Los grandes cambios rara vez resultan oportunos y consecuentes con nuestro particular estado de ánimo.
Miguel Delibes
Y es así como, una vez obtenida la esencia de su amor, ahora erijo grandes construcciones verbales,...
JACK KEROUAC ...conocía de sobra... los motivos simples por los que un hombre con las dosis adecuadas de fanatis...
ARTURO PéREZ-REVERTE Su estado de ánimo ante la Mica era un caso especial, diferente del estado de ánimo de sus amigos....
MIGUEL DELIBES Tú estabas tan segura de que yo era otra persona, y a mi me gustó que me vieras diferente de los d...
MARISSA MEYER La belleza que atrae rara vez coincide con la belleza que enamora.
JOSE ORTEGA Y GASSET En cuanto al poder, se aleja a toda vela de la calle y del mercado, de las asambleas y de los parlam...
ZYGMUNT BAUMAN Y con solo el poder de tus pisadas, enloqueces los corazones de Reyes y Damas, los Caballeros te sue...
JORGE EDUARDO CONTRERAS SALCEDO Es mejor soñar una vida que vivirla, aunque vivirla siga siendo soñarla, pero menos misteriosament...
MARCEL PROUST —Quiero que me ames—dije mirándolo a los ojos ignorando a los curiosos que se encontraban alred...
LOLO MAYAYA Los libros son máquinas del tiempo y rompecabezas y llaves de cerrojos que ni siquiera sabíamos qu...
TRACI CHEE Lo que pasó es lo de menos. Es una novela, y lo que ocurre en ellas da lo mismo y se olvida, una ve...
JAVIER MARíAS ¿Qué nos pasó? Tal vez estamos en el mundo para buscar el amor, encontrarlo y perderlo, una y otr...
ISABEL ALLENDE Entre los labios y la voz, algo se va muriendo.
Algo con alas de pájaro, algo de angustia y de...
PABLO NERUDA —No puedo hablar sobre nuestra historia de amor, así que hablaré sobre matemáticas. No soy una ...
JOHN GREEN Es así de sencillo. El reino de los cielos está en nuestro interior. Deje de buscar gurús. En vez...
BRIAN L. WEISS Conozco las estrellas por memorias, los ejércitos de la noche, y hay en la delantera los que nos tr...
AESCHYLUS Por favor, Dios, por favor me quedaré con el dolor, sólo no me lleves. No quiero morir. No me sepa...
MOLLY MCADAMS Las grandes cosas, los grandes momentos, dejan a veces grandes vacios; las pequeñas cosas, los pequ...
ED HERNANDEZ Todos los secretos están guardados en un mismo cajón, el cajón de los secretos, y si develas uno,...
LAURA RESTREPO La historia no ha cambiado. Hace mil anos ellos eran los duenos del mundo. Hoy en dia lo siguen sien...
ANTONIO GUADARRAMA Ningún escritor se convierte en minoritario autor de culto por sí solo. Es el lector, que creye...
RAFAEL LECHOWSKI -Yo no aspiro a la fama ni me importa la eternidad. Me conformo con dejar buen recuerdo a los que me...
LUIS CARRENO Es importante recordar que el karma está relacionado con el aprendizaje, no con el castigo. Nuestro...
BRIAN L. WEISS Uno siempre responde con su vida entera a las preguntas mas importantes. No importa lo que diga, no ...
SáNDOR MáRAI Los hombres, como los niños, caminando a tientas sobre la tierra, ignorando de dónde vienen y adó...
JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE La cruz era el plato fuerte de la teología de Pablo. No era simplemente uno de los mensajes de Pabl...
C.J. MAHANEY -Una vez, uno de los maestros de la Universidad me dijo que había siete palabras que hacían que un...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS Pero cada uno de los hombres no es tan solo él mismo; es también un punto único, particularismo, ...
HERMANN HESSE La dicha es una cosa tan rara en este mundo, que el hombre no ha pensado en inventar palabras para e...
THéOPHILE GAUTIER yo me digo "Señor, otras repúblicas de América descienden igualmente de españoles, y viven sin c...
VICENTE BLASCO IBáñEZ Hay libros que tenemos a nuestro lado veinte años sin leerlos, libros de los que no nos alejamos, q...
