Berhenti bercita-cita adalah tragedi terbesar dalam hidup manusia
Andrea Hirata
Hal yang terpenting dalam cinta adalah persahabatan. Dan hal yang terpenting dalam persahabatan adal...
WINNA EFENDI Kita tidak akan pernah benar-benar berhenti mencintai seseorang. Kita hanya belajar untuk hidup tanp...
WINNA EFENDI Orang bilang, manusia terbiasa memakai topeng. Pada suatu saat dalam perjalanan hidup kita, risiko m...
FRANCISCA TODI Teknologi tertinggi yang ada di dunia ini adalah tubuh manusia. Komputer paling rumit sekaligus pali...
VICTORIA TUNGGONO Kita perlu faham bahawa hak manusia perlu diraikan dengan syarat mengikuti panduan syarak. Jika semu...
NAJMI NAWAWI Kita perlu faham bahawa hak manusia perlu diraikan dengan syarat mengikuti panduan syarak. Jika semu...
NAJMI NAWAWI Kunci keberhasilan dalam hal apa pun adalah disiplin, komitmen, dan konsisten.
DEDY BUDIMAN Menjadi dewasa adalah konsep yang terlalu dibesar-besarkan. Hidup adalah tentang memilih. Setiap har...
FRANCISCA TODI Apa boleh buat, jalan seorang penulis adalah jalan kreativitas, di mana segenap penghayatannya terha...
SENO GUMIRA AJIDARMA Mencintai adalah melebur dengan orang yang kita cintai dan menemukan percikan Tuhan di dalam dirinya...
PAULO COELHO Yang paling berharga dan hakiki dalam kehidupan adalah dapat mencintai, dapat iba hati, dapat merasa...
SOE HOK GIE Kekalahan di bidang politik adalah kesalahan hidup secara habis-habisan dan akibatnya bahkan tertang...
AHMAD TOHARI Berpuisi merupakan suatu kepandaian manusia memanfaatkan imaji ke dalam tantangan kreatif merangkai ...
REMY SYLADO Dengan kesederhanaan hidup bukan berati tidak ada kebahagian, kebahagian ada pada seberapa besar keb...
TERE LIYE Kamu pasti tahu dari buku-buku di perpustakaanmu bahwa orang kalau sudah beragama secara benar, menj...
SUJIWO TEJO Kita semua harus menerima kenyataan, tapi menerima kenyataan saja adalah pekerjaan manusia yang tak ...
PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER Kita adalah Apa yang Kita Pikirkan'
Tetap Semangat & selalu Tersenyum ^-^
PUJI DANDELION Margo menyukai misteri sejak dulu. Dan dalam semua hal yang terjadi setelahnya, aku tidak pernah bis...
JOHN GREEN Aku mencintainya tanpa diketahui.
Aku mencintainya dalam diam.
Aku mencintainya dalam satu...
JEE Apakah ada yang tahu bagaimana rasanya mencintai seseorang yang tidak boleh dicintai? Aku tahu. Hidu...
ILANA TAN Pada prinsipnya kita bersetuju bahawa pandangan manusia, dan oleh kerananya ilmu-ilmu yang dibangunk...
KHALIF MUAMMAR Orang boleh pandai setinggi langit, tapi selama ia tidak menulis, ia akan hilang di dalam masyarakat...
PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER ..dan modern adalah juga kesunyian manusia yatim-piatu dikutuk untuk membebaskan diri dari segala ik...
PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER Jika kehidupan adalah suatu teks yang berirama, aku hidup pada bait ketiga dimana tak banyak orang y...
NOM DE PLUME Tegakkan cita-cita lebih dahulu sebelum berusaha
HAMKA Cara terbaik menghadapi masa lalu adalah dengan dihadapi. Berdiri gagah. Mulailah dengan damai mener...
TERE LIYE Dan bukankan satu ciri manusia modern adalah juga kemenangan individu atas lingkungannya dengan pres...
PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER I changed the course of my life, from the rigidity of mathematics and the corporate rhythm to a more...
ANDREA HIRATA I am a writer who has a policy to allocate 90 percent of my time for research and the remaining 10 p...
