Tortoise: But we must be careful in combining sentences. For instance, you'd grant that "Politicians lie" is true, wouldn't you?
Achilles: Who could deny it?
Tortoise: Good. Likewise, "Cast-iron sinks" is a valid utterance, isn't it?
Achilles: Indubitably.
Tortoise: Then, putting them together, we get "Politicians lie in cast-iron sinks" ...

, "Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid"

Tortoise: But we must be careful in combining sentences. For instance, you'd grant that "Politicians lie" is true, wouldn't you?
Achilles: Who could deny it?
Tortoise: Good. Likewise, "Cast-iron sinks" is a valid utterance, isn't it?
Achilles: Indubitably.
Tortoise: Then, putting them together, we get "Politicians lie in cast-iron sinks" ...

, "Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid"