Uno se puede encariñar de muchas cosas aparte del sexo pero es mejor si el sexo está presente de alguna manera.
Charles Bukowski
[Se había enamorado] de la misma manera que aparecen las estrellas en el cielo: apenas uno nota un ...
ANAGABY ARRIETA La cruz era el plato fuerte de la teología de Pablo. No era simplemente uno de los mensajes de Pabl...
C.J. MAHANEY Del presente recordaremos sólo aquello que la memoria quiera conservar, pero ella no es libre, se t...
CRISTINA PERI ROSSI En ese momento me di cuenta de que el anochecer es solo una ilusión, porque el sol sigue estando pr...
NICHOLAS SPARKS Gracia…, esa es mi palabra favorita de la iglesia. Un estado del ser, algo por lo que puedes rezar...
ELIZABETH SCOTT Pero cada uno de los hombres no es tan solo él mismo; es también un punto único, particularismo, ...
HERMANN HESSE La mejor manera de crecer es cayéndose y la forma más útil de ayudar a alguien es únicamente aco...
Cuando uno tiene prisa por salir, llega alguien de visita y se queda ha...
SEI SHōNAGON Un hombre puede aprender muchas cosas de la naturaleza.
NICHOLAS SPARKS Me pregunto si la gente se da cuenta de lo pequeño y cerrado que es el mundo en el que vivimos. Pod...
MARIAM PARRA Creer en Dios es cosa buena, es lo que se debe hacer, pero cuando se refuerza esta creencia con pala...
V.C. ANDREWS Sólo en tu corazón está "tu propio bien".
Muchos de los consejeros son fanáticos del auto-e...
VIOLET FLORENCE MARTIN Durante toda mi vida he entendido el amor como una especie de esclavitud consentida. Pero esto no es...
PAULO COELHO Quizás yo no soy muy inteligente. Pertenezco al pueblo. Pero ¿no es el pueblo el que hace funciona...
HARUKI MURAKAMI Pero el sufrimiento pasa. Si la vida, que es todo, pasa, por qué no han de pasar el amor y el dolor...
FERNANDO SAVATER El tiempo no es algo externo a nosotros, vive en nuestro interior. Sólo nosotros vivimos el pasado,...
SIRI HUSTVEDT Creo que si alguna vez tengo hijos y están disgustados, no les diré que la gente se muere de hambr...
STEPHEN CHBOSKY Puede perder cosas materiales pero nunca podrá perder su maestría, lo que se ha aprendido, la pers...
JACK CANFIELD ... tan seguro estoy de que mi alma existe como de que la perversidad es uno de los impulsos primord...
EDGAR ALLAN POE Las cosas suelen resultar mejor de lo que uno espera.
JAMES HERRIOT Y así, del poco dormir y del mucho leer se le secó el cerebro, de manera que vino a perder el juic...
MIGUEL DE CERVANTES SAAVEDRA Cambiar una ortodoxia por otra no supone necesariamente un avance. el enemigo es la mentalidad de gr...
GEORGE ORWELL [Kelly Slater dijo desde el saque que Mar Ohno es un tablista que no debería ser subestimado por na...
KELLY SLATER Hay una realidad que demuestra la verdad de un hecho. Porque nuestra memoria y nuestros sentidos son...
HARUKI MURAKAMI William Rackham es lo que podríamos llamar un cristiano ateo supersticioso; es decir, cree en un Di...
MICHEL FABER Esa pareja equilibrada no es una utopía ; existen tales parejas, a veces incluso en el mismo marco ...
SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR Hay muchas maneras de poner a secar una caja de cerillos húmeda, pero puede estar segura de que tie...
LAURA ESQUIVEL No fue un beso muy largo, y desde luego no fue uno de esos de película, pero fue maravilloso a su m...
NICHOLAS SPARKS ¿Ven la manera en que está el sol ahora, con las sombras largas y ese tipo de luz suave, brillante...
