Bense bundan bile daha azıydım. Ginza'daki fareden ya da Şincuku'daki kargadan bile daha azı. Her şeyimi kaybetmiştim - ev, statü, iş, onur, haysiyet - özgürlüğümden başka her şeyi. Zaten neyin özgürlüğü? Çabuk bir ölüm ya da gıdım gıdım felaket arasındaki seçim özgürlüğü.
Eric Emmanuel-Schmitt
Related Bütün bu ve buna benzer hususlar " Dinde zorlama olmaz" hükmünün kapsamına giren şeyler olmak... İLHAN ARSEL İstediğin bir şey olmuyorsa ya daha iyisi olacağı için ya da gerçekten de olmaması gerektiğ... JALALUDDIN MEVLANA RUMI - مولوی İnsanlar kendilerini korkutan şeylere çok daha çabuk inanıyorlar. Bu da bir bilmece. MICHAEL ENDE İçinde nefret bile olsa alışkanlık ya da bağımlılık yaratan her ilişki biraz aşktır. BUKET UZUNER Hiçbir an, şu andan daha değerli değildir çünkü bizzat şu anın dışındaki hiçbir an canl... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN - Rodin'in Fallen Caryatid heykeli için - Yenilgideki zafer, bundan daha yücesi yoktur... ROBERT A. HEINLEIN Hastanenin arazisi yeni yağmış karla örtülüydü -bu bir Noel serpintisi değil, ocak ayının ... SYLVIA PLATH Demokrasi en iyi niyetli yaklaşımla bile zavallı bir sistemdir; onunla ilgili söylenebilecek tek... ROBERT A. HEINLEIN Ademoğlu hayvanların geri kalanından özde nasıl ayrılıyordu? Kendi kendine havalanabilen (Tan... ROBERT A. 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CESARE PAVESE seni bir gün en yakının ele verirse eğer,öğren susmasını ve ağlamamasını. bir kavano... LâLE MüLDüR Bence savaşlarda düşman öldüren askerler yerine, harika öğretmenlere madalya verilse, dünya ... MATTHEW QUICK Eğer bir din senden özgürlüğünden vazgeçmeni istiyorsa, o dinden vazgeç! Hiçbir şey özgü... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Sesle iletilebilecek ne kadar duygu varsa, anında sessizliğin diline çeviriyorduk bu yüzden, dur... HASAN ALI TOPTAş Düşün! Bize, matematik dünyasının kurgusal ve sonsuz olduğu öğretildi. Bunu kabul ederim, 1... HAKAN GüNDAY İçimizde şeytan yok... İçimizde aciz var... Tembellik var... İradesizlik, bilgisizlik ve bunla... SABAHATTIN ALI Bu akşam anladım ki, bir insan diğer bir insana bazen hayata bağlandığından çok daha kuvvetl... SABAHATTIN ALI Kur'an'daki ”Dinde zorlama olmaz" buyruğu, esas itibariyle dinsel uygulamada kolaylık sağlamay�... İLHAN ARSEL BAK BİL Kİ ATLARIN ÖNÜNE İNCİLER SERİLMEZ. MÜCEVHERLERDEN SARRAFLAR ANLAR ANCAK, BAŞKA... JALALUDDIN MEVLANA RUMI We have introduced painless practices in obtaining bear bile, such as extracting the bile through tu... WANG WEI Bir muma saplanma! Başka mumlar bul, başka mumlar yarat! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Olmak ya da olmamak, işte bütün mesele bu! Düşüncemizin katlanması mı güzel Zali... WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Burası da tüm iyi ailelerde olduğu gibi anarşi ve tiranlığın bir karışımıdır, demokrasiy... ROBERT A. HEINLEIN Adamın ateş rengindeki saçları hakiki bir kızıldı. Gözleri koyu renkli ve dalgındı. Adam p... PATRICK ROTHFUSS Başkasına merhamet etmek, ondan daha kuvvetli olduğumuzu zannetmektir ki, ne kendimiz bu kadar b�... SABAHATTIN ALI o halde ölümlülerin bütün yaşamı bir çeşit masaldan başka nedir, birilerinin başka birile... ERASMUS Aşk bir çocuktur derler ya, nedeni budur işte, Öyle çok yanılır ki yaptığı seçimlerd... WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Before we find good alternatives for bear bile, we do not have a timetable to eliminate the practice... WANG WEI My liver swells with bile difficult to repress. HORACE I am the gold standard for liberal bile! ANN COULTER What's the use of such a Bile, even if put to use it is would be smothered with cruelty....
