Liebe war der Weg, ewig zu leben in einem einzigen Moment
Matt Haig
Aber man lebt nicht ewig in einem Alptraum. Der Mensch hat die Fähigkeit, selbst in den abnormalste...
NATASCHA KAMPUSCH Genau genommen leben sehr wenige Menschen in der Gegenwart. Die meisten bereiten sich darauf vor, de...
JONATHAN SWIFT Rätselhafterweise ist Schriftsteller trotzdem der schönste Beruf der Welt. Mehr als das. Schriftst...
JULI ZEH Verliebtheiten werden maßlos überschätzt. Verliebtheiten bestehen zu fünfundvierzig Prozent aus ...
PETER HøEG Zu einem wahrhaften Menschen gehören viele Götter, und er verschließt in seinem Herzen alle die M...
GEORG WILHELM FRIEDRICH HEGEL in a world trying to increasingly isolate us from our environment and our true selves, books are our...
MATT HAIG Aber jede noch so kleine Verbesserung meines Zustandes entfernte mich weiter von George, und in Wahr...
KATE MOSSE Den Haag, das zu jener Zeit um die vierzigtausend Einwohner zählte, nennt Diderot das schönste Dor...
W.G. SEBALD What the reason of the ant laboriously drags into a heap, the
wind of accident will collect in one ...
JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRIEDRICH VON SCHILLER Da kam noch einmal – ein einziges Mal – durch das Schweigen der Nacht das süße Seufzen wieder ...
EDGAR ALLAN POE Jeder erzählt in seinem eigenen Kopf eine Geschichte über sich. Ununterbrochen. Die ganze Zeit. Un...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS Wenn Leute uns ermutigen, unsere Träume zu verfolgen, dann warnt uns niemand davor, was passiert, w...
ADRIANA POPESCU Das gute Buch macht den Menschen einzigartig und befreit ihm aus der Menge. Es gibt ihm die Möglich...
DAVID GROSSMAN Leute, die jederzeit zu sterben meinen, leben lang!
ROBERT MUSIL I wish the crowd to feel itself well treated,
Especially since it lives and lets me live.
JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Der Kreis des Blutes Vollendung findet,
Der Stein der Weisen die Ewigkeit bindet.
Im Kleid...
KERSTIN GIER So sind die Dinge manchmal. Wenn alles am schlimmsten ist, dann wirft der Verstand alles in einen Pa...
RICHARD BACHMAN Sauber gemacht wird erst, wenn einem der Dreck Tränen in die Augen treibt!
MICHAEL GERBER Irgendwo war mir ein Rest von Glauben an den freien Willen geblieben, aber an diesem Morgen war ich ...
ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER Das wahre Wunder, das ist nicht das Leben. Das Leben gibt es überall, es wimmelt nur so davon. Das ...
GILLES LEGARDINIER Bedaure nicht die Toten, Harry. Bedaure die Lebenden, und vor allem diejenigen, die ohne Liebe leben...
J.K. ROWLING Das Ufer des Flusses und der vielen glitzernden Bächlein, die ihm auf allerlei Umwegen zuströmten,...
EDGAR ALLAN POE Die schwere Verwundung Gregors, an der er über einen Monat litt -- der
Apfel blieb, da ihn nie...
FRANZ KAFKA Erinnern, das heißt, eines Geschehens so ehrlich und rein zu gedenken, daß es zu einem Teil des ei...
RICHARD VON WEIZSäCKER Und manchmal passiert einem das Leben einfach, und man kann ihm nicht ausweichen Es kracht voll in e...
ALEXANDRA BRACKEN Das Bild vom Wirtschaftsgeschehen als einem Wettlauf oder Wettkampf ist in seinen Details etwas vers...
J.M. COETZEE In meinem Krankenzimmer herrschte ein Kommen und Gehen. Ärzte, die Stationsschwester und ihre Schar...
KATE MOSSE Ein Optimist ist ein Mensch, der ein Dutzend Austern bestellt, in der Hoffnung, sie mit der Perle, d...
THEODOR FONTANE Es ist übrigens ganz leicht, alles kaputt zu machen, wenn man sich mit jemandem wohl fühlt. Man br...