ELIAS CANETTI - Estoy enamorado de tí, y no estoy en el negocio de negarme el simple placer de decir cosas verdad...
JOHN GREEN He ido encontrando tesoros en lugares que no queria buscar. He estado escuchando sabiduría de bocas...
SUZY KASSEM Se sabe que las bicicletas han tratado por todos los medios de remediar su triste condición social....
JULIO CORTáZAR Caballero., Hombre que se porta con nobleza y generosidad. Lastimosamente se ve muy poco de esta cua...
JORGE EDUARDO CONTRERAS SALCEDO Dale vida a los sueños que tienes escondidos..descubriras que puedes vivir estos momentos, con los ...
NO Sé QUIEN LO DIJO Algunas veces te levantas de la cama y ya no sabes porqué estás luchando. ¿Estás luchando el dí...
EMILIO BUESO Si os he referido estos detalles acerca del asteroide B 612 y si os he confiado su número es por la...
ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPéRY Y la cuestión es ésta: la televisión invierte la evolución de lo sensible en inteligible y lo co...
GIOVANNI SARTORI «Si alguna vez te has preguntado de dónde vienen los sueños que tienes por la noche, mira a tu al...
BRIAN SELZNICK Queremos que el fotógrafo sea un espía en la casa del amor y de la muerte y que los retratados no ...
SUSAN SONTAG Solo después de casarse descubrió Galip que en la vida de aquella persona anónima a la que las es...
ORHAN PAMUK Yo he visto estos solitarios apretujados en increíbles racimos en los andenes y en los coches del t...
ARTURO USLAR PIETRI Ese chico roto en la playa parecía como hace una vida. Los años habían pasado, colegio y la NFL, ...
NICOLE WILLIAMS Cuando el jardín de la memoria comienza a secarse -le había dicho Celâl una de aquellas noches-, ...
ORHAN PAMUK —Pues ahí, no aquí [...] siguen morando en nidos y en «boudoirs», en cortes de justicia y en o...
VIRGINIA WOOLF Siempre he envidiado a las personas que se duermen con facilidad. Sus cerebros deben de estar más l...
DAVID BENIOFF Londres no teme a los cambios, ni teme a los extranjeros, ni teme perder una identidad determinada. ...
ENRIC GONZáLEZ Algo se marchitó de repente muy dentro de su ser: quizá la fe en la perennidad de la infancia. Adv...
MIGUEL DELIBES Una de las grandes cualidades de #socialmedia es que te pone al alcance de millones de personas con ...
CRISTO LEON Así se reanudó una amistad prohibida que por lo menos una vez se pareció al amor. Hablaban hasta ...
GABRIEL GARCíA MáRQUEZ Heredé de mis antepasados las ansias de huir. Dicen que mi sangre es europea. Yo siento que cada gl...
ALEJANDRA PIZARNIK La vida es una tapiceria que se borda dia a dia con hilos de muchos colores, unos pesados y oscuros,...
ISABEL ALLENDE A veces oigo una música... O una canción... Una voz de mujer... Y allí encuentro lo que he sentid...
SVETLANA ALEXIEVICH Es una mera ficción eso de que no existe un puente de unión entre una y otra gente, y que todos vi...
HERMANN HESSE Era peor la herida... eran peor muchas heridas... que saber la profundidad de lealtad y amor que yac...
ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE No hereden el odio. Después de cuanto acaba de pasar (las infinitas matanzas, los campos de extermi...
JOSé EMILIO PACHECO Como si el mundo se encogiera en torno a un núcleo de entidades desglosables. Las cosas cayendo en ...
CORMAC MCCARTHY No estábamos enamorados, hacíamos el amor con un virtuosismo desapegado y crítico, pero después ...
JULIO CORTáZAR «¿Y mientras tanto?», preguntó el marqués.
«Mientras tanto», dijo Abrenuncio, «tóquenl...
GABRIEL GARCíA MáRQUEZ — ¿Y por qué no vives siempre con nosotros como antes, mamacita?
— Porque ahora tu mamaci...
CARLOS FUENTES A veces, lees un libro y te llena con este fervor evangélico raro, y te convences de que el mundo d...
