Yo supe en el momento en que te conocí que había algo en ti que yo necesitaba. Resultó que no era algo de ti. Eras sólo tú.
Jamie McGuire
Yo supe en el momento en que te conocí que había algo en ti que yo necesitaba. Resultó que no era...
JAMIE MCGUIRE No puedes pretender que quien te ama te trate a ti menos cruelmente de lo que se trata a sí mismo. ...
HANNAH ARENDT Es bueno que las personas signifiquen algo para ti, que las eches de menos cuando no están. Yo no e...
JOHN GREEN Es mejor que alguien busque en ti, lo que tú quieres que busquen de ti
ED HERNANDEZ …debes darte cuenta de que nos hemos pasado la vida desde pequeños respondiendo a la pregunta ‘...
ALBERT ESPINOSA En la vida no todo es seguridad. Es ser capaces de recoger los pedazos después de que todo haya pas...
SHERRILYN KENYON ¿Ha estado alguna vez enamorado? Horrible, ¿no? Te hace tan vulnerable. Te abre el pecho y el cora...
NEIL GAIMAN La amistad nace en el momento en el que una persona le dice a la otra: ¿Qué? ¿Tú también ? Pens...
C.S. LEWIS -En mis ojos, fuiste mía desde el momento en el que te vi en el Starbucks con tu amiga. En mi mente...
MEGAN MAXWELL Quizás aun no te comprenda. Pero, con un poco de tiempo, llegaré a entenderte. Y no habrá nadie e...
HARUKI MURAKAMI —Estoy enamorado de ti, y no me apetece privarme del sencillo placer de decir la verdad. Estoy ena...
JOHN GREEN Yo no tenía hermanos. Era hijo único. Y por eso sentí durante toda mi niñez algo
parecido a...
HARUKI MURAKAMI - El amor debe ser algo que te haga perder la razón -susurró-. Algo que te ate para siempre a unos...
ÁNGELES IBIRIKA Si pudiera descubrir porqué se encasillan, podría averiguar por qué yo no lo hago, por qué me he...
JACKSON PEARCE Dentro de aquella casa con las persianas cerradas, sentí un odio profundo hacia la primavera. Odié...
HARUKI MURAKAMI Estar enamorado es lo más maravilloso y lo más terrible que te puede suceder. Sabes que has encont...
KIERA CASS —Si yo bajara en busca de tu alma, ni todos los querubines negros juntos podrían apartarme de ti....
SYLVAIN REYNARD Creo que si alguna vez tengo hijos y están disgustados, no les diré que la gente se muere de hambr...
STEPHEN CHBOSKY —Alguien dijo una vez que en el momento en que te paras a pensar si quieres a alguien, ya has deja...
CARLOS RUIZ ZAFóN —Si alguna mujé blanca lee algún día mi historia, sólo quiero que recuerde esto: que dar las g...
KATHRYN STOCKETT Ese algo más profundo y más secreto. Son como grietas dentro de ti. Como líneas defectuosas en la...
JOHN GREEN Lo que me dijiste no cambió mi manera de pensar y te repito que me encantaría ser el compañero de...
LAURA ESQUIVEL Los Padres son dueños de todo y la gente no posée nada; es la obra maestra de la razón y la justi...
VOLTAIRE Yo te he nombrado reina.
Hay más altas que tú, más altas.
Hay más puras que tú, más ...
PABLO NERUDA Desde temprana edad eran conscientes del escaso valor que el mundo daba a los libros, de manera que ...
JEFFREY EUGENIDES Solo aquellos que te rodean y cuidan de ti en tiempos difíciles, merecen tu atención, afecto y ami...
IGNACIO NOVO Porque no vivo ni en mi pasado ni en mi futuro. Tengo sólo el presente, y él es el que me interesa...
PAULO COELHO El día en que te conoci, es un día que nunca jamas olvidare, ya que fue escrito por amor en mi cor...
PHILIP T.M Tu casa, al ser el lugar donde lees, puede decirnos cuál es el lugar que los libros tienen en tu vi...
ITALO CALVINO me habia quedado tambien casi por completo sin contactos con quienes anteriormente mehabia permitido...
THOMAS BERNHARD Si crees que hay algo que cambiarías en mi forma de ser y dices que me quieres... no puedo decir qu...