FRéDéRIC BEIGBEDER Simon." Ihre holte ihn in die Wirklichkeit zurück. "Simon, hörst du mir überhaupt zu?"
"Hm? ...
CASSANDRA CLARE Man sollte meinen, in eine Million Stücke zerhackt und in den finstersten Teil der Unterwelt geworf...
RICK RIORDAN Über des Propheten Gebein ist jedes Staubkorn
ein Pfeiler von Licht,
Aufrecht von der Ku...
AL-FAITURI Natürlich dauerte es eine Weile, bis alles kompliziert genug wurde, um Gaswolken, Galaxien, Planete...
TERRY PRATCHETT Das Leben geht weiter.
Manchmal fragte ich mich, ob diese Tatsache nicht das Grausamste an unse...
MAX RHODE Das Leben ist unendlich seltsamer als alles, was der menschliche Geist erfinden könnte.
ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE Aber sie halten es für eine Legende!'
'Weil sie es dafür halten wollen. Vielleicht würden si...
KAI MEYER (...) Achtet immer darauf, das Gleichgewicht zwischen Kopf und Herz zu wahren. (...)
COLLEEN HOOVER Aber eigentlich müsste ich inzwischen genug über Verluste wissen, um zu begreifen, dass man nie wi...
ALYSON NOEL Sah ein Knab' ein Röslein stehn,
Röslein auf der Heiden,
war so jung und morgenschön, JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Wie es im Zeitalter der Könige naiv gewesen wäre zu glauben, dass der erstgeborene Königssohn der...
J.M. COETZEE The zeal of friends it is that razes me,
And not the hate of enemies.
[Ger., Der Freunde Eifer...
JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRIEDRICH VON SCHILLER Aber glaubt mir, dass man Glück und Zuversicht selbst in Zeiten der Dunkelheit zu finden vermag. Ma...
J.K. ROWLING Wer niemals ganze Nachmittage lang mit glühenden Ohren und verstrubbeltem Haar über einem Buch sa�...
MICHAEL ENDE Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art--
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
JOHN KEATS Helmut Vetter war der erste Mann, der auf dem Cover der englischen 'Vogue' abgebildet war.
NEON Wir sind nicht einmal in der Lage, eine Familie zu gründen, geschweige denn, uns mit einer Partei z...
JULI ZEH Den Staat kümmert nicht, ob der Bürger lebt oder stirbt. Wichtig für den Staat und sein Archiv is...
J.M. COETZEE Der Deutsche fährt nicht wie andere Menschen. Er fährt, um recht zu haben.
KURT TUCHOLSKY Geschichten sind die Essenz des Lebens, Apolonia", sagte er, so ernst wie immer, und sie hatte das G...
JENNY-MAI NUYEN Der Pragmatismus ersetzt uns alles, was früher die großen Ideen, die Ideologien und Religionen, de...
JULI ZEH Mit Worten über Worte sprechen zu wollen, das ist, als würde man versuchen, mit einem Bleistift eb...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS Ich liebe die großen Verachtenden, weil sie die großen Verehrenden sind und Pfeile der Sehnsucht n...
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE in der Fußgängerzone kam Wind auf wie immer Wind aufkommt bei der Suche nach jenem richtigen Ort d...
MARION POSCHMANN Auf dem allerersten Foto, das von mir geschossen wurde, liege ich auf der Säuglingsstation, eingewi...
RAZIEL REID Ich wollte meine Augen öffnen, um Gideon ein letztes Mal anzusehen, aber ich schaffte es nicht.
KERSTIN GIER Nicht an die Güter hänge dein Herz,
Die das Leben vergänglich zieren!
Wer besitzt, der ...
FRIEDRICH SCHILLER Lucas beobachtete, wie Helen aus dem Haus rannte und in Claires Wagen sprang. Sie sah erschöpft und...
JOSEPHINE ANGELINI Ich habe sie Erfahrung gemacht, dass die Menschen aus vielen verschiedenen Schichten von Geheimnisse...
VERONICA ROTH In Homers Ilias scheint Thetis jedenfalls keine Einwände gegen die Beziehung ihres Sohnes Ac...
YUVAL NOAH HARARI [D]ie spezielle Müdigkeit, die jeden befällt, der sich anhören muss, was gut und böse, richtig u...
