Paprastai asmuo, kuris garsėja kaip daugelio sričių žinovas, laikomas prasčioku ir apie svarbius dalykus išmano tik paviršutiniškai
Yamamoto Tsunetomo
Kad ir kur pasisukčiau, susiduriu su žmonėmis, pasiilgusiais paprastumo, bet nežinančiais, nuo ...
STEPHANIE BENNETT VOGT Priešas turi būti atpažįstamas ir baisus, jis turi būti tavo namuose arba prie durų slenksčio...
UMBERTO ECO „Čia ir dabar mes taip pat esame nuolat informuojami apie pabaigą. Apie ją mums primena kiekvie...
JURGA IVANAUSKAITė Kaip būtų nuostabu, jei žvaigždė nusileistų mūsų namų kieme? Jei vieną rytą, saulei patek...
JODI PICOULT Kai tavo protas blaškosi tai šen, tai ten, apmąstymai niekuomet nevirs teisin...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO It is the same in life; the heart changes, and that is our worst misfortune; but we learn of it only...
MARCEL PROUST Tačiau mano susižavėjimą kėlė ne jos gebėjimas gimdyti įstabiai gražius vaikus, o laikysena...
MEG MEEKER Kaip paaiškinti, kad visur ir visada, kiek užmatai, vienas idiotas valdo tūkstantį protingų, o ...
RIčARDAS GAVELIS Nors nevalia leisti kitiems vadovauti, būti vaidingam, neišauklėtam a...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Tik paskui suvokiau, ką tai reiškia. Bent jau man. 12-a apygarda turi 3 nugalėtojus, iš kurių r...
SUZANNE COLLINS Veikiausiai nė vienas nepultų ginčytis, kad dauguma mūsų darome per daug ar turime daugiau daik...
STEPHANIE BENNETT VOGT Neįmanoma imti ir pradėti pasitikėti, kaip neįmanoma suvaidinti nusižeminimo. Arba tai yra, arb...
WILLIAM PAUL YOUNG Whether people be of high or low birth, rich or poor, old or young, enlightened or confused, they ar...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Meditation on inevitable death should be performed daily. Every day one should meditate on being car...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Death seems to be a long way off. Is this not shallow thinking? It is worthless and is only a joke w...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO When meeting difficult situations, one should dash forward bravely and with joy.
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO All of us want to live, and that is absolutely natural. However, we should learn from childhood on t...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment. A man's whole life ...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO One must know the so-called 'lesson of a downpour.' A man, caught in a sudden rain en route,...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO I have found that the Way of the samurai is death. This means that when you are compelled to choose ...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment. A man's whole life is a...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO There was once a man in China who liked pictures of dragons. His clothing and his furniture were the...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Human life is truly a short affair. It is better to live doing the things that you like.
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO When confronted with two alternatives, life and death, one is to choose death without hesitation.
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Nothing is impossible in this world. Firm determination, it is said, can move heaven and earth. Thin...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO One's appearance bespeaks dignity corresponding to the depth of his character. One's concent...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Every day without fail one should consider himself as dead. There is a saying of the elders that goe...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Bushido is realized in the presence of death. This means choosing death whenever there is a choice b...
TSUNETOMO YAMAMOTO It is a good viewpoint to see the world as a dream. When you have something like a nightmare, you wi...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO There was once a man in China who liked pictures of dragons. His clothing and his furniture were the...
TSUNETOMO YAMAMOTO When one is writing a letter, he should think that the recipient will make it into a hanging scroll.
TSUNETOMO YAMAMOTO By the Way of the warrior is meant death. The Way of the warrior is death. This means choosing death...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Niekada negalvok, jog pasiekei pakankamą suvokimo laipsnį. Visuomet ...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Apskritai žmonės atrodo prislėgti. Tačiau, kai žmogus yra tyros dvasios ir šva...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Be to, rengos mokytojo pamokymuose kalbama, kad likus dienai iki poetini...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Be to, nepamiršk, ką išgirdo šventikas Riodzanas lankydamasis Kamigatos sr...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Paprasti žmonės tvirtai laikosi savo nuomonės ir todėl retai pranoksta ki�...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO It is said that what is called "the spirit of an age" is something to which one cannot return. That ...
