non seulement le passé n’est jamais mort, mais il n’est même pas passé
Hannah Arendt
Notre plus grand mérite n’est pas de ne jamais tomber, mais de nous relever à chaque fois.
RALPH WALDO EMERSON Notre devoir n’est pas de nous débarrasser du fou, mais de débarrasser le fou de sa folie.
ALBERT LONDRES AGAMEMNÔN. Il n’est pas facile à un roi d’être pieux.
ODYSSEUS. Mais les rois peuv...
SOPHOCLES Nul homme n’est une île en soi. Nous faisons tous partie d’un continent et chaque fois que tu e...
ERNEST HEMINGWAY Historians conquer the past, not the future. (Les historiens conquièrent - Le passé, non l'avenir)
CHARLES DE LEUSSE Ni le passé, ni l’avenir ne peuvent nous accabler, puisque l’un n’existe plus et que l’autr...
ALAIN Ce n’est pas dans la jouissance que consiste le bonheur, c’est dans le désir, c’est à briser...
MARQUIS DE SADE Il n’est pire exil que celui du coeur
OLIVIER WEBER Ce n’est pas par goût de la souffrance que j’use mes semelles mais parce que la lenteur révèl...
SYLVAIN TESSON L'avenir n'est jamais que du présent à mettre en ordre. Tu n'as pas à le prévoir, mais à le per...
ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPERY Le passé et le présent sont deux statues incomplètes: l'une a été retirée toute mutilée du d�...
FRANçOIS-RENé DE CHATEAUBRIAND L’enfer, ce n’est pas les autres, c’est l’obligation de vivre avec eux.
SYLVAIN TESSON Qu’est-ce qui peut seul être notre doctrine ? — Que personne ne donne à l’homme ses qualité...
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Voyager, ce n’est pas choisir les ordres, c’est faire entrer l’ordre en soi.
SYLVAIN TESSON Les tentatives faites pour connaître la richesse et l'originalité des cultures humaines, et pour l...
CLAUDE LéVI-STRAUSS Évidemment, nous devons prendre le monde tel qu’il est, car s’il n’est pas en notre pouvoir d...
SWAMI RAMDAS ... c'est peut-être ça la vie : beaucoup de désespoir mais aussi quelques moments de beauté où ...
MURIEL BARBERY Le combat narcissique durerait aussi longtemps que la sociabilité elle-même, il en serait l'ultime...
MICHEL HOUELLEBECQ Un coup du sort est une blessure qui s’inscrit dans notre histoire, ce n’est pas un destin.
BORIS CYRULNIK Cette qualité de la joie n’est-elle pas le fruit le plus précieux de la civilisation qui est nô...
ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPéRY Qu'est-ce que le roman, en effet, sinon cet univers où l'action trouve sa forme, où les mots de la...
ALBERT CAMUS Si vous n'essayez jamais, vous ne réussirez jamais, mais si vous essayez, vous risquez de vous éto...
THUBTEN YESHE Il défendait une théorie : les couples ne fréquentent pas les célibataires. D'abord parce que le...
LAURENT BETTONI Ne pas laisser la beauté de l'instant être contaminée par la lourdeur du passé ou l'incertitude ...
MUSSO GUILLAUM Impossible n'est pas français. Mais il pourrait être roumain.
TEODOR BURNAR Le monde est dangereux à vivre ! Non pas tant à cause de ceux qui font le mal, mais à cause de ce...
ALBERT EINSTEIN Ces enfants mûrissent trop tôt parce que, ayant été rendus sensibles aux malheurs, c'est ce qu'i...
BORIS CYRULNIK Une condamnation de la vie de la part du vivant n’est finalement que le symptôme d’une espèce ...
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE La Culture et l’État — qu’on ne s’y trompe pas — sont antagonistes : « État civilisé �...
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Vous les occidentaux, vous avez l'heure mais vous n'avez jamais le temps
MAHATMA GANDHI The present is the equilibrium of the past and the future. (Le présent, c'est l'équilibre - Du pas...
