Unfaßbar das erste Tier, das von einem anderen träumte. Ungeheuerlich das erste Wirbeltier, dem es gelang, sich auf zwei Füße zu stellen und so Schrecken zu verbreiten unter den normalen Wesen, die noch in froher Erdnähe im Urschlamm krochen.
Carlos Fuentes
Related Im frühen Mittelalter, im Anschluss an die Kreuzzüge, entwickelte sich dann die deutsche Alraunsag... HANNS HEINZ EWERS Eine Eigenschaft war etwas, auf das man mit dem Finger zeigen konnte, wenn man sich selber meinte. [... JULI ZEH Das Bild vom Wirtschaftsgeschehen als einem Wettlauf oder Wettkampf ist in seinen Details etwas vers... J.M. COETZEE Den Haag, das zu jener Zeit um die vierzigtausend Einwohner zählte, nennt Diderot das schönste Dor... W.G. SEBALD Erlaube," fuhr Meister Abraham fort, "erlaube, mein Johannes, mit dem Just magst du mich kaum vergle... E.T.A. HOFFMANN Natürlich dauerte es eine Weile, bis alles kompliziert genug wurde, um Gaswolken, Galaxien, Planete... TERRY PRATCHETT Die großartigste Fähigkeit des menschlichen Geistes ist vielleicht die, mit Schmerzen fertig zu we... PATRICK ROTHFUSS Mit Worten über Worte sprechen zu wollen, das ist, als würde man versuchen, mit einem Bleistift eb... PATRICK ROTHFUSS Da kam noch einmal – ein einziges Mal – durch das Schweigen der Nacht das süße Seufzen wieder ... EDGAR ALLAN POE Wenn von zwei ausschließlichen Varianten eine die Katastrophe, die andere das Warten auf die Katast... JULI ZEH Geschichten, das wusste Jude, waren wertvoll, denn sie halfen einem, die Welt zu verstehen. Sie lenk... CHRISTOPH MARZI Liebe ist schwer. Liebhaben von Mensch zu Mensch: das ist vielleicht das Schwerste, was uns aufgegeb... RAINER MARIA RILKE Ich möchte wissen", sagte er vor sich hin, "was eigentlich in einem Buch los ist, solang es zu ist.... MICHAEL ENDE Irgendwo war mir ein Rest von Glauben an den freien Willen geblieben, aber an diesem Morgen war ich ... ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER einige gitarren, ein klavier, mikrophone von der decke, kleine schaumstoffpyramiden an den wänden. ... DAVID RAMIRER Das Ufer des Flusses und der vielen glitzernden Bächlein, die ihm auf allerlei Umwegen zuströmten,... EDGAR ALLAN POE Am Anfang merkt man noch nicht viel davon. Man hat eines Tages keine Lust mehr irgendetwas zu tun. N... MICHAEL ENDE Anders als die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika haben sich die meisten europäischen Nationalstaaten ... NAVID KERMANI Die schwere Verwundung Gregors, an der er über einen Monat litt -- der Apfel blieb, da ihn nie... FRANZ KAFKA Das Amt für Desinformation pflegt nur bei schwersten Zusammenstößen von Magierwelt und Muggeln t�... NEWT SCAMANDER Er entschied, noch einmal die Wahrheit zu sagen. Es war eine völlig neue Taktik für ihn, und viell... TERRY PRATCHETT auf einem spielplatz im park hat sich ein junges paar auf zwei schaukeln gesetzt und führt ein lang... DAVID RAMIRER Das gute Buch macht den Menschen einzigartig und befreit ihm aus der Menge. Es gibt ihm die Möglich... DAVID GROSSMAN Die älteste Sprache, sagt man, sei das Indogermanische, Indo-europäische, das Sanskrit. Aber es is... THOMAS MANN Es gefiel ihm nicht, daß ER zurück und auch noch zornig war. Wenn irgend etwas, das Großbuchstabe... TERRY PRATCHETT Siehst Du, Momo", sagte er, "es ist so: Manchmal hat man eine sehr lange Straße vor sich. Man denkt... MICHAEL ENDE Erinnern, das heißt, eines Geschehens so ehrlich und rein zu gedenken, daß es zu einem Teil des ei... RICHARD VON WEIZSäCKER Das Meer war ein lebendiges Wesen, so unberechenbar wie ein großer Theaterschauspieler: es konnte r... CECELIA AHERN Der Autor muß eine Fülle von Varitionen über das ausgewählte Thema bieten, die Entscheidungsmög... CARLOS FUENTES Es war falsch zu lauschen, das war mir klar, doch irgendwie war es so schön kindisch, was mir ein B... MARTINA RIEMER Reiten, reiten, reiten, durch den Tag, durch die Nacht, durch den Tag. Reiten, reiten, re... RAINER MARIA RILKE Auch, wenn ihre Nachbarn litten - solange das Leid nicht bei ihnen selbst Einkehr hielt, zogen sie e... MARC