JOHN GREEN Dolor y muerte. Dos palabras que podrían resumir lo que ocurrió en Hollow Hallows a finales de su ...
CARLOS J. EGUREN Pero los escritores mienten, aun los más sinceros. Los menos hábiles, carentes de palabras y frase...
MARGUERITE YOURCENAR Algunas veces lees un libro, sientes un extraño afán evangelizador y estás convencido de que este...
JOHN GREEN Otra vez tambores de guerra, y son siempre los mismos quienes los percuten. Decía Roger Garaudy que...
FERNANDO SáNCHEZ DRAGó Seguramente tiene razón. Soy una caprichosa. Pero caprichosa de él.
De nuestro tiempo juntos...
MEGAN MAXWELL La Lotería, con su reparto semanal de enormes premios, era el único aconteci...
GEORGE ORWELL Palavras são, na minha nada humilde opinião, nossa inesgotável fonte de magia. Capazes de formar ...
J.K. ROWLING Me entró entonces la duda de si habría poseído alguna vez un don que no fuese el de la fabulació...
MARIE NDIAYE No puedo hablar de nuestra historia de amor, así que hablaré de matemáticas. No soy matemática, ...
JOHN GREEN Mi libro favorito, con diferencia, era Un dolor imperial, pero no me gustaba decirlo. Algunas veces ...
HAZEL GRACE (...) y todo aquello unido era el río, todas las voces, los fines, los anhelos, los sufrimientos, l...
HERMANN HESSE Sólo los sacerdotes y los locos no tienen miedo a nada, y yo nunca me he llevado muy bien con Dios
PATRICK ROTHFUSS Se colocó el pelo detrás de las orejas, se puso la capucha y se la ató con el cordón. El farol i...
JOHN GREEN Así pues, tanto las sociedades como los grupos humanos más pequeños pueden tomar decisiones catas...
JARED DIAMOND La vida es como una vela prendida. Todos cuando nacemos llevamos una con nuestro nombre reflejado en...
AUDREY DRY Abajo hay miedo, sufrimiento y muerte. Hay guerra. Y todo parece ser tan normal que podríamos olvid...
ARTURO USLAR PIETRI Las consecuencias de esos procesos nos duelen hasta hoy cada vez que una comunidad originaria debe r...
FELIPE PIGNA Creo que el amor, como la eternidad, es una ambición. Una hermosa ambición de los humanos.(Mujeres...
ÁNGELES MASTRETTA No hay pecas suficientes para todos los «te quiero» que siento cada vez que te miro. Treinta y tre...
ALICE KELLEN Una dictadura perfecta tendría la apariencia de una democracia,pero sería básicamente una prisió...
ALDOUS HUXLEY en realidad no importa que no esperemos nada de la vida, sino que la vida espere algo de nosotros. D...
VIKTOR E. FRANKL Su contacto tenía una fuerza tierna y los dedos de ambos se entrelazaron con tanta naturalidad que ...
DAN BROWN Encontrarse solo con los rastros en lugar de con los recuerdos en sí se parece a mirar con lágrima...
ORHAN PAMUK La escuela debería seducir, enamorar. Ser ese escenario donde todos los días los alumnos al salir ...
ANNA FORES Y escribir cada día,
ganar la lotería
de al menos una frase
que nadie ha dicho nunc...
HéCTOR ABAD FACIOLINCE Estás solo, y al estar solo, no has de mirar nunca la hora, no has de contar nunca los minutos. No ...
GEORGES PEREC —Yo te conozco —musitó con un hilo de voz. De repente, me miró con los ojos muy abiertos—. P...
ROBINSON WELLS Coraline se dedicó a pasear y a contemplar unas botas de agua que tenían forma de rana, pato y con...
NEIL GAIMAN La desgracia de Adam Appleby era que, en cuanto despertaba del sueño, su conciencia se inundaba inm...
DAVID LODGE Todo era de los otros y de nadie, hasta que tu belleza y tu pobreza llenaron el otoño de regalos.
PABLO NERUDA Pero el amor, esa palabra... Moralista Horacio, temeroso de pasiones sin una razón de aguas hondas,...
