Keheningan seakan memiliki jantung. Denyutnya terasa satu-satu, membawa apa yang tak terucap. Sejenak berayun di udara, lalu bagaikan gelombang air bisikan itu mengalir, sampai akhirnya berlabuh di hati.
Dee Lestari
Related Kita memang tak pernah tahu apa yang dirindukan sampai sesuatu itu tiba di depan mata. DEE LESTARI Konon, Dajjal akan muncul di akhir zaman. Dia bermata satu dan memiliki kekuatan besar. Jangan-janga... REZA NUFA Namun pendaki pertama tahu apa yang hebat : menerima tantangan untuk terus melangkah maju. Ia tahu t... PAULO COELHO Dahulu dia selalu katakan apa yang dia pikirkan, tangiskan, apa yang ditanggungkan, teriakan ria kes... PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER Beberapa bulan tinggal di rumah itu, saya tidak pernah mendapat gangguan apa-apa selain serbuan tiku... JOKO PINURBO Apa boleh buat, jalan seorang penulis adalah jalan kreativitas, di mana segenap penghayatannya terha... SENO GUMIRA AJIDARMA Cobalah engkau beranjak dari kursi, pergilah ke cermin. Sejenak saja. Tataplah wajahmu, badanmu, pak... EMHA AINUN NADJIB Di setiap udara yang kau temukan, Di sana akan kau jumpai Allah yang senantiasa mendengar doamu ASMA NADIA Ukhuwah itu tidak bisa dihapus dalam satu perintah, walaupun yang memerintah adalah seorang raja yan... SASDANU PRIAMBODO Tak ada satu hal pun tanpa bayang-bayang, kecuali terang itu sendiri. PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER Katamu kau tak punya keberanian. tapi aku melihatnya di dalam dirimu. Perbuatanmu, beban yang kau ta... KHALED HOSSEINI Memilih bukan karena benar atau salah, tapi memilih apa yang memang lo anggap baik dan di jalanin se... SEINZ Ketika kau memiliki firasat buruk tentang kehilangan orang yang paling berharga, kau akan mencoba un... K.A.Z. VIOLIN Apakah penampilanku satu-satunya hal yang membuatku berharga? Jika begitu, jangan tatap aku. Wajahku... DEEPAK CHOPRA Ada sebongkah batu di pinggir ladangnya, dan dia duduk di permukaannya yang datar. Dia kerap duduk d... KHALED HOSSEINI Ia bukan tak tahu, yang dianggapnya kekasih itu tak akan pernah datang. Tetapi mengemban rindu, memu... SYAH SANDYALELANA buat apa dia kembali? buat apa muncul sejenak lalu menghilang lagi nanti? DEE LESTARI Benarlah. Jika kalian sedang bersedih, jika kalian sedang terpagut masa lalu menyakitkan, penuh peny... TERE LIYE Kebudayaan yang benar dilahirkan di alam, sederhana, rendah hati, dan murni MASANOBU FUKUOKA Ketika satu kota dipenuhi orang miskin, kejahatan yang terjadi hanya level rendah, perampokan, mabuk... TERE LIYE Apakah keuntungan dan bahagianya cinta yang tiada berpengharapan? . Bukankah cinta itu sud... HAMKA Orang yang paling bahagia di dunia adalah orang yang bisa menggunakan Cermin Tarsah seperti cermin b... J.K. ROWLING Apakah ada yang tahu bagaimana rasanya mencintai seseorang yang tidak boleh dicintai? Aku tahu. Hidu... ILANA TAN Dia ada di sisimu setiap kali kau membutuhkannya, tapi apa kau ada di sisinya saat dia paling membut... WINNA EFENDI Kehidupan perempuan itu sembilan bagian kacau dan satu bagian ajaib, kau akan segera mengetahuinya..... GEORGE R.R. MARTIN Sering aku disiksa oleh pertanyaan: mengapa A Ling bisa begitu? Apa salahku sehingga ia begitu? Apa ... ANDREA HIRATA Pada masa ini sebuah teori sering terdengar seperti sebuah omong besar yang melalaikan kenyataan bah... GOENAWAN MOHAMAD Karena hati tak perlu memilih, ia selalu tahu kemana harus berlabuh DEE LESTARI Sekejap bersamamu menjadi tujuan peraduanku, sekali mengenalimu menjadi tujuan hidupku - Supernova, ... DEE LESTARI Gadis kecil itu benar sekali.. mengapa dunia diciptakan dengan penuh perbedaan. Yang satu dilebihkan... TERE LIYE Modernisasi pada akhirnya memang suatu permainan kekuatan. Ada yang tergusur, ada yang menggusur. Ad... GOENAWAN MOHAMAD Karena Allah menjanjikan barang siapa yang menutup aib saudaranya, maka Allah akan menutup aibnya di... TERE LIYE Karena jika mengendapkannya, itu sama saja dia masih meletakkan gadis itu di dalam hatinya, di dalam... JEE