Probabil că legăturile dintre o femeie şi un bărbat, atunci când sunt autentice, sunt mai adânci decât îşi pot imagina cei ce le trăiesc.
Despre Realitatea Iluziei: de Vorba Cu Henriette Yvonne Stahl
Nimic nu-i mai rău pentru caracterul omului decât să fi mândru de faptele tale bune. Fie că te ...
LLOYD C. DOUGLAS Mi-am spus: ceea ce mă atrăgea la el era impresia pe care mi-o dădea că e singur, nenorocit, că...
CELLA SERGHI Dar sunt momente în care inima vede mai bine şi mai departe decât ochii cei mai ageri.
HECTOR MALOT, SINGUR PE LUME -Se vede că n-ai trăit până acum decât în mijlocul ţăranilor care sunt duri cu animalele şi...
HECTOR MALOT, SINGUR PE LUME Nu degeaba se spune despre mine că sunt un mănunchi de contradicții!
ANNE FRANK Într-o aşa serioasă măsură mi se pare de negîndită viaţa, încît dacă m-aş gîndi efectiv...
CONSTANTIN NOICA Deși faptul că izbutești să te căsătorești nu garantează că ai măcar o iotă habar despre ...
KAREN KARBO Ştiu că mărturisirile prea sincere par scandaloase. Mulţi s-au învăţat cu o anumită pudoare ...
OCTAVIAN PALER Tatăl meu mi-a povestit odată de un tovarăş de detenţie emaciat, din lagărul de concentrare de...
LEONARD MLODINOW Îmi dau foarte bine seama că o femeie poate gusta un dans cu un partener imperfect, dacă acesta n...
MIRCEA ELIADE Uneori mi se pare foarte trist că nu putem mărturisi nimănui, nici măcar oamenilor care ne sunt ...
ANNE FRANK Un lucru a săpat rădăcini adânci în sufletul meu: credinţa că morala stă la baza tuturor luc...
MAHATMA GANDHI Ştii ce înseamnă să vii acasă seara la o femeie care să îţi ofere dragoste, afecţiune şi u...
HENNY YOUNGMAN -E vorba despre călătoria pe care o parcurge şi despre acceptarea ei. E viaţa şi lumina din tin...
NORA ROBERTS Te miri cum frumuseţea ne dă iluzia deplină a binelui. Când o femeie frumoasă îndrugă prostii...
LEO TOLSTOY În viaţă trebuie să înveţi să citeşti printre rânduri şi în oameni. Să citeşti printre ...
ILEANA VULPESCU ... acolo unde nu există aparat de stat și supramuncă, nu există nici model-Muncă. Există doar...
GILLES DELEUZE Știința a ușurat, într-adevăr, suferințele cauzate de boli și de mizerie, și ne-a oferit o s...
DAN BROWN Sunt multe feluri de a îmbrățișa o femeie, și tu aveai stilul tău.
JOSTEIN GAARDER De fiecare dată când respiri sau când păşeşti, o faci pentru a împinge înainte vieţile amâ...
MEREDITH WILD Până atunci nu ştiusem ce înseamnă să alergi după un fluture, să mângâi o lăcustă verde,...
PANAIT ISTRATI De fiecare dată când respiri sau când păşeşti, o
faci pentru a împinge înainte vieţile...
MEREDITH WILD Atunci am înțeles că nimic nu durează în suflet, că cea mai verificată încredere poate fi an...
MIRCEA ELIADE Poate că fericirea până la adânci bătrâneţi era o prostie, dar acum ştia că voia să facă ...
NORA ROBERTS În ziua în care m-am iubit cu adevărat, am înțeles că în toate împrejurările, mă aflam la ...
CHARLIE CHAPLIN Dacă omul va uita cu desăvârşire că există moarte, că există un sfârşit, riscăm s�...
MIRCEA ELIADE Întotdeauna va exista un el căruia să vrem a-i oferi lumea, un el al cărui zâmbet va fi antidot...
ANDRES Sunt exact ce este un film de dragoste pentru oamenii profunzi, o simplă distracție, un divertisme...
ANNE FRANK Singurătatea absolută? O concep cîteodată aşa: în tren, pe un culoar ticsit, stînd pe geamant...