JULIO CORTáZAR «[Abrir el corazón] tiene muchísima relación no sólo con la calidad de vida sino también con s...
BRIAN L. WEISS (...) Y la alegría lo llenó de la cabeza a los pies, alegría de vivir y alegría de ser él mismo...
MICHAEL ENDE Los buenos actos resuenan a nuestro paso, mucho tiempo después de que hayamos olvidado haberlos rea...
SENA JETER NASLUND Sólo mediante la información que poseemos, incorporada a nuestro organismo, sean los esquemas inna...
JOSé ANTONIO MARINA Pero el amor puede transformar en belleza y dignidad cosas bajas y viles, porque no ve con los ojos,...
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE El ver mucho y leer mucho aviva los ingenios de los hombres.
MIGUEL DE CERVANTES SAAVEDRA Fue así que me enloquecí.
Y en mi locura he hallado libertad y seguridad; la libertad d...
More Miguel Delibes
También a mí me dan miedo las estrellas y todas esas cosas que no se abarcan o no se acaban nunca
MIGUEL DELIBES Él no tenía autonomía ni capacidad de decisión. El poder de decisión le llega al hombre cuando ...
MIGUEL DELIBES Le dolía que los hechos pasasen con esta facilidad a ser recuerdos; notar la sensación de que nada...
MIGUEL DELIBES Algo se marchitó de repente muy dentro de su ser: quizá la fe en la perennidad de la infancia. Adv...
MIGUEL DELIBES Todos eran efímeros y transitorios, y a la vuelta de cien años no quedaría rastro de ellos sobre ...
MIGUEL DELIBES -Qué quiere, señor cura. Ninguna sabe cuándo le va a llegar la hora. El amor y la muerte, a traic...
MIGUEL DELIBES Pero existen, flotando constantemente en el aire unos entes diabólicos que gozan enredando los acto...
MIGUEL DELIBES Las calles, la plaza y los edificios no hacían un pueblo, ni tan siquiera le daban fisionomía. A u...
MIGUEL DELIBES La cosa pública es un desastre -voceaba, a la menor oportunidad, don Ramón- Cada uno mira demasiad...
MIGUEL DELIBES El llanto era necesario para lavar la conciencia
MIGUEL DELIBES Los hombres se hacen, las montañas están hechas ya
MIGUEL DELIBES Es expresivo y cambiante el lenguaje de las campanas; su vibración es capaz de acentos hondos y gra...
MIGUEL DELIBES Su estado de ánimo ante la Mica era un caso especial, diferente del estado de ánimo de sus amigos....
MIGUEL DELIBES Alimentados de pesimismo no vivimos la vida, la sufrimos.
MIGUEL DELIBES La Source might seem merely a pretty bagatelle.
LEO DELIBES They are vestals who do not have anything has to keep.
LEO DELIBES Historically, black music has influenced other cultures and other genres and created other genres.
MIGUEL The extremes of who I'd love to be onstage are David Bowie, Prince, and, I don't know, Bjork...
MIGUEL I feel like when you are really appreciative, it makes it easier to have a better outlook and perspe...
MIGUEL I think your conversations are indicative of your tastes - even your diction.
MIGUEL I grew up in Los Angeles when the racial tensions between blacks and Mexicans were very high. Gang v...
MIGUEL I fell in love with funk music through my father - Funkadelic - as well as soul and classical early ...
MIGUEL I could speak Spanish fluently growing up, but I'm so out of practice, and I have such a tremend...
MIGUEL I think that the best part of music is when it comes from a real place and has an ability to kind of...
MIGUEL Interestingly, I matured as a musician and as an artist before I matured as a man. What I mean by th...
MIGUEL Art is based on emotion, but being macho is based on ego; the wall protecting that emotion.
MIGUEL One of the most telling things about a person is how they say hello, handshakes.
MIGUEL At the end of the day, as a grown man, I don't really care what the sexuality of the next man is...
MIGUEL I'm a nice guy, but I like to get into trouble.
MIGUEL I believe dreams represent the purest form of fantasy we unleash through our subconscious. They repr...
MIGUEL I have this propensity to just come out and say things. That's how I am in real life.