JULI ZEH so höre denn, was zu hören lohnt: es fürchte der weise die nacht ohne mond.
PATRICK ROTHFUSS Unfaßbar das erste Tier, das von einem anderen träumte. Ungeheuerlich das erste Wirbeltier, dem es...
CARLOS FUENTES Niemand schien zu merken, daß er, indem er Zeit sparte, in Wirklichkeit etwas ganz anderes sparte. ...
MICHAEL ENDE Liebe ist schwer. Liebhaben von Mensch zu Mensch: das ist vielleicht das Schwerste, was uns aufgegeb...
RAINER MARIA RILKE Das Spiel ist der Inbegriff demokratischer Lebensart. Es ist die letzt uns verbliebene Seinsform. De...
JULI ZEH Terror - manchmal offen ausgedrückt, doch meistens stillschweigend erkannt - schleicht sich in die ...
KATHLEEN BARRY Weißt Du, daß es außer den über dreißig Farben in einem Farbtub-Kasten noch eine weitere, für ...
YASUSHI INOUE Während die erste Tasse Tee mir die Lippen und Kehle befeuchtet,
die zweite meine Trauer vertr...
LU TONG Sollte ein Muggel so unklug sein, einem anderen anzuvertrauen, er habe einen Hippogreif gesehen, der...
NEWT SCAMANDER Dein Leben sind Bernhard und die Kinder. Schneide es nicht ab . Wer nur in Abschnitten lebt, dem feh...
DANIEL GLATTAUER Mein Leben war kein Teeniefilm. Es war chaotisch, manchmal dramatisch, voller lustiger Momente und v...
AMELIE MURMANN Die meisten Lügen sind wahr und spinnen sich von ganz allein, kaum jemand kannte diese Wahrheit bes...
CHRISTOPH MARZI Reue ist kontraproduktiv. Etwas bereuen heißt, mit einer gewissen Bitterkeit auf Vergangenes zurüc...
COLLEEN HOOVER Solange wir Kinder sind, denken wir nur selten an die Zukunft. Diese Unschuld ermöglicht es uns, un...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS Das Leben war Handeln, es gab keinen Frieden diesseits des Grabes.
CHRISTOPHER MOORE So wie die Verruecktheit in einem hoeheren Sinn, der Anfang aller Weisheit ist, so ist die Schizophr...
HERMANN HESSE Der Wahnsinn ist nur die Kehrseite der Macht, beide Ungeheuer wurden erschaffen, um einander zu näh...
FAWZI MELLAH Sie entsann sich, wie sie an einem heißen Julitag unter dem Baum gesessen hatte an der Seite von je...
NICHOLAS SPARKS Wir hätten Freunde werden können, aber du weißt, wie es mit Freundschaften gehen kann. Enttäusch...
KAI MEYER In Wirklichkeit war ich schon wach, aber ich hielt noch die Augen zu, um die Traaumgestalten noch l�...
ADELBERT VON CHAMISSO Geschichten, das wusste Jude, waren wertvoll, denn sie halfen einem, die Welt zu verstehen. Sie lenk...
CHRISTOPH MARZI Auch, wenn ihre Nachbarn litten - solange das Leid nicht bei ihnen selbst Einkehr hielt, zogen sie e...
MARC LEVY Was sind das für Konstellationen in der Gegenwart, in denen zufällige oder angeborene Unterschiede...
CAROLIN EMCKE Man kann davon überzeugt sein, sich etwas zu wünschen - vielleicht jahrelang - solang man weiß, d...
MICHAEL ENDE Sie findet den Ausdruck als gemeinsame Verehrung eines Ideals, des Ideals objektiver Wahrheit, Klarh...
LUDWIK FLECK Ein Traum ist nichts anderes, als eine mögliche Wirklichkeit, die nur darauf wartet, stattzufinden....
JOHN STRELECKY Es gibt kein Vergangenes, daß man zurücksehnen dürfte, es gibt nur ein ewig Neues, daß sich aus ...
JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE [...] dass es völlig hirnrissig ist, etwas für andere Menschen zu tun, weil man selbst ein Mensch ...