LEVY Die Welt ist voller Torheit, Dumpfheit, Inkonsequenz und Ungerechtigkeit. Es gehört viel Mut dazu, ... JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Ich würde niemandem raten die Luft anzuhalten ... Abgesehen von der Filmfrage, denke... RENE AUBERJONOIS Der Pragmatismus ersetzt uns alles, was früher die großen Ideen, die Ideologien und Religionen, de... JULI ZEH Die Gesamtheit dieser Produktionsverhältnisse bildet die ökonomische Struktur der Gesellschaft, di... KARL MARX Wer niemals ganze Nachmittage lang mit glühenden Ohren und verstrubbeltem Haar über einem Buch sa�... MICHAEL ENDE Das pädagogische Bedenken: „Darf man Kinder mit dem Hokuspokus afrikanischer Zauberer und böser ... WALTER MEHRING Das Blau in seinem Blick multiplizierte und intensivierte sich, während er sich weiter zu mir vorle... SIMONA DOBRESCU Lucas beobachtete, wie Helen aus dem Haus rannte und in Claires Wagen sprang. Sie sah erschöpft und... JOSEPHINE ANGELINI Das Leben geht weiter. Manchmal fragte ich mich, ob diese Tatsache nicht das Grausamste an unse... MAX RHODE Auf dem allerersten Foto, das von mir geschossen wurde, liege ich auf der Säuglingsstation, eingewi... RAZIEL REID … Das verschlug mir für einen Moment die Sprache, ich hatte nicht gedacht, dass es so schlim... MARTINA RIEMER [...] dass es völlig hirnrissig ist, etwas für andere Menschen zu tun, weil man selbst ein Mensch ... JULI ZEH Al Qaida tötete im gesamten Westen, in Amerika und Europa, in den letzten 14 Jahren über 3300 Mens... JüRGEN TODENHöFER Wenn du mich küsst, Gwendolyn Shepherd, dann ist das so, als würde ich den Kontakt zum Boden verli... KERSTIN GIER Das Leben war schwierig geworden, es gab nichts Großes, an das man glauben, keine Pflichten, die ma... JULI ZEH Dabei waren doch gerade Bücher eins der kostbarsten Geschenke auf Erden. Kunstvoll aneinandergereih... CARINA BARTSCH Rätselhafterweise ist Schriftsteller trotzdem der schönste Beruf der Welt. Mehr als das. Schriftst... JULI ZEH Aber man lebt nicht ewig in einem Alptraum. Der Mensch hat die Fähigkeit, selbst in den abnormalste... NATASCHA KAMPUSCH (...) Achtet immer darauf, das Gleichgewicht zwischen Kopf und Herz zu wahren. (...) Alw... COLLEEN HOOVER Ein Greenhorn schleppt der Reinlichkeit wegen einen Waschschwamm von der Größe eines Riesenkürbis... KARL MAY Aber sie halten es für eine Legende!' 'Weil sie es dafür halten wollen. Vielleicht würden si... KAI MEYER Geschichten sind die Essenz des Lebens, Apolonia", sagte er, so ernst wie immer, und sie hatte das G... JENNY-MAI NUYEN Über des Propheten Gebein ist jedes Staubkorn ein Pfeiler von Licht, Aufrecht von der Ku... AL-FAITURI Geschichten sind unser Gedächtnis, Bibliotheken die Lagerstätten für dieses Gedächtnis und Lesen... ALBERTO MANGUEL Der Wahnsinn ist nur die Kehrseite der Macht, beide Ungeheuer wurden erschaffen, um einander zu näh... FAWZI MELLAH Einerseits überschätzen wir den Andern, andererseits unterschätzen wir ihn und wir überschätzen... THOMAS BERNHARD Es ist oft kein geringes Zeichen von Humanität, einen Andern nicht beurteilen zu wollen und sich zu... FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Aber eins weiß ich mit Sicherheit: Dass wir das Leben führen, für das wir uns entscheiden. Dass w... LILLY LINDNER Jeder von uns hat zweierlei Geist. Einen wachen Geist und einen schlafenden Geist. Unser wacher Geis... PATRICK ROTHFUSS Ein Teil von jener Kraft, die stets das Böse will und stets das Gute schafft. -Goethe- JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE [D]as Denken an sich gilt nicht mehr als Tugend, sondern als Zeitverschwendung. Es wird von speziali... JULI ZEH Das wahre Wunder, das ist nicht das Leben. Das Leben gibt es überall, es wimmelt nur so davon. Das ... GILLES LEGARDINIER Mit deinen Augen, welche müde kaum von der verbrauchten Schwelle sich befrein, hebst du g... RAINER MARIA RILKE Es ist für das Franchise sicher das Ende einer Ära ... Es ist das Ende der Ära von Rick Berman , ... DOMINIC KEATING Es ist für das Franchise sicher das Ende einer Ära ... Es ist