CARLOS J. CUEVAS En aquel mundo opresivo en el que nadie era libre, Sierva María lo era: sólo ella y sólo allí.
GABRIEL GARCíA MáRQUEZ El peor tipo de llanto no era el tipo que todos podían ver, los lamentos en las esquinas, el desgar...
KATIE MCGARRY Te quedas atrapado en ser algo, ser especial o guay o lo que sea, hasta un punto en que ni siquiera ...
JOHN GREEN Cuando yo muera quiero tus manos en mi ojos:
quiero la luz y el trigo de tus manos amadas
PABLO NERUDA En la adversidad de nuestros mejores amigos siempre encontramos algo que no nos desagrada
FRANçOIS DE LA ROCHEFOUCAULD –Watanabe, ¿puedes explicarme la diferencia entre el condicional simple y el condicional perfecto...
HARUKI MURAKAMI - No creo, señor, que tenga usted derecho a darme órdenes simplemente porque es mayor que yo o por...
CHARLOTTE BRONTë -Todo lo que he hecho en este año de la expiación ha terminado por dejar atrás sólo cenizas. As�...
PATRICK GLEASON Escribir en un diario es una experiencia muy extraña para alguien como yo. No solo porque nunca ant...
ANNE FRANK Prefiero verterme a mí misma en un mundo que amo y entiendo, que tratar de hacer algo de la nada.
RAINBOW ROWELL Pero es más que sólo un arañazo. Es un puñetazo en el estómago y una bofetada en la cara. Es un...
JAY ASHER Yo sólo he podido protegerme de mis enemigos; en el resto de los casos, con la moral hecha añicos,...
ÓSCAR DE LA BORBOLLA Yo tengo miedo. Tengo miedo de una cosa, de que en nuestra vida el miedo ocupe el lugar del amor.
SVETLANA ALEXIEVICH Es como saber que eres el centro, lo único que él ve, que solo te ve a ti. Y eso es tan tierno y e...
NORA ROBERTS En tu abrazo yo abrazo lo que existe,
la arena, el tiempo, el árbol de la lluvia,
y todo ...
PABLO NERUDA Tú estabas tan segura de que yo era otra persona, y a mi me gustó que me vieras diferente de los d...
MARISSA MEYER Algunas veces te levantas de la cama y ya no sabes porqué estás luchando. ¿Estás luchando el dí...
EMILIO BUESO ¿Sabes lo mas divertido? Lo que es para partirse de risa? Que no es verdad, que ni siquiera lo quie...
LEV GROSSMAN La historia de ese gato es algo extraña. No es que yo quisiera tener una mascota ni nada, sólo suc...
MARIAM PARRA Yo quería a mi papá con un amor que nunca volví a sentir hasta que nacieron mis hijos. Cuando los...
HéCTOR ABAD FACIOLINCE Hay que mantener en un obstinado presente, con toda su sangre y su ignominia, algo que ya se está q...
JULIO CORTáZAR ... es que es imposible ser una persona rota o completa. No eres más que una persona. Sólo puedes ...
JACKSON PEARCE Yo te he nombrado reina.
Hay más altas que tú, más altas.
Hay más puras que tú, más ...
PABLO NERUDA He aprendido algo sobre mi corazón.
Puede romperse.
Puede rasgarse.
Puede endurecers...
COLLEN HOOVER Yo sé que tiene alas.
Que por las noches sueña
en alta voz la brisa
de plata de sus...
RAFAEL ALBERTI Que yo sepa, lo único que no da resaca y
que disipa momentáneamente la muerte
MILENA BUSQUETS Si el honor y la sabiduría y la felicidad no son para mí, que sean para otros. Que el cielo exista...
JORGE LUIS BORGES Quizás yo no soy muy inteligente. Pertenezco al pueblo. Pero ¿no es el pueblo el que hace funciona...
HARUKI MURAKAMI creen en Dios sólo porque ignoran que hace mucho tiempo que Dios ha dejado de creer en ellos.
MARIO BENEDETTI Si hay algo que no tolero es a esa gente que, cansada de golpear a las puertas del sistema sin logra...
RODRIGO FRESáN Quiero que [mi hijo] conozca el secreto de la felicidad, algo tan sencillo que da la impresión de q...
