Nothing can torture you more than your own mind. You can be present and mindful without being critical. Acceptance is the key. Accept yourself as you are now. It doesn't mean you can't grow or learn. It just means you won't torture yourself over your mistakes. Remember, we all make mistakes. It is a normal part of growth. Just don't stay with your mistakes. Let go and move forward into the present moment. There is nothing at all that we can do to change anything that we've done or others have done in the past. We can only change what we are doing in the here and now. That's where it counts, that's what matters. Don't berate yourself or put yourself down. Believe in your own potential. Learn to forgive yourself and others. Don't look for problems, instead look for solutions. Look at what you can do, rather than what you can't. Always empower yourself. Always keep hope and faith in your heart.

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