You are whoever and however you decide to be. You choose in every moment how to react, how to act towards others, and who you ultimately are. If you stop and take a look at that and decide you want or need to change, don't be afraid. You can start anew in the very next moment. It does not matter if you've been that way for 1, 10, 50 years, or more. You can decide to do things differently starting right now. All it takes is a decision. Yes, you may lose some people along the way, but don't worry, you'll find new people. Don't be afraid to own your life. Don't be afraid to be who you've always wanted to be. Be true to who you are. Don't be afraid of change. It may be bumpy and difficult at first, like anything new, but if you're determined and ride it out, you will come through it just fine. You are the only one who is responsible for who and how you are in this life. By becoming and being the best version of yourself, you will enhance the quality of your life. Your relationships with others will improve. You will have a more positive impact in this world. Everyone wins! What legacy will you leave? It is never too late to change. Love yourself enough to become the best version of yourself. Become actively involved in the present moment. Become aware of your place in it all. How are you in all of it?

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