(in resp... JAI SINGH Ama o andan sonra, Hermione Granger arkadaşları oldu. Bazı olaylar vardır, dostluklara yol açar... J.K. ROWLING Dünya kadına, erkeklere dediği gibi 'istersen yaz, umurumda değil' demiyordu. Dünya kaba kaba g... VIRGINIA WOOLF Are ya tryin' to kill me, Maggie?" Declan bit the words out and his fingers dug deeper into her hips... SARA HUMPHREYS Maarifa unayoyatafuta katika Biblia, Kurani au Yoga ('Oriental Yoga': 'esoteric knowledge': maarifa ... ENOCK MAREGESI Neden yüzleri kül gibi soğuk?" "Varlıklarını ölü şeylerden kazandıkları için. Biliy... MICHAEL ENDE We have introduced painless practices for extracting bear bile. Until we can find a good substitute ... WANG WEI Ford Bronco ilikuwa sehemu ya upelelezi wa polisi wa Tume ya Dunia, na ilipigwa mnada baada ya upele... ENOCK MAREGESI Pesa ni ya muhimu kwa sababu ya mahitaji ya lazima ya wanadamu kama vile chakula, maji, malazi, elim... ENOCK MAREGESI Dindar adam! Senin için en büyük umudumuz şu ki bir gün ölümden başka düşmanın olmadığ�... MEHMET MURAT ILDAN Eğer Homeros'tan öğrendiğim aziz ve kıymetli bir hayat dersi varsa,o da bir canlının vaktini ... GWEN COOPER İstediği zaman gözyaşlarını içine akıtıp gülümseyebilme yeteneğine sahip olmuştu.Bu yü... ROBIN WASSERMAN renkli balıkların şımarıklığından geçip, küçük balıkların doğuştan şaşkınlı... ECE TEMELKURAN Do you believe in god????
Ya I believe
bcoz my mom belives in god
& I believe her.. RAKSHAN BHANDARY Kuna mafanikio ya aina mbili hapa duniani: Mafanikio ya Shetani na mafanikio ya Mungu. Mafanikio ya ... ENOCK MAREGESI Üzerinde seyahat ettiğin yolla arkadaş ol, o zaman daha az yalnız hissedeceksin! MEHMET MURAT ILDAN If ya ain't got it in ya, ya can't blow it out LOUIS ARMSTRONG Kabbalah' ni sayansi ya Mti wa Uzima wa Milele wa Bustani ya Edeni au 'The Tree of Life of the Garde... ENOCK MAREGESI My Face Stay Clean Out Here NOBLE DA GENIUS Pain Made Misery
Winning Created Victory
The Past Made History
And Drugs Made Me Lyrically NOBLE DA GENIUS FAce Clean Records NOBLE DA GENIUS Terrorized earth time to fuck with the galaxy NOBLE DA GENIUS Há qualquer coisa de libertador associada à perda de tudo. Primeiro chora-se, depois fica-se atord... JUDITH MERKLE RILEY Bunlardan nasıl bir ahlak dersi çıkarmalı? Barış, Rabbimiz tarafından ne kadar sevilse de, an... DAVID MITCHELL Bear bile can easily and cheaply be replaced by herbs and by synthetics. JILL ROBINSON A vida é filha da puta, A puta, é filha da vida... Nunca vi tanto filho da puta, Na... MANUEL MARIA BARBOSA DU BOCAGE WWPP ('WODEA Witness Protection Programme') ni Programu Maalumu ya Ushahidi ya Tume ya Dunia ya kuwa... ENOCK MAREGESI I'll not be lyin' if I tell ya that I fancy ya a bit myself." "The fancy feelings are mutual."... SARA HUMPHREYS Msamaha si kwa ajili ya watu wenye mabawa ya kuku, ni kwa ajili ya watu wenye macho ya tai. Kua kuuj... ENOCK MAREGESI Bir kişi olarak ilk ödevimiz, yalan olduğunu anladığımız düşüncelerden benzerlerimizi, yan... NURULLAH ATAç Mungu anaishi ndani ya damu, maisha ya Mungu yalikuwa yanaishi ndani ya mwili wa Yesu Kristo, anaish... ENOCK MAREGESI Sosyalizmin ve komünizmin hedefi emekçiyi yükseltmek değil, burjuvayı indirmektir. Emekçi ise ... FERNANDO PESSOA Kwa nini watu wana kawaida ya kuona thamani ya mtu baada ya mtu kufariki? Kwa nini watu wana kawaida... ENOCK MAREGESI The Last Supper is supposed to be thirteen men. Who is this woman? "Everyone misses it, o... DAN BROWN Sanjay Kanaka Ramachandra, 'The Satellite', baada ya kutoka Korea ya Kaskazini na Salina Cruz kwa aj... ENOCK MAREGESI
More Eric Emmanuel-Schmitt
You have to really use your imagination to refresh your daily life. ERIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT I don't like apartments - the idea of other people living, copulating and defecating above me - ... ERIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT I find mirrors detestable; I dislike seeing myself. Of course, there's a mirror in the bathroom,... ERIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT In Brussels, you are able to have a lot of appointments in a day. In Paris, you can have one, two, m... ERIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT I wanted to become a director before I wanted to become a writer. When I was 10, people would ask me... ERIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT Nu poţi urma decât un singur drum odată.