CONSTANTIN NOICA Iubirea adevărată e o experienţă a bucuriei împărtăşite şi ea iradiază, ca atare, în înt...
ANDREI PLEșU Ne întrebați cum arată Dumnezeu. Eu vă întreb: de unde a apărut această curiozitate? Răspuns...
DAN BROWN Străvechiul conflict dintre religie și știință a luat sfârșit. Ați câștigat. Dar n-ați ju...
DAN BROWN Şi a găsit-o printre miile de oameni indiferenţi. I-a zărit mai întâi ochii verzi cu luminile ...
LIVIU REBREANU Lucrurile se înţeleg la marginea cuvintelor, şi cuvintele nu sunt de ajuns ca să le inţelegi: e...
TUDOR ARGHEZI Cu toată iubirea multora din jur, un om poate să se simtă singur atunci când nu e pentru nimeni ...
ANNE FRANK Nu-i așa că sunt groaznică fiindcă sunt preocupată tot timpul de mine însămi?
ANNE FRANK -Ăsta e numărul meu privat, nu cel de serviciu. Îmi dai un telefon?
-Sigur. Probabil că pe...
NORA ROBERTS Cînd eşti pe un drum cu sens unic şi când nu mai există cale de întoarcere, nu-ţi mai permiţ...
CHRIS SIMION Bărbatul, datorită eului său aşa-zis "superior", se dă dragostei cu prudenţă, păstrând reze...
MIHAIL DRUMEş ... supraoamenilor nu trebuie să li se explice nimic, ei n-au nevoie de permisiunea noastră, smulg...
GABRIEL OSMONDE Adevărul are putere. Iar dacă gravităm cu toții în jurul acelorași idei, o facem poate, întru...
DAN BROWN Şi în iubire nu există reguli. Putem încerca să ne ţinem de manuale, să ne controlăm inima, ...
PAULO COELHO Totul se hotărăște înainte de contact. Mandibula sau jetul de acid nu fac decât să consfințea...
BERNARD WERBER Isaac Asimov ofera o ilustrare dramatica: este ca si cum toata materia din univers ar fi un bob de n...
RICHARD DAWKINS E greu să-ți imaginezi lumea fără un creator, dar prefer să nu-mi închipui că faptele oamenil...
LLOYD C. DOUGLAS Oamenii sunt păsări nemaiîntâlnite,
cu aripi crescute înlăuntru,
care bat plutind, p...
NICHITA STăNESCU De citit, citeam la întîmplare, pe apucate, şi n-am studiat nimic serios. Singura mea specialitat...
OCTAVIAN PALER Am intrat în închisoare orb, cu vagi străfulgerări autogene ale beznei, care despică întuneric...
NICOLAE STEINHARDT Tristețea persista, dar durerea aproape că dispăruse, ca și cum s-ar fi evaporat. Atinsese acel ...
CLAUDE ROY Rămase câteva minute pe pod, privind o barcă ce se îndepărta încet. Un cuplu se lăsa purtat d...
ANDRES Când toate zilele sunt egale înseamnă că oamenii au încetat să vadă lucrurile bune care au ap...
PAULO COELHO De ce crezi că nu-i iubim pe evrei? Pentru că, în orice împrejurare, ei sînt evrei. Uite, cîte...
ANDREI BITOV Şi, vorbind mai general, oricare ţi-ar fi linia în viaţă, dacă constaţi că alţii nu-ţi pre...
BERTRAND RUSSELL, ÎN CăUTAREA FERICIRII În fiecare primă zi a lunii primeam de la tine o floare, jocul nostru în care ne construiam buche...
CHRIS SIMION Aș fi vrut să-l rog: povestește-mi ceva despre tine. Nu lua în seamă limbuția mea nefastă! Mi...
ANNE FRANK Barurile astea sunt ca femeile: nu ştii nici de ce vin, nici de ce te lasă.
MIHAIL SEBASTIAN Ajungi să cunoști bine oamenii abia după ce te-ai certat cu ei o dată. Abia atunci poți să le ...
ANNE FRANK Poveste sentimentală
Pe urmă ne vedeam din ce în ce mai des.
Eu stăteam la o mar...