MIGUEL Postmodernism was a reaction to modernism. Where modernism was about objectivity, postmodernism was ...
MIGUEL SYJUCO I look at western literature and especially North American literature, and I feel like it gets bogge...
MIGUEL SYJUCO Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards
LUIS MIGUEL 1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the w...
MIGUEL RUIZ I am very adamant about keeping my private life private. I don't prefer to talk about my family.
LUIS MIGUEL I think we all wish we could erase some dark times in our lives. But all of life's experiences, ...
LUIS MIGUEL Even two of humanity's most intimate possessions - a sense of self and a body image - are fluid,...
MIGUEL NICOLELIS When I started music, I started out in Puerto Rico with classical music. But what really made me wan...
MIGUEL ZENON The Miguel Syjuco character is not me. I wanted him to represent my own fears and frustrations and g...
MIGUEL SYJUCO 'Illustrado' is not an autobiography. Only the ideas are autobiographical; the ideas of bitt...
MIGUEL SYJUCO With its billions of interconnected neurons, whose interactions change from millisecond to milliseco...
MIGUEL NICOLELIS Touching on universality is an important part of effective storytelling, but the problem with cliche...
MIGUEL SYJUCO My strength was that I am more balanced and calmer than most other riders.
MIGUEL INDURAIN I inherited that calm from my father, who was a farmer. You sow, you wait for good or bad weather, y...
MIGUEL INDURAIN To be free and to live a free life - that is the most beautiful thing there is.
MIGUEL INDURAIN I've always thought that jazz needs to be heard by a wider audience in Puerto Rico. I want to pu...
MIGUEL ZENON There is a huge amount of freedom that comes to you when you take nothing personally.
MIGUEL RUIZ Sooner or later a rider will emerge who will win more Tours. In every sport we have seen how the rec...
MIGUEL INDURAIN It's the first time an exoskeleton has been controlled by brain activity and offered feedback to...
MIGUEL NICOLELIS I was drawn to it much to my father's dismay. He wanted me to be a pianist like he was, but I ha...
MIGUEL FERRER I've played the drums for so long, I can't imagine saying goodbye to it.
MIGUEL FERRER I don't like rock. Honestly, I like to listen to it, but it's not for me. There's a lot ...
LUIS MIGUEL Angst is not the human condition, it’s the purgatory between what we have and what we want but can...
MIGUEL SYJUCO Essentially, all expressions of human nature ever produced, from a caveman's paintings to Mozart...
MIGUEL NICOLELIS We started all this research way back in the early 1990s, developing a technique that allows us to r...
MIGUEL NICOLELIS I think we all wish we could erase some dark times in our lives. But all of life's experiences, bad ...
LUIS MIGUEL He was a symbol of Cuban fishing and of human brotherhood, thanks to all of his years of friendship ...
MIGUEL DIAZ We have the great fans in Detroit. We've got a great ballpark, great stadium.
MIGUEL CABRERA We were given clear concrete tools. The course did a great job demystifying the art of fiction writi...
MIGUEL FERRER I'm the kind of guy who, if I look inside and they throw me a fastball outside, and it's a s...
MIGUEL CABRERA I don't believe in nationalism. I think it's a bunch of slogans. It's a bunch of poor at...
MIGUEL SYJUCO Around your skin, I tie and untie mine.
MIGUEL HERNáNDEZ I maintain my sanity by keeping my distance.
LUIS MIGUEL [Olivo praised Padres hitting coach Dave Magadan, who, as a minor league instructor, had given Olivo...
MIGUEL OLIVO We have about 100 million cells interconnected in our brains. They communicate with one another thro...
MIGUEL NICOLELIS My dad won an Oscar in 1951 with an un-Anglicized name, the first Hispanic to ever win an Oscar, and...
MIGUEL FERRER I am a really quiet person. I just like to be with my children and my family and being home. I live ...
MIGUEL COTTO I made an enjoyable living as a very young man, but I think as I became more comfortable and knowled...
MIGUEL FERRER I don't see myself as any different from all the other Filipinos who have gone abroad looking fo...
MIGUEL SYJUCO Eventually, brain implants will become as common as heart implants. I have no doubt about that.
