legende!'
'Weil sie es dafür halten wollen. Vielleicht würden si...
KAI MEYER Die Art, wie wir unser Leben verbringen, wie wir existieren, unsere Umgebung, das, was wir jeden Tag...
JOHN STRELECKY Reiten, reiten, reiten, durch den Tag,
durch die Nacht, durch den Tag.
Reiten, reiten, re...
RAINER MARIA RILKE Es ist oft kein geringes Zeichen von Humanität, einen Andern nicht beurteilen zu wollen und sich zu...
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE . Aber sie tatens. ER überlebte länger, aber beide hielten sich lange. Zwei der neuen SF Serien we...
STAR TREK (...) Achtet immer darauf, das Gleichgewicht zwischen Kopf und Herz zu wahren. (...)
COLLEEN HOOVER Jahrtausende lang haben die Menschen nicht herausgefunden, was es mit der Liebe auf sich hat. Wie vi...
STEPHENIE MEYER Die derzeitigen und früheren Bewohner von Nulle wussten, wie abgründige Trauer den Geist zerfrisst...
KATE MOSSE Ich habe immer gedacht, dass ich die seltsamste Person auf dieser Welt bin, aber später dachte ich,...
FRIDA KAHLO Man kann davon überzeugt sein, sich etwas zu wünschen - vielleicht jahrelang - solang man weiß, d...
MICHAEL ENDE Das gute Buch macht den Menschen einzigartig und befreit ihm aus der Menge. Es gibt ihm die Möglich...
DAVID GROSSMAN Auf dem allerersten Foto, das von mir geschossen wurde, liege ich auf der Säuglingsstation, eingewi...
RAZIEL REID Und ist es nicht ein wenig heuchlerisch jemanden „Ruhe in Frieden“ zu wünschen und dann die Bes...
LORENZO FRICK Ein Greenhorn schleppt der Reinlichkeit wegen einen Waschschwamm von der Größe eines Riesenkürbis...
KARL MAY Jahrtausende lang haben die Menschen nicht herausgefunden, was es mit der Liebe auf sich hat. Wie vi...
STEPHENIE MEYER Verstehst du, Frauen sind wie Feuer, wie Flammen. Manche Frauen sind wie Kerzen, hell und freundlich...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS Der Pragmatismus ersetzt uns alles, was früher die großen Ideen, die Ideologien und Religionen, de...
JULI ZEH Religion ist nichts anderes als die Lehre davon, wie man frei von Erkenntnis gehorcht [...].
JULI ZEH Könnte ich es sagen und lehren, so wäre ich ein Weiser. So aber bin ich nur ein Fährmann und mein...
HERMANN HESSE So sind die Dinge manchmal. Wenn alles am schlimmsten ist, dann wirft der Verstand alles in einen Pa...
RICHARD BACHMAN Jeder erzählt in seinem eigenen Kopf eine Geschichte über sich. Ununterbrochen. Die ganze Zeit. Un...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS Mädchen kriegen Titten und vergessen, wie klug und mutig sie einmal waren. Auch Jungen haben ihre e...
CHUCK PALAHNIUK Liebe ist schwer. Liebhaben von Mensch zu Mensch: das ist vielleicht das Schwerste, was uns aufgegeb...
RAINER MARIA RILKE Den Haag, das zu jener Zeit um die vierzigtausend Einwohner zählte, nennt Diderot das schönste Dor...
W.G. SEBALD Olaf hielt sich keineswegs für etwas Besonderes; seine Heavy-Metal-Kutte und die schwarzen T-Shirts...
JULI ZEH Solange wir Kinder sind, denken wir nur selten an die Zukunft. Diese Unschuld ermöglicht es uns, un...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS Ich bin gern erlöst von meinem Spiegelbild, von der Frage, wie ich aussehe. Auch ohne Spiegel weiß...
PAULINE DEBOK Die älteste Sprache, sagt man, sei das Indogermanische, Indo-europäische, das Sanskrit. Aber es is...
THOMAS MANN Im frühen Mittelalter, im Anschluss an die Kreuzzüge, entwickelte sich dann die deutsche Alraunsag...
HANNS HEINZ EWERS Und wenn ich mal heirate, dann muss mein Mann zwei Bedingungen erfüllen: Er muss Bücher und Kinder...