NICHITA STăNESCU Suntem noi învechiți? Sunt oamenii aceștia niște dinozauri? Sau eu? Mai are lumea cu adevărat n...
DAN BROWN Luați femeia cea mai cuminte, cea mai înțeleaptă, cea mai puțin stăpânită de simțuri; crima...
JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU El mi-a dat tot ce a avut, dintr-o dată, şi când inima i s-a golit, a plecat. E un risipitor.
RADU TUDORAN Sigur, eu sunt un clovn amuzant pentru o după-amiază, după care toți se satură de mine pentru o...
ANNE FRANK Credeai că eşti stăpânul lumii, ţinând globul în palmă, cu muşchii abia tresărind? Te-ai �...
MIHAIL DRUMEş …iubirea mea, nu-ți pot spune cât de recunoscătoare sunt pentru mica noastră infinitate. N-aș...
JOHN GREEN Când ai de facut o lucrare, nu te gândi mereu la întregimea ei; executa fragmentul pe care-l ai �...
GEORG CHRISTOPH LICHTENBERG Trăgeam aerul în piept, ne uitam afară și simțeam că era vorba de ceva ce nu trebuia întrerup...
ANNE FRANK Ce soartă va avea condiția omenească dacă marile mistere ale vieții vor fi în sfârșit elucid...
DAN BROWN -Iti spun un lucru. Ce este mai apropiat decat fratele de frate, mama de copil?Ce este mai apropiat ...
WILLIAM GOLDING -Au fost două persoane excepţionale.
-Şi tu eşti la fel. Nu îmi pierd timpul cu prieteni ...
NORA ROBERTS O, știu cum m-aș putea apăra: că toți suntem inculpați! Chiar și cei mai cuminți. Dacă nu e...
OCTAVIAN PALER O femeie aparte seamana c-o melodie catchy: e greu sa ti-o mai scoti din cap, odata ce ti-a intrat.
TEODOR BURNAR Chiar şi cel mai mic neadevăr îl strică pe om, la fel cum o picătură de otravă poate strica u...
MAHATMA GANDHI Așteptarea ne dă iluzia că facem ceva așteptând, când, de fapt, nu facem altceva decât să mu...
OCTAVIAN PALER Sunt lucruri pe care le poţi avea doar dacă stai departe de ele. Făcând greşeala să le cauţi,...
OCTAVIAN PALER Când îţi scrii cea mai frumoasă pagină în cartea vieţii tale, soarta, cu vecinica ei ironie, ...
VERONICA MICLE Să nu te cerţi cu oamenii mai mult decât cu tine însuţi.
LUCIAN BLAGA Lumea trebuie s-o pătrunzi cu mintea, nu să o baţi cu picioarele! Prostul poate să meargă şi-n...
MARIN SORESCU -Sunt enormă.
-Într-un fel superb. Pun pariu că abia aştepţi. Hai să ne aşezăm puţin....
NORA ROBERTS Mi-a venit foarte greu sa ma afirm alaturi de gandurile mele. Era un demon in mine, iar in cele din ...
C.G. JUNG Îi bun tovarăş drumul. Vrednic tovarăş. Taci tu - tace şi el, ai ceva pe suflet, te ascultă c...
ION DRUță Cine este acest dumnezeu al științei? Cine este dumnezeul care le oferă copiilor săi putere, dar...
DAN BROWN Ar fi înspăimântător să crezi că din tot acest cosmos atât de armonios, desăvârşit şi ega...
MIRCEA ELIADE — De ce să nu avem dreptul să criticăm, să-i
considerăm pe unii tîmpiţi şi săraci c...
MARTIN PAGE Inainte sa le reprosezi oamenilor ca sunt scortosi, adu-ti aminte ca asa sunt marionetele.
TEODOR BURNAR Vă e teamă de consecinţele grave ale actelor dumneavoastră şi atunci inventaţi o morală sau o...
MIRCEA ELIADE Imi place sa-i ajut pe altii si consider ca cea mai mare placere a vietii este sa vezi un om elibera...
HUBBARD L. RON Niciodată nu te voi trăda de tot, deşi te-am trădat şi te voi trăda la fiecare pas; Când te-a...