das Ende der Ära von Rick Berman , ... DOMINIC KEATING Solange wir Kinder sind, denken wir nur selten an die Zukunft. Diese Unschuld ermöglicht es uns, un... PATRICK ROTHFUSS Es ist ein Unterschied, ob wir wissen das anderen Menschen Darsteller in unserem Leben sind, oder ob... JOHN STRELECKY Neue Bücher rochen nach Druckerschwärze, nach Leim, nach Erwartungen. Alte Bücher dufteten nach A... KAI MEYER Wenn Leute uns ermutigen, unsere Träume zu verfolgen, dann warnt uns niemand davor, was passiert, w... ADRIANA POPESCU In der Fabrik hing oben am Giebel, der am höchsten in den Himmel und am tiefsten in den Hof schaute... HERTA MüLLER Zwischen den Zeilen liest man nur, wenn man weiß, wie es ist, umgeben von Worten und Worten die eig... LILLY LINDNER Ohne Bedenken brach er das Versprechen, das er sich selbst gegeben hatte. Derlei Schwüre gelten nur... RICHARD BACH Sie findet den Ausdruck als gemeinsame Verehrung eines Ideals, des Ideals objektiver Wahrheit, Klarh... LUDWIK FLECK Wenn wir uns ständig Sorgen darüber machen, was als nächstes kommt, verpassen wir die Chance auf ... JOHN STRELECKY Wenn wir uns ständig darüber sorgen machen was als nächstes kommt , verpassen wir die Chance , au... JOHN STRELECKY Ich selbst spiele nie Billard, [...],aber ich weiß, dass man den Ball hoch oder tief, rechts oder l... ROBERT MUSIL Wenn ich nur ein Telephon habe, der Wald wird sich finden! Ohne Telephon kann man nur ... KARL KRAUS Der Schmerz, den wir alle über diesen Verlust empfinden, erinnert mich, erinnert uns, daran, dass, ... J.K. ROWLING Olaf hielt sich keineswegs für etwas Besonderes; seine Heavy-Metal-Kutte und die schwarzen T-Shirts... JULI ZEH Worte sind die blassen Schatten vergessener Namen. Und wie Namen Macht innewohnt, wohnt auch Worten ... PATRICK ROTHFUSS Sollte ein Muggel so unklug sein, einem anderen anzuvertrauen, er habe einen Hippogreif gesehen, der... NEWT SCAMANDER Und manchmal passiert einem das Leben einfach, und man kann ihm nicht ausweichen Es kracht voll in e... ALEXANDRA BRACKEN Ich wollte meine Augen öffnen, um Gideon ein letztes Mal anzusehen, aber ich schaffte es nicht. KERSTIN GIER Das Blut allein macht lange noch den Vater nicht. GOTTHOLD EPHRAIM LESSING Im Verlaufe nicht nur der ökonomischen, sondern auch der politischen Globalisierung kann das kardin... HELMUT SCHMIDT The first and last thing required of genius is the love of truth.
[Ger., Das erste und letzte, was... JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Die Realität in den 1960ern waren total anders. Um zu kommunizieren schrieben wir Briefe auf unsere... STAR TREK Kennst du das Land, wo die Zitronen blüh'n, Im dunkeln Laub die Goldorangen glüh'n, Ein ... JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Ihr glaubt, ihr seid dazu verpflichtet - ja, das wolln wir aber gar nicht - ja, das wolln wir ... KURT TUCHOLSKY Diese jungen Menschen hatten keine Wünsche, keine Überzeugungen, geschweige denn Ideale, sie streb... JULI ZEH Agent Tanner sagte, dass die NSA sich etwas einfallen lasseb will. Anselm und Hannah haben sich eben... MARTINA ANDRé Das Lesen war weder Arbeit noch Hobby, es folgte keinem bestimmten Interesse. Lesen war ein Zustand,... JULI ZEH Jeder erzählt in seinem eigenen Kopf eine Geschichte über sich. Ununterbrochen. Die ganze Zeit. Un... PATRICK ROTHFUSS Habe nun, ach! Philosophie, Juristerei und Medizin, Und leider auch Theologie Durchau... JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Die Art, wie wir unser Leben verbringen, wie wir existieren, unsere Umgebung, das, was wir jeden Tag... JOHN STRELECKY Du kannst ihn nicht mehr enttäuschen, er ist nicht mehr da.“ Riley knallte sein Glas auf die... JAYDEN V. REEVES Wie kommuniziert man am besten das Gefühl, tot zu sein … Ja, ich kenne das Wort kommuniziere... CHUCK PALAHNIUK Aber die Liebe lässt einen genauer und immer genauer hinsehen. Man bemerkt den Handrücken, eine Dr... ALLY CONDIE
More Carlos Fuentes