CHARLES DE LEUSSE Le pire n'est pas que l'on se brûle, mais que le feu s'éteint.
NATALIE CLIFFORD BARNEY ... sentimentele slăbesc cînd le schimbi locul.../ Frédéric s’était attendu à des spa...
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Une catastrophe, en général et quelle que soit sa nature, s'annonce avec fracas, a son lot de sign...
LUCAS VALLERIE « Il faut avoir une très haute idée, non pas de ce que l'on fait, mais de ce qu'on pourrait fair...
EDGAR DEGAS L’impossible, nous ne l’atteignons pas, mais il nous sert de lanterne.
RENE CHAR — Ce n'est pas en Egypte que je vais, répondit le Martinet. Je vais à la maison de la Mort. La M...
OSCAR WILDE L'envers de l'amour n'est pas la haine mais le pouvoir
CARL GUSTAV JUNG La valeur d'un homme n'est pas dans la manière dont il tombe, mais dont il se relève !
JEPH LOEB Qui cherche et ne saisit pas ce qui s'offre ne le reverra jamais plus.
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Il est très bien de ne pas faire du mal. Mais c'est très mal de ne pas faire du bien
PADRE ALBERTO HURTADO Nous consommons ressources naturelles, énergie et matières premières comme si elles étaient des ...
MARCEL LéGER Il est incertain où la mort nous attende, attendons-la partout. La préméditation de la mort est p...
MICHEL DE MONTAIGNE Le génie de l'oeuvre de Rowling réside non seulement dans son art de raconter des histoires, mais ...
BASSHAM GREGORY Il faut beaucoup de bravoure pour faire face à ses ennemis mais il n’en faut pas moins pour affro...
J.K. ROWLING The envious will die, but envy never.
[Fr., Les envieux mourront, mais non jamais l'envie.]
JEAN BAPTISTE POQUELIN MOLIERE J'ai quitté Paris et même la France, parce que la Tour Eiffel finissait par m'ennuyer trop. Non se...
GUY DE MAUPASSANT A ogni modo, le sigarette non mi piacciono. Il mio vecchio non era forse uscito a comprare le sigare...
JOE R. LANSDALE Nous avons déjà parlé de la notion temporelle propre à chaque saison, l'été étant l'époque o...
MARIE-CLAIRE DOLGHIN-LOYER L'amour affronte la Mort ; lui seul, non pas la vertu, est plus fort qu'elle. Lui seul (pas la vertu...
THOMAS MANN En admettant que l’on ait compris ce qu’il y a de sacrilège dans un pareil soulèvement contre ...
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Des jugements, des appréciations de la vie, pour ou contre, ne peuvent, en dernière instance, jama...
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE - Toi et ta grande cause... (Ignorant le troubadour, le sorceleur avança en titubant.) Ta grande ca...
ANDRZEJ SAPKOWSKI - Toi et ta grande cause... (Ignorant le troubadour, le sorceleur avança en titubant.) Ta grande ca...
ANDRZEJ SAPKOWSKI [...] Sans entrer encore dans la question de la « composition du continu », on voit donc que le no...
RENé GUéNON Gin began to be seen as sort of a passé drink.
RICHARD BRANDES The skeleton is the death: it’s in our body... (Le squelette, c'est la mort : - Il est dans notre ...
CHARLES DE LEUSSE Corto à lui même: Ce serait bon de vivre dans une fable.
Bouche Dorée à Corto: Oh oui!… M...
HUGO PRATT The king reigns but does not govern.
[Fr., Le roi regne, il ne gouverne pas.]
LOUIS ADOLPHE THIERS La vie est un long fleuve qui mene a la mort. La survie est une goutte d'eau dans le desert... le fl...
KRISTEVEN MOOTIEN Une vie est réussie quand elle n’est faite que de verbes d’action.
SYLVAIN TESSON Respecter une femme, c'est pouvoir envisager l'amitié avec elle ; ce qui n'exclut pas le jeu de la ...
TAHAR BEN JELLOUN Even Jesus, three days, died. Who is strong doesn't make the strong. (Même Jésus, trois jours, est...
