আজকাল আমার নিজের ডিকশনারি থেকে ‘মেধাবী’ শব্দটা তুলে দিয়ে সেখানে ‘উৎসাহী’ শব্দটা ঢুকিয়েছি। আমি দেখেছি, উৎসাহ থাকলে সবই সম্ভব। সত্যি কথা বলতে কী, আমি আমার পরিচিত জগতের সব মানুষকে দুই ভাগে ভাগ করে ফেলেছি। এক ভাগ হচ্ছে যারা উৎসাহী; অন্য ভাগ হচ্ছে যাদের কিছুতেই উৎসাহ নেই, যাদেরকে ঠেলাঠেলি করে নিয়ে যেতে হয়। উৎসাহীরা পৃথিবীটাকে চালায়, বাকিরা তার সমালোচনা করে!
Muhammed Zafar Iqbal
Related পবিত্র কোরআন শরিফে লেখা আছে মানুষ যখন ... MUHAMMED ZAFAR IQBAL ওরা আমার ছেলেটাকে মেরে ফেলেছে হিরোশি�... ZAHIR RAIHAN আমি কখনো অতিরিক্ত কিছুদিন বাঁচার জন্�... HUMAYUN AHMED ডাক্তার উৎসাহিত হয়ে আরো কি যেন বলতে যা... SYED MUJTABA ALI আমি এখনও কোনও পাখির ভাষা জানি না বটে, ক�... SUNIL GANGOPADHYAY যদি মরে যাই ফুল হয়ে যেন ঝরে যাই, যে �... অরুণকুমার সরকার ১৯৭১ সালের মে মাসের ৫ তারিখ বিকালবেলা ... MUHAMMED ZAFAR IQBAL মানুষের স্বভাব হলো, কেউ যখন ভালোবাসে ত... HUMAYUN AHMED একটি ডকুমেন্টারি দেখছিলাম টুইন টাওয়া... SHAHADUZ ZAMAN অন্ধকার শশ্বানে ভীরু ভয় পায় সাধক সে�... SUNIL GANGOPADHYAY আমাদের এই যুগটাই ভিন্ন জাতের; এটা হচ্ছ... JAWAHARLAL NEHRU ভেবে-চিন্তে অগ্রপশ্চাৎ বিবেচনা করে ব�... SYED MUJTABA ALI পৃথিবীতে যারা মুখ ফুটে নালিশ করতে পার�... RABINDRANATH TAGORE পাগলরা বন-জঙ্গল খুব পছন্দ করে। মানুষে�... HUMAYUN AHMED যে মানুষগুলোকে আগে কখনও দেখিনি তাদের �... MUHAMMED ZAFAR IQBAL ভয় নেই আমি এমন ব্যবস্থা করবো মুদ্রাস�... SHAHID QADRI আবেদের মাথায় কিছু কথা ঢোকে, কিছু ঢোকে �... 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SHOBUJ TAPOSH কোরবানির ঈদ আসন্ন। আমরা শিক্ষকদের বা�... AHMED SOFA জীবনযাত্রার মান নিয়ে মানুষের রুচি এব�... TAPAN RAYCHAUDHURI আমরা আমাদের ব্যবসায় ইনভেস্ট করি টাকা�... ASIF SHIBGAT BHUIYAN সংসারের বাইরে মানুষের কোনো অস্তিত্ব �... SHOBUJ TAPOSH We have included Iqbal because of his prolific form in domestic matches. WASIM BARI From love's plectrum arises the song of the string of life Love is the light of life ... MUHAMMAD IQBAL ভালবাসার মানুষের সাথে বিয়ে না হওয়া�... HUMAYUN AHMED মনে পাপ থাকার এই একটা লক্ষণ। মনে হয়, সক�... MANIK BANDOPADHYAY চারিদিকে এখন সকাল— রোদের নরম রং শিশ�... JIBANANANDA DAS মিথ্যারও মহত্ত্ব আছে। হাজার হাজার মা�... MANIK BANDOPADHYAY শিল্পীর সামাজিক দায়িত্ব সম্পূর্ণ আছে... RITWIK GHATAK The average portfolio of investment by Muslims into the share market has increased by 50 per cent in... ZAFAR SARESHWALA That sentiment clearly is going to spill over into Imperial Tobacco, despite the fact that (the comp... ZAFAR KHAN In this avaricious world, even a beggar needs money in his bowl, to be heard. JAWWAD ZAFAR Have confidence, will do. MUHAMMED HAIDER Fear locks up talent. MUHAMMED HAIDER Diplomacy is all about salesmanship. MUHAMMED HAIDER Once upon a time, I was innocent. MUHAMMED HAIDER Freedom is not a freebie. MUHAMMED HAIDER ভাসিয়ে দেবার প্রবণতা প্রকৃতির ভেতর আ�... HUMAYUN AHMED কতো দেহ এলো,- গেল,- হাত ছুঁয়ে-ছুঁয়ে দ... JIBANANANDA DAS Hasn't Sheik Osama bin Laden told you that you will not dream of security before there is security i... AYMAN AL-ZAWAHRI Pakistan is heir to an intellectual tradition of which the illustrious exponent was the poet and phi... BENAZIR BHUTTO One who forgives and forgets gets more out of life. MUHAMMED HAIDER Money is man's best servant. MUHAMMED HAIDER The cat knows best how to catch a rat. MUHAMMED HAIDER There is no greater wealth than health. MUHAMMED HAIDER Taking action is the single most important step toward success. MUHAMMED HAIDER Work for results. MUHAMMED HAIDER Those who wait for luck to turn their fortunes around, have a long wait before them. MUHAMMED HAIDER A rat dies a hundred times a day. MUHAMMED HAIDER Money often gets the better of