MIGUEL NICOLELIS I was not very happy to have to change insurance plans. Instead of scrapping it, which I considered,...
LUIS MIGUEL I was not very happy to have to change insurance plans. Instead of scrapping it, which I considered,...
LUIS MIGUEL Piracy is important to talk about. It's harming the music industry. It hurts all of us. The public n...
LUIS MIGUEL I don't like rock. Honestly, I like to listen to it, but it's not for me. There's a lot of musical g...
LUIS MIGUEL I am very adamant about keeping my private life private. I don't prefer to talk about my family.
LUIS MIGUEL The most enjoyable part of my career is singing live.
LUIS MIGUEL Just spanking, yell at them . . . like any parent would.
MIGUEL RODRIGUEZ « Occupe-toi de ton action »
MIGUEL BENASAYAG Even though the music I make gathers influences from all over the place, I feel that the core of wha...
MIGUEL ZENON You express your own divinity by being alive and by loving yourself and others.
MIGUEL RUIZ Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourslef or to g...
MIGUEL RUIZ [He was batting .151 for the Mariners, and the harder he worked, the worse he fared.] I lost all of ...
MIGUEL OLIVO I think the word 'soul' - it depends on what you define by 'soul.' If you're def...
MIGUEL NICOLELIS Of course, I know about Bo Diaz - he's from Venezuela! ... I know all about the players from Venezue...
MIGUEL PEREZ He has a cannon. He made me look bad.
MIGUEL CAIRO I was a musician and did moderately well at that. I made an enjoyable living as a very young man, bu...
MIGUEL FERRER Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.
MIGUEL RUIZ I surprise myself that I'm not dead in the gutter somewhere, surprised that I haven't given ...
MIGUEL SYJUCO I don't want to just be the best player. I want to be a great person, too.
MIGUEL CABRERA The Four Agreements
1. Be impeccable with your word.
2. Don’t take anything personally.<...
MIGUEL RUIZ The Caribbean Series is just a prelude of what's to come.
MIGUEL TEJADA [Tejada said he talked less lately because of the losing.] I've been quiet the last couple of days s...
MIGUEL TEJADA It was really special for me because [on the night of Ripken's 2,131st game], I was in my first year...
MIGUEL TEJADA I couldn't concentrate on the game. The only thing I could think about was what had happened to him....
MIGUEL TEJADA a long time ago.
MIGUEL TEJADA I just found out right now,
MIGUEL TEJADA I treat my writing like a day job, like my main job, even if for many years I was doing other jobs t...
MIGUEL SYJUCO You don't need to justify your love, you don't need to explain your love, you just need to practice ...
MIGUEL RUIZ It was a very volatile session. The Argentine market tried to a certain degree to arbitrage and adju...
MIGUEL DANERI The Facebook is for the Internet, as Big-Brother it is for the TV.
MIGUEL FERNANDES It's not telepathy. It's not the Borg. But we created a new central nervous system made of t...
MIGUEL NICOLELIS The kind of neuroscience that I do and my colleagues do is almost like the weatherman. We are always...
MIGUEL NICOLELIS There are several patients - there are thousands of patients, tens of thousands of patients, that ca...
MIGUEL NICOLELIS In my view, while the single neuron is the basic anatomical and information processing-signaling uni...
MIGUEL NICOLELIS Fiction is a very powerful tool for teaching history. The Philippines was the first Iraq, the first ...
MIGUEL SYJUCO National identity is something that's directly connected to our personal experiences and the dec...
MIGUEL ZENON You can have many great ideas in your head, but what makes the difference is the action. Without act...
MIGUEL RUIZ If others tell us something we make assumptions, and if they don't tell us something we make assumpt...
MIGUEL RUIZ Selfishness, control, and fear will break almost any relationship. Generosity, freedom, and love wil...
MIGUEL RUIZ Jason or Barry Bonds, you don't want them to hit a homer. As a team, you want him to be on base, and...
MIGUEL CAIRO He's very intense, kind of the glue for the team. He's motivated every player on the court. He's def...
MIGUEL CABRITA We believe that if the world doesn't go quickly to an end, it will be only because Hitlerism transfo...
MIGUEL SERRANO The love talked and written about so much in novels, poetry and magazines, the love of one's neighbo...