Şi tot aşa, nu poţi străbate decât un singur deşert... ERIC EMMANUEL SCHMITT Everything in life can be tiring and tiresome if we don't have the ability to look at it as if i... ERIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT Balthazar Balsan is not a self-portrait. If he was, I'd have made the character more flattering. ERIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT I have some beautiful 20th-century drawings and a few paintings, but I'm not a collector, and I&... ERIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT I consider a house without books or a piano to be unfurnished. ERIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT I can spend the day without writing or reading, but I can't spend a day without listening to mus... ERIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT I can spend the day without writing or reading, but I can't spend a day without listening to mus... ERIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT I really enjoy spending Sunday evenings with friends, because Sunday evenings are always frightening... ERIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT I am not married anymore. I hate marriage... but it's okay now. ERIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT One of the threats to PC companies is how the demographics and behaviors of users are changing, ... ... ERIC SCHMITT We're going to see a longer PC lifespan, ERIC SCHMITT The database management companies have a tremendous asset in that they are hosting the customer data... ERIC SCHMITT This is not going to be the re-fight of the Gulf War, with tanks rolling through the desert and ... ... ERIC SCHMITT Really, we won't be on every corner like some concepts. The competition that's out there now, which ... ERIC SCHMITT Detroit, when it comes to the quick casual restaurant business, has done extremely well. When you lo... ERIC SCHMITT Microsoft has to figure out a way to use the network to enhance their software. They can link to dic... ERIC SCHMITT These companies suffer from a lack of distribution. The challenge is who is going to introduce these... ERIC SCHMITT The folks who can win are the people who control distribution. If they can do a good job of finding ... ERIC SCHMITT Ovviamente non si ha il diritto di dar da mangiare a Pop Corn, visto che si trova qui per dimagrire.... ÉRIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT Sur terre, ce ne sont pas les occasions de s'émerveiller qui manquent, mais les émerveillés. ÉRIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT Mme Therbouche: Ah oui, qu’avez-vous fait jusqu’à présent pour la morale ? Diderot: (sans... ÉRIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT Je ne me réveille jamais entier ; des parts de moi restent engluées dans le sommeil. ÉRIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT La souffrance physique on la subit, la souffrance morale on la choisit. ÉRIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT Дорогой Джун, я вовсе не стремлюсь к тому, чтобы у тебя �... ÉRIC-EMMANUEL SCHMITT There are no guarantees. From the viewpoint of fear, none are strong enough. From the viewpoint of l... EMMANUEL It's great that people are interested in Mars. JACK SCHMITT But I don't think we'll go there until we go back to the moon and develop a technology base ... JACK SCHMITT It's like trying to describe what you feel when you're standing on the rim of the Grand Cany... JACK SCHMITT We have 14 games remaining in the regular season, so we have to finish up strong. We need to build u... BRAD SCHMITT The winning run was thrown out at the plate, but our catcher was called for obstruction. BRAD SCHMITT Katie Crawford pitched well in the tough weather conditions. Offensively, we hit well up and down th... BRAD SCHMITT We played a very good defensive game against a good team. We just couldn't score any points on a con... BRAD SCHMITT Offensively we had runners on all game. But, we couldn't get that key hit until we exploded for 5 ru... BRAD SCHMITT Offensively, we came out of our hitting slump and scored after two outs. That is something we weren'... BRAD SCHMITT This was just a classic game. We have had four 1-run games in the past two years. Today we had