TSUNETOMO YAMAMOTO A man who can reason over trifles will become conceited, and will take pleasure in being described a...
TSUNETOMO YAMAMOTO There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment. A man's whole life is a...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Kai aš buvau vaikas, mano mama man pasakė, kad aš esu mažas gabalėlis dangaus, kuris atėjo į ...
JODI PICOULT Sudarykite savo teigiamybių sąrašą. Jei manote, kad jūsų kojos per storos, nesvarbu – tiesio...
MEG MEEKER Niekada nekalbu apie nebaigtus sandorius.
HERBJøRG WASSMO <...> juk vos savaitę tetruko mūsų keistokas, nepaisant nieko, drovus, o vis dėlto be galo...
JURGIS KUNčINAS Patiesība ir darbs, meli ir slinkums. Patiesība ir meklēšana, ir cīnīšanās, sevis iztērēš...
RAINIS Tik, tak, tik, tak, tik, tak!!! Do you know this sound?! It's called time and it's running out! Time...
PHILIP T. M. Tik, tak, tik, tak, tik, tak!!! Do you know this sound?! It's called time and is running out! Time d...
PHILIP T. M. Tik, tak, tik, tak, tik, tak!!! Do you know this sound?! It's called time and it's running out! TIME...
PHILIP T. M. Man svarbu mokėti mylėti pasaulį, neniekinti jo, nejausti neapykantos jam ir sau, žvelgti į jį...
HERMANN HESSE Jei su aplinkiniais elgiamės draugiškai ir pasikliaudami, patys nurimstame ir atsipalaiduojame. Me...
DALAI LAMA XIV Įsimylėjimas truko tik vienuolika savaičių. Gedėjimas tęsis aštuonerius metus.
ARTūRAS TEREšKINAS Labākais veikals ir godīgums.
RAINIS I was like Robinson Crusoe on the island of Tobago. For hours at a stretch I would lie in the sun do...
HENRY MILLER Tas, kurš redz tagadnē, ir redzējis visu, kas bijis no mūžības un būs bezgalībā, jo viss ir...
MARKS AURēLIJS Žmonės vieniši kaip medžiai. Medžiai liečiasi lapais, šakomis, bet kamienai visada stovi atsk...
JURGA IVANAUSKAITė Laiki nav svarīgi. Svarīgs ir cilvēks.
IMANTS ZIEDONIS Geidulys ir pasišlykštėjimas- dvi atsitiktinio sekso pusės.
ARTūRAS TEREšKINAS Goose [pen] bee [wax] and calf [parchment] govern the world.
[Lat., Anser, apie, vitellus, populus...
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Kai tik pajuntame nenugalimą norą aplinkiniams padaryti įspūdį, tampa aišku, kad kaltas nevisa...
MEG MEEKER Keista, kai gali akimirksniu pasiekti visą pasaulį, bet žmonės dėl to tik dar labiau nutolsta.
UNė KAUNAITė Visos līdzenumos, visos tālumos, jūras un kalnu, sūnu un mežu vientulībā cilvēks vienmēr me...
IMANTS ZIEDONIS Vienatvė ieško kelionės draugo, neklausdama, kas jis. Kas to nesupranta, tas niekada nebuvo vieni...
ERICH MARIA REMARQUE ◊Būkite smalsūs. Gyvenkite domėdamiesi ir smalsaudami. Apsimeskite, kad nieko nežinote. Norėk...
STEPHANIE BENNETT VOGT Bet ji darė stebuklus. Ką ji turėjo – nežinau. Šeimos karalienė!.. Supranti? Dabar viskas ki...
JUOZAS GRUšAS La publicidad cada vez se va a ir haciendo mucho mas práctica, personalizada e inmediata.