EMIL M. CIORAN Iubirea schimbă-n limpezi frumuseți, tot ce-i mărunt și fără niciun preț. Ea vede nu cu ochii...
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Nu știu ce să citesc, ce să scriu, ce să fac, nu știu decât că mi-e dor...
ANNE FRANK De ce naiba se interpune între viață și literatură un soi de zid al rușinii? În momentul în ...
JULIO CORTáZAR Era uimită că mai trăia. Constată că se simțea ciudat de indiferentă și că, de fapt, nu-i p...
STIEG LARSSON Unii ar zice ca Scorpionii sunt obsedati de sex. Dar nu penisul, ci inima mi-e organul cel mai neasc...
TEODOR BURNAR Nu-i așa că [durerea] e perfect firească chiar și atunci când omul știe că la capătul acestu...
MIKHAIL BULGAKOV Aceast limbaj amar
Iti cunosc strazile , dulce oras,
iti cunosc demonii si ingerii ce umbl...
CASSANDRA CLARE Suntem creatori, dar jucăm naivi, rolul de „creație”. Ne considerăm biete oi neajutorate, mâ...
DAN BROWN În vremuril noastre, dominate de isteria colectivă stârnită de celebritate - și de superputeril...
KAREN KARBO Elfii si zanele sunt copiii demonilor cu ingerii, avand frumusetea ingerilor si rautatea demonilor. ...
CASSANDRA CLARE -Vă bateţi joc de mine?
-Nu, niciodată, dragul meu; batjocura poate fi folositoare pentru a ...
HECTOR MALOT, SINGUR PE LUME Splendoarea naturii lui se desfășoară la vedere, dar viața lăuntrică îi este acoperită de vo...
RICHARD KUNISCH Sexu' cu un Scorpion e o experienta la un alt nivel. O experienta tantrica. In cazu’ de fata, o co...
More Despre Realitatea Iluziei: de Vorba Cu Henriette Yvonne Stahl
I was named Margaret Yvonne. 'Margaret' because my mother was very fond of one of the deriva...
YVONNE DE CARLO I found I had the ability to do comedy. My timing was really inborn.
YVONNE DE CARLO I'm from Hollywood; I'm too dumb to be nervous about New York.
YVONNE DE CARLO Men, no matter what their promises, rarely leave their spouses... the louses.
YVONNE DE CARLO I enjoyed being in 'The Ten Commandments.' That was a great experience - to suddenly become ...
YVONNE DE CARLO I guess I lead a double life, and I must admit I'm happy with both.
YVONNE DE CARLO After I made my hit in 'Salome,' Universal sent me to New York so I could learn to be a prop...
YVONNE DE CARLO The presidency is temporary-but the family is permanent.
YVONNE DE GAULLE Destroy your life; then put it back together.You'll get great material, meet some fascinating charac...
JERRY STAHL Special places in other states are proposed to be sold so Oregon can get its pork.
ANDY STAHL The key to effective censorship is to make sure no one's looking, and this time everyone was watchin...
ANDY STAHL The key to effective censorship is to make sure no one's looking, and this time everyone was watchin...
ANDY STAHL The proposal has been panned by everyone I've heard comment. There have been maybe a dozen people in...
ANDY STAHL Sometimes you find that there is better material in small and more independent movies. There's m...
NICK STAHL For the plaintiffs it comes down to a question of candor and does the jury think the defendant was b...
DAVID STAHL In my experience sometimes the darker the material that you're doing, the more necessary it is t...
NICK STAHL You can see and smell the habitat. It's a very pungent perfume.
MARGO STAHL They had the foresight and donated the land.
MARGO STAHL They are now up in the win column and that's a good place to be. But I think the cases coming up in ...
DAVID STAHL We're going to do almost all '60s tunes. We've got a lot to pull from the archives, and I'm sure peo...
BURTON STAHL I've been on the third line my whole career. Our job is to crash and bang and get the odd goal now a...
CRAIG STAHL The players develop a very strong sense of ownership of the team because they have to put their own ...
DESMOND STAHL It requires a lot of energy to race 2,000 meters; learning to pace yourself is very important. You m...
DESMOND STAHL This year we will be successful again, and we'll have the opportunity to pick it up another level. W...