solid... BRAD SCHMITT newfound interest in science is a derivative of his longing to travel back in time and run a cohesiv... TRACEY SCHMITT President Bush believes that the promise of Social Security fulfilled over the last 70 years ought t... TRACEY SCHMITT When you're down in the dumps, an animal can always bring you up. CARRIE SCHMITT Mrs. Bush certainly has an appeal that transcends partisanship. TRACEY SCHMITT Unless people know the facility, they wouldn't have any reason to be in there. It's completely out o... ROBERT SCHMITT Voters elect candidates because they understand the issues rather than engage in leftwing fantasies. TRACEY SCHMITT The average lawyer is essentially a mechanic who works with a pen instead of a ball peen hammer. ROBERT SCHMITT It will cannibalize, but the difference is you have a 50 percent tax rate and you have a slot parlor... WILLIAM SCHMITT It looks like a real slum. Who would want to live there? Who would want to live in that neighborhood... KIM SCHMITT The exception is more interesting than the rule. The rule proves nothing; the exception proves every... CARL SCHMITT They just stepped right in and kind of kept the ball rolling. Stuff they pull out on the field, it's... OWEN SCHMITT Maybe people will give us a little respect. OWEN SCHMITT For us a win would be huge because we haven't won a major bowl game in a while. We haven't really go... OWEN SCHMITT It's a big deal and worth a lot of money. Millionaire's still doing quite well, but sooner or later ... DANIEL SCHMITT [From Republican National Committee headquarters came the inevitable rebuttal: flip-flop.] It is dou... TRACEY SCHMITT John Kerry is either willing to endanger American forces on the ground or he really believes that ig... TRACEY SCHMITT What do seniors usually do when they are overwhelmed with information? They freeze, and they hope th... BILL SCHMITT Vegas has been on fire. Nothing grows straight to the sky. BILL SCHMITT It's not necessarily negative pricing, but it is leveling off. More convention business would be an ... BILL SCHMITT When I don't like a piece of music, I make a point of listening to it more closely FLORENT SCHMITT The kid's been doing it all year. He's slippery and he can burn you. That first run he had, I just k... OWEN SCHMITT While President Bush remains focused on defending Americans against those intent on doing us harm, J... TRACEY SCHMITT With further rate increases and favorable market conditions, 2006 may well be a good year for Hannov... CATHERINE SCHMITT The full force within the insurance market of Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma are now being felt, many ... CATHERINE SCHMITT I definitely think the torch has passed to me, but I think I will do all right. KIM SCHMITT It will be good to play with her again. KIM SCHMITT It was really hard. I would stay up until 2 a.m. It was really stressful. KIM SCHMITT There is definite pressure being the team leader and entering the new conference. In the long run, (... KIM SCHMITT It makes me feel good. I've always had animals as a child. If I had my way, I'd take them all home. CARRIE SCHMITT I feel sorry for the animals. CARRIE SCHMITT Although the numbers are getting high for the public companies, we would not rule out further offers... WILLIAM SCHMITT This is probably one (company) where that risk is the greatest. WILLIAM SCHMITT We've commented several times on our disappointment with the lack of a clear and definite redevelopm... WILLIAM SCHMITT It's one of the few growth stories in the industry right now. WILLIAM SCHMITT Water is basic to life and with this country being just a couple hours off of out border and being t... DOUG SCHMITT In this central plateau of Haiti, there's about 42,000 people affected by this. DOUG SCHMITT (I am usually)looking through people's old relics and old letters from maybe someone who was in the ... DOUG SCHMITT As it has sold into more markets than any other format and has so many episodes, Millionaire definit... DANIEL SCHMITT The president's a proud conservative ... His priorities reflect this and his agenda reflects this, TRACEY SCHMITT My goal coming in was to win a state title dominantly. I wanted to come in and major my way through,... COLE SCHMITT It's been my goal to win four state titles. When I finished sixth last year, I