JOHN GREEN Porque una parte importante de la relación amorosa, se juega en esta posibilidad de reconocer los d...
GABRIEL ROLóN Qué feo eso de que le digan a uno la verdad, sobre todo si se trata de una de esas verdades que uno...
MARIO BENEDETTI Supongo que eres quien eres por un montón de razones y quizás nunca conozcamos muchas de ellas per...
STEPHEN CHBOSKY ‹‹Si bien en el presente el pasado ya ha sucedido, es preciso extremar la prudencia para no pone...
KERSTIN GIER Es la esperanza lo que me impulsa a seguir; no hay garantías, como si se tratara de una apuesta. Pu...
NICHOLAS SPARKS - Me asustas (...). Quien es capaz de amar con esa intensidad, puede odiar de la misma manera.
ÁNGELES IBIRIKA La mayoría de nosotros encuentra muy difícil desear el cielo, salvo si esto significa volver a enc...
C.S. LEWIS Si pudiera descubrir porqué se encasillan, podría averiguar por qué yo no lo hago, por qué me he...
JACKSON PEARCE Lo importante es el camino, no la meta. No se trata solo del logro de algo increíble. Se trata del ...
KAREN BLUMENTHAL Pero el amor puede transformar en belleza y dignidad cosas bajas y viles, porque no ve con los ojos,...
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Lo que quiero conseguir del curso en la universidad es algún conocimiento sobre la mejor manera de ...
L.M. MONTGOMERY Mi abuela tenía una teoría muy interesante; decía que todos nacemos con una caja de fósforos ade...
LAURA ESQUIVEL - Estoy enamorado de tí, y no estoy en el negocio de negarme el simple placer de decir cosas verdad...
JOHN GREEN No puede haber amor si no se es uno mismo con todas sus fuerzas.
ITALO CALVINO El filósofo no pretende aparecer si no tal cual es, busca la verdad con el solo fin de conocer sin ...
ARISTOTLE la admiración por el Padre, símbolo de lo cerrado y agresivo, capaz de chingar y abrir, se transpa...
OCTAVIO PAZ El consumo voraz de imágenes hace imposible cerrar los ojos. El punctum presupone una ascesis del v...
BYUNG-CHUL HAN Enamorarse puede no ser una decisión consciente, pero ahorrarse la situación antes de que suceda l...
COLLEEN HOOVER Aprender acerca del presente a la luz del pasado quiere también decir aprender del pasado a la luz ...
EDWARD HALLETT CARR Era ese llanto que sobreviene cuando uno se siente opacamente desgraciado. Cuando alguien se siente ...
MARIO BENEDETTI Si os he referido estos detalles acerca del asteroide B 612 y si os he confiado su número es por la...
ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPéRY Se puede vivir sin leer, es cierto: pero también se puede vivir sin amar: el argumento hace aguas c...
RICARDO MENéNDEZ SALMóN Si uno hace algo incorrecto en la mesa con cierta arrogancia, como si supiera perfectamente que est�...
SYLVIA PLATH En los ojos de un recién nacido, si se sabe ver, es posible leer el infinito.
DENIS MARQUET Lo que me dijiste no cambió mi manera de pensar y te repito que me encantaría ser el compañero de...
LAURA ESQUIVEL Si el vino es el enemigo de la religión, habré de devorar al enemigo de la religión.
IDRIES SHAH Porque la mejor parte de nuestra memoria está fuera de nosotros, en una brisa húmeda de lluvia, en...
MARCEL PROUST La imagen digital es uno de los intangibles mas descuidados de las empresas y muchas veces es la pri...
CRISTO LEON El caballo español es como el vino, se aprecia por su color y al moverlo se disfruta cada uno de su...
también opina que hacer el amor es la
mejor manera de empezar el día. Yo por
MILENA BUSQUETS Si es cierto que las casas se impregnan de la vida transcurrida entre sus paredes, en el caso de los...