ASTRID LINDGREN In Begleitung von erlesenen Schmerzen.« Rincewind zögerte. Er war ziemlich sicher, die Bedeutung d...
TERRY PRATCHETT Unfaßbar das erste Tier, das von einem anderen träumte. Ungeheuerlich das erste Wirbeltier, dem es...
CARLOS FUENTES Das Ufer des Flusses und der vielen glitzernden Bächlein, die ihm auf allerlei Umwegen zuströmten,...
EDGAR ALLAN POE Aber glaubt mir, dass man Glück und Zuversicht selbst in Zeiten der Dunkelheit zu finden vermag. Ma...
J.K. ROWLING Wenn Leute uns ermutigen, unsere Träume zu verfolgen, dann warnt uns niemand davor, was passiert, w...
ADRIANA POPESCU Beschwichtigend hob Rafael die Arme. „Ganz ruhig. Was ist passiert?“
Erbost schüttelte Sel...
MARTINA RIEMER [D]ie spezielle Müdigkeit, die jeden befällt, der sich anhören muss, was gut und böse, richtig u...
JULI ZEH Denn wenn man an alle Völker der Erde die Aufforderung ergehen liesse, sich unter all den verschied...
HERODOTUS Die Welt ist voller Torheit, Dumpfheit, Inkonsequenz und Ungerechtigkeit. Es gehört viel Mut dazu, ...
JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Jeder von uns hat zweierlei Geist. Einen wachen Geist und einen schlafenden Geist. Unser wacher Geis...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS Die schwere Verwundung Gregors, an der er über einen Monat litt -- der
Apfel blieb, da ihn nie...
FRANZ KAFKA Sich mit diesem oder jenem zu identifizieren, ist also ein normaler Vorgang. Gefährlich wird es, so...
NAVID KERMANI Ich erinnere mich noch an Ihre Worte: „Die Welt ist ein Schlachthaus und ein Bordell.“ Damals sc...
ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER Kinder machen sich Phantasievorstellungen von ihren Vätern, formen sie sich nach ihren kindlichen B...
SALMAN RUSHDIE Ein Traum ist nichts anderes, als eine mögliche Wirklichkeit, die nur darauf wartet, stattzufinden....
JOHN STRELECKY Über des Propheten Gebein ist jedes Staubkorn
ein Pfeiler von Licht,
Aufrecht von der Ku...
AL-FAITURI Es sind tausend Tropfen
in einer Welt
nur für uns gemacht
Tausend Tropfen
NINA HRUSA Mit deinen Augen, welche müde kaum
von der verbrauchten Schwelle sich befrein,
hebst du g...
RAINER MARIA RILKE Lucas beobachtete, wie Helen aus dem Haus rannte und in Claires Wagen sprang. Sie sah erschöpft und...
Das verschlug mir für einen Moment die Sprache, ich hatte nicht gedacht, dass es so schlim...
MARTINA RIEMER Ich für meinen Teil denke während einer Verfolgungsjagd gern nach. Keiner stört einen, man ist al...
JONATHAN STROUD Dafür dass wir, wie auch die Tiere, von den Pflanzen leben, ja ohne sie nicht einmal atmen könnten...
ERNST JüNGER einige gitarren, ein klavier, mikrophone von der decke, kleine schaumstoffpyramiden an den wänden. ...
DAVID RAMIRER Die Gesamtheit dieser Produktionsverhältnisse bildet die ökonomische Struktur der Gesellschaft, di...
KARL MARX Wenn du mich küsst, Gwendolyn Shepherd, dann ist das so, als würde ich den Kontakt zum Boden verli...
KERSTIN GIER Einige Leute« – der kleine Mann blickte skeptisch auf die vorbeiströmende Basismaterie – »ins...
TERRY PRATCHETT Aber man lebt nicht ewig in einem Alptraum. Der Mensch hat die Fähigkeit, selbst in den abnormalste...
NATASCHA KAMPUSCH auf einem spielplatz im park hat sich ein junges paar auf zwei schaukeln gesetzt und führt ein lang...
DAVID RAMIRER Wahnsinn ist, wenn man nicht mehr die Nähte sehen kann, mit denen die Welt zusammengenäht ist.
RICHARD BACHMAN Das Amt für Desinformation pflegt nur bei schwersten Zusammenstößen von Magierwelt und Muggeln t�...