knew I still wanted t... COLE SCHMITT Incredible. He slipped just a little bit and I caught him. I didn't think I'd get a win like that. COLE SCHMITT People underestimate the degree to which having leaders who can get along makes a big difference. Bu... GARY SCHMITT It does share the (Clinton) formula in that essentially, the North Koreans, for their breaking out o... GARY SCHMITT Because of our power, they like to test the limits of that power. GARY SCHMITT The North Koreans are behaving just like you'd predict. For every I that has to be dotted and T that... GARY SCHMITT So those of us interested in lunar helium-3 fusion power are very interested in more precise mapping... HARRISON SCHMITT The dividend increase is pretty good. Munich Re has adjusted claims estimates numerous times already... HELMUT SCHMITT She takes studying very seriously. She always tries to do her very best. She also loves to sing. JANAYE SCHMITT It really doesn't matter what it is. We just know that she's blind and it can't be fixed, so we deal... JANAYE SCHMITT I think it's the same. It's just a different way, a different format. JANAYE SCHMITT Hunger is a factor that affects far too many in their everyday existence, and it is especially true ... RALPH SCHMITT True law is not imposed; it arises from unintentional developments. (...)Law emerges (...) as someth... CARL SCHMITT Every actual democracy rests on the principle that not only are equals equal but unequals will not b... CARL SCHMITT Won't do that again. GARY PRESTON SCHMITT I lost my childhood. I didn't play football or video games. Or have birthdays or the love of a f... EMMANUEL JAL The status quo leads to self-destruction. EMMANUEL MACRON I think the audience doesn't know a movie's lit, but they feel it. Because you've walked... EMMANUEL LUBEZKI I was a huge fan of 'Game Of Thrones.' I hadn't read the books but had watched the serie... NATHALIE EMMANUEL I have been challenged with the fictional languages I have to learn. I wasn't terrible at langua... NATHALIE EMMANUEL I would love to do more work in the States, but I like working at home in the U.K., so to work here ... NATHALIE EMMANUEL With 'Game of Thrones,' there are no real limitations. NATHALIE EMMANUEL I'm a bit of a 'Throny,' as I think the 'Game of Thrones' fans refer to themselv... NATHALIE EMMANUEL I didn't go to drama school, so I feel like I did all my growing up on 'Hollyoaks.' NATHALIE EMMANUEL I would love if film doesn't disappear, if we can have film forever so we would have all these b... EMMANUEL LUBEZKI You can suddenly have a series of countries waking up and saying, 'I want the same status as the... EMMANUEL MACRON We are called to be strange in the same way that the early Christian communities were strange to the... EMMANUEL KATONGOLE I am attached to a strict approach to Brexit: I respect the British vote, but the worst thing would ... EMMANUEL MACRON Brexit is the other face of the refugee crisis - tensions that lead to stasis, external risks that l... EMMANUEL MACRON We have to be extremely strict on the implementation of Brexit so there is a common approach between... EMMANUEL MACRON Sovereignty is not just at the national level; that's the mistake of Brexit that other people ma... EMMANUEL MACRON There is no access to the market without budgetary contributions... and without respect for the four... EMMANUEL MACRON Never boo or hiss at my rallies. That is for people with no hope. EMMANUEL MACRON We are not put on earth for ourselves, but are placed here for each other. If you are there always f... EMMANUEL TENEY As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of cont... EMMANUEL TENEY The best way to afford a suit is to work. EMMANUEL MACRON My key message is be innovative, be ambitious; think global and big on day one. EMMANUEL MACRON France was given up to fire and bloodshed, she experienced famine, she experienced the worst of thin... EMMANUEL MACRON A Left that does nothing achieves nothing. EMMANUEL MACRON I would advise dancers, musicians and others in the entertainment industry to take up yoga, as it cl... EMMANUEL JAL We need people who dream impossible things, who maybe fail, sometimes succeed, but in any case who h... EMMANUEL MACRON Corporate secrets bouncing around a computer system thats open to the world? Hey, that’s fair game... EMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN Dear 2600: OK I have some real serious stuff to tell but I need to be reassured that I can trust you... EMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN Dear 2600: Please help me to learn how to become an elite one day. The first thing to le... EMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN Be very careful. We suggest getting a book on HTML to avoid becoming a real legend in the hacker wor... EMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN Dear 2600: I need someone with the abilities to get into my school server and change a few things. I... EMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN Dear 2600: …So, in the interest of information gathering and because I am a subscriber, are you go... EMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN What hackers do is figure out technology and experiment with it in ways many people never imagined. ... EMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN Dear 2600: Tell me how much one of your hackers would charge me to delete my criminal record from th... EMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN Most hackers are young because young people tend to be adaptable. As long as you remain adaptable, y... EMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN Dear 2600: I think my girlfriend has been cheating on me and I wanted to know if I could get her pas... EMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN We have the eurozone. Could we accept to be cleared, regulated, and de facto have inflows and outflo... EMMANUEL MACRON When you're shooting with long lenses, even if you're shooting a close-up, you feel the air,... EMMANUEL LUBEZKI Violence in Darfur is cataclysmic. EMMANUEL JAL The dynamic range of the digital camera is pretty crappy compared to film, but now film is not great... EMMANUEL LUBEZKI I was shocked when I came to New Orleans. I never knew there were beggars on the streets here. I did... EMMANUEL JAL Europe's younger generation has only experienced austerity. EMMANUEL MACRON As to the euro zone avant-garde, it must go towards more solidarity and integration: a common budget... EMMANUEL MACRON Leaving the E.U. would mean the 'Guernseyfication' of the U.K., which would then be a little... EMMANUEL MACRON If approval was a criterion in this country, nothing would ever get done. EMMANUEL MACRON Sometimes words are not needed, and the simplicity of expressing yourself through an art form is one... EMMANUEL JAL I don't believe that killing the French model in order to become the U.K. or the United States o... EMMANUEL MACRON Mind makes a man of God. EMMANUEL DIOGU The universe is full of men going through the same motions in the same surroundings, but carrying wi... EMMANUEL MOUNIER When you don't educate the people, you're crippling them. You are, you're not giving the... EMMANUEL JAL When you discuss your steel industry with China you are credible because you are part of the E.U., n... EMMANUEL MACRON I have a very healthy dream life. I dream a lot many, many, many nights a week. When I'm shootin... EMMANUEL LUBEZKI Live your life as though your every act were to become a universal law. EMMANUEL KANT We have to accept the idea that Europe will be made on a two-speed basis, with a union based on soli... EMMANUEL MACRON The more tools we have directors and cinematographers will be able to express more and create differ... EMMANUEL LUBEZKI La monnaie est souvent mythifiée, conçue comme magique et obscure. Son ambivalence fondamentale fa... EMMANUEL TODD People thought I was this doll that came to life, so I would have different people just treating me ... EMMANUEL LEWIS Our interests lie in attracting added value and talent to France as a result of Brexit, but also in ... EMMANUEL MACRON We need young Frenchmen who want to become billionaires. EMMANUEL MACRON De facto, you have a multi-speed Europe. You look at the Schengen, you look at the euro zone, all th... EMMANUEL MACRON If I sleep for more than half an hour, I get horrible dreams in which I'm firing a gun and helic... EMMANUEL JAL The refugee crisis shows we can't be isolated from the world's geopolitical troubles. EMMANUEL MACRON There are two projects facing each other. There's Marine Le Pen's project of a fractured, cl... EMMANUEL