JAMES RHODES Supongo que hay dos tipos de personas en el mundo: los que se sientan alrededor de un fuego a mirar ...
JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT No llores eternamente una pérdida. Todo lo que se pierde vuelve en otra forma. La vida no te arreba...
IGNACIO NOVO Al fin nos hemos encontrado. Al fin te encuentro. Justo cuando pienso que no tardaré en ponerme a l...
MAKOTO SHINKAI en realidad no importa que no esperemos nada de la vida, sino que la vida espere algo de nosotros. D...
VIKTOR E. FRANKL Te cansarás primero que yo. Llegaré a donde quieres llegar antes que tú estés allí -dijo el que...
JUAN RULFO Pero en los casos en los que no ha sido costumbre sino el más íntimo impulso el que nos ha llevado...
HERMANN HESSE El tiempo no es algo externo a nosotros, vive en nuestro interior. Sólo nosotros vivimos el pasado,...
SIRI HUSTVEDT Lo que mucha gente llama amar consiste en elegir una mujer y casarse con ella. La eligen, te lo juro...
JULIO CORTáZAR -"Me alegro de que hayas cedido. Me alegro de que tu autocontrol no sea tan fueste como el mio."
RICHELLE MEAD —¿Y qué ocurre cuando uno muere?
—Tampoco yo lo sé.
—Entonces, ¿por qué tener m...
MATTHEW DICKS Llega un momento en que nos damos cuenta de que nuestros padres no se pueden salvar a ellos mismos n...
JOHN GREEN William Rackham es lo que podríamos llamar un cristiano ateo supersticioso; es decir, cree en un Di...
MICHEL FABER —En París, es común reconocer a alguien atractivo. El francés no desvía la mirada como otras c...
STEPHANIE PERKINS Hay algo en el generoso y abnegado amor de un animal que llega directamente al corazón de aquel que...
EDGAR ALLAN POE ¿Que quiere una mujer? Ella quieres ser respetada, que la escuches la entiendas, quiere flores, qui...
BARBARA HALL Al ver a representantes de tantas nacionalidades en el camping, pensó que había sido un tonto al c...
J.K. ROWLING —Llegará un día en que todos nosotros estaremos muertos —dije—. Todos nosotros. Llegará un ...
JOHN GREEN Y, entonces, en ese instante que tan solo dura un segundo, el cerebro se encarga de abrir la cerradu...
AUDREY DRY No te necesitaba, idiota. Te he elegido. Y luego tú me has elegido a mí. Y esto es como una promes...
JOHN GREEN Pero los caminos de ella eran más largos que todos los caminos que yo habia andado en mi vida y has...
JUAN RULFO Yo tenía la impresión de que mi hermano no sólo había enloquecido del todo, sino que se estaba v...
ITALO CALVINO Siempre había pensado que dejar de creer causaba una cicatriz imborrable en el lugar donde estuvo l...
GABRIEL GARCíA MáRQUEZ -Me has dicho que no dura, que desear ser feliz nunca dura. Así que lo que me haría sentir complet...
JACKSON PEARCE El que tiene fe en sí mismo no necesita que los demás crean en él.
MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO Recuerdo que en esos momentos pensé que aquel recorrido, aquel paseo hasta el altar, era el más di...
NICHOLAS SPARKS El corazón de las personas es como un pozo muy profundo. Nadie sabe lo que hay en el fondo. Sólo p...
HARUKI MURAKAMI La mayoría de nosotros encuentra muy difícil desear el cielo, salvo si esto significa volver a enc...
C.S. LEWIS Era curiosa la forma como había adoptado el dolor que sentía. Había tenido tanto tiempo para prep...
EDUARDO SACHERI Mi última relación había sido casi dos años atrás. Lo vi por última vez en un café, donde me ...
MARIAM PARRA Es la imagen más pura de la mujer amada: la que aún no conocemos totalmente, la que se revelará, ...
HENRI BARBUSSE ... yo creo que las mujeres tejen cuando han encontrado en esa labor el gran pretexto para no hacer ...
JULIO CORTáZAR Ella, sin duda, era la encarnación de la belleza que encontraba en la Tierra. Tenía que pasar por ...