Kala sang lidah tak sanggup bicara, hati mendenting gitar pun mengalun, lantunkan kata ta... TOBA BETA Kalau memang terlihat rumit lupakanlah. Itu jelas bukan cinta sejati kita. Cinta sejati selalu seder... TERE LIYE Aku pernah mengalah di masa lalu. Dan kini, aku bisa saja menyerah kembali, agar ia dapat memilih le... NAY SHARAYA Aku mencintainya tanpa diketahui. Aku mencintainya dalam diam. Aku mencintainya dalam satu... JEE Cinta itu adalah perasaan yang mesti ada pada tiap-tiap diri manusia, ia laksana setitis embun yang ... HAMKA Engkau boleh saja membual tentang kaki telanjangmu Yang telah menempuh jutaan mil. Gaya ku... DESI ANWAR Tapi sekarang aku berpikir sampai di mana seseorang masih tetap wajar, walau ia sendiri tidak mendap... SOE HOK GIE apa gunanya bahwa saya terbukti benar? saya berada di sisi kebenaran?--dan dia yang tertawa pertamak... FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Kenangan itu cuma hantu di sudut pikiran. Selama kita cuma diam dan nggak berbuat apa-apa, selamanya... DEE LESTARI Aku melumpuhkan inderaku saat aku bersamamu; Telinga yang mendengar betapa buruknya dirimu dari... AHIMSA MURFI Kau tahu, kenapa orang yang menikah selalu mendapat ucapan selamat menempuh hidup baru? Karena ... RHEIN FATHIA Ini bukan sekadar kumpulan cerita. Ini sejarah, penggalan sejarah dari negara-bangsa yang__setelah h... ROEM TOPATIMASANG Kadang-kadang hal paling indah di dunia itu justru yang nggak kelihatan. Itu sebabnya kita selalu tu... DIEGO CHRISTIAN Kau mengabdi pada tanah ini, tanah yang memberimu nasi dan air. Tapi para raja dan para pengeran dan... PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER Lepaskanlah. Maka besok lusa, jika dia cinta sejatimu, dia pasti akan kembali dengan cara mengagumka... TERE LIYE Walau tak ada yang sempurna, hidup ini indah apa adanya. DEE LESTARI Dikota paling rindu itu,Ningtyas malam senantiasa menjatuhkan pejammu di mataku, mencuriku diam... FIRMAN NOFEKI Gy, jalan kita mungkin berputar, tetapi satu saat, entah kapan, kita pasti punya kesempatan jadi dir... DEE LESTARI Shaykh al-Jundi hanya seorang dari pewaris sastera jenis ini di dalam sejarah sastera Sufi yang munc... BAHARUDIN AHMAD Masa depan terbentang di hadapannya, tak terhindarkan namun tak kasat mata JOHN GREEN Kau tak tahu apa-apa soal keberanian. Untuk menjadi berani, harus ada yang dipertaruhkan. Aku datang... KHALED HOSSEINI Maha Suci Engkau Ya Allah, yang telah menciptakan perasaan. Maha Suci Engkau yang telah menciptakan ... TERE LIYE Di matamu kutemukan segala yang pernah kuhilang di suatu ketika dahulu A.D. RAHMAN AHMAD Salah satu anggapan dasar buku ini adalah bahwa adat memiliki kaidah dan nilai-nilai yang lebih adil... MARSEN SINAGA Ibu, rasa nyaman selalu membuat orang-orang sulit berubah. Celakanya, kami sering kali tidak tahu ka... TERE LIYE Kau tak perlu menerima kehadiran mereka, tapi biarkan mereka hadir karena kita tak bisa menghakimi a... MOEMOE RIZAL Cinta yang tidak dipersatukan Allah di Dunia mungkin disimpankan-Nya untuk dipersatukan di akhirat n... MAHARDHIKA ZIFANA keiklasan membawa ketenangan hati. DEKALITA Manusia itu lebih berani menghadapi apa pun kalau melakukannya demi orang yang dia sayangi. WINDHY PUSPITADEWI ... toh jagat di luar dan jagat di dalam sama saja. Siapa yang mengenal Tuhan akan mengenal dirinya.... SUJIWO TEJO Kakek, dari kota manakah cinta datang?" "Tidak ada yang tahu, Sayang. Cinta sejati datang... TERE LIYE Di negeri yang malang, seseorang yang memilih menjadi manusia akan tampak seperti malaikat GOENAWAN MOHAMAD Aku akan membawanya pulang, pikir Baba Ayub ketika itu juga. Inilah yang paling diinginkannya, bersa... KHALED HOSSEINI Ya Rabb, Engkaulah alasan semua kehidupan ini. Engkaulah penjelasan atas semua kehidupan ini. Perasa... TERE LIYE Teknologi tertinggi yang ada di dunia ini adalah tubuh manusia. Komputer paling rumit sekaligus pali... VICTORIA TUNGGONO Tak ada yang lebih pahit dari sebuah pil, tetapi terkadang rasa pahit itu dapat menyembuhkan