U.S. foreign policy is Manichaean. It's like a Hollywood movie. You have to know who has the whi... CARLOS FUENTES My system for staying young is to work a lot, to always have a project on the go. CARLOS FUENTES I use a lot of film images, analogies, and imagination. CARLOS FUENTES One puts off the biography like you put off death. To write an autobiography is to etch the words on... CARLOS FUENTES I don't think any good book is based on factual experience. Bad books are about things the write... CARLOS FUENTES Perfect order is the forerunner of perfect horror. CARLOS FUENTES Contrary to the macho culture of Mexico, both my grandmothers were very brave young widows. I was al... CARLOS FUENTES I have two children who died before reaching 30, so who am I to complain about being alive? CARLOS FUENTES I believe in books that do not go to a ready-made public. I'm looking for readers I would like t... CARLOS FUENTES I am a morning writer; I am writing at eight-thirty in longhand and I keep at it until twelve-thirty... CARLOS FUENTES The historical problem of the United States is to admit that it is a multiracial and multi-ethnic na... CARLOS FUENTES What's happened at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq is one of the grossest violations of human righ... CARLOS FUENTES You have an absolute freedom in Mexican writing today in which you don't necessarily have to dea... CARLOS FUENTES I love having critics for breakfast. CARLOS FUENTES The United States condoned dictatorships in Latin America for much of the 20th century. CARLOS FUENTES The possibility of being as free with the camera as we are with the pen is a fantastic prospect for ... CARLOS FUENTES I am not interested in slice of life, what I want is a slice of the imagination. CARLOS FUENTES Diplomacy in a sense is the opposite of writing. You have to disperse yourself so much: the lady who... CARLOS FUENTES Under the veneer of Westernization, the cultures of the Indian world - which have existed for 30,000... CARLOS FUENTES The new world economic order is not an exercise in philanthropy, but in enlightened self-interest fo... CARLOS FUENTES Literature overtakes history, for literature gives you more than one life. It expands experience and... CARLOS FUENTES What I want is to respond to the challenge posed by the mass media - to permit the novel to say what... CARLOS FUENTES The United States has written the white history of the United States. It now needs to write the blac... CARLOS FUENTES I had the good fortune of having a happy, closely knit family. CARLOS FUENTES By its very nature, the novel indicates that we are becoming. There is no final solution. There is n... CARLOS FUENTES What the United States does best is to understand itself. What it does worst is understand others. CARLOS FUENTES I don't think any good book is based on factual experience. Bad books are about things the writer al... CARLOS FUENTES There must be something beyond slaughter and barbarism to support the existence of mankind and we mu... CARLOS FUENTES Like all of Latin America, Mexico after independence in 1821 turned its back on a triple heritage: o... CARLOS FUENTES I wrote it to show that not all mother-in-laws are bad. CARLOS FUENTES This kid, in club, competed a triple full. She has room to grow. It's exciting to see. She's just hi... CARLOS FUENTES Human kind will prevail. And it will prevail because, in spite of the reaction of history, novels te... CARLOS FUENTES She's just a dynamic performer. She was unsure if she could still do gymnastics like she used to. Th... CARLOS FUENTES It was pretty impressive to score that high without our top individual. The rest of the girls really... CARLOS FUENTES If the Soviet Union can give up the Brezhnev Doctrine for the Sinatra Doctrine, the United States ca... CARLOS FUENTES Religion is dogmatic. Politic is ideological. Reason must be logical, but literature has a privilege... CARLOS FUENTES Kara's been kind of hovering between varsity and JV all four years. She was disappointed that she fe... CARLOS FUENTES Writing is a struggle against silence. CARLOS FUENTES No, it's not that they're bad. It's that they're obliged to