ANAGABY ARRIETA ¿Sabes por qué te quiero? No sabía que estaba perdido hasta que me encontraste. No sabía lo solo...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Me tocaría pensar en algo entonces, algo que supondría deshacernos de las defensas mágicas de la ...
RICHELLE MEAD Te voy a dar un consejo: No te tomes tan en serio a ti mismo. En el fondo, tú no importas.
MICHAEL ENDE En Harvard y otras universidades, estudiaron la importancia de la actitud en el éxito de las person...
JOHN C. MAXWELL Gran parte de una desgracia cualquiera consiste, por así decirlo, en la sombra de la desgracia, en ...
C.S. LEWIS Ya en el escaparate de la librería localizaste la portada con el título que buscabas. Siguiendo es...
More Jamie McGuire
You’re sorry? I damn near drank myself to death, I could barely get out of bed, I shattered my pho...
JAMIE MCGUIRE He continued to stare out the window. "I meant what I said before. You need to walk away, Pidge. God...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I like the au naturel thing you have going on. Girls don't come over here like that."
"I was co...
JAMIE MCGUIRE To douchebags!" he said, gesturing to Brad. "And to girls that break your heart," he bowed his head ...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I know we're fucked up, alright? I'm impulsive, and hot tempered, and you get under my skin like no ...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Time will make it worse! You're...the other half of his soul. He's never going to get over you. And ...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I wasn't sure what I'd done to deserve such a wonderful gift, and I wasn't sure if it was insolent, ...
JAMIE MCGUIRE You can’t tell me
what to do anymore, Travis! I don’t belong to you!”
In the second ...
JAMIE MCGUIRE When Pidge wakes up, let me know, okay?” he said in a soft voice. “I got spaghetti,
and pan...
JAMIE MCGUIRE The snow began to fall again, drifting against the windows, politely begging entrance and then falli...
JAMIE MCGUIRE That works for you. I need to stab things. That's what brings me peace.
JAMIE MCGUIRE I'm going to kill David Lapinski!" America announced, shaking snow out of her hair as she app...
JAMIE MCGUIRE It's over. Go home."
His eyebrows pulled in. "You're my home.
JAMIE MCGUIRE Did you forget I was with you? Are you trying to get me killed?"
"It's hard to forget you're be...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I've been drinking, all right? Your skin was three inches from my face, and you're beautiful, and yo...
name’s Travis. Travis Maddox.”
I rolled my eyes. “I know who you are.”
JAMIE MCGUIRE I don't want to sleep with you, Pidge. I like you too much.
you deserve better than me. You think I don’t know that? But
if there was any w...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I smiled to fight the tears. "Fifty bucks says you'll be thanking me for this when you meet your fut...
JAMIE MCGUIRE You just want me to hold you until you fall asleep?"
I didn't answer.
He shifted to look s...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Abs? What are you, a workout video?" he sneered.
"Pigeon?" I said with the same amount ...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Make way! Move it, people! Lets make room for this poor woman's hideously disfigured, ginormous brai...
JAMIE MCGUIRE You just asked me to marry you," he said, still waiting for me to admit some kind of trickery.
JAMIE MCGUIRE I fucking love you!” He grabbed each side of my face,
slamming his lips against mine. “I l...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I clinked my bottle against his. “To being the only girl a
guy with no standards doesn’t w...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I'm not your anything," I snapped, glaring up at him.
His eyebrows pulled in and he stopped da...
JAMIE MCGUIRE It's dangerous to need someone that much. You're trying to save him and he's hoping you can. You two...
JAMIE MCGUIRE It wasn’t just me, and it wasn’t just him, it was what we were together that was the exception.
JAMIE MCGUIRE He scanned my face with careful hope in his eyes.
“You love me?”
“It’s the tatto...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I don't get scared very often," he said finally. "I was scared the first morning I woke up and you w...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I need to hear you say it. I need to know you’re mine.”
“I’ve been yours since the sec...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Let me guess, it's the love of your life?" I said quoting Travis' statement about his motorcycle. JAMIE MCGUIRE I belong to my beloved, and my beloved is mine.
JAMIE MCGUIRE You know why I want you? I didn’t know I was lost until you found me. I didn’t know what alone w...
JAMIE MCGUIRE It's over. Go home.
You're my home.
JAMIE MCGUIRE His fingers lightly grazed my cheek. "I didn't know you before. When you're not there, I can't conce...
