We thought things were happening on the landscape that we don't know about. We said, 'Let's get a bunch of people out on the landscape to tell us about wetlands.' Those wetlands stories bore out under investigation.
Janette Brimmer
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We want to make sure that we're not going to continue to have this problem.
— Janette Brimmer
Access to information is really not available to folks.
— Janette Brimmer
We still have net wetland losses being reported which is a real core issue, since we were hoping to -- all the way back 15 years ago when the Wetland Conservation Act passed -- have net gains.
— Janette Brimmer
Everybody seems to agree acreage continues to be lost, but the pace has slowed.
— Janette Brimmer
One avenue we're exploring with them is jointly selling the team and the arena.
— Andy Brimmer