pretend they're good. They've been broug... CARLOS FUENTES The logic of the symbol does not express the experiment; it is the experiment. Language is the pheno... CARLOS FUENTES They were determined. I tell them that beam, more than anything, is just mental. It's just a matter ... CARLOS FUENTES Alessandra approached the geniuses of the past to give them life with her attention, which was the f... CARLOS FUENTES Language is always the companion of Empire and Empire . . . is one Monarch and one Sword. CARLOS FUENTES — ¿Y por qué no vives siempre con nosotros como antes, mamacita? — Porque ahora tu mamaci... CARLOS FUENTES all that was left to me was certain images and all of them spoke to me of the collapse of a cruel wo... CARLOS FUENTES There is no creation without tradition; the 'new' is an inflection on a preceding form; novelty is a... CARLOS FUENTES He himself felt defeated because he was fighting against something he did not hate, because he did n... CARLOS FUENTES I dalje verujem da Sunce izlazi svakoga dana i da svako novo Sunce najavljuje novi dan;dan koji je j... CARLOS FUENTES - No hace falta ir a la Villa, porque la madrecita santa anda suelta por todos lados CARLOS FUENTES You start by writing to live. You end by writing so as not to die. CARLOS FUENTES Y luego el patecal ése, que no te pudo salvar con sus medicinas, aunque tú ni las necesitabas, pue... CARLOS FUENTES Robinson Crusoe, the first capitalist hero, is a self-made man who accepts objective reality and the... CARLOS FUENTES Normality; show me normality, señor caballero, and I will show you an exception to the abnormal ord... CARLOS FUENTES The contract between the author and the reader is a game. And the game . . . is one of the greatest ... CARLOS FUENTES The great wheel of fire of ancient wisdom, silence and word engendering the myth of the origin, huma... CARLOS FUENTES Der Autor muß eine Fülle von Varitionen über das ausgewählte Thema bieten, die Entscheidungsmög... CARLOS FUENTES La soledad es necesaria para alcanzar la santidad. Se han olvidado de que en la soledad la tentació... CARLOS FUENTES Hay que morir antes de renacer. CARLOS FUENTES Yo no soy mexicano. Yo no soy gringo. Yo no soy chicano. No soy gringo en USA y mexicano en Mexico. ... CARLOS FUENTES The novel is the privileged vehicle of two ways of being: narrative and freedom: to be new (novel) i... CARLOS FUENTES I like fighting. I get into rows all the time. CARLOS FUENTES I've lost audiences, I've recovered them. CARLOS FUENTES I'm a writer, not a genre. CARLOS FUENTES Cuba needs a dose of perestroika. CARLOS FUENTES I have no literary fears. CARLOS FUENTES Work is what saves you. CARLOS FUENTES Here among my books, my wife, my friends and my loves, I have plenty of reasons to keep living. CARLOS FUENTES The United States is very good at understanding itself, and very bad at understanding others. CARLOS FUENTES I started my own magazine with drawings, commentary, news, film reviews and drawings. CARLOS FUENTES I must write the book out in my head now, before I sit down. CARLOS FUENTES The real bombs are my books, not me. CARLOS FUENTES Don't classify me, read me. CARLOS FUENTES Writing requires the concentration of the writer, demands that nothing else be done except that. CARLOS FUENTES I am a literary animal. For me, everything ends in literature. CARLOS FUENTES I always felt a little worm inside me: 'Now you need to write a novel with a woman protagonist.