ISABEL ALLENDE La verdad es como una manta que nos deja los pies fríos. Ya puede uno tirar de ella hacia sí en to...
N.H. KLEINBAUM Hay criminales que proclaman tan campantes ‘la maté porque era mía’, así no más, como si fue...
EDUARDO GALEANO Todo el mundo está enloquecido por la manía de poseer cosas. Todas las cosas débiles y frágiles ...
JOHN GREEN La primera regla del Club de la lucha es: nadie habla sobre el Club de la lucha. La segunda regla de...
CHUCK PALAHNIUK Una de las mejores razones, si no hubiera otra, para la abolición del dinero, es precisamente que s...
EDWARD BELLAMY Gran parte de una desgracia cualquiera consiste, por así decirlo, en la sombra de la desgracia, en ...
C.S. LEWIS Por un momento siento un destello de esperanza al pensar en el último verso del poema: «En alguna ...
JOHN GREEN Como si el mundo se encogiera en torno a un núcleo de entidades desglosables. Las cosas cayendo en ...
CORMAC MCCARTHY Nuestra misión consistía en tratar de rescatar a nuestros pacientes del mundo exclusivo, propio, a...
JUAN AROCA SANZ La voluntad, el deseo de vivir, es tan fuerte en el animal como en el hombre. En el hombre es mayor ...
PíO BAROJA El pueblo antiguo que deseaba tener una clara armonía moral en el mundo, ordenaba primero su vida n...
CONFUCIUS Que significa 'amar'? Durante anios he pensado que significa conocer a la otra persona..., conocerla...
SáNDOR MáRAI Está exteriorizando sus emociones. Lo preocupante es cuando no logra sacarlas fuera. Se acumulan en...
HARUKI MURAKAMI Las mujeres que se fanatizaron con la liberación femenina fueron las que encontraron una manera mar...
RICARDO ARJONA ― Dumbledore vencería sin duda― decía el primero―. Tiene esa pasada de la Maldición Asesina...
CASSANDRA CLARE Yo he visto estos solitarios apretujados en increíbles racimos en los andenes y en los coches del t...
ARTURO USLAR PIETRI En griego, «regreso» se dice nostos. Algos significa “sufrimiento”. La nostalgia es, pues, el ...
MILAN KUNDERA Las mujeres contribuyen más de la mitad de la nación y no es posible hacer labor legislativa seria...
CLARA CAMPOAMOR Los amantes y los locos tienen desbocado el seso, y son dados a forjar fantasías que abarcan más d...
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE El peor de los sabios es el que visita a un príncipe; el mejor príncipe es el que visita a un sabi...
IDRIES SHAH Debe de ser un sistema muy frágil, si un puñado de bayas puede hacer que se derrumbe
SUZANNE COLLINS Cualquiera puede amar algo por algún motivo. Eso es tan fácil como meterse un penique en el bolsil...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS Otra vez tambores de guerra, y son siempre los mismos quienes los percuten. Decía Roger Garaudy que...
FERNANDO SáNCHEZ DRAGó Quiero esperar en silencio la séptima ola. Si, aquí cuentan la historia indómita de la séptima o...
DANIEL GLATTAUER A menudo resulta que hechos del pasado lejano siguen influyendo en las relaciones actuales. Darse cu...
BRIAN L. WEISS Él no tenía autonomía ni capacidad de decisión. El poder de decisión le llega al hombre cuando ...
MIGUEL DELIBES Espero curarme de ti en unos días. Debo dejar de fumarte, de beberte, de pensarte. Es posible. Sigu...
JAIME SABINES Hay un minuto en que se agota la siesta. Hasta la secreta, recóndita, minúscula actividad de los i...
GABRIEL GARCíA MáRQUEZ El "pero" es la palabra más puta que conozco -. "te quiero, pero..."; "podría ser, pero..."; "no e...