CRISTO LEON Zāles nomiršana ir
klusa nomiršana -
neviens nav dzirdējis,
ka zāle
OJāRS VāCIETIES Savo širdyje ji pyko ant Žiuljeno, kad jis to nesupranta, kad visai neturi to subtilaus drovumo, t...
GUY DE MAUPASSANT - No hace falta ir a la Villa, porque la madrecita santa anda suelta por todos lados
CARLOS FUENTES [...]dažnai narsa atsisakyti suteikia žmogui ypatingo taurumo ir patenkina kur kas subtilesnes dva...
DONALDAS KAJOKAS Look at all the people we had on IR. That's an absurd amount. That's got to be some kind of NFL reco...
Žiūrim - krinta patylomis
Obelų žiedai.
Plaštakėlėmis bal...
KAZYS BINKIS [Has he been examined by a doctor?] I stay away from them, ... Hell, they might put me on IR. You ne...
DENNIS ERICKSON Everyone will think I'm ugly."
Tik Tok smiled. "That's true. But we are a small village. We hav...
JODI LYNN ANDERSON People say I'm not much of a girl either," Tiger Lily said.
She thought of Tik Tok, who was fon...
JODI LYNN ANDERSON Kad pavyko atrasti gilesnį savo gyvenimo tikslą, tampa aišku tuomet, kai neskaičiuojame už atli...
MEG MEEKER [IR] is a tool that may be useful, and I'm curious about it. But I don't do it myself. The volume of...
DAVE HARTMAN Patiesu sapratēju ir tikai maza saujiņa. Dažs labs no tiem, kas klausās koncertā, dziļdomīgi ...
ANšLAVS EGLīTIS We are especially excited by today's announcement because new advances in IR illumination are making...
ELLEN SIZEMORE I'm surprised the New England Patriots didn't take the decision out of his hands. As soon as this th...
MICHAEL IRVIN –Ne, ne visuomet buvau tokia. Susikuriu energiją, na, žinoma, ne tiesiogine prasme, tačiau elgi...
MEG MEEKER -No puedo seguir haciendo esto de ir hacia delante y hacia atrás contigo."
"-Y no puedo ayudar...
PRIYA ARDIS Their feedback was carefully evaluated and appropriate adjustments were made to the specifications w...
MARGARET TEO In the first six to twelve months of a war with the United States and Great Britain I will run wild ...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO The example afforded before the Great War by Germany - which, if only it had exercised forbearance f...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO Even a burglar hesitates to go back for more.
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO I am glad to be talking to him.
ALAN YAMAMOTO Our win was the constitutional right of the defendant to have access to the witnesses even though th...
ALAN YAMAMOTO I think both sides won, and both sides lost,
ALAN YAMAMOTO We've argued about it. ... We've gone around in circles,
ALAN YAMAMOTO He's running the show,
ALAN YAMAMOTO I am going to attempt to see him again.
ALAN YAMAMOTO He appears to understand that.
ALAN YAMAMOTO I entered the navy with the great ambition of becoming a naval soldier and going to war. Either I di...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO Japan has always regarded the aircraft carrier as one of the most offensive of armaments.
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO Anyone who has seen the auto factories in Detroit and the oil fields in Texas knows that Japan lacks...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO I sincerely desire to be appointed Commander in Chief of the air fleet to attack Pearl Harbor so tha...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO To be modern is to tear the soul out of every thing
YOHJI YAMAMOTO I think perfection is ugly. Somewhere in the things humans make, I want to see scars, failure, disor...
YOHJI YAMAMOTO The most important thing we have to do first of all in a war with the U.S., I firmly believe, is to ...
More Yamamoto Tsunetomo
Whether people be of high or low birth, rich or poor, old or young, enlightened or confused, they ar...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Meditation on inevitable death should be performed daily. Every day one should meditate on being car...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Death seems to be a long way off. Is this not shallow thinking? It is worthless and is only a joke w...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO When meeting difficult situations, one should dash forward bravely and with joy.