anda FRIDASA ANDHONY Wahai, wanita-wanita yang hingga usia tiga puluh, empat puluh, atau lebih dari itu, tapi belum juga ... TERE LIYE Sebagai orang tua, saya merasa, setiap pertanyaan anak adalah sebuah “teaching moments”. Itu ada... NAILAL FAHMI Bila engkau ingin satu, maka jangan ambil dua. Karena satu menggenapkan, tapi dua melenyapkan. Me... DEE LESTARI Apa kata pepatah, hidup harus terus berlanjut, tak peduli seberapa menyakitkan atau seberapa membaha... TERE LIYE Dan bukankan satu ciri manusia modern adalah juga kemenangan individu atas lingkungannya dengan pres... PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER Termasuk kumpulan yang salah tak bererti kau tak boleh keluar dari kumpulan itu. Keluarlah agar mere... TAJUL ZULKARNAIN sepi dan aku adalah satu ADRIE Jika kehidupan adalah suatu teks yang berirama, aku hidup pada bait ketiga dimana tak banyak orang y... NOM DE PLUME Kadang aku merasa sudah dekat dengan kegilaan. Kamu tahu apa yang paling menyakitkan saat peras... TASARO G.K. Satu dari seribu, memang harus kamu ODA SEKAR AYU Cara terbaik menghadapi masa lalu adalah dengan dihadapi. Berdiri gagah. Mulailah dengan damai mener... TERE LIYE Albus Severus," kata Harry pelan, sehingga tak ada orang lain kecuali Ginny yang bisa mendengarnya, ... J.K. ROWLING Agama bukan sekadar ritual dan tata cara. Ada makna di balik ritual dan tata cara itu. YANN MARTEL Semua orang akan melukan engkau, semua orang akan membuatkan engkau kecewa. Yang itu engkau tak bole... SAHARIL HASRIN SANIN jika seseorang pemuda jatuh cinta kepada seorang gadis, maka janganlah dia merosakkan hati si gadis ... IQBAL SYARIE Kalau yang memuji itu teman baik, itu biasa. Kalau yang mencela itu musuh, juga biasa. Tapi kalau ya... A.A. NAVIS Ada sesuatu yang bukan hasil "pikiran", "perasaan", dan "ajaran agama" yang membuat orang berbuat ba... GOENAWAN MOHAMAD Ketika golongan kaya dan profesional Muslim asyik menangisi keadaan umat Islam yang mundur dan Barat... WAN MOHD NOR WAN DAUD Menurutku, apa yang terjadi antara seseorang dengan Tuhannya adalah rahasia mereka berdua. Dan apabi... MATAHARITIMOER Dan di hadapan kekuasaan, hal paling mudah yang mesti dilakukan, adalah merawat baik-baik ingatan. ZEN RS Mencintai adalah melebur dengan orang yang kita cintai dan menemukan percikan Tuhan di dalam dirinya... PAULO COELHO Enam puluh tahun kami menikah. Dua belas anak. Tentu saja ada banyak pertengkaran. Kadang merajuk di... TERE LIYE Dia, yang tidak pernah kamu mengerti. Dia, racun yang membunuhmu perlahan. Dia, yang kamu reka dan k... DEE LESTARI Aku ingin sekali mengatakan padamu bahwa segalanya akan berakhir dengan baik untuk kita, dan bahwa a... NICHOLAS SPARKS Tidak mengapa kalau kau patah hati, tidak mengapa kalau kau kecewa, atau menangis tergugu karena har... TERE LIYE Orang boleh pandai setinggi langit, tapi selama ia tak menulis, ia akan hilang di dalam masyarakat d... PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER Maaf, buku ini hanya dijual di Gramedia, jadi sangat tak mungkin apabila buku ini Anda bilang "bisa ... BUNGA MAWAR MAAFIN ILHAM YA... Selingkuh: meninggalkan yang tak sempurna untuk yang lebih tak sempurna. CHRISTIAN SIMAMORA Perjalanan hati itu bukannya tanpa resiko. DEE LESTARI Saya akan pikul rahsia itu jika engkau percayakan kepada saya dan saya akan masukkan ke dalam perben... HAMKA Jika kisahmu diulang seribu tahun setelah kepergianmu, maka mereka yang mencintaimu akan merasakan k... TASARO G.K.
More Dee Lestari