NEWT SCAMANDER Sie kannst du vielleicht täuschen, aber mich nicht."
Er sah mich von der Seite an. Offenbar h...
SAMANTHA YOUNG Geschichten, das wusste Jude, waren wertvoll, denn sie halfen einem, die Welt zu verstehen. Sie lenk...
CHRISTOPH MARZI Seit wir den Glauben und damit die Wahrheit verloren haben, liegt zwischen Heuchelei und Ehrlichkeit...
JULI ZEH Es gibt immer einen Punkt dabei, wo man nicht mehr weiß, ob man lügt oder ob das, was man erfunden...
ROBERT MUSIL Anders als die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika haben sich die meisten europäischen Nationalstaaten ...
NAVID KERMANI Ich habe gelernt, dass es auch Gutes auf der Welt gibt, wenn man genau hinschaut und danach sucht. I...
JENNIFER NIVEN Wer niemals ganze Nachmittage lang mit glühenden Ohren und verstrubbeltem Haar über einem Buch sa�...
MICHAEL ENDE Firnis lächelte gütig. "Bücher sind lebendige Wesen", sagte er, "und wenn man ganz in sie eintauc...
CHRISTOPH MARZI Diese jungen Menschen hatten keine Wünsche, keine Überzeugungen, geschweige denn Ideale, sie streb...
JULI ZEH Wenn du wissen willst, wie ein Mensch ist, dann sieh dir genau an, wie er seine Untergebenen behande...
J.K. ROWLING Wir haben alle Angst. Angst zu verlieren, verlassen zu werden und wieder alleine zu sein. Trotzdem m...
MARTINA RIEMER Wenn du es zulässt, tendiert deine Vergangenheit dazu, dir die Zukunft zu diktieren.
More Lilly Lindner
Es ist so laut, seit die Stille tot ist.
LILLY LINDNER Du weißt nicht, wie sich Stille anfühlt.
Bis sie dich anbrüllt.
LILLY LINDNER Aber eins weiß ich mit Sicherheit: Dass wir das Leben führen, für das wir uns entscheiden. Dass w...
LILLY LINDNER Authority has every reason to fear the skeptic, for authority can rarely survive in the face of doub...
ROBERT LINDNER Conformity, humility, acceptance... with these coins we are to pay our fares to paradise.
ROBERT LINDNER It is a characteristic of all movements and crusades that the psychopathic element rises to the top.
ROBERT LINDNER It is characteristic of all movements and crusades that the psychopathic element rises to the top.
ROBERT LINDNER What a person wills and not what they know determines their worth or unworth, power or impotence, ha...
ROBERT LINDNER Authority has every reason to fear the skeptic, for authority can rarely survive in the face of doub...
ROBERT LINDNER We are not going to block our customers from accessing any legal or legitimate sites or accessing an...
RICHARD LINDNER For us to get (shrimp), we have to contract a boat, so we?re paying more just to get it in our store...
BEN LINDNER It is a characteristic of all movements and crusades that the psychopathic element rises to the top
ROBERT LINDNER We cashed in to work with our hobbies.
DEE LINDNER She had to have playmates.
DEE LINDNER Twenty-five thousand of the neediest students don't receive state aid. What we would like to see is ...
DIANE LINDNER I think it's a variety of issues that need to be fixed, one is the way we look at financial aid.
DIANE LINDNER Because we think financial aid is an important component for low income students that might not othe...
DIANE LINDNER Sock monkey dolls make everyone smile.
DEE LINDNER It was probably startled and it just leaped in the wrong direction once it heard the vehicle coming....
GARRY LINDNER It was tough. All I could do was try to find the open player and get open shots. That all we could a...
JODI LINDNER We couldn't get it done.
JODI LINDNER Last week's game was a huge confidence booster and now we know we can do it.
JODI LINDNER If I have a mismatch, I'll take it if somebody covers me and try to take it to the hole, otherwise I...
JODI LINDNER (The loss to Mosinee) made us work hard and made us realize that we had to play a lot harder and wor...
JODI LINDNER I’m serious. He’s beginning to understand.… When a person really loves something… or someone...
APRIL LINDNER Even non-HDTV viewers will get a better image. And our new set is beautiful -- very modern yet mindf...
TOM LINDNER Even if you're unhappy, just pretend that you're happy. Eventually, your smile will be conta...