EDUARDO SACHERI De lo que hemos dicho se desprende que la tarea del poeta es describir no lo que ha
ARISTOTLE A veces hay que alejarse de la multitud para ser una mejor persona. No siempre es fácil, eso es seg...
SIMONE ELKELES La poesía no es de nadie, es de todos. Se hace cada vez que alguien con cosas que decir abre la boc...
BENITO TAIBO No confíes en cosas que tengan la capacidad de pensar pero de las cuales no sepas dónde tienen el ...
J.K. ROWLING Lo perdido tuvo color pero ahora es incoloro. Los latidos del gastado corazón invaden nuestra noche...
MARIO BENEDETTI Está bien", dije, "estoy agradecida de que sea una niña. Y espero que ella sea una tonta... eso es...
F. SCOTT FITZGERALD Y, entonces, en ese instante que tan solo dura un segundo, el cerebro se encarga de abrir la cerradu...
AUDREY DRY uno se pregunta hasta donde ha llegado la metástasis de la corrupción. Al mirar a los jóvenes eur...
SARAH CORTEZ Creo que somos quienes somos por muchas razones. Y probablemente nunca las conoceremos a todas. Pero...
STEPHEN CHBOSKY Dolor y muerte. Dos palabras que podrían resumir lo que ocurrió en Hollow Hallows a finales de su ...
CARLOS J. EGUREN Lo mejor de recordar es que puedes regresar cuando lo deseas, nadie te puede robar o impedir eso.
More Charles Bukowski
Having a bunch of cats around is good. If you're feeling bad, you just look at the cats, you'...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI There are women who can make you feel more with their bodies and their souls, but these are the exac...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI the way to create art is to burn and destroy
ordinary concepts and to substitute them
CHARLES BUKOWSKI In the old days, before I was married, or knew a lot of women, I would just pull down all the shades...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Understand me. I’m not like an ordinary world. I have my madness, I live in another dimension and ...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I had noticed that both in the very poor and very rich extremes of society the mad were often allowe...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I'm not going to make it, but you laugh...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Do you hate people?”
“I don't hate them...I just feel better when they're not around.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI when I am feeling
all i have to do is
watch my cats
and my
CHARLES BUKOWSKI animals never worry about Heaven or Hell. neither do I. maybe that's why we get along
CHARLES BUKOWSKI There's nothing like privacy. You know, I like people. It's nice that they might like my books and a...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can't ...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I was a man who thrived on solitude; without it I was like another man without food or water. Each d...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI being alone never felt right. sometimes it felt good, but it never felt right.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I've never been lonely. I've been in a room -- I've felt suicidal. I've been depressed. I've felt aw...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Sex is kicking death in the ass while singing.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI The shortest distance between two points is often unbearable.
but sorrow is
I wish to believe
but belief is a
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I loved you like a man loves a woman he never touches, only writes to, keeps little photographs of.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Find what you love and let it kill you.
Find what you love and let it kill you.
Let it drain you of your all. Let it clin...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI That is what friendship means. Sharing the prejudice of experience.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can't ...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI You begin saving the world by saving one man at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politic...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Show me a man who lives alone and has a perpetually clean kitchen, and 8 times out of 9 I'll show yo...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI The whole LSD, STP, marijuana, heroin, hashish, prescription cough medicine crowd suffers from the W...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Well, people got attatched. Once you cut the umbilical cord they attatched to the other things. Sigh...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I killed four flies while waiting. Damn, death was everywhere. Man, bird, beast, reptile, rodent, in...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Strangers when you meet, strangers when you part -a gymnasium of bodies namelessly masturbating each...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I see men assassinated around me every day. I walk through rooms of the dead, streets of the dead, c...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Never get out of bed before noon
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Show me a man who lives alone and has a perpetually clean kitchen, and 8 times out of 9 I'll show ...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I can relax with bums because I am a bum. I don't like laws, morals, religions, rules. I don'...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Writers have to put up with this editor thing; it is ageless and eternal and wrong.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI The more cats you have, the longer you live. If you have a hundred cats, you'll live 10 times lo...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Somebody once asked me what my theory of life was, and I said, 'Don't try.' That fits th...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Genius might be the ability to say a profound thing in a simple way.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI When everything works best, it's not because you chose writing but because writing chose you. It...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I guess the only time most people think about injustice is when it happens to them.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI when we were kids
laying around the lawn
on our
we often talked CHARLES BUKOWSKI We're all going to die, all of us; what a circus! That alone should make us love each other, but...