JULI ZEH Die großartigste Fähigkeit des menschlichen Geistes ist vielleicht die, mit Schmerzen fertig zu we...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS Am Anfang merkt man noch nicht viel davon. Man hat eines Tages keine Lust mehr irgendetwas zu tun. N...
MICHAEL ENDE Wenn wir uns ständig Sorgen darüber machen, was als nächstes kommt, verpassen wir die Chance auf ...
JOHN STRELECKY Wenn wir uns ständig darüber sorgen machen was als nächstes kommt , verpassen wir die Chance , au...
JOHN STRELECKY Dreizehn Mann saßen auf einem Sarg,
Ho! Ho! Ho! - und ein Fass voller Rum.
Sie soffen dre...
MICHAEL ENDE auf einem spielplatz im park hat sich ein junges paar auf zwei schaukeln gesetzt und führt ein lang...
DAVID RAMIRER Olaf hielt sich keineswegs für etwas Besonderes; seine Heavy-Metal-Kutte und die schwarzen T-Shirts...
JULI ZEH Wie ich höre, zeigt auch der Himmel eine Leidenschaft für das Neue. Ein Stern wird müde, ein Ster...
ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER Einige Leute« – der kleine Mann blickte skeptisch auf die vorbeiströmende Basismaterie – »ins...
TERRY PRATCHETT Nachdem sie sich ihr Sandwich aus dem Automaten geholt und es ausgepackt hatte, schleppte Trace sie ...
VANESSA SANGUE One of the most talented writers out there is Brian Haig.
VINCE FLYNN Ich bin gern erlöst von meinem Spiegelbild, von der Frage, wie ich aussehe. Auch ohne Spiegel weiß...
More Matt Haig
It would be lovely to live in a culture where calmness was the aim.
MATT HAIG I think we get too hung up on categories. Obviously, the book market has to categorise things, and i...
MATT HAIG Teenagers are in some ways the best readers because their imaginations haven't been narrowed dow...
MATT HAIG If you took away all pain, if everyone lived forever, everything would be bland, flat and boring; th...
MATT HAIG Human brains - in terms of cognition and emotion and consciousness - are essentially the same as the...
MATT HAIG Robots are great. I am saying that now so that when a future civilization of robots takes us captive...
MATT HAIG You don't have to be a creative maverick to have a troubled mind. You just have to be human. The...
MATT HAIG You are no less or more of a man or a woman or a human for having depression than you would be for h...
MATT HAIG Teenagers watch and listen to all kinds of things. It is the nature of being a teenager to seek out ...
MATT HAIG I've always thought feminism had a lot to say about both genders, as it is hard to talk about on...
MATT HAIG Being a depressive should not imply danger any more than being a man or even a human should. Mental ...
MATT HAIG The price for being intelligent enough to be the first species to be fully aware of the cosmos might...
MATT HAIG in a world trying to increasingly isolate us from our environment and our true selves, books are our...
MATT HAIG Thinking about death makes you analyse what life is. Anxiety makes you curious, and curiosity leads ...
MATT HAIG My early novels were written in quite a dark place. I stand by them, but I would never write them ag...
MATT HAIG Words are the essence of culture. Books are pure essence. They are not for women or for men, but for...
MATT HAIG My mum always said I devoured 'The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe' at the tender age of fo...
MATT HAIG How clear can I put this? I am not denying female oppression; I am trying to stop it by calling for ...
MATT HAIG The implication that depressed people are fundamentally irresponsible is a deeply damaging and count...
MATT HAIG If we ever head down the American path of banning certain books or turning the editorial process int...
MATT HAIG Humans, as a rule, don't like mad people unless they are good at painting, and only then once they a...
MATT HAIG There aren't any fences to the imagination, and so there shouldn't be any for books.
MATT HAIG In an age of never-ending health fads, it's comforting to learn that one of the healthiest activ...
MATT HAIG However much in the foreground depression feels, you are separate to it. This is going to sound chee...
MATT HAIG Depressives have led countries, won wars, flown rockets to the moon, made great music. Don't let...
MATT HAIG Neuroscience is a baby science, a mere century old, and our scientific understanding of the brain is...
MATT HAIG People with mental illnesses aren't wrapped up in themselves because they are intrinsically any more...