EVANGELINE LILLY Every other 16-year-old girl wanted to look at bridal magazines; I could not have been more bored wi...
EVANGELINE LILLY I'm good at looking good with weapons and stunts. But if you put a bull's eye in front of me...
EVANGELINE LILLY I designed collections around whatever struck my fancy... fruits, vegetables, politics, or peacocks!...
LILLY PULITZER When I used to live in Toronto, I would always be the busiest person out of all my friends... no one...
LILLY SINGH I'm from Canada, and New Zealand feels like you took all the best bits of Canada and squished th...
EVANGELINE LILLY Unwavering incremental change can create remarkable and monumental results.
RYAN LILLY Ambition has one heel nailed in well, though she stretch her fingers to touch the heavens.
WILLIAM LILLY In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true either is true or becomes true.
JOHN LILLY I'm allergic to Hawaii. Everything there makes me react in some way.
EVANGELINE LILLY I am a classy dame.
EVANGELINE LILLY Every woman is after a kind of classy image.
EVANGELINE LILLY Growing up, I was always creatively inclined, and when YouTube came about, it was like getting the p...
LILLY SINGH A big part of depression is feeling really lonely, even if you're in a room full of a million pe...
LILLY SINGH If you can't sit in a cafe quietly and be ignored, how can you observe human nature and write a ...
EVANGELINE LILLY My creative process is a bit manic at times, to be honest. I wake up Monday and Thursday stressed be...
LILLY SINGH Love who you are, embrace who you are. Love yourself. When you love yourself, people can kind of pic...
LILLY SINGH Happiness is the only thing worth fighting for in your life.
LILLY SINGH No matter what I put out, somebody will be offended. I made a video on 10 reasons to smile, and it h...
LILLY SINGH I always say that when I first started, my videos were very veered towards Indian people.
LILLY SINGH I am pretty weird - as weird as in my videos. The only difference is Lilly is not a performer, and S...
LILLY SINGH Everyone can relate to the story of fighting for happiness.
LILLY SINGH I've had fans do some pretty awesome things... I once had a fan do a mock proposal for me in Mum...
LILLY SINGH There is no casting director; there is no producer monitoring your upload button. Anyone that looks ...
LILLY SINGH Every day, something new gets thrown at me, and I'm like, 'How did this happen?' I'v...
LILLY SINGH I'm like, 'I think I'm just going to wear what makes me happy,' so I'm just real...
LILLY SINGH I recently caught myself giving a pretty girl the cold shoulder because I felt intimidated. She was ...
LILLY SINGH It's everyone's responsibility to build up other women rather than tear them down. Be self-a...
LILLY SINGH I think what people like about my channel is that I am not perfect. I always point to my pimple, my ...
LILLY SINGH I'm the type of person who doesn't hope, dream or wish for things. I work and work and work.
LILLY SINGH 'Unicorn Island' is the synonym for my happy place. It's a really beautiful message: tha...
LILLY SINGH There's no escalators - there's only staircases to success. There is no substitute for hard ...
LILLY SINGH It's really important to talk to yourself and look at yourself in the mirror and love who you ar...
LILLY SINGH I'm my own boss, my own editor, my own shooter, my own writer, everything. This is all stuff I l...
LILLY SINGH My inspiration comes from my real life experiences.
LILLY SINGH In my life I've gone through a lot of really hard times. I went through depression and had so ma...
LILLY SINGH You need a really solid foundation of friends and family to keep you where you need to be.
LILLY SINGH Believe me, there is nothing more rewarding than making Peter Jackson chuckle.
EVANGELINE LILLY Because women still earn just 77 cents for every dollar men make. Those pennies add up to real money...
LILLY LEDBETTER It is a very frustrating thing to be the face of a creative project and yet essentially have zero cr...
EVANGELINE LILLY Life is a web of intersections and choices. Your 1st choice is to recognize an intersection. Your 2n...
RYAN LILLY 'Cloud Atlas' is for everybody. The main character in the movie is humanity.
LILLY WACHOWSKI I've been astounded to discover how good to their teams and crew that Marvel are. They're so...
EVANGELINE LILLY Life is designed to knock you down. It will knock you down time and time again, but it doesn't m...
LILLY SINGH I hated being a flight attendant. I did it for a month and then quit.