DESMOND STAHL Although we recorded the song in 1966, we always tie it to the Summer of Love. The song had a lot of...
BURTON STAHL Our expectations are different this year. We're confident, but we don't allow ourselves to get too h...
CRAIG STAHL I've become more of a team player. I just have been using my teammates a lot better because I can't ...
DANIEL STAHL I'm real disappointed because of our losing. I know that this is a learning year, though.
DANIEL STAHL I tried to give my all. My teammates were encouraging me and I got hot, so I just kept shooting.
DANIEL STAHL I think it's a fading image,
LESLEY STAHL Still... I would have hugged my mother if we were the kind of family who hugged. If touching her wer...
JERRY STAHL Although we would have preferred a lower figure, at least the reductions made by the town boards kee...
FLORENCE STAHL We hope to illuminate certain areas of public finance and taxation that are rarely discussed by town...
FLORENCE STAHL We have an extremely high demand. We have over 800 wells in which we cannot currently assign rigs to...
GENE STAHL Today, we haven't seen anything.
GENE STAHL We're extremely proud of the results that our team was able to deliver.
GENE STAHL To start the first quarter of 2006, Precision will continue to benefit from the pricing leverage and...
GENE STAHL We accomplished a great deal in 2005, and we set the stage for a strong year in 2006. Our strategy t...
JACK STAHL This company has made substantial progress in the last few years in controlling costs and improving ...
JACK STAHL I think we're moving in right direction. Our underlying results ... are strong. We're building a fou...
JACK STAHL If we tailor our message much more effectively and much more locally, we think we'll make better and...
JACK STAHL We believe if we're going to grow the business effectively, we need to focus our resources on market...
JACK STAHL The beach is Mother Nature's trail. You can walk for 3 miles to the St. Lucie Inlet State Park.
MARGO STAHL Well, we are. I'd like to know when you're going to answer the questions?
LESLEY STAHL Do you think this is in the back of the Republicans' minds now that it happened to Jim Wright, 'Oh o...
LESLEY STAHL I thought administration was the running of the office. The Xerox machine. Paying bills,
LESLEY STAHL They pulled the plug on you, what you wanted to say.
LESLEY STAHL What if you had said, 'OK, I'll have the party, but no alcohol?'
LESLEY STAHL I'll bet, ... But you know, I look from the outside at this marriage and I say, 'Jane Fonda did it a...
LESLEY STAHL I don't know of anybody's political bias at CBS News. We try very hard to get any opinion that we ha...
LESLEY STAHL Unfortunately, this creates new concerns and operational challenges for community banks just as othe...
LINDA STAHL We made some mental errors tonight that we need to get rid of. We are just real happy right now to b...
LARRY STAHL That was a crucial score for us before the half. I kind of stuck my neck out there by going for two,...
LARRY STAHL This was a pivotal game for us. We knew coming in that Stark County would be fired up on their Homec...
LARRY STAHL Just because I'd kicked junk, after all, did not mean I'd kicked being a junkie. And junkies lie. It...
JERRY STAHL It would definitely be fun to do a musical one day.
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I'm such a boots-jeans-tops-blazer girl.
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I was acting since I was a kid, going to drama classes and being involved in every school play and m...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI It's just that I've always been a tomboy, so being thrown into the hot nerd category and the...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I think it's really important that people become aware of the amount, the mass of animals that a...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI If someone takes you out, and you're wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt, and they take you to a fa...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I'm scared of karaoke. I think if I did have a go to karaoke song, it would be 'Whatta Man...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I grew up being absolutely in love with Tom Hanks. I remember, all the kids had Brad Pitt plastered ...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI Sarah is very strong. She's really intelligent and she's very physically capable. I like to ...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI The more gunk I have on my face, the less free I feel.
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI If I can't do high kicks or dance in it, then I won't wear it.
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I've been very physical my whole life. I went out hiking and camping for days in the Australian ...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I just love the culture of Melbourne.