CHARLES DE LEUSSE Le vin est la gaieté, dit-on ; comment cet océan de vin qui submerge la commune de Bercy n’égay...
PAUL FéVAL PèRE Satan plagiarized by dictator, and he doesn’t even have copyright! (Satan plagié par dictateur, -...
CHARLES DE LEUSSE The worst enemy is oneself, but I do not kill, because I love him. (Le pire ennemi, c'est soi-même,...
CHARLES DE LEUSSE Le fou ce ne sera plus l’exilé, celui qu’on repousse dans les marges de nos villes, mais celui ...
MICHEL FOUCAULT Les pelles ne sont pas élégantes, certes, mais elles ont tout de même réussi a libérer des comm...
T.K. NALIAKA Tel fut aussi le cas d'un Nietzsche, génie volcanique s'il en est ; ici encore - mais d'une façon ...
FRITHJOF SCHUON Quant à nous, nous respectons çà et là et nous épargnons partout le passé, pourvu qu'il consen...
VICTOR HUGO As-tu déjà été amoureux? C'est horrible non? Ca rend si vulnérable. Ca t'ouvre la poitrine et l...
NEIL GAIMAN Le fameux discours de Saint-Just a ainsi tous les airs d'une étude théologique. "Louis [XVI] étra...
ALBERT CAMUS Si nous avons accordé à l'Amérique le privilège de l'histoire cumulative, n'est-ce pas, en effet...
CLAUDE LéVI-STRAUSS Tu n'as rien appris, sinon que la solitude n'apprend rien, que l'indifférence n'apprend rien: c'ét...
GEORGES PEREC Je voudrais arrêter le temps, arrêter l'heure. Mais elle va, elle va, elle passe, elle me prend de...
GUY DE MAUPASSANT —Mais, quelle que soit l'importance de l'événement, dès qu'il est écrit sur le papier, il ne f...
YōKO OGAWA Les riches , comme les pauvres au moment de leur mort n'emporte avec eux qu'un drap blanc. La differ...
WILLIAM RIHANI Comment des sociétés contemporaines, restées ignorantes de l'électricité et de la machine à va...
CLAUDE LéVI-STRAUSS A une époque de sa vie, il y avait de cela de nombreuses années, elle avait perdu sa foi en Dieu. ...
BARBARA TAYLOR BRADFORD Il y a des personnes à qui l'intention ne vaut rien, seul le hasard leur est propice. Le silence co...
ERRI DE LUCA Mais dans la vie, tout n'est pas parfait. Parfois, il faut se fabriquer sa propre histoire. Donner u...
SARAH DESSEN Le développement des connaissances préhistoriques et archéologiques tend à étaler dans l'espace...
CLAUDE LéVI-STRAUSS Don Juan : [...] Les voilà, mes spectres, les spectres de ce que je ne suis pas. Ce sont eux qui me...
HENRY DE MONTHERLANT C'etait un jour de fete.
Mais l'haine se repete.
Laissez pas la peur dominer le coeur, <...
ANA CLAUDIA ANTUNES La porte s’est ouverte tout de suite et est allée co - gner contre le mur. J’ai perçu un claqu...
SYLVIE BéRARD Non. Tu n'es plus le maître anonyme du monde, celui sur qui l'histoire n'avait pas de prise, celui ...
GEORGES PEREC The crime and not the scaffold makes the shame.
[Fr., Le crime fait la honte et non pas l'echafaud...
PIERRE CORNEILLE Aujourd'hui, on cherche partout à répandre le savoir; qui sait si, dans quelques siècles, il n'y ...
GEORG CHRISTOPH LICHTENBERG Ho sceso, dandoti il braccio, almeno un milione di scale
e ora che non ci sei è il vuoto ad og...
EUGENIO MONTALE – Bah alors, c’est ce que je dis, avec la dotation qu’on a, ajouta Făneață puis il se leva...
CăLIN TORSAN Il ne savait pas encore s'il souffrait parce qu'il suivait une pente et que l'avenir venait à lui s...
ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPéRY Il n'y a que deux ou trois crimes à faire dans le monde, dit Curval, et, ceux-là faits, tout est d...
MARQUIS DE SADE Tu sais, le mot FIN n'apparaît jamais quand tu termines un livre. Ce n'est pas comme au cinéma. Qu...
ELIF SHAFAK Ce qu'il voyait dépasser de sa manche ressemblait à un gros gant en caoutchouc, couleur chair. Il ...
J.K. ROWLING Si WWII ne peut pas nous prendre, elle~même le diable en personne ne pourra nous joindre! ( IF WWII...
C. JOYBELL C. Ah ! cher ami, que les hommes sont pauvres en invention. Ils croient toujours qu'on se suicide pour ...
ALBERT CAMUS La distance n'y fait rien; il n'y a que le premier pas qui coûte. - Distance doesn't matter; it is ...
MARQUISE DU DEFFAND La distance n'y fait rien; il n'y a que le premier pas qui coûte. - Distance doesn't matter; it is ...
MARQUISE DU DEFFAND Rien n’est plus trompeur qu’une photo : on croit fixer un moment heureux pour l’éternité al...
GUILLAUME MUSSO Là où on s'aime, il ne fait jamais nuit.
More Hannah Arendt
Revolutionaries do not make revolutions. The revolutionaries are those who know when power is lying ...
HANNAH ARENDT The chief qualification of a mass leader has become unending infallibility; he can never admit an er...
HANNAH ARENDT Promises are the uniquely human way of ordering the future, making it predictable and reliable to th...
HANNAH ARENDT Where all are guilty, no one is; confessions of collective guilt are the best possible safeguard aga...
HANNAH ARENDT Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only t...
HANNAH ARENDT By its very nature the beautiful is isolated from everything else. From beauty no road leads to real...
HANNAH ARENDT In order to go on living one must try to escape the death involved in perfectionism.
HANNAH ARENDT Power and violence are opposites; where the one rules absolutely, the other is absent. Violence appe...
HANNAH ARENDT For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.
HANNAH ARENDT Nothing we use or hear or touch can be expressed in words that equal what is given by the senses.
HANNAH ARENDT There are no dangerous thoughts; thinking itself is dangerous.
HANNAH ARENDT The ceaseless, senseless demand for original scholarship in a number of fields, where only erudition...
HANNAH ARENDT Opinions are formed in a process of open discussion and public debate, and where no opportunity for ...
HANNAH ARENDT Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom.
HANNAH ARENDT What really distinguishes this generation in all countries from earlier generations... is its determ...
HANNAH ARENDT Action without a name, a who attached to it, is meaningless.
HANNAH ARENDT Death not merely ends life, it also bestows upon it a silent completeness, snatched from the hazardo...
HANNAH ARENDT Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it.
HANNAH ARENDT The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution.
HANNAH ARENDT No cause is left but the most ancient of all, the one, in fact, that from the beginning of our histo...
HANNAH ARENDT Only the mob and the elite can be attracted by the momentum of totalitarianism itself. The masses ha...
HANNAH ARENDT It was characteristic of the rise of the Nazi movement in Germany and of the Communist movements in ...
HANNAH ARENDT Promises are the uniquely human way of ordering the future.
HANNAH ARENDT Every organization of men, be it social or political, ultimately relies on man's capacity for making...
HANNAH ARENDT The chief reason warfare is still with us is neither a secret death-wish of the human species, nor a...
HANNAH ARENDT If you ask a member of this generation two simple questions: How do you want the world to be in fift...
HANNAH ARENDT The more dubious and uncertain an instrument violence has become in international relations, the mor...
HANNAH ARENDT Power and violence are opposites; where the one rules absolutely, the other is absent. Violence appe...
HANNAH ARENDT Totalitarianism is never content to rule by external means, namely, through the state and a machiner...
HANNAH ARENDT The defiance of established authority, religious and secular, social and political, as a world-wide ...
HANNAH ARENDT The trouble with lying and deceiving is that their efficiency depends entirely upon a clear notion o...