EVANGELINE LILLY My favorite parts about 'The Battle of Five Armies' were the moments where you could clearly...
EVANGELINE LILLY I am not looking for a relationship right now. I have no interest in putting my time or effort into ...
LILLY SINGH I'm very proud of being a woman, and as a woman, I don't even like the word 'feminism...
EVANGELINE LILLY If people suspect their Cattle Bewitched, if they be great Cattle, make the twelfth house their asce...
WILLIAM LILLY Being happy never goes out of style.
LILLY PULITZER I think one of the most beautiful things about YouTube is that it makes the world a smaller place. Y...
LILLY SINGH Glamour is what makes a man ask for your telephone number. But it also is what makes a woman ask for...
LILLY DACHE I'm the kind of person who, if I were living in another time, if I had to pick any time, I would...
EVANGELINE LILLY I do feel like I'm at ease in my own skin when I find an androgynous balance.
EVANGELINE LILLY The hardest guy ever to contain was Fran Tarkenton. He was like a rabbit.
BOB LILLY Today, free agency takes away a lot of your heroes, they go somewhere else. Some of them don't but a...
BOB LILLY Our Super Bowl VI that we won was the biggest game because it took a lot of pressure off. It was eno...
BOB LILLY My hero when I was a boy was Sammy Baugh, who was in the pros already, but he came from a little tow...
BOB LILLY Some of the money going to the rookies can now be spent on people who have proved their worth. After...
BOB LILLY The game when we started the flex was 60 percent run, 40 percent pass. Today's game-although I do se...
BOB LILLY There's a half-inch metal plate behind that pad, and he hit that pad with his middle knuckle and bro...
BOB LILLY I think Jim Taylor was very underrated, never hear much about him. We played Green Bay every year in...
BOB LILLY We started playing the Baltimore Colts early, and I was still very impressed with Johnny Unitas, who...
BOB LILLY He was a rare one: only 5 feet 7 inches tall, a lawyer and a combat veteran of the Korean War as a M...
BOB LILLY I used to cry myself to sleep wishing I was ugly because of the way men leered at and disrespected m...
EVANGELINE LILLY In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true
either is true or becomes true.
JOHN LILLY When I act, I come away drained. When I write, I come away energized.
EVANGELINE LILLY I don't like my whole life dragged out. I don't want anyone to know about me, because I don&...
LILLY PULITZER I'm a bit delusional, but every time I do a job, I think I'm retired.
EVANGELINE LILLY After that his Majesty was beheaded, the Parliament for some years effected nothing either for the p...
WILLIAM LILLY I have battled clinical depression and have come out of the other side. I've been free of it for...
EVANGELINE LILLY For anyone aspiring to be anything, I would like them to realise dreams require work. So work big ti...
LILLY SINGH 'Why are we here?' 'What is our purpose? 'Is there an afterlife?' 'Is there ...
EVANGELINE LILLY You have a character who is wearing a scarf on her head on a billboard in LA, New York, Sydney and M...
LILLY SINGH When I was a little girl, I dreamed of being an elf.
EVANGELINE LILLY We sought justice because equal pay for equal work is an American value. That fight took me ten year...
LILLY LEDBETTER I am an opportunist. When opportunities come, and I see them serving my grander goals in life, I tak...
EVANGELINE LILLY To put it simply - you know, a lot of people believe that the benefit of this job is fame and fortun...
EVANGELINE LILLY I was a good student, I was good at soccer, I was vice president of the student council, I was a pre...
EVANGELINE LILLY We thought we'd write a good script for women, giving them the fun roles that generally men get.
LILLY WACHOWSKI I think that being isolated from the Hollywood world of premieres and red carpet events was probably...
EVANGELINE LILLY Today, free agency takes away a lot of your heroes, they go somewhere else. Some of them don't b...
BOB LILLY I've not worked with Martin Freeman. I've hung out with him, but I've not worked with hi...
EVANGELINE LILLY Diets are a fool's errand.
EVANGELINE LILLY I consider acting a day job - it's not my dream; it's not my be-all, end-all.
EVANGELINE LILLY A hammer made of deadlines is the surest tool for crushing writer's block.
RYAN LILLY I think I'm not always what I seem. Most people, when they get to know me, say, 'You know, w...
EVANGELINE LILLY For a human audience, seeing things that are slightly more otherworldly and beyond human power is al...