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I was pretty nervous when I met Robert DeNiro. I kind of felt like a kid in a candy store for the fi...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI It's often the death of the show when you break the tension and the two lead characters get toge...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I remember being at Greenblatt's on Sunset, and some guy just walked straight up to me, and he h...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I'm a crier. I always cry. I cry at the dumbest things, too. This is why I sort of steer clear o...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I loved school, I loved putting on my uniform and doing homework every day. I was one of those good ...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I've always been a very outdoors sort of girl. I'm more a tomboy than a girly girl.
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I can put my legs behind my head. That's a fun fact that not a lot of people know!
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI You definitely cannot please everyone at all.
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I feel lucky that I got to work with some of the big legends in town.
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI When you are doing a show, it can get really dull. You are sitting so long while they set up the lig...
YVONNE CRAIG Everybody in their own imagination decides what scary is.
YVONNE CRAIG I have had strange animals as pets all my life. I was shy growing up, and shy people tend to interac...
YVONNE CRAIG I haven't collected memorabilia. I am not a person who lives in the past.
YVONNE CRAIG We did a lot of high school productions. My first was 'Twelfth Night.' I played Viola. We di...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I grew up with horrible skin. I had cystic acne ever since I can remember. I ended up finally listen...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I'm not a singer. In 'Bye Bye Birdie,' I think I was the sad girl who sits on the park b...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I think a man is a man, and a man has a hairy chest, so let that be!
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI Don't allow the pride, ego and insecurities of others stunt your growth.
YVONNE PIERRE Sometimes, you have to look back in order to understand the things that lie ahead.
YVONNE WOON When you focus on someone's disability you'll overlook their abilities, beauty and uniqueness. Once ...
YVONNE PIERRE When the winds of life are pushing you back, THAT'S when you push forward the hardest.
YVONNE PIERRE It's easy to point out other people flaws, but it takes TRUE courage and strength take a look in the...
YVONNE PIERRE God has ALREADY given you the strength you need, it's up to you to recognize that you were BORN a co...
YVONNE PIERRE Everyone has the abbility to hurt. It's the choice that matters.
YVONNE WOON Dante laughed. "No cold soup, no goat cheese. I'll make a mental note. And no Gottfried Curse."
YVONNE WOON I landed the female lead role on 'Chuck' within three days of landing in L.A., so it was a l...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI From what I understand, yesterday, the student got enraged at another student who used a racial slur...
YVONNE MARTINEZ The sun had almost gone down and the storm was illuminated behind the clouds. Now it has passed, coo...
YVONNE WILLIAMS I haven't collected memorabilia. I am not a person who lives in the past.
YVONNE CRAIG I think East will be pretty good, I guess,
YVONNE CRAIG It's very likely that when they build it, the kids will come. The area is way overflowing, and they'...
YVONNE CHAN The fur is out of the house, now we want Pete out. We'd like to meet with him. We'd like to educate ...
YVONNE TAYLOR We're still dealing with racism. Discrimination still exists. We're still fighting, but it's a diffe...
YVONNE BUNCH Most of the film directors expect their actors to want to work fast.
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI She takes big glossy advertisements for fur and she refuses to run any anti-fur ads, even paid ones,...
YVONNE TAYLOR They said they didn't see the handgun. When Jacobs came in, it was dark and they went to the back be...
YVONNE MARTINEZ The cost of higher education is a concern everywhere and of course books are a big piece of that.
YVONNE HUBBARD Their budgets are much smaller than ours and they don't have an airport of our capacity.
YVONNE HESTER The increase is to attract and retain employees. As we try to do recruitment we are not getting the ...
YVONNE HESTER It was just happening at the beginning under our radar screen. We feel that now that we understand h...
YVONNE HESTER Our greatest hope is that somebody will adopt her.
YVONNE HESTER The theory is that her owner was either a truck driver or owns a diesel car.
YVONNE HESTER We want to be consistent with all developers.
YVONNE HESTER As a part of the requirement by the city, we are asking the developer to construct an open channel f...
YVONNE HESTER It helps sometimes to dwell on the good memories. They remind you that happiness does exist, though ...
YVONNE WOON There are no such things as curses; only people and their decisions
YVONNE WOOD There were burnt cars all over the place and helicopters circling overhead. Burning cars make a big ...
YVONNE ROLAND The Baptists were extremely anti-slavery.
YVONNE JOHNSON They were incoherent and out of it. They didn't know where they were.