HANNAH ARENDT Love, by its very nature, is unworldly, and it is for this reason rather than its rarity that it is ...
HANNAH ARENDT The earth is the very quintessence of the human condition.
HANNAH ARENDT Nothing we use or hear or touch can be expressed in words that equal what we are given by the senses...
HANNAH ARENDT What will happen once the authentic mass man takes over, we do not know yet, although it may be a fa...
HANNAH ARENDT Freedom from labor itself is not new; it once belonged among the most firmly established privileges ...
HANNAH ARENDT Total loyalty is possible only when fidelity is emptied of all concrete content, from which changes ...
HANNAH ARENDT We have almost succeeded in leveling all human activities to the common denominator of securing the ...
HANNAH ARENDT The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither p...
HANNAH ARENDT There is a strange interdependence between thoughtlessness and evil.
HANNAH ARENDT The human condition is such that pain and effort are not just symptoms which can be removed without ...
HANNAH ARENDT To be sure, nothing is more important to the integrity of the universities than a rigorously enforce...
HANNAH ARENDT Economic growth may one day turn out to be a curse rather than a good, and under no conditions can i...
HANNAH ARENDT Immortality is what nature possesses without effort and without anybody's assistance, and immortalit...
HANNAH ARENDT The Third World is not a reality but an ideology.
HANNAH ARENDT What makes it so plausible to assume that hypocrisy is the vice of vices is that integrity can indee...
HANNAH ARENDT Opinions are formed in a process of open discussion and public debate, and where no opportunity for ...
HANNAH ARENDT It is my contention that civil disobediences are nothing but the latest form of voluntary associatio...
HANNAH ARENDT When we were told that by freedom we understood free enterprise, we did very little to dispel this m...
HANNAH ARENDT Man cannot be free if he does not know that he is subject to necessity, because his freedom is alway...
HANNAH ARENDT In contrast to revenge, which is the natural, automatic reaction to transgression and which, because...
HANNAH ARENDT The ceaseless, senseless demand for original scholarship in a number of fields, where only erudition...
HANNAH ARENDT No civilization would ever have been possible without a framework of stability, to provide the where...
HANNAH ARENDT The new always happens against the overwhelming odds of statistical laws and their probability, whic...
HANNAH ARENDT Love, by reason of its passion, destroys the in-between which relates us to and separates us from ot...
HANNAH ARENDT There is all the difference in the world between the criminal's avoiding the public eye and the civi...
HANNAH ARENDT Predictions of the future are never anything but projections of present automatic processes and proc...
HANNAH ARENDT Ideas, as distinguished from events, are never unprecedented.
HANNAH ARENDT Wherever the relevance of speech is at stake, matters become political by definition, for speech is ...
HANNAH ARENDT The point, as Marx saw it, is that dreams never come true.
HANNAH ARENDT Promises are the uniquely human way of ordering the future, making it predictable and reliable to t...
HANNAH ARENDT the result of human organization. We are not born equal.
HANNAH ARENDT It is in the very nature of things human that every act that has once made its appearance and has be...
HANNAH ARENDT The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.
HANNAH ARENDT The trouble with lying and deceiving is that their efficiency depends entirely upon a clear notion o...
HANNAH ARENDT This is the precept by which I have lived: Prepare for the worst; expect the best; and take what com...
HANNAH ARENDT Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended so much on political forces tha...
HANNAH ARENDT Our tradition of political thought had its definite beginning in the teachings of Plato and Aristotl...
HANNAH ARENDT No punishment has ever possessed enough power of deterrence to prevent the commission of crimes. On ...
HANNAH ARENDT Equality of condition, though it is certainly a basic requirement for justice, is nevertheless among...
HANNAH ARENDT The possible redemption from the predicament of irreversibility──of being unable to undo what on...
HANNAH ARENDT Under conditions of tyranny it is far easier to act than to think.
HANNAH ARENDT As witnesses not of our intentions but of our conduct, we can be true or false, and the hypocrite's ...
HANNAH ARENDT Under conditions of tyranny, it is far easier to act than to think.