ANDREA HIRATA Happiness is actually found in simple things, such as taking my nephew around the island by bicycle ...
ANDREA HIRATA ...ilmu demikian luas untuk disombongkan...
ANDREA HIRATA The decision to write full-time meant I couldn't afford to buy a house. A friend kindly offered ...
ANDREA HIRATA It's hard to be a minority. People look at you a different way, like you don't belong, and I...
ANDREA HIRATA I think writers of memoirs need to be respected for the bold decision they take to bare their lives ...
ANDREA HIRATA Jika berfikir positif, ternyata mengenal seseorang secara emosional memberikan akses pada sebuah ban...
ANDREA HIRATA I think what matters most in literary work is the context, not the text.
ANDREA HIRATA I've backpacked to countries like Italy and Turkey and observed beautiful scenery, but then I re...
ANDREA HIRATA From a building right in front of my windows, I can observe the speed of the sunrises and sunsets. T...
ANDREA HIRATA I'm a small-town boy who comes from a traditional family on a tiny island called Belitung. I may...
ANDREA HIRATA Beri aku sesuatu yang paling sulit, aku akan belajar!
ANDREA HIRATA Sering aku disiksa oleh pertanyaan: mengapa A Ling bisa begitu? Apa salahku sehingga ia begitu? Apa ...
ANDREA HIRATA Berhenti lari dari kenyataan hidupmu. Berhenti cemas atas penilaian orang lain, dan mulailah berbuat...
TERE LIYE One factor that makes human being reluctant to have hope is the fear of disappointment.
Do not ...
TOBA BETA Semua momen dalam kehidupan saya, setiap orang yang saya temui, semua perjalanan yang telah saya tem...
ERIC WEINER Hidup telah menunjukkan dengan caranya sendiri bahwa aku senantiasa dipandu. Tak perlu tahu ke mana ...
DEE LESTARI Kemunduran negara tidak akan terjadi kalau tidak kemunduran budi dan kekusutan jiwa."
HAMKA Konon, Dajjal akan muncul di akhir zaman. Dia bermata satu dan memiliki kekuatan besar. Jangan-janga...
REZA NUFA Kalau hidup sekadar hidup, babi di hutan juga hidup.
Kalau bekerja sekadar bekerja, kera juga b...
HAMKA Benarlah. Jika kalian sedang bersedih, jika kalian sedang terpagut masa lalu menyakitkan, penuh peny...
TERE LIYE Ukhuwah itu tidak bisa dihapus dalam satu perintah, walaupun yang memerintah adalah seorang raja yan...
SASDANU PRIAMBODO Menurutku, apa yang terjadi antara seseorang dengan Tuhannya adalah rahasia mereka berdua. Dan apabi...
MATAHARITIMOER Manusia menuntut manusia lain untuk punya drama. Itu syaratnya supaya kita kelihatan normal
DEE LESTARI Cinta itu adalah perasaan yang mesti ada pada tiap-tiap diri manusia, ia laksana setitis embun yang ...
HAMKA Di negeri yang malang, seseorang yang memilih menjadi manusia akan tampak seperti malaikat
GOENAWAN MOHAMAD Jangan anggap remeh si manusia, yang kelihatannya begitu sederhana; biar penglihatanmu setajam elang...
PRAMOEDYA ANANTA TOER Yang sedang jatuh cinta, berjuanglah demi cinta. Yg sedang punya keinginan berjuanglah demi cita-cit...
DEKALITA Mungkin kau harus berhenti memedulikan apa kata orang tentang dirimu.
FRANCISCA TODI Karena sesungguhnya cinta tidak pernah meminta untuk menanti. Ia mengambil kesempatan atau mempersil...
RIZQIYYAH YASMIN Bagi manusia, hidup itu juga sebab-akibat, Ray. Bedanya, bagi manusia sebab-akibat itu membentuk pet...
TERE LIYE Semakin bersedia seseorang untuk menilai sesuatu dari sudut pandang orang lain yang berbeda, maka se...
TOBA BETA Cinta adalah perbuatan. Kata-kata dan tulisan indah adalah omong kosong.