MATT HAIG Parents can only do what they think is best, with the experience they have. The learning curve for e...
MATT HAIG I'd love for mental illness to be seen in the way that other horrible illnesses are. When people...
MATT HAIG I'm a firm believer in the connection between the body and the mind: feed one, feed both. I like...
MATT HAIG It can be difficult for people to talk about it, because there still is that stigma around mental il...
MATT HAIG We need, ultimately, to be able to view mental health with the same clear-headedness we show when ta...
MATT HAIG I think maths is the root of everything. If we understood every area of math, it would lead to impro...
MATT HAIG We often joke about men moaning about being ill, whether it's man flu or anything else. We want ...
MATT HAIG This is the whole stupid thing about all these unblood relationships. They depend on people staying ...
MATT HAIG Impossible. An old elf swearword.
MATT HAIG Everyone represses everything. Do you think any of these "normal" human beings really do exactly wha...
MATT HAIG MINDS ARE UNIQUE. They go wrong in unique ways. My mind went wrong in a slightly different way to ho...
MATT HAIG Look at the sky; remind yourself of the cosmos. Seek vastness at every opportunity in order to see t...
MATT HAIG Perhaps a wish was just a hope with better aim.
MATT HAIG The key to happiness - or that even more desired thing, calmness - lies not in always thinking happy...
MATT HAIG Beauty breeds beauty; truth triggers truth. The cure for writer's block is therefore to read.
MATT HAIG If getting drunk was how people forgot they were mortal, then hangovers were how they remembered.
MATT HAIG Depression, for me, wasn't a dulling but a sharpening, an intensifying, as though I had been liv...
MATT HAIG People, certainly in the U.K., look down on screenwriting as an art form, but I love the discipline ...
MATT HAIG The key is in accepting your thoughts, all of them, even the bad ones. Accept thoughts, but don’t ...
MATT HAIG And for three weeks I was trapped in my own mind again. But this time, I had weapons. One of them, m...
MATT HAIG Wherever you are, at any moment, try and find something beautiful. A face, a line out of a poem, the...
MATT HAIG How to stop time: kiss.
How to travel in time: read.
How to escape time: music.
How t...
MATT HAIG But it only takes a doubt. A drop of ink falls into a clear glass of water and clouds the whole thin...
MATT HAIG Hate is a pointless emotion to have inside you. It is like eating a scorpion to punish it for stingi...
MATT HAIG There is this idea that you either read to escape or you read to find yourself. I don't really see t...
MATT HAIG One cliché attached to bookish people is that they are lonely, but for me books were my way out of ...
MATT HAIG Just when you feel you have no time to relax, know that this is the moment you most need to make tim...
MATT HAIG An annoying thing about depression is that thinking about life is inevitable. Depression makes think...
MATT HAIG Things people say to depressives that they don’t say in other life-threatening situations:
MATT HAIG Three in the morning is never the time to try and sort out your life.
MATT HAIG You can be a depressive and be happy, just as you can be a sober alcoholic.
MATT HAIG If you are the type of person who thinks too much about stuff then there is nothing lonelier in the ...
MATT HAIG I am you and you are me. We are alone, but not alone. We are trapped by time, but also infinite. Mad...
MATT HAIG There is this idea that you either read to escape or you read to find yourself.
MATT HAIG To other people, it sometimes seems like nothing at all. You are walking around with your head on fi...
MATT HAIG There is no standard normal. Normal is subjective. There are seven billion versions of normal on thi...
MATT HAIG Even more staggeringly, depression is a disease so bad that people are killing themselves because of...
MATT HAIG Advice for a human.
87. Dark matter is needed to hold galaxies together. Your mind is a G...
MATT HAIG Knowledge is finite. Wonder is infinite.
MATT HAIG The warning message we sent the Russians was a calculated ambiguity that would be clearly understood...
ALEXANDER HAIG I have actually directed over thirty plays and about one hundred commercials for cable TV, but have ...
SID HAIG If they analyze the situation as thoroughly as they should, Muslims will realize they are the first ...
ALEXANDER HAIG The world awaits Beijing's hosting of the 2008 Olympics, an occasion which will bring into the globa...
