The problem with the public-security organization is it's just so incredibly unreliable. There is no way this could happen without someone on the inside giving some assistance.
Jack Cloonan
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There's very little audit trail assigned to this phone. One can walk in, purchase it in cash, you don't have to put down a credit card, buy any amount of minutes to it, and you don't, frankly, know who bought this.
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It very seldom is. It's all done by design and this is a business transaction.
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Now how do you do that unless you've got support inside the building? How do you do that? It's impossible.
— Jack Cloonan
Security remains one of the foremost inhibitors to expanding wireless application use in the enterprise. We expect that within the next 1-2 years, 50-65 percent of companies deploying wireless applications, many of which have been deployed with minimal security built-in, will acquire tools that secure and manage those applications. Moreover, with an increasing array of different device types and platforms in use, companies will concentrate on suites that provide maximum platform support while integrating into the existing non-mobile security capabilities enabled in most organizations. Products like Good Mobile Defense enable badly needed enhanced security in enterprise wireless deployments.
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The public sector should set and enforce the homeland security standards that the private sector must meet.
— Jack Gerard