EVANGELINE LILLY I lived in grass huts in a jungle in the Philippines for three weeks with tribal people.
EVANGELINE LILLY I swear Kim Kardashian's first marriage lasted longer than some of my iPhone chargers.
LILLY SINGH Your mind and soul are the kings of your physique way more than any exercise you do.
EVANGELINE LILLY I would love to pretend I don't diet, but I work very hard. I stay active and eat very healthy. ...
EVANGELINE LILLY The choice to make good choices is the best choice you can choose. Fail to make that choice and on m...
RYAN LILLY Ambition has one heel nailed in well, though she stretch her fingers to touch the heaven.
WILLIAM LILLY I was finally able to get the curve ball over for strikes, ... I wasn't able to do that my last two ...
TED LILLY The people on my mum's side of the family are atheist intellectuals who are ueber-proper. My dad...
EVANGELINE LILLY I'm a bit of a pick-pocket on-set. If something is small enough to go in my pocket, and it will ...
EVANGELINE LILLY After about five hours of pushing, my midwife and my birthing assistant said, 'You know, we have...
EVANGELINE LILLY A professional headshot in front of a bookshelf says you're an intellectual. A professional headshot...
RYAN LILLY Of my infancy I can speak little, only I do remember that in the fourth year of my age I had the mea...
WILLIAM LILLY I've never written a quote I feel would be suitable for my gravestone. Wouldn't it be ironic if it w...
RYAN LILLY I get this buzz every time I'm quoted online. The ego high... yes... but also a Google Alert.
RYAN LILLY To make a long story short, there's nothing like having a boss walk in.
DORIS LILLY I'm friends with a guy who is friends with a former Playboy model. So I guess you could say I'm 1 de...
RYAN LILLY After a long day at work, I want someone to come home, turn on my video and think, 'Oh my God, h...
LILLY SINGH Men who wear turtlenecks look like turtles.
DORIS LILLY He demolished people . . . . You either loved him or you hated him, but there was no one remotely li...
DORIS LILLY Millionaires are marrying their secretaries because they are so busy making money they haven't time ...
DORIS LILLY To make a long story short, there's nothing like having a boss walk in.
DORIS LILLY I'm a very stubborn woman and I'm from a very stubborn family of headstrong women. I have si...
EVANGELINE LILLY Seeing Michelle Obama's bright color choices, and how she made people smile and reinforced Obama...
LILLY PULITZER That's what happens in Hollywood. People are like, 'I want to hate you, because everyone els...
EVANGELINE LILLY Ambition has one heel nailed in well, though she stretch her fingers to touch the heavens.
WILLIAM LILLY I was a massive Tolkien fan. 'The Hobbit' was... my favorite book as a little girl, and the ...
EVANGELINE LILLY Some of the temporary workers walked off the job yesterday, while the majority did not. We determine...
DAVID LILLY I want to get ready for Friday or Saturday, Saturday would be optimum. But it's more important to me...
TED LILLY I believe God rules all by his divine providence and that the stars by his permission are instrument...
WILLIAM LILLY I am a believer that color affects people's moods.
LILLY PULITZER Entrepreneurs pay the price of a road less traveled, while everyone else takes the freeway and perpe...
RYAN LILLY I would say that as a lineman, I patterned myself after Gino Marchetti.
BOB LILLY I think when you are the parents of a gifted athlete, the best thing in the world you can do is to e...
BOB LILLY I attribute my entire football career, as far as getting me started, getting me interested, keeping ...
BOB LILLY Social media is not just a spoke on the wheel of marketing. It's becoming the way entire bicycles ar...
RYAN LILLY God, you're so sweet.” He holds my face in his hands and kisses me deeply. I slowly unzip his hood...
LILLY AVALON Get off the treadmill of consumption, replication, and mediocrity. Begin lifting the weights of crea...
RYAN LILLY Gamblers take blind risks. Entrepreneurs take risks while visually impaired and feel their way up an...
RYAN LILLY Quotes are echos of voices transporting wisdom, humor, and love. Returning again to the human condit...
RYAN LILLY A quote is a story, suspended in a sentence and treasured through time.
RYAN LILLY Yesterday is a pile of rubble. Today is a pile of opportunity. Life takes a new dump each morning
RYAN LILLY The only way we can be effective as a government is when we receive input from residents.