TERE LIYE Hijab adalah pembebasan dari ketergantungan kosmetik dan topeng. Hijab adalah pembebasan untuk jujur...
MAHDAVI Hidup hanya menunda kekalahan.
CHAIRIL ANWAR Aku belum tahu apakah Islam itu sebenarnya. Aku baru tahu Islam menurut HAMKA, Islam menurut Natsir,...
AHMAD WAHIB cinta adalah mengalami
DEE LESTARI I know 8 know nothing
BERNARD RUSSEL Je suis un artiste, et mon œuvre, c'est Moi.
LOLITA PILLE In faded leathers and boots, he sure wasn't a clotheshorse like Antonio, and he was sure a lot bigge...
CHERISE SINCLAIR Aku kini percaya. Manusia dirancang untuk terluka.
DEE LESTARI Aku tak sanggup hidup menanggung dosa.
SUBARU UENO Aku akan membawanya pulang, pikir Baba Ayub ketika itu juga. Inilah yang paling diinginkannya, bersa...
KHALED HOSSEINI Pilihlah sesuatu dan belajarlah hidup dengan konsekuensinya.
FRANCISCA TODI Salah satu anggapan dasar buku ini adalah bahwa adat memiliki kaidah dan nilai-nilai yang lebih adil...
MARSEN SINAGA sepi dan aku adalah satu
ADRIE Ketidakjujuran adalah isyarat ketidakbebasan hati
GOENAWAN MOHAMAD Setiap kamu punya mimpi atau keinginan atau cita-cita,
kamu taruh di sini, di depan kening kamu...
DONNY DHIRGANTORO Dalam sebuah skenario infiltrasi ide jangan pernah peduli dengan latar belakang lawan biacara kalian...
TERE LIYE Bergantung pada manusia itu meresahkan. Bergantung pada Allah itu menentramkan.
HELVY TIANA ROSA Jika kita mengelami krisis bahan makanan bukanlah disebabkan oleh daya produktifitas alam yang tidak...
MASANOBU FUKUOKA Orang berakal hidup untuk masyarakatnya, bukan buat dirinya sendiri.
HAMKA Cinta itu macam musik yang indah. Bedanya, cinta sejati akan membuatmu tetap menari meskipun musikny...
TERE LIYE Agama, sebaliknya tidak mengklaim untuk jadi petunjuk praktis pengubah dunia. Semangat agama yang pa...
GOENAWAN MOHAMAD Andrea Schulz became my editor in 2009.
ALEXANDER CHEE Kadang aku merasa sudah dekat dengan kegilaan.
Kamu tahu apa yang paling menyakitkan saat peras...
TASARO G.K. Pengalaman-pengalaman yang lembut dan santai mungkin tidak tercatat dalam garis-garis kehidupan seca...
AHMAD TOHARI Puisi adalah suara sekaligus kaki bagi hati.
HELVY TIANA ROSA Manusia bertarung memperebutkan kekuasaan atas nama agama dan bukan sebaliknya. Agama apa pun tidak ...
SENO GUMIRA AJIDARMA Manusia berasal dari tanah, Maka jadilah tanah yang dapat menumbuhkan bunga.
HALIMAH ALAYDRUS Maha Suci Engkau Ya Allah, yang telah menciptakan perasaan. Maha Suci Engkau yang telah menciptakan ...
TERE LIYE Her face looked like it would shatter any second.
ILONA ANDREWS One day I'll kill him, you know.
I glanced at her. She was deadly serious.
ILONA ANDREWS She put her hands over her face. Ah crap. What do I do now? Do I say something, do I not say somethi...
ILONA ANDREWS Are you happy?
When I can get out of my own way.
And the rest of the time?
The rest o...
ILONA ANDREWS Would you like to work here with me?
We have no clients and the pay is shit.
ILONA ANDREWS What do you mean fainted?
Took a dive, kissed the pavement. Swooned like a southern belle after...
ILONA ANDREWS I batted my eyelashes and did my best to appear dumb as a board
ILONA ANDREWS Selanjutnya adalah untuk menunggu
Terhakis, retak, berkecai, reput, dan hancur.
ROSLI K. MATARI Walau tak ada yang sempurna, hidup ini indah apa adanya.