HANNAH ARENDT It was as though in those last minutes he (Eichmann) was summing up the lessons that this long cours...
HANNAH ARENDT It is quite gratifying to feel guilty if you haven't done anything wrong: how noble! Whereas it is r...
HANNAH ARENDT When an old truth ceases to be applicable, it does not become any truer by being stood on its head.
HANNAH ARENDT Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its ...
HANNAH ARENDT To be free in an age like ours, one must be in a position of authority. That in itself would be enou...
HANNAH ARENDT The right to marry whoever one wishes is an elementary human right compared to which "the right to a...
HANNAH ARENDT The human condition is such that pain and effort are not just symptoms which can be removed without ...
HANNAH ARENDT Few girls are as well shaped as a good horse.
HANNAH ARENDT Dedicate yourself to the good you deserve and desire for yourself. Give yourself peace of mind. You ...
HANNAH ARENDT When we were told that by freedom we understood free enterprise, we did very little to dispel this m...
HANNAH ARENDT What imperialists actually wanted was expansion of political power without the foundation of the bod...
HANNAH ARENDT The philosophy of Hobb...
HANNAH ARENDT Power, according to Ho...
HANNAH ARENDT Darwinism met with such overwhelming success because it provided, on the basis of inheritance, the i...
HANNAH ARENDT Caution in handling generally accepted opinions that claim to explain whole trends of history is esp...
HANNAH ARENDT And the German society of eighty million people had been shielded against reality and factuality by ...
HANNAH ARENDT Culture relates to objects and is a phenomenon of the world; entertainment relates to people and is ...
HANNAH ARENDT Under conditions of tyranny it is far easier to act than to think
HANNAH ARENDT The relatively new trouble with mass society is perhaps even more serious, but not because of the ma...
HANNAH ARENDT Forgiveness is the only way to reverse the irreversible flow of history.
HANNAH ARENDT The aim of totalitarian education has never been to instill convictions but to destroy the capacity ...
HANNAH ARENDT There is, therefore, a temptation to return to an explanation which automatically discharges the vic...
HANNAH ARENDT Evil thrives on apathy and cannot survive without it.
HANNAH ARENDT It was characteristic of the rise of the Nazi movement in Germany and of the Communist movements in ...
HANNAH ARENDT The ultimate end of human acts is eudaimonia, happiness in the sense of living well, which all men d...
HANNAH ARENDT As far as the Jews were concerned, the transformation of the "crime" of Judaism into the fashionable...
HANNAH ARENDT Significantly, it was HANNAH ARENDT … the Nazis, without admitting it, learned as much from American gangster organizations as their p...
HANNAH ARENDT Slavery's fundamental offense against human rights was not that it took liberty away (which can happ...
HANNAH ARENDT That concentration camps were ultimately provided for the same groups in all countries, even though ...
HANNAH ARENDT Rule by decree has conspicuous advantages for the domination of far-flung territories with heterogen...
HANNAH ARENDT Somehow it was not the fault of the born adventurers, of those who by their very nature dwelt outsid...
HANNAH ARENDT A circular letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to all German authorities abroad shortly afte...
HANNAH ARENDT The totalitarian movements aim at and succeed in organizing masses—not classes, like the old inter...
HANNAH ARENDT This new situation, in which "humanity" has in effect assumed the role formerly ascribed to nature o...
HANNAH ARENDT THE DECLARATION of the Rights of Man at the end of the eighteenth century was a turning point in his...
HANNAH ARENDT Only the unlimited accumulation of power could bring about the unlimited accumulation of capital.
HANNAH ARENDT Naturalization, on the other hand, also proved to be a failure. The whole naturalization system of E...
HANNAH ARENDT Totalitarian politics—far from being simply antisemitic or racist or imperialist or communist—us...
HANNAH ARENDT Imperialism was born when the ruling class in capitalist production came up against national limitat...
HANNAH ARENDT For an ideology differs from a simple opinion in that it claims to possess either the key to history...
HANNAH ARENDT No puedes pretender que quien te ama te trate a ti menos cruelmente de lo que se trata a sí mismo. ...
