Category 4 and 5 storms are also making up a larger share of the total number of hurricanes. Category 4 and 5 hurricanes made up about 20% of all hurricanes in the 1970s, but over the last decade they accounted for about 35% of these storms.
Judith Curry
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We're not even at the peak of the current cycle — we're only halfway up and already we're seeing activity in the North Atlantic that's 50 percent worse than what we saw during the last peak in 1950.
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This trend in sea surface temperature that's sort of relentlessly rising and the hurricane intensity that's relentlessly rising (means that) it's with some confidence we can say that these two things are connected and that there's probably a substantial contribution from greenhouse warming.
— Judith Curry
We were not expecting to get caught up in the global warming debate when we published our initial research last September. But the whole question of global warming is something that has to be confronted.
— Judith Curry
Global warming
That may seem like a small number, but it makes a huge difference in ocean temperature and it has many consequences.
— Judith Curry
Sea surface temperature is the one that consistently comes up. What we found is that all the variables have an effect, but those tend to be on a storm-by- storm basis and not over a longer period.
— Judith Curry