BILL LILLY In Europe, biathlon is the No. 1 televised Olympic sport. The key is getting some TV exposure in the...
BILL LILLY Over a period of time it was recommended that Pineland would be the optimal location for us, so we w...
BILL LILLY 0-10 didn't seem too significant at that point. You know people that knew someone (in the mines), so...
BILL LILLY (Coughlin) had about six things going at one time. He was up (in the church) involved heavily, and h...
BILL LILLY The skiing is right there. It's country-ish, but that's biathlon and that's Maine.
BILL LILLY Make something people want and sell that, or be someone people need and sell you.
RYAN LILLY The best cure for a stick up your butt is a dog to play fetch with.
RYAN LILLY Contributors and distributors tend to do better at personal branding than takers and fakers.
RYAN LILLY Everyone breathing is broken. Keep breathing light into them until the stained glass collage takes y...
RYAN LILLY Legacy accounting: Will you have been an asset or a liability on the world's balance sheet?
RYAN LILLY You can’t force creatives into a box. If you try, they’ll no longer be creative. And no one will...
RYAN LILLY The irony of sensory deprivation tanks is that in order to think outside the box, you must first go ...
RYAN LILLY You can't force creatives into a box. If you try, they'll no longer be creative. And no one will wan...
RYAN LILLY A personal brand should not be elevated if there is nothing underneath the label.
RYAN LILLY Proformas rarely perform; missed projections are more often the norm. Still, we skew them up high, w...
RYAN LILLY The smell of new office supplies is so satisfying while being kicked out of Staples for inappropriat...
RYAN LILLY I don't like the idea of playing a one-dimensional character who is just fearless, strong, and k...
EVANGELINE LILLY Growing a culture requires a good storyteller. Changing a culture requires a persuasive editor.
RYAN LILLY A life spent at the edge of the pier is a life full of regret, a life full of fear.
RYAN LILLY Business ideas are like those flying dragons in Avatar. First you have to find one, let it choose yo...
RYAN LILLY I think women in Hollywood who don't do Botox and plastic surgery are revered. I revere them... ...
EVANGELINE LILLY I enjoy self-publishing & sending publishers rejection letters. They're like, 'Who is this guy?'...
RYAN LILLY A creative project is a moving target. You never end up where you start.
EVANGELINE LILLY I'm actually not making fun of my real parents. I've taken stereotypical traits of my real p...
LILLY SINGH Every day is full of opportunities, but an opportunity is full of only so many days.
RYAN LILLY Rebels revel in rewriting reality's restrictions.
RYAN LILLY One of the things that I miss about Canada is that even the strangers, you have an immediate rapport...
EVANGELINE LILLY In your 20s you can be pretty, but you don't accomplish real beauty until you find wisdom and de...
EVANGELINE LILLY Despite the forecast, live like it's spring.
LILLY PULITZER Some of you may know my story: How for nineteen years, I worked as a manager for a tire plant in Ala...
LILLY LEDBETTER I like to describe my stuff as observational comedy.
LILLY SINGH When I got old enough to date, I realized that Valentine's Day is just a commercial marketing sc...
EVANGELINE LILLY I'm very picky when it comes to men. I come across a man who I'm really attracted to about o...
EVANGELINE LILLY Wal-Mart is here and we're going to make sure that everyone is moving in the right direction.
CAMILLE LILLY Wal-Mart is a neighbor that's going to join other businesses already here.
CAMILLE LILLY She was probably more than likely in a private room, being cared for by our nursing staff and our me...
CAMILLE LILLY We are not creators; only combiners of the created. Invention isn't about new ingredients, but new r...
RYAN LILLY Wonder Woman was my favorite superhero as a little girl. I still have a huge girl crush on Wonder Wo...
EVANGELINE LILLY You are not any different. You can do anything you want. So many times, I've been asked what I t...
LILLY SINGH We believe the constant repetition of those images simply builds up any tension that might arise thi...
DICK LILLY He's in good spirits. He's watching the Mariners' game with an ice pack over one eye.
DICK LILLY The mayor was knocked down, but he never lost consciousness.
DICK LILLY I'd still like better results than there were (yesterday) but the main thing is we hung on and we wo...
TED LILLY Every year, they're going to have a pretty potent lineup. And I think I ran into them on a lot of da...