JAMIE MCGUIRE The anger subsided, and my shoulders fell. “I know you didn’t. But you have got to curb this ove...
JAMIE MCGUIRE ¿Sabes por qué te quiero? No sabía que estaba perdido hasta que me encontraste. No sabía lo solo...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Because I'll be more worried about who's looking at your tits in that shirt instead of Hoffman. - Tr...
JAMIE MCGUIRE It’s a dove, an attractive girl, a winning card in poker, take your pick. You’re my Pigeon.
JAMIE MCGUIRE If you're not with me, it's not where I want to be.
JAMIE MCGUIRE Finch?" I ask him with my best fake smile. "Will you go to the stupid Sig Tau Valentine's Date party...
JAMIE MCGUIRE They don’t want me. They’re curious why you want me. And anyway, I feel sorry for anyone that th...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Well, hell yeah! I’m gonna kick your ass, too!”
I narrowed my eyes at him. “Not this time...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Once she kissed me, my heart slowed, and every muscle in my body relaxed. How much I needed her terr...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Really? I'm trying to place you. It seems like we've met before." Did I just issue him a pick up lin...
JAMIE MCGUIRE If I was drowning you would part the sea
And risk your own life to rescue me . . .
JAMIE MCGUIRE I know you know I love you. What you may not know is that there is nothing I want more than to be yo...
JAMIE MCGUIRE You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, Pigeon.”
“Just remember that when I take all of you...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Losing Abby wasn't a story I remembered from early childhood--it was in my face, debilitating me lik...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Abby touched her palm to my cheek. "You know what, Mr. Maddox?"
"What, baby?"
Her expressi...
JAMIE MCGUIRE It’s somewhere in the unforeseen when the best, most important moments of our lives seem to happen...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Now that it's over, I wish I could have all the bad stuff back... just so I could have the good.
JAMIE MCGUIRE One of these days you're going to fall in love, son. Don't settle for just anyone. Choose the girl t...
JAMIE MCGUIRE For people who had struggled for every step forward, we didn’t have one regret, and we wouldn’t ...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Ryan held out his hands. "What the hell is this? Beat The Shit Out Of Ryan Week?" "I didn't think yo...
JAMIE MCGUIRE You have to be patient with him. Travis doesn't remember much about it, but he was close to his mom,...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Raegan and I were on the opposite side of town, strutting across the gravel lot of the Red Door, slo...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Shepley stomped into the apartment and slammed the door behind him. “She’s fucking impossible!�...
JAMIE MCGUIRE She told me to find a girl worth fighting for. The one that doesn’t come easy.
JAMIE MCGUIRE I turned to see his expression. When I saw that he was serious, I shot hum a dubious look. “Sleepi...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I don’t want you to be sorry. I don’t want you to be anything,” I snapped. Her expression was ...
JAMIE MCGUIRE My brothers nodded their heads in unison. All of them but me. It wasn’t okay. I didn’t want her ...
JAMIE MCGUIRE First of all . . . I have standards. I’ve never been with an ugly woman.
Ever. Second of all,...
JAMIE MCGUIRE The only thing I'm afraid of is a life without you, Pigeon."
"Then you have nothing to be...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I still love you, Pidge.”
She didn’t look up. “Don’t. I’m not doing this for you.”<...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Even though we’d put each other through hell, we’d found heaven.
JAMIE MCGUIRE I was just as in love with her in our eleventh year as I was in the first. Every anniversary was a v...
JAMIE MCGUIRE So you like her and you're scared. Now what?"
"Nothing. It just sucks that I finally foun...
JAMIE MCGUIRE There's a girl, Dad."
He smiled a bit. "A girl."
"She kinda hates me, and I ki...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Estoy rodeado por chicas, y te diré… a veces, te disparan para ver si saldrás corriendo.
JAMIE MCGUIRE Nina, there has always been something about you that I couldn‟t shake. Even when I didn‟t want t...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Happy Anniversary, Pidge."
"One down, forever to go
JAMIE MCGUIRE Jesus, Shep. I told you . . .”
“I know what you said. You have eighteen missed calls.” JAMIE MCGUIRE So how you’re gonna play this?” Trenton asked.
“Divide and conquer.”
“Divide wha...