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO All of us want to live, and that is absolutely natural. However, we should learn from childhood on t...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment. A man's whole life ...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO One must know the so-called 'lesson of a downpour.' A man, caught in a sudden rain en route,...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO I have found that the Way of the samurai is death. This means that when you are compelled to choose ...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment. A man's whole life is a...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO There was once a man in China who liked pictures of dragons. His clothing and his furniture were the...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Human life is truly a short affair. It is better to live doing the things that you like.
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO When confronted with two alternatives, life and death, one is to choose death without hesitation.
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Nothing is impossible in this world. Firm determination, it is said, can move heaven and earth. Thin...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO One's appearance bespeaks dignity corresponding to the depth of his character. One's concent...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Every day without fail one should consider himself as dead. There is a saying of the elders that goe...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Bushido is realized in the presence of death. This means choosing death whenever there is a choice b...
TSUNETOMO YAMAMOTO It is a good viewpoint to see the world as a dream. When you have something like a nightmare, you wi...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO There was once a man in China who liked pictures of dragons. His clothing and his furniture were the...
TSUNETOMO YAMAMOTO When one is writing a letter, he should think that the recipient will make it into a hanging scroll.
TSUNETOMO YAMAMOTO By the Way of the warrior is meant death. The Way of the warrior is death. This means choosing death...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Niekada negalvok, jog pasiekei pakankamą suvokimo laipsnį. Visuomet ...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Apskritai žmonės atrodo prislėgti. Tačiau, kai žmogus yra tyros dvasios ir šva...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Be to, rengos mokytojo pamokymuose kalbama, kad likus dienai iki poetini...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Be to, nepamiršk, ką išgirdo šventikas Riodzanas lankydamasis Kamigatos sr...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Kai tavo protas blaškosi tai šen, tai ten, apmąstymai niekuomet nevirs teisin...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Paprasti žmonės tvirtai laikosi savo nuomonės ir todėl retai pranoksta ki�...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO Nors nevalia leisti kitiems vadovauti, būti vaidingam, neišauklėtam a...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO It is said that what is called "the spirit of an age" is something to which one cannot return. That ...
TSUNETOMO YAMAMOTO A man who can reason over trifles will become conceited, and will take pleasure in being described a...
TSUNETOMO YAMAMOTO There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment. A man's whole life is a...
YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO In the first six to twelve months of a war with the United States and Great Britain I will run wild ...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO The example afforded before the Great War by Germany - which, if only it had exercised forbearance f...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO Even a burglar hesitates to go back for more.
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO I am glad to be talking to him.
ALAN YAMAMOTO Our win was the constitutional right of the defendant to have access to the witnesses even though th...
ALAN YAMAMOTO I think both sides won, and both sides lost,
ALAN YAMAMOTO We've argued about it. ... We've gone around in circles,
ALAN YAMAMOTO He's running the show,
ALAN YAMAMOTO I am going to attempt to see him again.
ALAN YAMAMOTO He appears to understand that.
ALAN YAMAMOTO I entered the navy with the great ambition of becoming a naval soldier and going to war. Either I di...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO Japan has always regarded the aircraft carrier as one of the most offensive of armaments.
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO Anyone who has seen the auto factories in Detroit and the oil fields in Texas knows that Japan lacks...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO I sincerely desire to be appointed Commander in Chief of the air fleet to attack Pearl Harbor so tha...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO To be modern is to tear the soul out of every thing
YOHJI YAMAMOTO I think perfection is ugly. Somewhere in the things humans make, I want to see scars, failure, disor...
YOHJI YAMAMOTO The most important thing we have to do first of all in a war with the U.S., I firmly believe, is to ...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO I felt from the start that America was not likely to relinquish lightly positions established at the...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO If we are to have a war with America, we will have no hope of winning unless the U.S. fleet in Hawai...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO Never tell anyone outside my staff that the Submarine Force and the First Air Fleet were responsible...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO Should hostilities once break out between Japan and the United States, it is not enough that we take...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO It is like a disease to think that an invincible status has been achieved after being satisfied with...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO If a war breaks out with the United States, the navy will have to put all its strength into intercep...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO Even though fees are falling, the online brokers only offer stock trading and have almost nothing el...
HITOSHI YAMAMOTO I want to commend it as an epoch-making move for the BOJ that would bring transparency to its policy...
KOZO YAMAMOTO The 17,000 level isn't only the highest in more than five years, but it's also technical resistance....
HITOSHI YAMAMOTO Although a precise outlook on the international situation is hard for anyone to make, it is needless...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO Life is like a black hole. You don't know what lies ahead. You can't ever turn back. All you can do ...
HIROSHI YAMAMOTO A military man can scarcely pride himself on having smitten a sleeping enemy; it is more a matter of...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO As long as tides of war are in our favor, the United States will never stop fighting. As a consequen...
ISOROKU YAMAMOTO The health aspect of this animal is what should be the standard for the U. S. cattle herd. If I can ...
GARY YAMAMOTO Once I got into it and learned all the aspects -- the health as well as the good taste, I was hooked...
GARY YAMAMOTO I had expected a market correction of an almost 10 percent fall sometime between January and March.
HITOSHI YAMAMOTO A sudden jump in trading volume like this would catch off-guard any exchange (in industrialized coun...
HITOSHI YAMAMOTO Technology shares here got a lift from strong gains in the Nasdaq index as many investors here regar...
HITOSHI YAMAMOTO While it may be temporary, the major risks we see for Japanese stocks right now are the Iranian situ...
HITOSHI YAMAMOTO (The takeover) helps us to anticipate future restructuring in the retail sector. For example, we can...
HITOSHI YAMAMOTO This market just keeps going and going and people are betting on even further gains. Strength in eco...
HITOSHI YAMAMOTO When a catastrophic event happens, such as the Hurricane Katrina, there is always rebuilding demand ...
HITOSHI YAMAMOTO Relatively speaking, Japan looks the least uncertain market in regard to politics and the economy.
HITOSHI YAMAMOTO The fact that investors are chasing commodity stocks on the back of higher oil prices, instead of se...
HITOSHI YAMAMOTO Most members at Japanese golf courses are corporate, so investing in a golf-course stock is like inv...
HITOSHI YAMAMOTO I want to commend it as an epoch-making move for the BOJ that will bring transparency to its policy.
KOZO YAMAMOTO We will never let the BOJ repeat the mistake the bank made in August 2000.
KOZO YAMAMOTO So long as there is a solid framework in place, it's up to the BOJ.
KOZO YAMAMOTO Zero percent is still deflation.
KOZO YAMAMOTO I've never seen anything like it.
KAZUYA YAMAMOTO I do not think China will take the bold course of doing that. But this persistent speculation could ...
MASAFUMI YAMAMOTO The expectations are fluctuating day by day, so there's no clear direction at the moment.
MASAFUMI YAMAMOTO We expect an increase of about 300,000 jobs. Strong figures in the data are likely to spur dollar bu...
MASAFUMI YAMAMOTO The European economy is on course for a good recovery and the ECB is likely to raise rates to 2.75 p...
MASAFUMI YAMAMOTO The smaller figure is already a negative factor for the dollar. General sentiment for the dollar is ...
MASAFUMI YAMAMOTO The currency market will be more volatile than before. The sensitivity to the upcoming data will be ...
MASAFUMI YAMAMOTO Depending on the economic indicators, the currency market will be more volatile than before.
MASAFUMI YAMAMOTO Treasuries can still fall some more. Some people are worried about the outlook for inflation because...
MASATSUGU YAMAMOTO We are still seeing strength in the labor market with wages rising. We are waiting for further decli...
MASATSUGU YAMAMOTO There is some room for the market to rally in the next few weeks. We are looking for opportunities t...