ALEXANDER HAIG I'm the only American alive or dead who presided unhappily over the removal of a vice president and ...
ALEXANDER HAIG Then came the hostage crisis during which Carter did nothing to rattle the ayatollahs who hung tough...
ALEXANDER HAIG As of now, I am in control here in the White House.
ALEXANDER HAIG A durable, long-term U.S.-China strategic relationship is even more important now than in previous d...
ALEXANDER HAIG I probably carry more scar tissue on my derriere than any other candidate- that's political scar tis...
ALEXANDER HAIG That's not a lie, it's a terminological inexactitude. Also, a tactical
ALEXANDER HAIG That's not a lie, it's a terminological inexactitude. Also, a tactical misrepresentation.
ALEXANDER HAIG Practice rather than preach. Make of your life an affirmation, defined by your ideals, not the negat...
ALEXANDER HAIG I think that perhaps the classic propagandists of the - in the Second World War was Winston Churchil...
ALEXANDER HAIG Sooner or later something had to give. But President Bush, faced with the unprecedented affront of 9...
ALEXANDER HAIG The idea that a war can be won by standing on the defensive and waiting for the enemy to attack is a...
DOUGLAS HAIG Syria is a terrorist state by any definition and is so classified by the State Department. I happen ...
ALEXANDER HAIG Obviously, the greater the length of a war the higher is likely to be the number of casualties in it...
DOUGLAS HAIG The world awaits Beijing's hosting of the 2008 Olympics, an occasion which will bring into the g...
ALEXANDER HAIG So long as the opposing forces are at the outset approximately equal in numbers and moral and there ...
DOUGLAS HAIG Further, a defensive policy involves the loss of the initiative, with all the consequent disadvantag...
DOUGLAS HAIG Once the mass of the defending infantry become possessed of low moral, the battle is as good as lost...
DOUGLAS HAIG You have to look at the history of the Middle East in particular. It has been one of failure and fru...
ALEXANDER HAIG We didn't do anything wrong, but among the lessons learned, given the magnitude of the problems ...
ALEXANDER HAIG It appears to me we haven't learned very much.
ALEXANDER HAIG Let them march all they want, as long as they continue to pay their taxes.
ALEXANDER HAIG Until he left office, that man was in control. He was distraught. He was in a personal crisis of unp...
ALEXANDER HAIG And the reason was that there would be a right-wing uprising in America, which would keep the Democr...
ALEXANDER HAIG Every asset of the nation must be applied to the conflict to bring about a quick and successful outc...
ALEXANDER HAIG In Desert Storm, we had too many troops; in Afghanistan probably not enough for the major commitment...
ALEXANDER HAIG There are about half a billion people around the world who use e-mail to 5 billion.
ALEXANDER HAIG When the Shah found himself in trouble, we quite literally stabbed him in the back.
ALEXANDER HAIG What the fundamentalists are doing is a total negation of their own faith - encouraging and lionizin...
ALEXANDER HAIG I'm the only American alive or dead who presided unhappily over the removal of a vice president ...
ALEXANDER HAIG You know, it's very clear, as one looks back on history again of the Cold War that, following th...
ALEXANDER HAIG When I went to school - Pasadena Playhouse - we were taught that the obligation of the actor is twof...
SID HAIG We didn't lose Vietnam. We quit Vietnam.
ALEXANDER HAIG It's going to take an extra effort on the part of the United States that can't just afford to be unc...
ALEXANDER HAIG [Haig told Perot that] the Christmas effort to send mail to U.S. prisoners of war in North Vietnam c...
ALEXANDER HAIG Major Clark is one of the most outstanding officers of his grade in the U.S. Army... an officer of i...
ALEXANDER HAIG Prior to his takeover of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini was camping near Paris, giving daily news conferen...
ALEXANDER HAIG Those who are seeking ways to tap into the potential of e-mail will find themselves in a position to...
ALEXANDER HAIG Syria is a terrorist state by any definition and is so classified by the State Department. I happen ...
ALEXANDER HAIG It didn't take long for the world to realize that the Shah was an enlightened liberal next to the bl...
ALEXANDER HAIG To declare the Cold War over, and declare democracy has won out over totalitarianism, is a measure o...