MIGUEL SERRANO You don't need to change the world; you need to change yourself.
MIGUEL RUIZ Here, the hitting coach said see the ball and hit it, and swing how you want to. That's what I'm doi...
MIGUEL OLIVO For me Esoteric Hitlerism is being possessed by the archetypes of the collective unconscious which t...
MIGUEL SERRANO Words are really a mask,' he said. 'They rarely express the true meaning; in fact they tend to hide ...
MIGUEL SERRANO That is why humans resist life. To be alive is the biggest fear humans have. Death is not the bigges...
MIGUEL RUIZ I think he should stay here. It's too bad, it's one of the best gas stations in Napa.
MIGUEL LOPEZ It made me understand the things I didn't understand.
MIGUEL LOPEZ I have no illusions that my work can rouse the masses to create change, because literature simply do...
MIGUEL SYJUCO When I was coming up, I just wanted to play baseball and I'm doing what I love to do most. How c...
MIGUEL CABRERA ...when you hate someone so much, a part of you wants desperately to forgive them. But you can't dec...
MIGUEL SYJUCO In any kind of relationship we can make the assumption that others know what we think, and we don’...
MIGUEL RUIZ Vilification, by its definition, creates an antagonistic struggle, an us-versus-them mentality, that...
MIGUEL SYJUCO I was like any other kid: very normal, I can say. I just was a simple kid that came from a humble fa...
MIGUEL COTTO This could be year to get it done. This is the first uniformed team in many years. They're competiti...
MIGUEL CABRITA Love and honesty don’t mix.
MIGUEL SYJUCO Whenever we hear an opinion and believe it, we make an agreement, and it becomes part of our belief ...
MIGUEL RUIZ My team members are Hector Soto, who is a boxing promoter and Vice-president of Miguel Cotto Promoti...
MIGUEL COTTO the real mission you have in life is to make yourself happy, and in order to be happy, you have to l...
MIGUEL RUIZ What you are seeing and hearing right now is nothing but a dream. You are dreaming right now in this...
MIGUEL RUIZ I think villainy just comes naturally to me. I get to work it out naturally so I can be a nice perso...
MIGUEL FERRER He just said he brought up my name because he told them everything he was taking. I'm not mad at him...
MIGUEL TEJADA May the sun come, it's a new day; In the pure land of fantasy; That our darkness enlightened
MIGUEL TORGA Even though there is randomness and improvisation in my music, I want to have some concrete idea tha...
MIGUEL ZENON It kills me how these days everyone has clinical justification for their strangeness.
MIGUEL SYJUCO We definitely need to overcome the fact that we don't have any divers and we can't secure any points...
MIGUEL MOLINA The brain needs to have a story; it needs to have a logical screenplay telling where we're comin...
MIGUEL NICOLELIS I just try to find ways to help my team win.
MIGUEL CABRERA I love my homeland, but it's an absurd country. Politics in the Philippines is like spectator sp...
MIGUEL SYJUCO There is that potential of the expats coming back to the Philippines. But sadly they are no opportun...
MIGUEL SYJUCO The Philippines, it has a politics of patronage. Family and favors, in addition to the old cliche of...
MIGUEL SYJUCO Sometimes one waits too long for the perfect moment before snapping the picture. You never realize t...
MIGUEL SYJUCO Whatever happens around you, don't take it personally... Nothing other people do is because of you. ...
MIGUEL RUIZ ...onde está ou tenha estado um homem é preciso que esteja ou tenha estado toda a humanidade.
MIGUEL TORGA Rhetoric abounds in the cemeteries of reason.
MIGUEL QUEAH Não tenhas medo, ouve:
É um poema
Um misto de oração e de feitiço...
Sem qualque...
MIGUEL TORGA Angry men have little to live for when their rage becomes ineffective.
MIGUEL SYJUCO To be angry implies you care
MIGUEL SYJUCO This game proved to me we have to be more prepared the next time. We should have it in November. All...
MIGUEL BATISTA When he chose to play for Team USA it was like a cloud of smoke went up.
MIGUEL BATISTA The fall took all the markets by surprise and especially ours, which was very bullish. It will take ...
