Yo quería a mi papá con un amor que nunca volví a sentir hasta que nacieron mis hijos. Cuando los tuve a ellos lo reconocí, porque es un amor igual en intensidad, aunque distinto, y en cierto sentido opuesto. Yo sentía que a mí nada me podía pasar si estaba con mi papá. Y siento que a mis hijos no les puede pasar nada si están conmigo. Es decir, yo sé que antes me haría matar, sin dudarlo ni un instante, por defender a mis hijos. Y sé que mi papá se habría hecho matar sin dudarlo un instante por defenderme a mí. La idea más insoportable de mi infancia era imaginar que mi papá se pudiera morir, y por eso yo había resuelto tirarme al río Medellín si él llegaba a morirse. Y también sé que hay algo que sería mucho peor que mi muerte: la muerte de un hijo mío. Todo esto es una cosa muy primitiva, ancestral, que se siente en lo más hondo de la conciencia, en un sitio anterior al pensamiento. Es algo que no se piensa, sino que sencillamente es así, sin atenuantes, pues uno no lo sabe con la cabeza sino con las tripas".
Héctor Abad Faciolince
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Debo hablar con usted por cualquier medio a mi alcance. Me desga... JANE AUSTEN —Llegará un día en que todos nosotros estaremos muertos —dije—. Todos nosotros. Llegará un ... JOHN GREEN En la vida no todo es seguridad. Es ser capaces de recoger los pedazos después de que todo haya pas... SHERRILYN KENYON Lo que pasó es lo de menos. Es una novela, y lo que ocurre en ellas da lo mismo y se olvida, una ve... JAVIER MARíAS Y, entonces, en ese instante que tan solo dura un segundo, el cerebro se encarga de abrir la cerradu... AUDREY DRY Es la posibilidad lo que me mantiene con esperanza, no la garantía; es como una apuesta que me hago... NICHOLAS SPARKS La voluntad, el deseo de vivir, es tan fuerte en el animal como en el hombre. En el hombre es mayor ... PíO BAROJA Durante toda mi vida he entendido el amor como una especie de esclavitud consentida. Pero esto no es... PAULO COELHO en realidad no importa que no esperemos nada de la vida, sino que la vida espere algo de nosotros. D... 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Is living life in a new and fresh time on the same path of destiny, Dr.Mohammed A Alrazak DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK We all adore nature and marvel at its beauty and varieties, yet we explore it to almost extinction DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Music is the sound image of the soul, Dr.Mohammed A Alrazak DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK When love lives in the far deeps of hearts, then for eternity to remain DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK kindness, a power of devotion, should be wisely performed DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Love can hug earth DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Less in haste better than more and most in courage better than all DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Feeling free, in your mind heaven you will see DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK The right is above the law, even when the law looks right DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Among racist and hypocrites you always feel the triumph, because they are always wrong and you are a... DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK “Discrimination, is not a human mark” DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Most of mankind ignore justice which makes other beings more just DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK When money and power decide the outcome of justice, the law is the most terrible tyrant DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK To be free, is just to be DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK you can't win among hypocrites and in time of corruption, but you should never feel defeated and tha... DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Its the simplicity in human desires and a little of happiness but not in abundance will start the ch... DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Beware of life, it has a mysterious way to get you, when you breach the human rights of your fellow ... DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK “The Sumerian cuneiform wrote honest history, with no pen, but after the pen was invented, history... DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Happiness silences the agony of life and devours your soul and others with joy, Dr.Mohammed A Alraza... DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK life is for any one, but peace of mind and happiness is for the chosen. DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Even the king departs life, unhappy DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK It is good to have a good friend you trust, if you can find any. DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK knowledge in the hands of hypocrites is a loaded gun DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Even the newborn has enemies DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Earth dreams for peace DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Courage shall be, when fear not and wise to be DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK The drums of courage wins wars, the silence of cowards wipes out an empire DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Courage is combating fear with wise judgment and not with recklessness. DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK The great Art is the Art of the mind and soul DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Trust could kill more than swords DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Courage is to stands with your head high against any onslaughts, looking at your enemy as a clown wi... DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Liars, hypocrites and mosquitoes destroyed more souls than all the dictators DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK The Pen never lies, history does with vanity DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK "Freedom is the breath of the soul DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Government, Power of fear fed by the people DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK All religions have bright principles, mankind always ignores it in conflicts DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Human were born late in life, that’s why still learning from other species DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Great Art is the wonder of the mind DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Democracy is like the free circus performed by the politicians DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK I always win on a solid moral ground , when people deceive me or conspire against me DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK The dictators are the most precious customers for democracy. DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Talking to the ignorant and hypocrites will make you appreciate other species on the planet. DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK New year, another dawn in the journey of life with the same time and fortune DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK New year,
Is living life in a new and fresh time on the same path of destiny, DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK New year, another dawn in the journey of life with the same time and fortune, Dr.Mohammed A Alrazak DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Only in the circus, life will get better DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK When there is justice there should be one choice DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Wars are only committed by mankind and the genocide is called victory DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Every thing is stored in the mind and soul for you to explore DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Not by choice, not by will, we are destined by destiny and time DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Sense of Logic usually masked by selfishness DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Happiness is the opera of the mind DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK The essence of life is to live and die for the principle of the right DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Injustice, is the throne of evil DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK I endure, Herein is victory DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Doing justice is what make us human DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Humanity is crying for what happened in the land of Gilgamesh, while the free world pretend to be he... DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK When there is a deceit, there is no religion DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Greed is the spark for devolution of mankind DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK In the game of life, we all are competitors, but at the end of the game , no one is a winner. DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK We live for life, but not for ourselves DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK Intention is the image of the soul, and the essence of morals DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK What a performance! We are born crying and depart unhappy in silence, DR.MOHAMMED FAIG ABAD ALRAZAK