Akan ada satu saat kamu bertanya: pergi ke mana inspirasiku? Tiba-tiba kamu merasa ditinggal pergi. ... DEE LESTARI Dia, yang tidak pernah kamu mengerti. Dia, racun yang membunuhmu perlahan. Dia, yang kamu reka dan k... DEE LESTARI Di tengah gurun yang tertebak, jadilah salju abadi. Embun pagi tak akan kalahkan dinginmu, angin mal... DEE LESTARI Aku kini percaya. Manusia dirancang untuk terluka. DEE LESTARI Seseorang semestinya memutuskan bersama orang lain karena menemukan keutuhannya tercermin, bukan ket... DEE LESTARI Berputar menjadi sesuatu yang bukan kita, demi bisa menjadi diri kita lagi. DEE LESTARI Walau tak ada yang sempurna, hidup ini indah apa adanya. DEE LESTARI Hidup telah menunjukkan dengan caranya sendiri bahwa aku senantiasa dipandu. Tak perlu tahu ke mana ... DEE LESTARI Ujung-ujungnya kita juga tahu kok, mana yang diri kita sebenernya, mana yang bukan diri kita. DEE LESTARI Carilah orang yang nggak perlu meminta apa-apa, tapi kamu mau memberikan segala-galanya. DEE LESTARI Bagi saya, hidup terlalu singkat untuk dilewatkan dengan biasa biasa saja. - Kugy DEE LESTARI What people say realistic, may not necessarily the same as what we think. At the end we will know wh... DEE LESTARI Your road may turn around, but at one time, at some point, you'll definitely have a chance to be you... DEE LESTARI Hati tidak pernah memilih. Hati dipilih. DEE LESTARI Kenangan itu cuma hantu di sudut pikiran. Selama kita cuma diam dan nggak berbuat apa-apa, selamanya... DEE LESTARI Tanpa kekosongan, siapa pun tidak akan bisa memulai sesuatu. DEE LESTARI Perjalanan hati itu bukannya tanpa resiko. DEE LESTARI Bersama kamu, aku tidak takut lagi menjadi pemimpi. DEE LESTARI Saya belajar dari kisah hidup seseorang. Hati tidak pernah memilih. Hati dipilih. Jadi, kalau Keenan... DEE LESTARI Pada akhirnya, tidak ada yang bisa memaksa. Tidak juga janji atau kesetiaan. Tidak ada. Sekalipun ak... DEE LESTARI Gy, jalan kita mungkin berputar, tetapi satu saat, entah kapan, kita pasti punya kesempatan jadi dir... DEE LESTARI Apa yang orang bilang realistis, belum tentu sama dengan apa yang kita pikirin. Ujung-ujungnya kita ... DEE LESTARI buat apa dia kembali? buat apa muncul sejenak lalu menghilang lagi nanti? DEE LESTARI Kadang-kadang langit bisa kelihatan seperti lembar kosong. Padahal sebenarnya tidak. Bintang kamu te... DEE LESTARI hati kamu mungkin memilihku, seperti juga hatiku selalu memilihmu. Tapi hati bisa bertumbuh dan bert... DEE LESTARI Carilah orang yang nggak perlu meminta apa-apa, tapi kamu mau memberikan segala-segalanya. DEE LESTARI aku gak mau sepuluh, dua puluh tahun dari hari ini, aku masih terus-terusan memikirkan orang yg sama... DEE LESTARI Karena hati tak perlu memilih, ia selalu tahu kemana harus berlabuh DEE LESTARI Bila engkau ingin satu, maka jangan ambil dua. Karena satu menggenapkan, tapi dua melenyapkan. Me... DEE LESTARI Seindah apa pun huruf terukir, dapatkah ia bermakna apabila tak ada jeda? Dapatkan ia dimengerti jik... DEE LESTARI Pegang tanganku, tapi jangan terlalu erat, karena aku ingin seiring dan bukan digiring.(Spasi) DEE LESTARI Pekerjaanmu kelak hanya penyambung nafkah, sebesar apapun kamu mencintainya, jangan takut untuk meni... DEE LESTARI Drama adalah komplikasi. Drama membuat kalian egois, berpikir kepentingan pribadi kalianlah yang pal... DEE LESTARI Manusia menuntut manusia lain untuk punya drama. Itu syaratnya supaya kita kelihatan normal DEE LESTARI Sekejap bersamamu menjadi tujuan peraduanku, sekali mengenalimu menjadi tujuan hidupku - Supernova, ... DEE LESTARI Kita memang tak pernah tahu apa yang dirindukan sampai sesuatu itu tiba di depan mata. DEE LESTARI cinta adalah mengalami DEE LESTARI My job is to be a spokesman - the spokesman, I suppose - for the President, for the White House, to ... DEE DEE MYERS I like the guitar better these days. I like the bass, too, but it's hard to fit a bass amp in a ... DEE DEE RAMONE I am endlessly fascinated that playing football is considered a training ground for leadership, but ... DEE DEE MYERS I worked for a lot of candidates, in tough campaigns that lost. Most of my candidates lost until Bil... DEE DEE MYERS Democrats single out glaring examples of tax preferences or spending priorities that favor the wealt... DEE DEE MYERS As women slowly gain power, their values and priorities are reshaping the agenda. A multitude of stu... DEE DEE MYERS I was supposed to be authoritative, but at the same time had to be likeable, a quality that is a bon... DEE DEE MYERS When I