ALEXANDER HAIG As I look back at the span of the Cold War in those early days, in the '50s, for example, there ...
ALEXANDER HAIG I started out as a Cold Warrior, even my last years in grade school.
ALEXANDER HAIG I wasn't happy with the outcome in Vietnam. Now, I've never said that, but, you know, I'...
ALEXANDER HAIG It didn't take long for the world to realize that the Shah was an enlightened liberal next to th...
ALEXANDER HAIG I think the new generations in America, the America's youth, no longer care about Vietnam. They ...
ALEXANDER HAIG We didn't lose Vietnam. We quit Vietnam.
ALEXANDER HAIG I'm with the federal government, Drummond, Trust me is another way of saying I'm lying.
BRIAN HAIG Bullets have little stopping-power against the horse
GENERAL DOUGLAS HAIG I still don't know why I fish or why other men fish, except we
like it and it makes us think and fe...
RODERICK L. HAIG-BROWN Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.
MATT CAMERON If I could do it over, I'd want to come up to the big leagues like Mike Trout. He's exciting...
MATT KEMP I love L.A., but you can get into a lot of trouble out here.
MATT KEMP When I spend money on myself, it's almost always on shoes and clothes. I'm addicted to shoes...
MATT KEMP I never want to sit out. I want to play baseball games.
MATT KEMP I don't think some athletes understand how big it is to be an athlete, what they can do with jus...
MATT KEMP I get bored real easy. I'm so used to L.A. and the pace that when I go home now I start thinking...
MATT KEMP I'm always telling people baseball needs to be more prominent in the African American community....
MATT KEMP I've been a Lakers fan since growing up in Oklahoma. My hometown's finally got the Thunder, ...
MATT KEMP Sometimes I forget how much people look at you as their hero. I forget that.
MATT KEMP If you do a full-on workout and then eat McDonald's or Wendy's, you're defeating the pur...
MATT KEMP We definitely weren't poor growing up, but we weren't rich.
MATT KEMP Dirty martinis and music - that's the big motto in our family. We get the booze going, and the m...
MATT HARVEY I worry about that every single day: Am I being a good father?
MATT LAUER It's better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody.
MATT DAMON I've talked to some drummers who seem to have a very hard time staying in shape on the road, inc...
MATT CAMERON Ben was more improvisational, and relied less on methodology, and basically is a guitarist who switc...
MATT CAMERON I would never want to live in L.A., and I made that decision years ago, so I never chose that path f...
MATT CAMERON Whenever Elvin Jones comes to Seattle I try to go catch him.
MATT CAMERON A lot of times, when a band finds success with a certain style or sound, they have a really hard tim...
MATT CAMERON Creatively, I thought we were still viable and could do more records. But our working relationship j...
MATT CAMERON I guess by taking lessons early on, and really trying to play all the rudimentary stuff, and try to ...
MATT CAMERON When I first went on tour with PJ in '98, I was still in shock having gone through the Soundgard...
MATT CAMERON For me, I just try to make sure I eat enough and drink enough water and that's about it.
MATT CAMERON But I've always liked to be the kind of drummer and musician who likes to go outside of what'...
MATT CAMERON My recording career has luckily run the gamut of recording environments.
MATT CAMERON I love the way Pharell is laying down great drum tracks. He is a great drummer.
MATT CAMERON I'm always going to get more of a charge playing Chicago than I will Duluth or some place like t...
MATT CAMERON I still felt we had some really good music on that record, but it's a shame that we couldn't...
MATT CAMERON I try and stay limber, swim, run, ride motorcycles.
MATT CAMERON So, I just kind of played the way I played and then eventually we kind of figured out what worked be...
MATT CAMERON If PJ Harvey ever came to town I'd definitely go try to go see her.
MATT CAMERON Like I'm in San Diego today and this is my hometown so I've got a lot of my friends coming a...
MATT CAMERON In my last band, Soundgarden, I had a couple of different drummers sit in on some stuff and it was f...
MATT CAMERON I show up ready to play, so I normally try and fit the situation.
MATT CAMERON I think every band is a little cautious when the drummer starts to write tunes.
MATT CAMERON I always loose a little weight on the road, so I constantly have to be on top of my nutrition and hy...