MACRON Globalization can be a great opportunity. EMMANUEL MACRON As your faith is strengthened, you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of con... EMMANUEL TENEY Our mission... it will be difficult, it will take time, it will be demanding for all men and women..... EMMANUEL MACRON Modernity is disruptive, and I endorse that. EMMANUEL MACRON We have a lack of growth in Europe, in eurozone, and in France, and we are struggling hard to recove... EMMANUEL MACRON If people do not believe in Europe and in the euro area, it must be dismantled. EMMANUEL MACRON When I first went to school, I was fighting all the time. The soldier mentality was still in me. I k... EMMANUEL JAL We ask our companies to restructure; we ask employees to work more for less money because there is o... EMMANUEL MACRON It's about our ability precisely to integrate a people and offer jobs, and that, for me, is one ... EMMANUEL MACRON We are a continent of refugees, and if you say we can't integrate refugees, that's not consi... EMMANUEL MACRON To think that our political organisation is immutable is the best way to hand the country over to th... EMMANUEL MACRON Believe in individual initiatives, in courage, in risk. EMMANUEL MACRON I want France to become the European hub for R&D. EMMANUEL MACRON We have a great history; we have a great humanist face to put forward to the world. EMMANUEL MACRON I don't know anywhere where the people are hungrier for education than South Sudan. EMMANUEL JAL We're not isolated from the world. The world knocks on our door. EMMANUEL MACRON I am proud of my immaturity and political inexperience. EMMANUEL MACRON I'm in a left-wing government, unashamedly... but I also want to work with people from the Right... EMMANUEL MACRON I touched the limits of our political system, which pushes one to last-minute compromises. Explanati... EMMANUEL MACRON We are implementing an in-depth reform on labor market, not to reduce rights for workers but to prov... EMMANUEL MACRON I don't have luxurious tastes or great needs, but my independence is worth a lot to me. EMMANUEL MACRON I did sound for a number of years, so I know the pain of the sound mixer on a set where everybody wa... EMMANUEL LUBEZKI The rebound is very slow, gradual and uncertain. The survey shows a changing scenario in July, notab... EMMANUEL FERRY A romantic or classical view of the French approach would have been to say, 'It's a French c... EMMANUEL MACRON There are three effects to an Oscar, EMMANUEL LEVY The most important thing in imaging for me is the dynamic range. The dynamic range means the tones t... EMMANUEL LUBEZKI There are no guarantees. From the viewpoint of fear, none are strong enough. From the viewpoint of l... EMMANUEL TENEY They miss the aura of him. He is a protector for the other guys in the team. I think they are missin... EMMANUEL PETIT Women are ultimately all that matters in life. Everything that we do is for them. EMMANUEL PETIT I love England, one reason being the magnificent breasts of English girls. EMMANUEL PETIT I know I won't be with Chelsea next season, EMMANUEL PETIT The club is following a path with which I cannot identify, EMMANUEL PETIT Arsenal have really missed Patrick's driving force in midfield, and they haven't replaced him. They ... EMMANUEL PETIT The language of film is further and further away from the language of theater and is closer to music... EMMANUEL LUBEZKI When I was in south Sudan, people used to rap in my village. But the rapping was more in the mother ... EMMANUEL JAL The story that the church has been telling for two thousand years is an outrageous tale about a man ... EMMANUEL KATONGOLE The church's primary purpose is not to make America more Christian, but to make American Christians ... EMMANUEL KATONGOLE Because we are invited to be part of God's new creation now, we seek to embody the identity we have ... EMMANUEL KATONGOLE He has had this general discomfort and that is why we are at the hospital to determine what is causi... EMMANUEL MWAMBA We seek riches, power and glory all in order to make them happy EMMANUEL PETIT Murder is not the crime of criminals, but that of law-abiding citizens. EMMANUEL TENEY It doesn't take much to turn people against one another, but it takes courage, commiment, and streng... EMMANUEL LOCKYEAR