YVONNE MARTINEZ All students have to be notified if they are not meeting that standard because, for example, if they...
YVONNE HUBBARD One of the biggest things he did was educate the community. We live in a very affluent community and...
YVONNE BOOKER It was absolute chaos. I was scared that they didn't lock the door between the lounge and the bar. W...
YVONNE MALLETT Even when you don't see Him working, He's busy working on your behalf. Forever grateful for God's gr...
YVONNE PIERRE Berkeley played well. We didn't hit our shots when we needed to, and Berkeley hustled. They deserved...
YVONNE ANDERTON Karen only has half her heart working and she's on oxygen. We're selling to help her pay off her hou...
YVONNE PAINE If you have a family history of cancer, it is important that you adapt your lifestyle, your diet in ...
YVONNE RAMMBWA 'The Handmaid's Tale' is a human story, and women's rights are human rights, and it&...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI The enemy uses those things your insecure about. Free yourself and take your power back by being sec...
YVONNE PIERRE Oh here's a nice one, he brown recluse spider. This once resides in wooded areas. In other words, ne...
YVONNE PRINZ The city of Greensboro has to show leadership in bringing people of different viewpoints together. I...
YVONNE JOHNSON The city of Greensboro has to show leadership in bringing people of different viewpoints together, ....
YVONNE JOHNSON It appeared he tried to throw the dope out.
YVONNE MARTINEZ She was treated (at the scene) for minor injuries. There were three children in the car.
YVONNE MARTINEZ He told them that he knew it was fake and that he had gotten it from an unknown man.
YVONNE MARTINEZ The clerk took a close look at the bill and suspected it was fake. She stalled him while she called ...
YVONNE MARTINEZ He was trying to pass a bogus $100 bill to the clerk. He was trying to buy condoms and cologne.
YVONNE MARTINEZ He said the men came to return the box of cigars. They got into an argument and he followed them out...
YVONNE MARTINEZ They're totally random. We believe this to be the activity of juveniles. Nobody that called in saw o...
YVONNE MARTINEZ There is nothing remotely fashionable about the torture and death of animals killed for fur.
YVONNE TAYLOR Julien MacDonald may have been able to ignore images of bloody skinned animals gasping for breath in...
YVONNE TAYLOR I've always loved dolls. I had one all my life - we were a family of nine.
YVONNE BEAUVAIS I just think any mother openly displaying marijuana on the counter, with guns and knives on display,...
YVONNE MARTINEZ Cut down on fatty foods. Diets high in saturated fats are also high in calories and contribute to ob...
YVONNE RAMMBWA Don't let toxic people infect you with the fear of giving and receiving one of the most powerful for...
YVONNE PIERRE Our members save and collect items all year for this yard sale. Several members spend months growing...
YVONNE TAYLOR For every person who closed the door in my face, thank you. For every person who told me I wasn't go...
YVONNE PIERRE It has a very innocent side - like a yearbook page with kids writing to each other. But there's no s...
YVONNE GARCIA My children taught me the true meaning of unconditional love.
YVONNE PIERRE Often people ask, "How can you say you're blessed to have a son with Down syndrome?" My outlook on l...
YVONNE PIERRE We don't do the pill because we don't have any way to monitor what they are taking every day.
YVONNE SMITH The patriarchal/kyriarchal/hegemonic culture seeks to regulate and control the body – especially w...
YVONNE ABURROW It's like a puzzle, ... the first chapter in the story of this place.
YVONNE JOHNSON There were burnt cars all over the place and helicopters circling overhead.
YVONNE ROLAND It's just as convenient for us to come to them. Our office is near downtown Dallas, so for them to g...
YVONNE GILLIAM The suspect then left but one of them dropped his cell phone. The victim had a minor stab wound to t...
YVONNE MARTINEZ Wintour is fur-bearing animals' worst enemy because her magazine continues to feature dozens of pags...
YVONNE TAYLOR So far for the calendar year we have issued a total of 1,225 permits for new single family homes. If...
YVONNE HESTER They are suspicious in nature because they were set within minutes of each other. We do have some de...
YVONNE MARTINEZ When you talk about genetic variation being lost, you need to really reduce [the population] to a sm...
