Well, a lot of people are excited when they call. We bust a lot of bubbles.
Jeannie Hoskins
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Actually, it is a sweepstakes company that puts out a newsletter. The amount of money they have on the paper sent to you doesn't mean that's what you have won.
— Jeannie Hoskins
They say that's for the processing fees of the money you've won. You take this check, cash it and send the money to the attorney who is supposed to be handling this.
— Jeannie Hoskins
The literature at the top says Reader's Digest but it is not. If you look at the literature, it says USA Direct Inc. What they do is say you have won and of course everyone knows Reader's Digest so they assume it's legitimate.
— Jeannie Hoskins
For the $20, you're not winning anything? That's what they're assuming when they send the $20 in. If you look at the literature really close, at the bottom of it, it says they don't have anything to do with the sweepstakes.
— Jeannie Hoskins
She is flat out a great athlete. She is one of the quickest people on the team, so to get her out there in transition, ahead of the other post players has been a huge advantage. ... We're happy to have her here.
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