sat there
in the morning.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI What is your advice to young writers?”
“Drink, fuck and smoke plenty of cigarettes.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI News travels fast in places where nothing much ever happens.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI When I worked on a magazine, I learned that there are many, many writers writing that can't writ...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI The Genius Of The Crowd
there is enough treachery, hatred violence absurdity in the avera...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI What my character is or how many jails I have lounged in, or wards or walls or wassails, how many lo...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI you boys can keep your virgins
give me hot old women in high heels
with asses that forgo...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI The telephone is needed for
Emergency purposes only
These people are not
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Love is a form of prejudice. You love what you need, you love what makes you feel good, you love wha...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too clever, I only let him ou...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I kept writing not because I felt I was so good, but because I felt they were so bad, including Shak...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI and our few good times will be rare because we have the critical sense
and are not easy to fool...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI If you have the ability to love, love yourself first.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I do not like the human race. I don't like their heads, I don't like their faces, I don'...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Censorship is the tool of those who have the need to hide actualities from themselves and from other...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Joan of Arc had style. Jesus had style.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI The male, for all his bravado and exploration, is the loyal one, the one who generally feels love. T...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI The free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it - basically because you feel good, very good,...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I don't like jail, they got the wrong kind of bars in there.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I heard an airplane passing overhead. I wished I was on it.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI We don’t even ask happiness, just a little less pain.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI To experience real agony is something hard to write about, impossible to understand while it grips y...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI my mother, poor fish,
wanting to be happy, beaten two or three times a
week, telling me to...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Poetry is what happens when nothing else can.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI There's a bluebird in my heart that wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say, sta...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI A love like that was a serious illness, an illness from which you never entirely recover.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones ...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI He asked, "What makes a man a writer?" "Well," I said, "it's simple. You either get it down on paper...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI What a weary time those years were -- to have the desire and the need to live but not the ability.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I care for you, darling, I love you,
the only reason I fucked L. is because you fucked
Z. ...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI She's mad, but she's magic. There's no lie in her fire.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don't even start. This could mean losing girlfrie...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I'd decided the campus was just a place to hide. There were some campus freaks who stayed on forever...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI It was better for me when I could imagine greatness in others, even if it wasn't always there.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI what matters most is how well you walk through the fire
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Look, let me put it this way: with me, you’re number one and there isn’t even a number two.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I don't write so much now. I'm getting on 33, pot belly and creeping dementia.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I have no definite talent or trade, and how I stay alive is largely a matter of magic.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it d...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI The thing that I fear discriminating against is humor and truth.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Show me a man who lives alone and has a perpetually clean kitchen, and 8 times out of 9 I'll sho...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI We have wasted History like a bunch of drunks shooting dice back in the men's crapper of the loc...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI people see so many movies that when they finally see one not so bad as the others, they think it's g...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Show me a man who lives alone and has a perpetually clean kitchen, and 8 times out of 9 I'll show ...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Nothing was ever in tune. People just blindly grabbed at whatever there was: communism, health foods...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Of course it's possible to love a human being if you don't know them too well.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I went to the worst of bars hoping to get killed but all I could do was to get drunk again.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Drinking is an emotional thing. It joggles you out of the standardism of everyday life, out of every...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Show me a man who lives alone and has a perpetually clean kitchen, and 8 times out of 9 I'll show ...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I don't like the clean-shaven boy with the necktie and the good job. I like desperate men, men w...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Humanity, you never had it to begin with.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I have not worked out my poems with a careful will, falling rather on haphazard and blind formulatio...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I only type every third night. I have no plan. My mind is a blank. I sit down. The typewriter gives ...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI To do a dull thing with style-now THAT'S what I call art.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI You begin saving the world by saving one person at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or poli...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI people diminish me;
the longer I sit and listen to them
the more empty I feel but I don't...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Everything else just kept picking and picking, hacking away. And nothing was interesting, nothing. T...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI A i urreni njerëzit?