YVONNE CHAN It's not strength, it's PERCEPTION that makes you stronger. If you change how you SEE it, you'll cha...
YVONNE PIERRE It's been dry and when you have dry conditions with wind, that's not good. A fire can spread quickly...
YVONNE MARTINEZ You can't get the bottleneck time or the bottleneck size without both modern and ancient DNA.
YVONNE CHAN Stop worrying about someone taking your spot. God already have it reserved. Do the work to get there...
YVONNE PIERRE There have been many merit pay plans over the years. Those that were funded failed miserably when th...
YVONNE LYONS With Dante gone, time seemed to stand still around me; the mornings just as cloudy and dark as the e...
YVONNE WOON ... In love, everyone does things that hurt the other person, so there really is no "Right" and "Wro...
YVONNE WOOD If my fall made you smile, you might not want to witness what's about to happen when I get up.
YVONNE PIERRE Because the furnace should've been on, I called the landlord to come and fix it.
YVONNE MIX In many cases, people hold on so tightly to their past pains to avoid letting go of the “excuses�...
YVONNE PIERRE It was great to make him look like a fool. His attitude towards animals is despicable.
YVONNE TAYLOR With a $20 bill you'll walk away with a buggy full of items for your home. This year's Yard Sale tak...
YVONNE TAYLOR Very nice job, but make your voice go up at the end of the phrase; it sounds more appealing and enth...
YVONNE TAYLOR When darkness falls and eyes stay shut
A chain of voices opens up.
Let wax not wane give b...
YVONNE WOON ... In this world, darkness is always looming on the horizon. At Gottfried, instead of avoiding the ...
YVONNE WOON DANTE: And what if you found out you were right? What if it meant that I could hurt you?
YVONNE WOOD We're always concerned about that. It's going to be challenging.
YVONNE MARTINEZ It's, like, your classic journey from a drama school. I went straight to the three-year acting d...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I wanted to honor my heritage and where I came from and keep the name. It was a tough decision to ev...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI I grew up being a dancer, so I was always doing some sort of dance number, like the Tornado in '...
YVONNE STRAHOVSKI In the end we're all miserable. It's a human condition.
YVONNE PRINZ If your boss asks you to do a task... You'll stay late for work to make sure it's done. You'll be co...
YVONNE PIERRE It's just so sad what we're willing to do for the Joey Spinellis of the world, you know?
The mu...
YVONNE PRINZ One just left crying. I said, ?Don?t cry, you?re going to make me cry.
YVONNE BEAUVAIS The problem is the way the brain processes information. It's similar to a computer. The information ...
YVONNE DILLAHA It's a case-by-case situation. Our goal is to provide permanent housing ... and we offer services fo...
YVONNE GILLIAM We will look at the current inventory and work to ensure a proper atmosphere at the library.
YVONNE HESTER I call him the code enforcement officer gone wild.
YVONNE WARD Mom, camping is not a date; it's an endurance test. If you can survive camping with someone, you sho...
YVONNE PRINZ Crying only makes your problems last longer.
YVONNE WOON If you want to do something that really changes someone’s life, the best thing you can do is make ...
JOHN STAHL-WERT This region breeds intellectual discussion and thought; without that we wouldn't have the Wright Bro...
DR. YVONNE SEON They believe a new generation of students is where hope is. They look for the opportunity to influen...
DR. YVONNE SEON In today's world, it is important to have a global voice.
DR. YVONNE SEON If you're here for four more years or four more weeks, you're here right now. I think when you're so...
KAREN HALL AND JERRY STAHL Women made us lose paradise, but how frequently we find it again in their arms
DE FINOD The more I saw of foreign countries the more I loved my own.
DE DELLOY An original writer is not one who imitates nobody, but one whom nobody can imitate.
DE CHATEAUBRIAND Peace is a natural effect of trade.
DE MONTESQUIEU If the triangles made a god, they would give him three sides.
DE MONTESQUIEU Commerce is the cure for the most destructive prejudices.
DE MONTESQUIEU In republican governments, men are all equal; equal they are also is despotic governments: in the fo...
DE MONTESQUIEU There is a French saying: ''Love is the dawn of marriage, and marriage is the sunset of love.''