JAMIE MCGUIRE When a Maddox boy falls in love, he loves forever...
JAMIE MCGUIRE The twins, Taylor and Tyler, threw confetti in my face, music began to blare, and then I saw the wor...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I just wanted to be where you were, whatever that mean. The only thing I'm afraid of is a life witho...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I said no strippers," I said, watching dumbfounded as Trenton danced around the room to Britney Spea...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Hey," Trenton said, breathless and sweaty.
He pulled a few yellow strands of fake hair fr...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Oh! Thanks for the public service announcement about what not to do in college, Mr. Eighteen-year-ol...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I can't win with you. I can't win with you! You say you're done...I'm fucking miserable over here! I...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I don’t understand you, Pigeon. I thought I knew women, but you’re so fucking confusing I don’...
JAMIE MCGUIRE One down, forever to go,
JAMIE MCGUIRE She liked it dark when her soul felt black
JAMIE MCGUIRE Yo supe en el momento en que te conocí que había algo en ti que yo necesitaba. Resultó que no era...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I’ve never been so clear about anything in my life. I turned around, made my way to that room you ...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Travis watched me pull hair away from my face and then walked to the door, holding it open.
JAMIE MCGUIRE ¡No puedes decirme qué hacer, Travis! ¡No te pertenezco!
JAMIE MCGUIRE Look at him,” she said, shaking her head. “Travis Maddox: Mr. Mom.
JAMIE MCGUIRE I didn’t say you’re a bad person. I just don’t like being a foregone conclusion for the sole r...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Travis: Happy anniversary,Pidge.
Abby: One down, forever to go.
JAMIE MCGUIRE ¿Qué estamos haciendo, Pidge? —Tú dímelo.
JAMIE MCGUIRE ¡Llamaré a tu padre! -Y él probablemente me golpeará en el hombro y me dirá que ya era hora!
JAMIE MCGUIRE You’re sorry? I damn near drank myself to death, I could barely get out of bed, I shattered my pho...
JAMIE MCGUIRE He was mine, and I was his. If I knew anything at all, it was that only those two things mattered.
JAMIE MCGUIRE It’s going to crap everywhere, Travis. It’ll bark and whine and . . . I don’t know.”
JAMIE MCGUIRE You realize people like you and Trav are going to fight, right?" America said, filing her nails as s...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Yeah?... Oh, hell no, I got Pidge here with me. We're just gettin' ready to go to bed... Shut the fu...
JAMIE MCGUIRE You don't care about reputations. What happened to the Travis that doesn't give a shit what anyone t...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Class starts in five. You
riding in the Charger?”
“Nah. I’m going to see if I can ge...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Teach that asshole some manners.”
I winked at her and smiled. “Anything for you, baby.
JAMIE MCGUIRE That situation is a broken heart just waiting to happen
JAMIE MCGUIRE I need another drink!” I said as a second attempt to change the subject.
“Shots!” Americ...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I just want you to know, before I make my promises, that I'm super stubborn. You already know I'm ha...
JAMIE MCGUIRE He watched me rake my fingers through the tangles in my hair and smiled.
“Quit it. You’re ...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I had died and woken up in High School Musical
JAMIE MCGUIRE After climbing off his bike, I smacked his shoulder. “Did you forget I was with you? Are you tryin...
JAMIE MCGUIRE His eyebrows pulled in. “You won’t leave me, right? Even when I’m a pain in the ass?”
JAMIE MCGUIRE I was his exception, and as much as I had tried to fight my feelings, he was mine.
JAMIE MCGUIRE He held me tight against him until I quit struggling, and then he flicked the strap of my dress, cau...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I had a thing for you since the night of that first fight.”
“What?” I said with a dubiou...
JAMIE MCGUIRE The way I feel about you . . . it’s crazy.”
“You got the crazy part right,” she snapped...
JAMIE MCGUIRE I exist for you, Nina. This mortal being so precious to the Creator of the Universe that it allowed ...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Don’t interrupt my anxiety attack. It’s rude.
JAMIE MCGUIRE If this is really it...if you're really done with me...will you let me hold you tonight? - Travis
JAMIE MCGUIRE If 'Buffy' the movie was the true love of my childhood, 'Buffy' the series quickly b...