MATT CAMERON I like doing comedy, I like doing drama. Naturally I like to do, I like doing dramas, I like conflic...
MATT DILLON I may be biting off more than I can chew, but with 'The Simpsons' and with 'Futurama,...
MATT GROENING The demands of the present must stand above the political habits of the past.
MATT BLUNT Over the next four years, we will be bold. We will be willing to experiment. We will not fear failur...
MATT BLUNT If you're opposed to the budget I submitted to the General Assembly, you're for a tax increa...
MATT BLUNT The decision to join or not join a service union, political party or other organization should be le...
MATT BLUNT Taxpayers deserve a government that harnesses technology to better serve the people.
MATT BLUNT In a government such as ours we have vigorous contests to determine who should lead. The recent elec...
MATT BLUNT In spite of advances in technology and changes in the economy, state government still operates on an...
MATT BLUNT The spirit and determination of the people to chart their own destiny is the greatest power for good...
MATT BLUNT We stand in the shadow of Jefferson who believed that a society founded upon the rule of law and lib...
MATT BLUNT Public education is an investment in our future.
MATT BLUNT With 'Futurama,' I wanted to do unrequited love, and David Cohen agreed, and although our or...
MATT GROENING Well, most grown-ups forget what it was like to be a kid. I vowed that I would never forget.
MATT GROENING Love is a perky elf dancing a merry little jig and then suddenly he turns on you with a miniature ma...
MATT GROENING Cartooning is for people who can't quite draw and can't quite write. You combine the two hal...
MATT GROENING You've got to embrace the future. You can whine about it, but you've got to embrace it.
MATT GROENING I don't have to be careful, I've got a gun.
MATT GROENING People go into cartooning because they're shy and they're angry. That's when you're ...
MATT GROENING I think there is a certain charm to the hand drawn image that I like. My problem with CGI is that it...
MATT GROENING Sometimes people try to read into my strip and find out what my state of mind is. And I can say if I...
MATT GROENING I went through a phase where people would introduce me at parties as a cartoonist, and everybody fel...
MATT GROENING I've conducted an experiment on my kids. Instead of denying them access to media, I've encou...
MATT GROENING The thing about a cartoon is, you can do whatever you want. The tightrope that we are walking on ...
MATT GROENING I thought I was going to make crazy cartoons for the rest of my life. I didn't think I'd eve...
MATT GROENING The best stories in our culture have some sort of subversiveness - Mark Twain, 'Catcher in the R...
MATT GROENING My father was a really sharp cartoonist and filmmaker. He used to tape-record the family surreptitio...
MATT GROENING If I have one technology tip of the day, it's this: No matter how good the video on YouTube is, ...
MATT GROENING Donuts. Is there anything they can't do?
MATT GROENING Here's to alcohol: the cause of, and answer to, all of life's problems.
MATT GROENING If you're wearing suits and you want to create your own sense of style, get to the tailor.
MATT BOMER I like fishing as much when I don't catch anything as when I do.
MATT LAUER A highway sign used to welcome people to New Haven, birthplace of President George W. Bush. But it w...
MATT APUZZO I've always liked Southeast Asia a lot. It's a wonderful place, an easy place. People are gr...
MATT DILLON Red notification bubbles on any icon, including mail, drive me crazy.
MATT MULLENWEG Oh, I think Janie Bryant is a genius. I mean, I think she changed menswear almost single-handedly wi...
MATT BOMER That's the way this business works: if your movies do well at the box office, you will be offere...
MATT DAMON Right before 'The Bourne Identity' came out, I hadn't been offered a movie in a year.
MATT DAMON Bond is part of the system. He's an imperialist and a misogynist, and he laughs at killing peopl...
MATT DAMON I have voted to make tough decisions in budgetary times, I've served on two recessionary budgets...
MATT GONZALEZ I was always taught that the first rule of bunker play is to just get the ball out. When you have a ...
MATT KUCHAR What we have now is a situation where politicians get a whole bunch of money from mainly business in...
MATT TAIBBI Prosperity has brought complications. Our lives are busier, faster, more stressful. They're nost...
MATT RIDLEY I pretty much got busted for everything, but I definitely stretched out my boundaries as a kid, as w...