&... CARLOS FUENTES There are now 30-year-old Mexican writers who do great novels in which Mexico isn't even mention... CARLOS FUENTES In Latin America, even atheists are Catholics. CARLOS FUENTES Growing up in San Diego, I can remember going with my brother to see bands like Pennywise and NOFX -... VIC FUENTES I went to Mission Bay High School. Me and my brother, we both went there. VIC FUENTES Equal Vision seems to be doing really well. A lot of these major labels are just imploding and becom... VIC FUENTES It's all about risk-taking when you're making an album. Don't be scared to do weird thin... VIC FUENTES When I'm writing, I separate from everyone. Even my band. I push myself, and I'm alone with ... VIC FUENTES Sometimes I feel like there are just too many things weighing on my mind at once, and I can't co... VIC FUENTES And right away as soon as I started doing Pilates, about 2 to 3 weeks into it I could tell that my c... DAISY FUENTES I just thought any workout that is effective and I can do while laying down I'm signing up for. DAISY FUENTES TV is my first love and I haven't disappeared from it totally. DAISY FUENTES I believe my customer knows her style and knows how to mix and match your style. DAISY FUENTES I was an accidental model. One day I was asked to me a model by a neighbor who was short on models. ... DAISY FUENTES When I was a junior, boys were allowed to come visit me at the house. We could sit on the porch unti... DAISY FUENTES I think I would have been so much in awe of the movie set, the people and what everybody's job w... DAISY FUENTES To do a really good interview, you have to be truly interested in the person. DAISY FUENTES I love sitting down and talking to people. CNBC gave me a chance to do it in a way that I liked. The... DAISY FUENTES I thought that I was going to have to pay them to do what I wanted to do, that was how much fun I wa... DAISY FUENTES You have got to pay attention, you have got to study and you have to do your homework. You have to s... DAISY FUENTES It is nasty. You can think that you know someone in this business and you really don't. You can ... DAISY FUENTES I was born in Havana, Cuba and raised in Madrid, Spain. Then I moved to New Jersey. DAISY FUENTES Fits did not go over well in my house. There was a lot of discipline and obedience and you had to be... DAISY FUENTES I love to feel glamourous. I love to have other women feel glamourous. DAISY FUENTES I just smoked a Cohiba the other day. It was great. You have to appreciate everything that cigar is. DAISY FUENTES You are not alone with a guy until you are a proper age. You don't go to certain levels with men... DAISY FUENTES We hope to make a difference in setting a challenge goal for the nation of eliminating suffering and... BEA FUENTES We understand some of the things cancer patients go through and the prostheses are so expensive. Tha... BEA FUENTES The event is the ACS grassroots program celebrating cancer survivorship and empowering survivors and... BEA FUENTES I think it's very, very important to have the office and offer free supplies to cancer patients. In ... BEA FUENTES (The House bill) is truly a violation of people's civil rights. People just want to be united with t... ANGEL FUENTES We just want to send a clear message to our Congress and Senate that they really have to rework the ... ANGEL FUENTES You know you have our support ANGEL FUENTES No one from the administration has made such an effort ANGEL FUENTES We have really put in a lot of our time on this, ANGEL FUENTES But it's not a reflection on City Council, ... We have to put good people to work for the court. It'... ANGEL FUENTES I just want to be a little better than last year. When you are closing you don't have much of a say,... BRIAN FUENTES That was a big year for me last year. It's probably the reason I have the opportunity to do this now... BRIAN FUENTES I just kind of forgot about it until it first started coming up in the press in November. BRIAN FUENTES It's nice that toward the end of the game, we've got that stability down there. Fortunately, Cortes ... BRIAN FUENTES I'd be lying if I said I was not thinking about (the Giants game) when I woke up (Monday) morning. U... BRIAN FUENTES That was unfortunate for Zach. He was a guy that had some issues earlier and was starting to come ba... BRIAN FUENTES It feels like we're winning a ton now. It feels like a lot more, even though it's only .500. BRIAN FUENTES We're going in guns blazing. We're the team everybody wants to knock off. BRIAN FUENTES At this point, nobody on our side is surprised by what he does. The guys in the other dugout are