SEANAN MCGUIRE If the waitress has dirty ankles, the chili should be good.
AL MCGUIRE All I could think of was, why me? After all the years of odors in the locker room, the socks and joc...
AL MCGUIRE Remember, half the doctors in this country graduated in the bottom half of their class.
AL MCGUIRE When a guy takes off his coat, he's not going to fight. When a guy takes off his wristwatch, watch o...
AL MCGUIRE When I was losing, they called me nuts. When I was winning they called me eccentric.
AL MCGUIRE I think the world is run by C students.
AL MCGUIRE Winning is overrated. The only time it is really important is in surgery and war.
AL MCGUIRE The only mystery in life is why the kamikaze pilots wore helmets
AL MCGUIRE Ah, you may leave here, for four days in space, but when you return, it's the same old place.
BARRY MCGUIRE Hate your next-door neighbor, but don't forget to say grace.
BARRY MCGUIRE You know, the music business is like the Lotto. Just put your numbers down and sometimes they hit, a...
BARRY MCGUIRE When I wrote 'Green, Green,' it was like a really a statement of where I was at philosophica...
BARRY MCGUIRE To have a songwriter that wrote so specifically what I felt to be true... I've never been much o...
BARRY MCGUIRE There was a report that used to come out back in those days, I don't know if it was the Gavin Re...
BARRY MCGUIRE That's why I had to leave Hair on Broadway, because I did it for about a year, and one night I w...
BARRY MCGUIRE So gradually, and then I had an Italian roadster that I built, it took me five years to build it, it...
BARRY MCGUIRE It was really fun. Well, Bobby was just basically a folk singer. He didn't play with any bands o...
BARRY MCGUIRE If you listen to the left track on their album, if you get The Best of the Mamas and Papas, you list...
BARRY MCGUIRE I was very laced with drugs myself, but Fred seemed to be even more so than me. That might have had ...
BARRY MCGUIRE I remember we woke up one morning at Denny's house and John Phillips called. He said, you guys o...
BARRY MCGUIRE I know great songwriters. Fred Neil would come up when he was in L.A., we all used to hang out. He w...
BARRY MCGUIRE I did about a 100 concerts this year. All over the United States. We're cutting back next year t...
BARRY MCGUIRE My buddies worked with me for weeks, and I went up to take my test, and started crying because I cou...
BARRY MCGUIRE But times changed, and I changed, and I didn't feel that way anymore. The Beatles were happening...
BARRY MCGUIRE And there was a real shedding of the old dogma, like boundaries of morality were being broken down a...
BARRY MCGUIRE The big turning point, really, was the Beatles' influence on American folk music, and then Roger...
BARRY MCGUIRE There's only one drummer. We all travel to his beat. Well, I couldn't sing his song. Because...
BARRY MCGUIRE Marches alone won't bring integration when human respect is disintegratin'
BARRY MCGUIRE Watching 'Doctor Who' in the United States meant I was always behind the times - PBS didn...
SEANAN MCGUIRE I did about a 100 concerts this year. All over the United States. We're cutting back next year to ab...
BARRY MCGUIRE He was an entrepreneur. He was the one who hired the musicians and booked the sessions and he had th...
BARRY MCGUIRE Hate your next-door neighbor, but don't forget to say grace.
BARRY MCGUIRE Gene Clark was in the Christy Minstrels. He left. And so when Gene and David and Roger got together ...
BARRY MCGUIRE For me, it was a whole search. There was an undercurrent. And this is only my personal perspective. ...
BARRY MCGUIRE But times changed, and I changed, and I didn't feel that way anymore. The Beatles were happening. I ...
BARRY MCGUIRE And a friend of mine in the Christys, we used to sit up at night and talk and read and wonder if rei...
BARRY MCGUIRE Ah, you may leave here, for four days in space, but when you return, it's the same old place.
BARRY MCGUIRE I eventually grew into a pre-teen Marilyn Munster, that being the only option I could find that allo...
SEANAN MCGUIRE You’re nobody’s doorway but your own, and the only one who gets to tell you how your story ends ...
SEANAN MCGUIRE We notice the silence of men. We depend upon the silence of women.
SEANAN MCGUIRE Hate your next-door neighbor, but don't forget to say grace
BARRY MCGUIRE I think the world is run by 'C' students.