became White House press secretary, there were other limitations that were thrust upon me. Bi... DEE DEE MYERS Obama seemed poised to realign American politics after his stunning 2008 victory. But the economy re... DEE DEE MYERS Metallica - they're so demonic, they're crazy, I don't know how they do it. DEE DEE RAMONE Even tax breaks that are supposed to help the middle class too often skew toward the wealthy. Consid... DEE DEE MYERS When I got into rap I didn't exactly win any popularity contests. I called myself Dee Dee King, ... DEE DEE RAMONE It was what became something of a pattern in the first couple of years of the Clinton White House an... DEE DEE MYERS But research confirms that both Republican and Democratic women are more likely than their male coun... DEE DEE MYERS Exponential growth in access to the Internet, satellite television and radio, cell phones, and P.D.A... DEE DEE MYERS The press never accepts at face value that the President is taking a certain action because he wants... DEE DEE MYERS President Clinton intentionally created a structure that was a little loose. And one that kept him a... DEE DEE MYERS This is a generation weaned on Watergate, and there is no presumption of innocence and no presumptio... DEE DEE MYERS Research confirms that both Republican and Democratic women are more likely than their male counterp... DEE DEE MYERS On the day I started college in 1979, no woman had ever been on the United States Supreme Court or s... DEE DEE MYERS No doubt, the White House thinks the American people know Obama's story. But since the Inaugurat... DEE DEE MYERS Don't interpret anything too much. This is time waster number 1. DEE DEE ARTNER When it's about your life, it's time to be selfish. DEE DEE ARTNER I used to be a hairdresser. DEE DEE RAMONE I look forward to a time, in the not so distant future, when we no longer look forward to 'first... DEE DEE MYERS If you have time to whine then you have time to find solution. DEE DEE ARTNER It isn't fate but fecklessness that has shoved Sarah Palin to the sidelines of national politics... DEE DEE MYERS Almost all first ladies have had tremendous power on personnel issues, whether the public realized i... DEE DEE MYERS There are people in the public sector with a range of experiences that have no equivalent in busines... DEE DEE MYERS Many differences are rooted in biology and reinforced through culture, so it's important to ackn... DEE DEE MYERS I was a big troublemaker in the group. I put them through a lot of pain, but as much as I gave to th... DEE DEE RAMONE When I joined Bill Clinton's start-up presidential campaign in 1991, I was confident that women ... DEE DEE MYERS Study after study confirms that even when you control for variables like profession, education, hour... DEE DEE MYERS Bill Clinton sitting on Air Force One getting his hair cut while people around the country cooled th... DEE DEE MYERS During my years as a press secretary, I developed a powerful internal filter, which worked to strip ... DEE DEE MYERS In a way I think Bill Clinton is more likely to forgive and move on or at least try to woo people wh... DEE DEE MYERS The reason why we are all different is to allow us to; to keep learning about each other so we can k... DEE DEE ARTNER Simplicity is the key to happiness. DEE DEE ARTNER We haven't seen any red flags to indicate an increase in incidents of inmate-on-inmate or inmate-on-... DEE DEE SHORT We encourage the union to express their concerns at monthly labor-management meetings. They can alwa... DEE DEE SHORT We have to work within a budget. We feel we are doing that safely and securely and we evaluate this ... DEE DEE SHORT I just don't get it. DEE DEE HORTON Some teams don't practice hard and do great in games. We're the opposite. DEE DEE HORTON I think we're getting it, then we get into a game. DEE DEE HORTON Maybe it's stage fright. I ask myself, 'How do we play like this?' We do great in practice. Then in ... DEE DEE HORTON The first time