pro... BRIAN FUENTES Unfortunately I wasn't able to hold the lead. But Scott did once we scored again, so that's awesome. BRIAN FUENTES They shouldn't throw at me. I'm the father of five or six kids. TITO FUENTES Women want to look sexy. They want to look stylish, and there's no reason why you can't be just as s... DAISY FUENTES It's an opportunity to represent Merced as well. Everybody is real proud of me being a local guy and... BRIAN FUENTES I would not say I was surprised with the success I had. I have worked hard and I expect to do well. ... BRIAN FUENTES He is really a strong wrestler. A lot stronger than me. I was just able to use my leverage to get hi... QUINTEN FUENTES It was a little surreal that the bleeding never stopped. BRIAN FUENTES I go to the stores a lot and I talk to my customers a lot and the biggest demand was for petite and ... DAISY FUENTES I decided to make news, not give it. DAISY FUENTES I need three more guys. I can't find them. JOE FUENTES I think based on all the comments we've heard, we've reached a good compromise. We've split the baby... JOE FUENTES I don't understand why that couldn't have been presented today, if they're available. JOE FUENTES We came out trying to get as many as we could to state. We wanted to get everybody to place, and we ... QUINTEN FUENTES As human beings we do change, grow, adapt, perhaps even learn and become wiser. WENDY CARLOS I'm really a very weak musicologist. Wish it weren't so, but there's only so much you ca... WENDY CARLOS Composition has almost always been solitary. WENDY CARLOS A nice blend of prediction and surprise seem to be at the heart of the best art. WENDY CARLOS There's never one sunrise the same or one sunset the same. CARLOS SANTANA Under no circumstance is any proverbial player ever more significant than the collective. CARLOS WALLACE We continue to be bullish on China. CARLOS GHOSN First I opened a check account. I looked at the - I looked that there was nothing of yield. So I bou... CARLOS SLIM It's a society of knowledge and experience. You have better experience and knowledge when you ar... CARLOS SLIM My parents weren't artistic, but I was always surrounded by beautiful things. And Mexico is a co... CARLOS SLIM We really think highly of the executives at SBC. And Microsoft is one of the great companies of the ... CARLOS SLIM You don't need to raise taxes on rich people, because they create capitalization and investment.... CARLOS SLIM In high school, I loved history. I also loved cosmography, algebra. Mexico is so rich in culture and... CARLOS SLIM If Wal-Mart invests a billion dollars and others invest $100 million, Wal-Mart is going to grow more... CARLOS SLIM We don't take anything when we pass away, and we need to do with the sense of responsibility. CARLOS SLIM Well, when I was very young, maybe 12 years, I began to make investments. CARLOS SLIM I think that anything that has privileges have responsibility and all people that is clear about the... CARLOS SLIM There are people who are good for letters and others that are good for numbers. CARLOS SLIM When I was very young, maybe 12 years, I began to make investments. CARLOS SLIM The artistic part of us all - I think that the easiest way to appreciate this - is through architect... CARLOS SLIM If you are in business, you are not enjoying. You are working. CARLOS SLIM How can you be on top of the things you do? I think when you are involved in a business, first of al... CARLOS SLIM Our philosophy is you need to give nonprofit money for health, nutrition, education, culture, and sp... CARLOS SLIM I've always said that the better off you are, the more responsibility you have for helping other... CARLOS SLIM At 25, I made many companies. I was thinking more like a businessman or entrepreneur than a CEO. I c... CARLOS SLIM You want to have a toy and another toy, and that's not maturity. The biggest things in life are ... CARLOS SLIM You cannot make thousands of universities or hundreds of thousands of professors, but with technolog... CARLOS SLIM You should have