HANNAH ARENDT In other words, neither oppression nor exploitation as such is ever the main cause for resentment; w...
HANNAH ARENDT Just as terror, even in its pre-total, merely tyrannical form ruins all relationships between men, s...
HANNAH ARENDT Do not do what you would undo if caught.
LEAH ARENDT We never got a real big lead on them, and we got to work on some things.
JIM ARENDT When they started understanding things kind of clicked together, it showed. We started shooting the ...
JIM ARENDT We worked on a few things to help improve it.
JIM ARENDT The kids did real well and we won seven of our last eight. It's all about getting in the playoffs ag...
JIM ARENDT Scott went to the bucket hard all night against the taller Wolves.
JIM ARENDT Our transition game went well. We passed to the open man for the best shot possible. We also had 18 ...
JIM ARENDT Our offense and defense struggled. We have put ourselves in a hole by losing our first two district ...
JIM ARENDT It is a market with great potential.
DANNY ARENDT Sales to the Arab market take place two or three times a year, and they sometimes, but not always, p...
DANNY ARENDT Arabs usually participate in fairs in Brazil, where we also make contacts.
DANNY ARENDT If Apex goes to a new fair in the region, we are interested in participating.
DANNY ARENDT Th danger of exchanging the necessary insecurity of philosophical thought for the total explanation ...
HANNA ARENDT In Iceland, you can see the contours of the mountains wherever you go, and the swell of the hills, a...
HANNAH KENT I love the sense of how time passes when I'm acting. When you're not aware of the clock tick...
HANNAH WARE Wild animals are just as confused as people are now. You've got toxins in the water, oil, sewage...
JACK HANNAH I really loved animals when I was little - my friend and I had an imaginary vet's office; we wou...
HANNAH MURRAY I still don't know why, exactly, but I do think people can have a spiritual connection to landsc...
HANNAH KENT 'Skins' is about a group of teenagers in Bristol, and it's all about what they get up to...
HANNAH MURRAY A writer's job is to destroy and then to build the thing back up again by a chosen means.
BARRY HANNAH I don't go around thinking about regret; regret doesn't consume me as a person... I'm no...
BARRY HANNAH I had absolute freedom to create things on my own and in silence. No rush, the artificial rush by me...
BARRY HANNAH I was born in Clinton, Mississippi, which had 1,500-2,500 people when I was growing up - a village.
BARRY HANNAH My dad read history, about a book a day, but only after he retired as a successful bank and insuranc...
BARRY HANNAH I distrust thought. The interior life is highly overrated. I don't like the wispy and the vague....
BARRY HANNAH I lost my second marriage because of drinking, and I loved the woman very much. But I thought I need...
BARRY HANNAH I wanted very much to be Miles Davis when I was a boy, but without the practice. It just looked like...
BARRY HANNAH I grew up when people seemed actually to be hurting themselves for their art. Of course, some of it ...
BARRY HANNAH I was always kind of florid. And full of rhetoric. That was my flaw. My whole time writing, I've...
BARRY HANNAH My best stories come out of nowhere, with no concern for form at all.
BARRY HANNAH Honestly, I envy painters, who can have a masterpiece in one morning. Or musicians, who can write so...
BARRY HANNAH I wouldn't be happy had I only been a teacher, if all I had done was help young people, frankly....
BARRY HANNAH My aunts told wonderful stories. Not to me, but to each other. We had a very strong family. My mothe...
BARRY HANNAH Most novels I come across have all the excitement of a long trip on a bus with a sensitive glee club...
BARRY HANNAH Some writers are curiously unmusical. I don't get it. I don't get them. For me, music is ess...
BARRY HANNAH When you're not involved, other people's unhappiness seems to be about the funniest damn thi...
BARRY HANNAH Love and despair go hand in hand.
BARRY HANNAH I'll tell you why I like writing: it's just jumping into a pool. I get myself into a kind of...
BARRY HANNAH I hate editing. I love to write, but I hate to reread my stuff. To revise.
