We were not expecting to get caught up in the global warming debate when we published our initial research last September. But the whole question of global warming is something that has to be confronted.
Judith Curry
Global warming
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Our research pointed to rapid global warming and the shifting of climate zones. Our climate models predict warmer and drier summers for Europe, with warmer and wetter winters.
— Erich Roeckner
Global warming
certainly has an element that global warming is contributing to.
— Judith Curry
Global Warming
Whether the process proves to be Kyoto or something else, let's acknowledge the urgency of global warming.
— Brian Mulroney
Global warming
[In a recent issue of National Geographic entitled] Global Warming ... After a decade as Editor in Chief, I have a pretty good idea which articles will provoke a lot of angry letters. Well, we're about to do it again. Why would I publish articles that make people angry enough to stop subscribing? That's easy. These three stories cover subjects that are too important to ignore. This isn't science fiction or a Hollywood movie. But we are going to take you all over the world to show you the hard truth as scientists see it.
— Bill Allen
Global warming
[Now Prime Minister Dick Cheney has taken the anti-global warming crusade one giant step further. Appearing on MSNBC's] Hardball ... If you're really serious about greenhouse gases, one of the solutions to that problem is to go back and let's take another look at nuclear power, use that to generate electricity without having any adverse consequences.
— Dick Cheney
Global warming