I saw him perform was at the Montreal Jazz Festival in 1994 and I cried, and everyone... DEE DEE BRIDGEWATER 'This Is New' was a beginning for me, a gentle announcement that this was where I was moving. For me... DEE DEE BRIDGEWATER There wasn't a whole lot going on in the States for black actresses at the time. I didn't have a rec... DEE DEE BRIDGEWATER This album was really my way to say thank you to France for having opened its arms and adopted me, c... DEE DEE BRIDGEWATER I got tired of the Ramones around the time I quit and I really got into rap. I thought it was the ne... DEE DEE RAMONE You can't leave out half the world's experience and expect to address all the problems. Wome... DEE DEE MYERS Women communicate differently and process information differently, which leads them to resolve confl... DEE DEE MYERS Around New York, our group had become known as 'Dee Dee and her girls' because we were used ... DEE DEE WARWICK I didn't have the confidence to leave the band because of a solo career, or anything like that. ... DEE DEE RAMONE Campaigns often make standing on principle the highest of virtues - and listening to your opponents ... DEE DEE MYERS While eschewing emotion - and its companion, vulnerability - Obama should be careful not to sacrific... DEE DEE MYERS 'Not again!' I thought to myself this morning, as news trickled out that John McCain was set... DEE DEE MYERS There are many reasons to be simple. It’s simply to learn effectively, to work positively, to comm... DEE DEE ARTNER what you don't know will cost you. DEE DEE ARTNER I love to teach. Teaching is so important. DEE DEE DOUGHERTY LOTTIE People are so welcoming. When you travel to a square dance, you arrive and feel like you are coming ... DEE DEE DOUGHERTY LOTTIE I'm just part of a tradition of people who aren't pleased. I would never think anyone else w... JACK DEE Whenever you're in any acting role you are mortgaging your own character. JACK DEE The jokes are great but what really matters for a comedian is his performance, his whole attitude, a... JACK DEE I took religion much too seriously, however, and its overall effect was depressing. I would have rea... JACK DEE I spent the first 25 years of my life not knowing what I wanted to do. JACK DEE The book is called 'Thanks for Nothing' and it's really the story of how I got into come... JACK DEE I don't think anyone's particularly conscious of thinking suits are the thing, but when you ... JACK DEE In particular, I found praying very disturbing, like swimming with bricks tied to your feet. And yet... JACK DEE In many ways, not fitting in has been a comedic asset and a comedic resource. JACK DEE Possibly I am difficult to live with, but I don't bring my work home much. I'm either busy o... JACK DEE I think it is more a cautiousness that protects me from enthusiasm about things. I tend not to get e... JACK DEE One of my friends went on a murder weekend... now he is doing life for it. JACK DEE I tend not to trust people who live in very tidy houses. I know that on the surface there is nothing... JACK DEE I don't like men who blow-dry their hair. If you are a man and you blow-dry your hair, then I do... JACK DEE One Saturday in 1984, I walked into my first AA meeting. I went regularly for six years and only sto... JACK DEE If I've inadvertently become some sort of role model for failed comedians, then it's really ... JACK DEE I tried to be as thorough as I can, but there is a responsibility that we all have, especially with ... JACK DEE The rain forest has Sting. Now Siberia has Jack Dee. Someone had to draw the short straw. In this ca... JACK DEE I really like rustic mediterranean cooking. And I like trying out curry takeaways. JACK DEE I hate people who think it's clever to take drugs... like custom officers. JACK DEE I have had issues with depression all my life, and it's probably true to say there was a tendenc... JACK DEE Comedy and tragedy are two sides of the same coin. A talent in one area might also lead to