DEE LESTARI How's Your Romance? Andrea Marcovicci Sings Cole Porter.
ANDREA MARCOVICCI Seni sama pentingnya dengan matematika. Seni memanusiakan manusia. Seni menciptakan rasa empati
More Andrea Hirata
I changed the course of my life, from the rigidity of mathematics and the corporate rhythm to a more...
ANDREA HIRATA I am a writer who has a policy to allocate 90 percent of my time for research and the remaining 10 p...
ANDREA HIRATA Happiness is actually found in simple things, such as taking my nephew around the island by bicycle ...
ANDREA HIRATA ...ilmu demikian luas untuk disombongkan...
ANDREA HIRATA The decision to write full-time meant I couldn't afford to buy a house. A friend kindly offered ...
ANDREA HIRATA It's hard to be a minority. People look at you a different way, like you don't belong, and I...
ANDREA HIRATA I think writers of memoirs need to be respected for the bold decision they take to bare their lives ...
ANDREA HIRATA Jika berfikir positif, ternyata mengenal seseorang secara emosional memberikan akses pada sebuah ban...
ANDREA HIRATA I think what matters most in literary work is the context, not the text.
ANDREA HIRATA I've backpacked to countries like Italy and Turkey and observed beautiful scenery, but then I re...
ANDREA HIRATA From a building right in front of my windows, I can observe the speed of the sunrises and sunsets. T...
ANDREA HIRATA I'm a small-town boy who comes from a traditional family on a tiny island called Belitung. I may...
ANDREA HIRATA Beri aku sesuatu yang paling sulit, aku akan belajar!
ANDREA HIRATA Sering aku disiksa oleh pertanyaan: mengapa A Ling bisa begitu? Apa salahku sehingga ia begitu? Apa ...
ANDREA HIRATA There's actually nothing interesting about me except what I write.
ANDREA BARRETT A representative is free delivery; she's a personal beauty consultant. Some people want that hig...
ANDREA JUNG Life takes its path and sometimes there are people to blame. Of course there are bad people in this ...
ANDREA CORR For me, riding a two-wheeler bike was very risky. Counting the pedal strokes before turning a corner...
ANDREA BOCELLI And, I'd never done Tennessee Williams, and I had done Broadway musicals, so it was a challenge.
ANDREA MARTIN A career is like a house: it's made of many bricks, and each brick has the same value, because w...
ANDREA BOCELLI I've dreamed of having my French bulldog become a bestselling children's heroine.
ANDREA SEIGEL I do most of my shopping over the Internet because as a busy working mum I can do the supermarket sh...
ANDREA MCLEAN Once respect has been initiated, war is less provocative.
ANDREA SCHOLER When I sing for myself, I sing in a more free, athletic way. When I face an audience, there is alway...
ANDREA BOCELLI A doctor once told me I feel too much. I said, so does god. that’s why you can see the grand canyo...
ANDREA GIBSON My face is almost like a canvas - a blank canvas in the sense that the hair on my face is very, very...
ANDREA RISEBOROUGH The nutritionist said I should eat root vegetables.
Said if I could get down thirteen turnips a...
ANDREA GIBSON You want me to lie for you?" Aidan asked, watching them.
"Believe in me, the way ...
ANDREA HAIRSTON All personal, psychological, social, and institutionalized domination on this earth can be traced ba...
ANDREA DWORKIN Women are an enslaved population -- the crop we harvest is children, the fields we work are houses. ...
ANDREA DWORKIN I love the male body, it's better designed than the male mind.
ANDREA NEWMAN Only when manhood is dead -- and it will perish when ravaged femininity no longer sustains it -- onl...
ANDREA DWORKIN In this society, the norm of masculinity is phallic aggression. Male sexuality is, by definition, in...
ANDREA DWORKIN Marriage as an institution developed from rape as a practice. Rape, originally defined as abduction,...
ANDREA DWORKIN The argument between wives and whores is an old one; each one thinking that whatever she is, at leas...
ANDREA DWORKIN Money speaks, but it speaks with a male voice.
