It is faith among men that holds the moral elements of society together, as it is faith in God that binds the world to his throne.
William M. Evarts
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It is faith among men that holds the moral elements of society together, as it is faith in God that binds the world to his throne.
— William M Evarts
The pious ones of Plymouth who, reaching the Rock, first fell upon their own knees and then upon the aborigines.
— William M. Evarts
When the Atkins craze was in full bloom [about a year ago], people were asking us not to bring bread to the table noticeably more. Bread sales were down, and we were selling less pasta and a lot more steak.
— Dick Evarts
What's interesting is people still aren't eating as much bread as they used to.
— Dick Evarts
Its such an individual thing-some people gained the weight back, but not as much as they had, and some people didn't. But I think people are still conscious about their carbohydrate intake.
— Dick Evarts