AL MCGUIRE And a friend of mine in the Christys, we used to sit up at night and talk and read and wonder if rei...
BARRY MCGUIRE Luna had told us not to drop the rose, not to leave the path. But we never dropped the rose - it was...
SEANAN MCGUIRE I think everyone should go to college and get a degree and then spend six months as a bartender and ...
AL MCGUIRE 'Seanan McGuire' is my real name; if I'm being silly and third-person about it, she'...
SEANAN MCGUIRE Sometimes, when it seems like the pain is never going to end, I wish I’d gotten a different suite ...
SEANAN MCGUIRE I grew up in an apartment that would have made a trailer look really decadent and nice. Pretty much ...
SEANAN MCGUIRE I just got great open looks. It just worked out well.
BRENNA MCGUIRE There's going to be big crowds and it's going to be a great atmosphere. Everyone is cheering for eve...
BRENNA MCGUIRE We've gotten a lot more confident and everyone has been shooting the ball much better. Winning these...
BRENNA MCGUIRE In order to make the NCAA tournament, we have to beat Boston College. From there if we beat North Ca...
BRENNA MCGUIRE Our hands just got caught. I don't know. She was just really into the game, I guess, and stuff happe...
BRENNA MCGUIRE I just got great open looks and I just kept shooting and they went in for me tonight. Everyone tells...
BRENNA MCGUIRE When I first read the script, I realized that Katie would have to be played as a rather down-to-eart...
DOROTHY MCGUIRE In this day and age, some turn 18 and think they're a man or a woman and that's it, but that's just ...
ORLANDO MCGUIRE I don't know why people question the academic training of an athlete. Fifty percent of the doctors i...
AL MCGUIRE I'm always depressed when a book ends, because those are my friends for however long the book ta...
SEANAN MCGUIRE It was the Red Cross that found this problem. We put into effect these call centers to speed up deli...
JACK MCGUIRE Winning is overrated. The only time it is really important is in surgery and war.
AL MCGUIRE Their love wanted to fix her, and refused to see that she wasn't broken.
SEANAN MCGUIRE You're nobody's rainbow.
You're nobody's princess.
You're nobody's doorway but your own,...
SEANAN MCGUIRE I was pretty surprised when I heard about this honor. There were a lot of good freshmen in the leagu...
ALEX MCGUIRE I am definitely more of a point guard than I was at the beginning of the season.
ALEX MCGUIRE It is nothing I could have imagined. It's more than I could have asked for. I was able to earn a sta...
ALEX MCGUIRE We had flown Shark21 mostly up to that point so both the aircraft would be available for the Prime M...
GEORGE MCGUIRE Is it surprising? Absolutely not. It's inevitable.
MIKE MCGUIRE It's emerging as a content foraging device.
MICHAEL MCGUIRE I had to get an atlas to find out where Belmont is.
MICHELE MCGUIRE I took it all for granted, I'm sorry to say.
DOROTHY MCGUIRE Ah, you may leave here, for four days in space, but when you return, it's the same old place
BARRY MCGUIRE Mr. Fortier was the best, the most damning, the most direct and the only witness who could provide d...
MICHAEL MCGUIRE They mentored and knew each other. They also all took photographs of ordinary things by looking for ...
KAREN MCGUIRE He's going to have a huge impact in Edmonton because the team has never had a stopper defenseman, .....
PIERRE MCGUIRE He's going to have a huge impact in Edmonton because the team has never had a stopper defenseman. No...
PIERRE MCGUIRE Call me paranoid. I'm frequently right.
SEANAN MCGUIRE Problem is there are too many sissies and prima donnas -- stop talking and get it done.
ORLANDO MCGUIRE As Cro-Magnon as it sounds, the problem with attitudes is some people have just never had their ass ...
ORLANDO MCGUIRE Everybody's a genius, it's just a matter of whether you love yourself enough to admit it to yourself...
ORLANDO MCGUIRE The Argentine tango isn't here to play nicely with the other children. The Argentine tango is here t...
SEANAN MCGUIRE Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemieux created a whole new genre of players.
PIERRE MCGUIRE You stay in contact with the (former Rangers GM) Neil Smiths, ... because those guys could resurface...
PIERRE MCGUIRE Marches alone won't bring integration when human respect is disintegratin'