ANDREA DWORKIN It is difficult for intellect, technology, and peace to coexist. Not because peace is static where t...
ANDREA SCHOLER Undernourished, intelligence becomes like the bloated belly of a starving child: swollen, filled wit...
ANDREA DWORKIN Male supremacy is fused into the language, so that every sentence both heralds and affirms it.
ANDREA DWORKIN The fact that we are all trained to be mothers from infancy on means that we are all trained to devo...
ANDREA DWORKIN Poetry, the genre of purest beauty, was born of a truncated woman: her head severed from her body wi...
ANDREA DWORKIN Feminist art is not some tiny creek running off the great river of real art. It is not some crack in...
ANDREA DWORKIN For a mother the project of raising a boy is the most fulfilling project she can hope for. She can w...
ANDREA DWORKIN The common erotic project of destroying women makes it possible for men to unite into a brotherhood;...
ANDREA DWORKIN A commitment to sexual equality with males is a commitment to becoming the rich instead of the poor,...
ANDREA DWORKIN By the time we are women, fear is as familiar to us as air. It is our element. We live in it, we inh...
ANDREA DWORKIN Women's fashion is a euphemism for fashion created by men for women.
ANDREA DWORKIN Seduction is often difficult to distinguish from rape. In seduction, the rapist often bothers to buy...
ANDREA DWORKIN Women, for centuries not having access to pornography and now unable to bear looking at the muck on ...
ANDREA DWORKIN Men have defined the parameters of every subject. All feminist arguments, however radical in intent ...
ANDREA DWORKIN Men are rewarded for learning the practice of violence in virtually any sphere of activity by money,...
ANDREA DWORKIN Men renounce whatever they have in common with women so as to experience no commonality with women; ...
ANDREA DWORKIN The will to domination is a ravenous beast. There are never enough warm bodies to satiate its monstr...
ANDREA DWORKIN Wild intelligence abhors any narrow world; and the world of women must stay narrow, or the woman is ...
ANDREA DWORKIN While gossip among women is universally ridiculed as low and trivial, gossip among men, especially i...
ANDREA DWORKIN A man can be a hero if he is a scientist, or a soldier, or a drug addict, or a disc jockey, or a cru...
ANDREA DWORKIN Childbearing is glorified in part because women die from it.
ANDREA DWORKIN Being a Jew, one learns to believe in the reality of cruelty and one learns to recognize indifferenc...
ANDREA DWORKIN Erotica is simply high-class pornography; better produced, better conceived, better executed, better...
ANDREA DWORKIN Sexism is the foundation on which all tyranny is built. Every social form of hierarchy and abuse is ...
ANDREA DWORKIN No woman needs intercourse; few women escape it.
ANDREA DWORKIN I didn't have a particular persona. I'm not Alice Cooper, you know?
ANDREA CORR I'm an artist; affirmation is like catnip to me.
ANDREA RISEBOROUGH My parents kept the best aspects of the Asian culture, and they Americanized the family. My mother w...
ANDREA JUNG 'Passione' is a selection of the music moments that have accompanied my youth; a collection ...
ANDREA BOCELLI Women like myself, CEOs, can pave the way for more women to get to the top.
ANDREA JUNG Margot Livesey, my dear friend, reads all the drafts of what I write, and I read hers. We have an in...
ANDREA BARRETT I always think that if you look at anyone in detail, you will have empathy for them because you reco...
ANDREA ARNOLD The genius of any slave system is found in the dynamics which isolate slaves from each other, obscur...
ANDREA DWORKIN It's important for me who is at the table with me; the moment when everyone speaks to each other...
ANDREA BOCELLI Feminism is hated because women are hated. Anti-feminism is a direct expression of misogyny; it is t...
ANDREA DWORKIN Genocide begins, however improbably, in the conviction that classes of biological distinction indisp...
ANDREA DWORKIN Eating at home is fine, as I can easily work around the foods that don't agree with me and still...
ANDREA MCLEAN Whenever I get fed up with life I love to go wandering in nature.
ANDREA ARNOLD Singing provides a true sense of lightheartedness. If I sing when I am alone, I feel wonderful. It...
ANDREA BOCELLI People think I'm totally crackers.