a predisp... JACK DEE And people are intrigued if I really am as grumpy in real life. People feel a bit let down if I'... JACK DEE I had a longing for ritual, something I could cling to, a routine to make me feel well and contented... JACK DEE I'm not really part of any group or clique or gang because that's always been my nature. JACK DEE To the Indians it seemed that these Europeans hated everything in nature - the living forests and th... DEE BROWN Mirrors are perpetually deceitful. They lie and steal your true self. They reveal only what your min... DEE REMY When you know my love, my love will warm you. RUBY DEE He had only heard of dragons, and although he had never seen one, he was sure they existed. DEE MARIE The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out... DEE HOCK The closest thing to a law of nature in business is that form has an affinity for expense, while sub... DEE HOCK Success follows those adept at preserving the substance of the past by clothing it in the forms of t... DEE HOCK Language was a huge expansion of that capacity to deal with information. DEE HOCK Think about technological float: it took centuries for the wheel to gain universal acceptance. Now a... DEE HOCK Throughout history, it took centuries for the habits of one culture to materially affect another. No... DEE HOCK Experience is easy to provide and quickly put to good use by people with all the other qualities. DEE HOCK If you go back to the first single-cell form of life, it clearly possessed the capacity to receive, ... DEE HOCK If you're in such a position of power and your ego is such that this is not possible, then its e... DEE HOCK It won't do away with hierarchy totally, but the principal leader will be the person who most ex... DEE HOCK Make another list of things done for you that you loved. Do them for others, always. DEE HOCK The prudent course is to make an investment in learning, testing and understanding, determine how th... DEE HOCK Make a careful list of all things done to you that you abhorred. Don't do them to others, ever. DEE HOCK What will become compellingly important is absolute clarity of shared purpose and set of principles ... DEE HOCK Substance is enduring, form is ephemeral. DEE HOCK If you don't understand that you work for your mislabeled 'subordinates', then you know ... DEE HOCK Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it. DEE HOCK Money motivates neither the best people, nor the best in people. It can move the body and influence ... DEE HOCK The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out... DEE HOCK If you look to lead, invest at least 40% of your time managing yourself - your ethics, character, pr... DEE HOCK Lead yourself, lead your superiors, lead your peers, and free your people to do the same. All else i... DEE HOCK Preserve substance; modify form; know the difference. DEE HOCK It is essential to employ, trust, and reward those whose perspective, ability, and judgment are radi... DEE HOCK With the advent of genetic engineering the time required for the evolution of new species may litera... DEE HOCK An organization, no matter how well designed, is only as good as the people who live and work in it. DEE HOCK Make an empty space in any corner of your mind, and creativity will instantly fill it. DEE HOCK I've tried word processors, but I think I'm too old a dog to use one. DEE BROWN Well then, take this thought with you for the dark hours to come: It is a ludicrous fiction that lov... CHRIS DEE John Dos Passos, Raymond Carver, Flaubert and William Maxwell were all very influential when I first... JONATHAN DEE I'm a childless woman, yet I felt no maternal urges whatsoever. The prospect of years of broken ... KIKI DEE Chase your dreams until you catch them...and then dream, catch, and dream again! DEE MARIE To me, it's part of the success of the program, placing as many kids in school as we possibly can. I... BILL DEE We've got some kids in new positions, and that will get better. That's