more time for you during all of your life - not when you're 65 and retired. CARLOS SLIM It's important to give a better country to your children, but it is more important to give bette... CARLOS SLIM The biggest things in life are not materials. CARLOS SLIM The best part of touring, still, is touching people's hearts and igniting my band and igniting t... CARLOS SANTANA You can take things that Jimi Hendrix took, from Curtis Mayfield or from Buddy Guy for example, beca... CARLOS SANTANA First of all, the music that people call Latin or Spanish is really African. So Black people need to... CARLOS SANTANA Stay in your heart. CARLOS SANTANA I realized that it's all really one, that John Lennon was correct. We utilize the music to bring... CARLOS SANTANA I knuckle down with my demons, and with my weaknesses. CARLOS SANTANA The Devil is like a strainer that separates the mud from the gold. CARLOS SANTANA I'm laughing because I know the secret of life. And the secret of life is that I have validated ... CARLOS SANTANA My job in this life is to give people spiritual ecstasy through music. In my concerts people cry, la... CARLOS SANTANA There is no person that love cannot heal; there is no soul that love cannot save. CARLOS SANTANA When a baby comes you can smell two things: the smell of flesh, which smells like chicken soup, and ... CARLOS SANTANA My dad's a beautiful man, but like a lot of Mexican men, or men in general, a lot of men have a ... CARLOS SANTANA Some songs are just like tattoos for your brain... you hear them and they're affixed to you. CARLOS SANTANA The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart. The most powerful weapon you can be is an... CARLOS SANTANA Every day you wake up is an opportunity to go beyond, and that 's why I let my band go right now... CARLOS SANTANA I realised a long time ago that instrumental music speaks a lot more clearly than English, Spanish, ... CARLOS SANTANA Your wrinkles either show that you're nasty, cranky, and senile, or that you're always smili... CARLOS SANTANA Just as we have two eyes and two feet, duality is part of life. CARLOS SANTANA There's a melody in everything. And once you find the melody, then you connect immediately with ... CARLOS SANTANA I take my kids to school... I make them breakfast. Unfortunately, dad is a big spoiler, and most day... CARLOS PONCE Coming in and out of Hollywood for pilot season, I may have to thicken my accent or hear that, physi... CARLOS PONCE I think my favorite thing is songwriting. CARLOS PONCE I would love to continue working on animated films. Yeah, those are my ambitions. No doubt. CARLOS PONCE I'd say it's even harder to cater to Hispanics than to the lesbian or gay community. We'... CARLOS PONCE I can't live without a sense of humor. I need to be laughing and entertained at all times. CARLOS PONCE I have reached a limit in my work. CARLOS MESA I will not be able to rule without you. You and I have the same responsibility. I do, as Bolivia'... CARLOS MESA My government has the challenge of addressing the issue of gas. The issue of gas cannot be addressed... CARLOS MESA I'm not going to run away from my responsibilities. CARLOS MESA I want Bolivians to support their president. CARLOS MESA We must create a state that responds to the citizens' needs, and we need citizens who feel commi... CARLOS MESA Bolivia is not yet a country of equals. CARLOS MESA The cost of pension reforms has been perhaps the biggest error committed in the process of modernizi... CARLOS MESA Direct access to sea is an essential part of foreign policy. CARLOS MESA There are always lessons that can be learned from another manufacturer. You can learn from their suc... CARLOS GHOSN Synergies are not only about cost reduction. Synergies can be access to markets, exchange of product... CARLOS GHOSN In most companies people make a specific contribution to the company in their function. But it is no... CARLOS GHOSN I think we're going to have some difficulty in front of us. I have absolutely no doubt the next ... CARLOS GHOSN