Unë nuk i urrej ata ... Unë vetëm ndjehen mirë kur ata nuk janë për...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI If you want to know who your friends are, get yourself a jail sentence.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI My writing is jagged and harsh, I want it to remain that way; I don't want it smoothed out.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Never envy a man his lady. Behind it all lays a living hell.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything y...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI What a pitiful mass of dangerous nothing
CHARLES BUKOWSKI there's no release, just gurus and self- appointed gods and hucksters. the more people say, the less...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I'm too careless. I don't put out enough effort. I'm tired.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI it doesn't matter if Prince Charles falls off his horse
or that the hummingbird is so seldom CHARLES BUKOWSKI The best thing about the bedroom was the bed. I liked to stay in bed for hours, even during the day ...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI There is only one place to write and that is alone at a typewriter. The writer who has to go into th...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI there is a place in the heart that
will never be filled
a space
and even ...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Real loneliness is not necessarily limited to when you are alone.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI unless it comes out of
your soul like a rocket,
unless being still would
drive you to...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI now it’s computers and more computers
and soon everybody will have one,
3-year-olds will...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Beasts bounding through time.
Van Gogh writing his brother for paints
Hemingway tes...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI dogs and angels are not
very far apart
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I remember awakening one morning and finding everything smeared with the color of forgotten love.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Most poets are young simply because they have not been caught up. Show me an old poet, and I'll ...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I didn't have any friends at school, didn't want any. I felt better being alone. I sat on a bench an...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI My days, my years, my life has seen up and downs, lights and darknesses. If I wrote only and continu...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI they simply never understand,
do they,
that sometimes solitude
one of the mos...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI great writers are indecent people
they live unfairly
saving the best part for paper.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI there is a loneliness in this world so great
that you can see it in the slow movement of
CHARLES BUKOWSKI My flesh looked like it wasn't trying. It looked like it hated being part of me.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Style is the answer to everything.
A fresh way to approach a dull or dangerous thing
To do...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI You women have more holes than swiss cheese.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I'm becoming softer and softer.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI y la fama y el amor
nada más que un truco para atenuar nuestra herida.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI las palabras bonitas
como las mujeres bonitas
se arrugan y mueren.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI there are worse things
than being alone
but it often takes
decades to realize this CHARLES BUKOWSKI your best men are
drunks and your worst men are
locking them
your best men a...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI there was something about
that city, though
it didn't let me feel guilty
that I had n...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI we must bring
our own light
to the
CHARLES BUKOWSKI my beerdrunk soul is sadder than all the dead christmas trees of the world.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Thirty- eight years old and he was finished. He sipped at the coffee and remembered where he had gon...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I wanted the whole world or nothing.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI You have to die a few times before you can really
CHARLES BUKOWSKI My ambition is handicapped by laziness
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Some people never go crazy, What truly horrible lives they must live.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I went to the kitchen and felt-up the turkey.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI There is nothing that teaches you more than regrouping after failure ad moving on. Yet most people a...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Well it’s good to have a car like that, once in a while somebody’ll say, ‘why don’t you come...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI If I write badly about blacks, homosexuals and women, it is because of these who I met were that. Th...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI having nothing to struggle
they have nothing to struggle
CHARLES BUKOWSKI There is a time to stop reading, there is a time to STOP trying to WRITE, there is a time to kick th...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I stopped looking for a Dream Girl, I just wanted one that wasn't a nightmare.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI The place trembled with sound. I didn't need to do anything. They would do it all. But you had to be...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI You're afraid of the audience, aren't you?"
