There are a lot of moving parts in the factory, and we use our hands all the time, ... There are several potential hazards.
David Parsons
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The quarterback was Condredge Holloway part of the time, but Randy Wallace and Pat Ryan also played. Larry Seivers was my roommate. He was a two-time All-America (receiver) while I was there. Stanley Morgan was a tailback and wingback from South Carolina. He ran back kickoffs. He was a great football player. The first day I saw him I said, 'oh,' because I was a cornerback and would have to defend him in practice. He could play today. Andy Spiva still holds the record for the most tackles in a career.
— David Parsons
Although MGM is a valuable asset, we have decided to withdraw our bid. Unfortunately, Time Warner could not reach agreement with MGM at a price that would have represented a prudent use of our growing financial capacity.
— Dick Parsons
Intuitively, you would think service should be improving over time, and there's some indication that it is. But, relative to what customers expect, service hasn't been keeping up with their expectations.
— Kirk Parsons
I've used my time at 'GH' to learn some discipline.
— Nathan Parsons
My Time
That is a very solemn time. People will walk the track, looking at the candles, and remember survivors and those who were lost.
— Donna Parsons