MIGUEL DANERI Scrimmages within the administration on Venezuela were often very, very rough.
MIGUEL DIAZ We want to help out the campus community.
MIGUEL DREW This is an important march for human rights. Now, it is time to wake up so they can respect us as hu...
MIGUEL MIRANDA I've always admired his focus and how he does what it takes to get it done. I feel like I've learned...
MIGUEL MOLINA [He was batting .151 for the Mariners, and the harder he worked, the worse he fared.] I lost all of ...
MIGUEL OLIVO It was like a blessing. They said it wasn't going to fall anymore.
MIGUEL RAMIREZ This is kind of hard work. It's too tough for some of the locals. But we make money doing this. We c...
MIGUEL RAMIREZ It's a good position to be in with everyone pretty much healthy. You know, over a stretch like we're...
MIGUEL RUEDA If our greatest fear is to sink away alone and unremembered, the brutality that time will inflict up...
MIGUEL SYJUCO Valor lies just halfway between rashness and cowardice.
MIGUEL DE CERVANTES Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love.
DON MIGUEL RUIZ Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret...
DON MIGUEL RUIZ I love and respect all religions and philosophies. I see how they get formed, how they grow up, and ...
DON MIGUEL RUIZ I don't know what I am. And it's not important.
DON MIGUEL RUIZ When we respect everybody around us, we are in peace with everybody around us.
DON MIGUEL RUIZ Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive - the risk to...
DON MIGUEL RUIZ Listen to other people tell their story, but don't believe them. You know that it's just a s...
DON MIGUEL RUIZ Life is very, very simple and easy to understand, but we complicate it with the beliefs and ideas th...
DON MIGUEL RUIZ Everything you think about yourself, everything you believe about yourself, is because you learned i...
DON MIGUEL RUIZ We only see what we want to see; we only hear what we want to hear. Our belief system is just like a...
DON MIGUEL RUIZ Always do your best.
DON MIGUEL RUIZ I am here and I'm alive. That's enough.
DON MIGUEL RUIZ When you look at yourself in a mirror, do you like what you see, or do you judge your body and use t...
DON MIGUEL RUIZ Be Skeptical, but learn to listen.
DON MIGUEL RUIZ For it is the suffering flesh, it is suffering, it is death, that lovers perpetuate upon the earth. ...
MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO Be a terror to the butchers, that they may be fair in their weight; and keep hucksters and fraudulen...
MIGUEL DE CERVANTES Feast of All Souls If you ask me how I believe in God, how God creates Himself in me, and reveals...
MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO Cure yourself of the affliction of caring how you appear to others. Concern yourself only with how...
MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO When a thing is said to be not worth refuting you may be sure that either it is flagrantly stupid ...
MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO Science is a cemetery of dead ideas.
MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO There is also this benefit in brag, that the speaker is unconsciously expressing his own ideal. Humo...
MIGUEL DE CERVANTES The only way to give finality to the world is to give it consciousness.
MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO We need God, not in order to understand the why, but in order to feel and sustain the ultimate where...
MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO There is an awful lot of negative energy out there and some of it is directed at us by other people....
DON MIGUEL RUIZ Only he who attempts the absurd is capable of achieving the impossible.
MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO Alas! all music jars when the soul's out of tune.
MIGUEL DE CERVANTES 'Tis the only comfort of the miserable to have partners in their woes.
MIGUEL DE CERVANTES To be prepared is half the victory.
MIGUEL DE CERVANTES The man who is prepared has his battle half fought.
MIGUEL DE CERVANTES Suffering is the substance of life and the root of personality, for it is only suffering that makes ...
MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO Patience and shuffle the cards.
MIGUEL DE CERVANTES Our words, our thoughts, and our feelings all contribute to the creation of our reality. Our word is...
DON MIGUEL RUIZ 'Tis a dainty thing to command, though 'twere but a flock of sheep.
MIGUEL DE CERVANTES When the severity of the law is to be softened, let pity, not bribes, be the motive.
MIGUEL DE CERVANTES It seldom happens that any felicity comes so pure as not to be tempered and allayed by some mixture ...
MIGUEL DE CERVANTES A man must eat a peck of salt with his friend, before he knows him.