"Yes, but it's not stagefright. It's that I'm there...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI To do a dull thing with style-now that's what I call art.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Sex is interesting, but it's not totally important. I mean it's not even as important (physically) a...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Before you kill something make sure you have something better to replace it with; something better t...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I don't like jail, they got the wrong kind of bars in there
CHARLES BUKOWSKI There are worse things than being alone,
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Boring damned people. All over the earth. Propagating more boring damned people. What a horror show....
CHARLES BUKOWSKI that your power of command
with simple language was
one of the magnificent things of
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Cats tell me without effort all that there is to know.
think that the
world should be full of cats and full of rain, that's all, just
CHARLES BUKOWSKI My objection to war was not that I had to kill somebody or be killed senselessly, that hardly matter...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI My heart is a thousand years old. I am not like other people.
please give your
bodies and your
the young men
CHARLES BUKOWSKI We’ve all heard that little woman who says, “Oh, it’s terrible what these young people do to t...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI - I tak nieźle sobie pożyłem.
- Co to za życie? – powiedział ojciec.- Nic tylko kłamstw...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I guess I´m too used to sitting in a small room and making
words do a few things. I see enoug...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI So be careful when you bend over.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI as long as there are
human beings about
there is never going to be
any peace
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I have, he went on, betrayed myself with
belief, deluded myself with love
tricked myself w...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI is there any wonder why the world is where it’s at now? just notice the creature sitting near you ...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI they thought that writing had
something to do with
the politics of the
CHARLES BUKOWSKI it’s as if he were hiding in there and I want to console him, say: “I am sorry, poor fellow, but...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI it is a fine sunny day and great matters loom across the horizon of history. Carthage in my rearview...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I often carry things to read so that I will not have to look at the people.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI another hot summer night as I sit here and play at being a writer again. and the worst thing of cour...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Living too long takes more than time
CHARLES BUKOWSKI humanity you sick motherfucker.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I look like a man in a death camp.
still, I'm lucky: I feat on solitude, ...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Writing is its own intoxication.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI if I had a book or a drink then I didn’t think too much of other things—fools create their own p...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI But you know, my former life as a bibliophile, it possibly kept me from murdering somebody, myself i...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI alone tonight in this house, alone with 6 cats who tell me without effort all that there is to know.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI a bird no one wants. he’s mine. my bird of pain. he doesn’t sing. that bird swaying on the bough...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI of one hundred movies there's one that is fair, one that's good and ninety eight that are very bad. ...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI people are worn away with striving, they hide in common habits. their concerns are herd concerns. fe...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI death is walking
up and down
this room
smoking my cigars
taking hits of my <...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI there was a soldier in the next room living with his wife and he would soon be going over there to p...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I was so thin I could slice bread with my shoulderblades, only I seldom had bread
CHARLES BUKOWSKI well, death says, as he walks by, I'm going to get you anyhow no matter what you've been: writer, ca...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI not writing is not good but trying to write when you can't is worse.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI great books are the ones we need
CHARLES BUKOWSKI young or old, good or bad, I don't think anything dies as slow and as hard as a writer.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I could read the great books but the great books don't interest me.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI writing about a writer's block is better than not writing at all
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I tell you such fine music waits in the shadows of hell.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I often carry things to read
so that I will not have to look at
the people.
CHARLES BUKOWSKI Now we are citizens of nothing. the sun itself knows the sad truth of how we surrendered our lives a...
CHARLES BUKOWSKI I was sentimental about many things: a woman’s shoes under the bed; one hairpin left behind on the...