ANDREA RISEBOROUGH I am, as are most writers, just hugely obsessive, and so are many of my closest friends, who tend to...
ANDREA BARRETT A love song must respect the canons of music beauty, entering the fibers of those who are listening....
ANDREA BOCELLI There are pros and cons of experience. A con is that you can't look at the business with a fresh...
ANDREA JUNG Talent is the No. 1 priority for a CEO. You think it's about vision and strategy, but you have t...
ANDREA JUNG If a parent did not get a first- or second-choice school, their child's name is automatically placed...
ANDREA ZAHN It's difficult for the schools when parents drop in.
ANDREA ZAHN If you're ready, make your call as soon as possible.
ANDREA ZAHN The transportation department is looking for the safest way to deliver the students home. Sometimes ...
ANDREA ZAHN the primary emphasis is on care and not security.
ANDREA YATES Sometimes Andrea liked to take the hard road instead of the easy road.
ANDREA YATES There are two tragedies, ... One is my children and the other is my wife.
ANDREA YATES One side of me blames her because she did it, but the other side says she didn't because that wasn't...
ANDREA YATES just killed my children.
ANDREA YATES If they drop charges against her, then she'd go to a mental hospital and then the doctors would deci...
ANDREA YATES She loved our kids, ... kind, gentle person.
ANDREA YATES severe mental illness like psychosis can lead to a tragedy like this -- that people can see things t...
ANDREA YATES They were not progressing the right way in school, and they had a problem with their manners, their ...
ANDREA YATES [HOUSTON, Texas (CNN) -- Standing outside the home where his wife drowned their five children one ye...
ANDREA YATES There's never been anything to put a dent in it. There continues to be a huge appetite for the show.
ANDREA WONG It was an easy decision to make. The show continues to grow creatively, and Jimmy is at the top of h...
ANDREA WONG I've frequently said that fall is a bad time to launch reality programming. The audience has a real ...
ANDREA WONG What's important is that it's going to bring talent to the marketplace and expose great new creative...
ANDREA WONG [Andrea Wong, ABC's alternative-programming chief, says there will be nine celebrity competitors.] I...
ANDREA WONG I have to say, I was surprised at how angry the press were,
ANDREA WONG We are thrilled to introduce This is Your Life to a whole new generation of ABC viewers, ... was mor...
ANDREA WONG American audiences, when they sit down to watch TV, like to be taken on a roller coaster ride. They ...
ANDREA WONG From my perspective, I'll take a great idea from wherever it comes.
ANDREA WONG We are thrilled to introduce 'This is Your Life' to a whole new generation of ABC viewers, ... was m...
ANDREA WONG I think they'd get the most value out of a large media company or a big retailer on the e-commerce f...
ANDREA WILLIAMS For the same reason Excite is successful as a search engine, I think community focus sites are doing...
ANDREA WILLIAMS It's incrementally positive. ... It's not a negative but does it open up a new opportunity? I'm not ...
ANDREA WILLIAMS What is exciting, is for the first time we are starting to see leverage in their operating models so...
ANDREA WILLIAMS When the [profitable] numbers first came out I think we were all scratching our heads, saying, 'no w...
ANDREA WILLIAMS It was a great quarter for the company. Revenue growth was much stronger than anticipated.
ANDREA WILLIAMS Netscape will have to spend more and do more to catch up ... But they still have 60 percent of the b...
ANDREA WILLIAMS It's an odd arrangement of competition and cooperation, ... Because [the joint venture] is Netscape ...
ANDREA WILLIAMS The last thing the market needs, ... is another 250 public Internet companies. I think this is the b...
ANDREA WILLIAMS There is some anticipation ahead of Bush's speech as his planned tax cuts should help the U.S. consu...
ANDREA WILLIAMS One of the things under consideration is the extension of those programs. And the thought is that by...
ANDREA WHITE She said, 'Should I try to do the splits?' and I said 'Yeah!' and she ripped her pants!
ANDREA WHITE We did it to make it more convenient for the patient as a one-stop center so they don't have to go t...
ANDREA WHITE The first breaking point [in this approach] is not adequately defining the buyer's goals for the acq...
