She tried to hurt Fitz!" He turned to Gabriel and Dick. "That'll get her mad. "
Gabriel rolled his eyes. "She's been framed for murder twice over, shot in the back, her arms were set on fire, and her parents are being held hostage. You think tampered dog water is what's going to make her angry?"

"You tried to hurt my dog!" I wheezed as I lurched toward a grinning Missy.

"Oh, big deal, " Missy huffed. "It's the ugliest dog I've ever seen. "

"You tried to hurt my dog, " I said again.

"I would have been doing you a favor. " Missy sneered.

"Nobody. Screws. With. My. Dog. " I growled, punctuating each word with a punch to Missy's face. I gave an upper cut to the chin that sent her flying back into a pile on the ground.

Zeb grinned at Dick and Gabriel. "Told you.

Molly Harper

Molly Harper

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