BARRY HANNAH I don't write under the ghost of Faulkner. I live in the same town and find his life and work in...
BARRY HANNAH A man's got to do what a man's got to do. A woman must do what he can't.
BARRY HANNAH I found out about reviews early on. They're mostly written by sad men on bad afternoons. That...
BARRY HANNAH Randomness I love. And I still love just a holler right in the middle of an ongoing narrative. Pain ...
BARRY HANNAH Voice comes to you through a spell, a trance. The best voices are not you... they're a little aw...
BARRY HANNAH I love my kitchen. On the weekends, we have friends over, the kids are buzzing around, and we cook a...
HANNAH STORM Sometimes my colleagues joke and call me Hannah.
HANOI HANNAH I had to do something for the country.
HANOI HANNAH And we also read Newsweek, Time and several newspapers.
HANOI HANNAH We advised them to do what they think proper against the war.
HANOI HANNAH Because the GIs were sent massively to South Vietnam, maybe it's a good idea to have a broadcast...
HANOI HANNAH It wasn't a new idea. During the war against the French we had this kind of broadcast for the Fr...
HANOI HANNAH Our program for American GIs can be heard at 1630 hours.
HANOI HANNAH I would like to see America some day.
HANOI HANNAH Because our fight has been for such a long time we are isolated from the world, even after reconstru...
HANOI HANNAH I put my heart in my work.
HANOI HANNAH And we broadcast tapes sent to us from Americans against the war. These were most effective I believ...
HANOI HANNAH There's a policy now of opening the doors to the outside world.
HANOI HANNAH We asked Jane Fonda if she would like to meet American pilots in Hanoi, but she refused, she didn...
HANOI HANNAH I have always compared our traditions of liberty, like those of Abraham Lincoln and Ho Chi Minh.
HANOI HANNAH Americans are xenophobic, they will believe their own people rather than the adversary, even a frien...
HANOI HANNAH American GIs don't fight this unjust immoral and illegal war of Johnson's.
HANOI HANNAH This is the voice of Vietnam Broadcasting from Hanoi, capitol of the Democratic republic of Vietnam.
HANOI HANNAH Nothing is more confused than to be ordered into a war to die or to be maimed for life without the f...
HANOI HANNAH I am happy with what I've done.
HANOI HANNAH We did a lot of fight scenes in 'Hitman: Agent 47,' so you have to learn repetitious movemen...
HANNAH WARE My sister, singer Jessie Ware, and I are always exchanging music. We brainstormed her wedding playli...
HANNAH WARE I think part of what acting did for me is it kind of represents all my greatest fears. I'm sort ...
HANNAH WARE I was 26 when I went to my first acting class. I'm naturally quite shy. I'm a quite private ...
HANNAH WARE I'm not on Twitter or Facebook. I've never been interested in being on any of them. I don...
HANNAH WARE I was embarrassed about modeling. When you're at school and you're modeling, it sounds very ...
HANNAH WARE I am a failed architect, if I'm honest. I got a degree in art history and was about to get anoth...
HANNAH WARE Growing up in South London, we went to a school where there were not that many Jewish kids. I love b...
HANNAH WARE My mum made me feel if I wanted to become prime minister, I could do it.
HANNAH WARE I think all girls secretly want to be actresses because acting seems so glamorous. But as a child, I...
HANNAH WARE Something like your parents divorcing never quite leaves you. What you thought was real isn't re...
HANNAH WARE My sister's a singer, and she's on Twitter, and she has millions of followers. I wonder how ...
HANNAH WARE I'm never going to be a size zero and, to be honest I don't want to be.
HANNAH TOINTON To be honest, I am somebody that, as long as I have a character, it doesn't really matter if it&...
HANNAH TOINTON Every girl has days when she doesn't like her appearance, but it's when you feel happy in yo...
HANNAH TOINTON I did feel pressure to look a certain way on 'Hollyoaks.' But I just had to stay strong and ...
HANNAH TOINTON My father's peripatetic career also gave me critical perspective when it came to my own career c...
HANNAH STORM I believe in tackling things you're afraid of.