ANDREA WHITE It's the 90/10 rule. You get 90 percent of the work done in 10 percent of the time, and it's that fi...
ANDREA WHITE Survivorship is a process, and not everyone does it the same way at the same time, ... Different mem...
ANDREA WHITE Rx Outreach has been a critical tool for our pharmacy assistance programs as we have worked to expan...
ANDREA WHITE I decided to start painting when I was older just for the love of it. I just sit down in the den whe...
ANDREA WARD I usually just put hang my paintings in my house or give them to my family. I might sell some after ...
ANDREA WARD My favorite to make is the oil paintings. The colors blend better, but they take longer to dry and I...
ANDREA WARD I was a stay at home mom so I could raise my three girls. It can take anywhere from 50-60 hours to d...
ANDREA WARD We work well together. Each of us can anticipate what the other is going to do.
ANDREA WALKER We?re taking small steps but we?re creating a strong base to build on,
ANDREA WALKER When they (the committee) started, I noticed they didn?t have any students on the committee,
ANDREA WALKER When people come in and take a breath, it is so captivating. It basically tells people to stop and s...
ANDREA WALKER Imogene and her staff physically make the arrangements and we put the puzzle together.
ANDREA WALKER You have to know your limits and those of your partners. Otherwise it's impossible to turn such a pr...
ANDREA VOGEL This star constellation will be our guide and point of reference from the beginning to the end.
ANDREA VOGEL We can't rely on an emergency rescue service like in Switzerland despite satellite telephone link-up...
ANDREA VOGEL I'll walk most of the distance, because I'm not fit enough to ride a camel for a long time.
ANDREA VOGEL We each made two cards for him and let them go on balloons at his stone. He touched everyone's life ...
ANDREA VINYARD It didn't take much to get attached to him. I can honestly say he's one of the funniest guys I'd eve...
ANDREA VINYARD He's on the back of a garbage truck with this huge smile on his face. Who would be smiling doing som...
ANDREA VINYARD We always said he had a big heart.
ANDREA VINYARD Plus, I've had six surgeries and I have one more to go with my arm. They had to put a plate and scre...
ANDREA VALADEZ The one chance I got to play them down there we didn't do well at all. But we did play well against ...
ANDREA VALADEZ They definitely told me right off the bat I was still a big part of the team. They made sure to tell...
ANDREA VALADEZ I had two surgeries after the season was over. I had a nagging knee injury. I tore the sheath away f...
ANDREA VALADEZ I'm Andrea Thompson, and unless you've been living in a cave, you probably already know that.
ANDREA THOMPSON Acting is a sense of wonder and magic and mystery for me.
ANDREA THOMPSON Acting is a sense of wonder and magic and mystery for me and when life takes me on a new journey, I ...
ANDREA THOMPSON I think a lot of times when people drunk dial about relationships, they're in a really strange place...
ANDREA THOMPSON I decided to leave my position as anchor of 'CNN Headline News' after several weeks of careful consi...
ANDREA THOMPSON I decided to leave my position as anchor of 'CNN Headline News' after several weeks of careful consi...
ANDREA THOMPSON personal, psychological development project.
ANDREA THOMPSON Students are going to want a free ride anyway, ... It's a good way to tell people face to face.
ANDREA THOMPSON If you're going to paint this homosexual relationship, let's do it with dignity.
ANDREA THOMPSON We ended up going on our second date, which spiraled into us dating for three years.
ANDREA THOMPSON We expect to secure the Republican nomination for governor.
ANDREA TANTAROS The Spitzer ticket misses the point. The way to create jobs and improve the climate for businesses i...
ANDREA TANTAROS New Yorkers have a clear choice: A candidate for governor who hopes he can do a good job protecting ...
ANDREA TANTAROS During his five years as an attorney general in Massachusetts, Bill Weld obtained over 100 convictio...
ANDREA TANTAROS He's saying favorable things. They have a good relationship.
ANDREA TANTAROS The only poll that matters happens on Nov. 7.
ANDREA TANTAROS She does not hunt. She's too much of an animal lover. She would never kill an animal.
ANDREA TANTAROS A lot of eighth-graders would have put it aside.