why you scrimmage good people... BILL DEE Everybody's worrying about our tailback, but I think we got a good one. He's just got to hold on to ... BILL DEE We played one game, and let's be honest, it wasn't against a very good football team. BILL DEE When you're an aggressive football team, you're gonna get some penalties, but you just don't want st... BILL DEE It's a tough situation for those kids. He said he can't wait to get home. He's already homesick. BILL DEE I was real proud of him. I told him his overall win percentage is better than mine now. BILL DEE The greatest gift is not being afraid to question. RUBY DEE Every mind is a room packed with archaic furniture. DEE HOCK There's no path to being a writer that's applicable to everyone. Some young writers have the... JONATHAN DEE I was born Pauline Matthews and grew up in Bradford as one of three children - I had an older brothe... KIKI DEE I love you, in my mind where my thoughts reside, in my heart where my emotions live, and in my soul ... DEE HENDERSON Nothing lives long Only the earth and mountains DEE BROWN If I'm pushed, I'd also have to admit I don't like people with allergies. They just anno... JACK DEE Don't get me wrong: I can and do waste time on the Internet with the best of them, but in some r... JONATHAN DEE Because he was my jockey, DEE ANDERSON Gary is one lucky guy to have Amy. DEE ANDERSON Currently there are no agreed-upon definitions. It won't end up apples to apples. DEE ANDERSON I've legged you up on winners - do you want me to leg you up now? DEE ANDERSON It's up to Gary. He's not some spectacle. DEE ANDERSON The essence of my work, and of me, is the softer side of a strong woman, and that goes into a number... DEE WALLACE There were many things he had to tell her, but what he really needed to say was simple. “I’ve mi... BONNIE DEE When he finally broke off the kiss and moved his lips to her neck, then her breast again, sucking he... BONNIE DEE Jim had spent most of his life alone. The solitary nature of his disability and the constant moving ... BONNIE DEE Hurling the box released some of his anger. It felt good so he swept his arm across the top of his d... BONNIE DEE She gazed back at him, her mouth open, gasping for air. Her white blouse rose and fell with each pan... BONNIE DEE But, after one quick trace of his tongue between her lips, he abruptly pulled away and stepped back ... BONNIE DEE Catherine glimpsed him again, leaning against the wall, arms folded. People passed back and forth be... BONNIE DEE She turned to go back inside the livery stable. The excitement with which she’d entered it le... BONNIE DEE I’m sorry. No.” Her mouth continued to move, too fast, pouring out a stream of explanation ... BONNIE DEE All of a sudden, she was there, breaking away from the little group of women and running toward him.... BONNIE DEE The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within - strength, courage, d... RUBY DEE Halloween is huge in my house and we really get into the spirits of things DEE SNIDER The Indians knew that life was equated with the earth and its resources, that America was a paradise... DEE BROWN I was on various anti-depressants, but not for long - I didn't function very well on them. I fel... JACK DEE I seem to have a talent for writing endings that seem just right to me but that frustrate other peop... JONATHAN DEE I wrote my first novel in the same conditions as most first novelists - I had a full-time job, I sha... JONATHAN DEE This is where I break one last taboo: I'm incredibly glad I'm not a granny. KIKI DEE When me and James [Augustine] were sophomores, we had to win out. It's not a big deal. You just have... DEE BROWN I have no desire to write historical anything or futuristic anything - I want to find a way to get a... JONATHAN DEE Even in the smallest of packages comes the power of strength DEE WALDECK Express your feelings on paper when stress is getting on top of you. Learn to exorcise the negative ... DEE WALDECK