ANDREA SNYDER I guess a lot of people compared it to Indiana Jones, where you go out into the jungle. About once a...
ANDREA SNYDER There was that period of time, everybody had told me about six months, before you really got it. It ...
ANDREA SNYDER I like working outside. I like being active. I'm not good at sitting at a desk.
ANDREA SNYDER When I started at Hurricane, there was already a shortstop there. So, I played third.
ANDREA SMITH We want to look at survivors as organizers and not so much our clients. We've seen many successful p...
ANDREA SMITH Many of [the Native women victims] stay silent because of cultural barriers, a mistrust of white dom...
ANDREA SMITH Native women are the most sexually assaulted group in the United States. They are ranked 50 percent ...
ANDREA SMITH I love it. There is such a big audience, and it is the best performance we will give all year.
ANDREA SMITH I love it, their practitioners are the best, it's a very well run establishment. Very good customer ...
ANDREA SMITH We're always cold in the first quarter. (Coach) just said to play smart and don't get our heads down...
ANDREA SMITH We came in thinking we were going to win. Then they came out and surprised us by making all of those...
ANDREA SMITH The grounds here are amazing and very well kept. It's phenomenal that all year round it's just very ...
ANDREA SMITH A lot of people do live in the old ways, and we've got to get them out of that mode. Let's better th...
ANDREA SALINAS We want to know what they think, we want to know how we can put it together to make everybody happy....
ANDREA SALINAS When we have the Duval County Fair, they bring a lot of livestock into the city. That falls into a n...
ANDREA SALINAS San Diego has become a farm, and we can't have that anymore. We want economic development in the cit...
ANDREA SALINAS The hotel will not be a franchise hotel. At this point, the U of I will be the brand of the hotel.
ANDREA RUEDI We'd especially like to see students from the hospitality program.
ANDREA RUEDI We're looking at fresh foods, something that appeals to everyone. People will feel comfortable comin...
ANDREA RUEDI It means having more upscale appointments. Also, it needs to have a full-service restaurant attached...
ANDREA RUEDI We have many visitors to Research Park. This provides them with a convenient place to stay.
ANDREA RUEDI When they were casting, Denis was very specific that he didn't want any actors from L.A. and I was l...
ANDREA ROTH He's a dream. He's the greatest. We shoot about 14 pages a day, which is maybe seven different scene...
ANDREA ROTH All the characters are good and bad. None of them are soft and fluffy.
ANDREA ROTH We got a great response (after the first episode) from firemen and their wives, but since then, cert...
ANDREA ROTH I kinda realized like ok. I got another chance.
ANDREA PUMPER I thought she was just gonna bring me home to die. That was my thinking. I don't wanna die here. I w...
ANDREA PUMPER You feel like the bad feelings inside of you are gone. They go away. You're just on this big high, b...
ANDREA PUMPER The one time I had a moment of clarity was when my mom told me my soul was dying. I remember just sc...
ANDREA PUMPER Physical intimacy between two people of the same sex is not condoned in the Scripture.
ANDREA PHILLIPS The JBU discipline process occurs in response to specific behaviors demonstrated repeatedly over tim...
ANDREA PHILLIPS We're not saying students can't dress up in women's clothing. But there's a difference between the o...
ANDREA PHILLIPS We both really wanted to go to London but I also wanted to go to Italy. My husband not being keen on...
ANDREA PHILLIPS I'm very relieved it didn't go into the mouth of the Mississippi, ... That would have been catastrop...
ANDREA PHILLIPS A patient must have a terminal diagnosis to be admitted to such a facility.
ANDREA PHILLIPS One of the tours we had scheduled -- the gaslight tour of Jack the Ripper's haunts, and on Halloween...
ANDREA PHILLIPS Mannequin Madness did a very good job of convincing our judges not only of the clarity of her busine...
ANDREA PEIRO Judith and Mannequin Madness exemplify how small businesses are striving to incorporate technology t...
ANDREA PEIRO The top five World of Difference contest finalists are small businesses that have been able to devel...
ANDREA PEIRO Small businesses embody the spirit of opportunism, innovation and passion, and these awards reflect ...