truth. MUHAMMED HAIDER The internet is all about getting noticed. MUHAMMED HAIDER Blessed are those who are debt-free. MUHAMMED HAIDER Let nothing override common sense. MUHAMMED HAIDER Alas, common sense is not so common. MUHAMMED HAIDER People who worry that nuclear weaponry will one day fall in the hands of the Arabs, fail to realize ... JOSEPH ADAM PEARSON. I have a deep and personal aversion to anti-Semitism regardless of its source, and I reject and cond... KEITH ELLISON They have picked the Prophet Muhammed, the most sacred figure in Islam, and they have brought him in... JAVED KHAN Small minds cannot accommodate the big picture. MUHAMMED HAIDER Life without a goal is like a journey without a destination. MUHAMMED HAIDER There was a time when journalism meant impartial reporting. MUHAMMED HAIDER The fruit is seldom of a better quality than the seed. MUHAMMED HAIDER Creativity does not flower in one's comfort zone. MUHAMMED HAIDER Lack of enthusiasm killed more careers than the lack of talent. MUHAMMED HAIDER The more effort we put into our work, the less luck we would need to succeed. MUHAMMED HAIDER Success depends upon doing. MUHAMMED HAIDER Good intentions will remain just that, unless we act on them. MUHAMMED HAIDER Modern democracy is the art of avoiding responsibility. MUHAMMED HAIDER The battering that you get from your adversities is meant to put you into shape. MUHAMMED HAIDER Charity is the magic carpet that will take you to Heaven. MUHAMMED HAIDER Those who justify democracy at any cost have lost the plot. MUHAMMED HAIDER There’s nothing wrong with making the right mistakes. MUHAMMED HAIDER To know the future of a society, look at the state of its children. MUHAMMED HAIDER America needs freedom from its mass media. MUHAMMED HAIDER Democracy is the last refuge of wannabe dictators. MUHAMMED HAIDER বৃষ্টির আগে ঝড়, বৃষ্টির পরে বন্যা । ব�... SAMAR SEN দূর আজানের মধুর ধ্বনি, বাজে, বাজে মসজি�... KAZI NAZRUL ISLAM Judge, there is no purpose, no benefit to these witnesses voluntarily coming to subject themselves a... JOE FERGUSON Attitude is a medium that facilitates turning dreams into reality. MUHAMMED HAIDER The fire in the belly lights up the path leading to success. MUHAMMED HAIDER Democracy legitimizes the illegal by the brute force of the majority. MUHAMMED HAIDER Money hates fools. MUHAMMED HAIDER You cannot go wrong with hard work in the right direction. MUHAMMED HAIDER Life without morals is like a car without brakes. MUHAMMED HAIDER A hearty laugh lightens the heart. MUHAMMED HAIDER
More Muhammed Zafar Iqbal
১৯৭১ সালের মে মাসের ৫ তারিখ বিকালবেলা ... MUHAMMED ZAFAR IQBAL পবিত্র কোরআন শরিফে লেখা আছে মানুষ যখন ... MUHAMMED ZAFAR IQBAL যে মানুষগুলোকে আগে কখনও দেখিনি তাদের �... MUHAMMED ZAFAR IQBAL The average portfolio of investment by Muslims into the share market has increased by 50 per cent in... ZAFAR SARESHWALA That sentiment clearly is going to spill over into Imperial Tobacco, despite the fact that (the comp... ZAFAR KHAN In this avaricious world, even a beggar needs money in his bowl, to be heard. JAWWAD ZAFAR The ultimate aim of the ego is not to see something, but to be something. MUHAMMAD IQBAL The history of Europe over the last several centuries provides clear evidence of the transformative ... IQBAL QUADIR Pakistan is riddled with problems that are rooted in the disproportionate power of the state. Aid ha... IQBAL QUADIR China has an almost infinite need for energy, and frankly, the world would be better off if much of ... IQBAL QUADIR The rapid proliferation of cell phones in Afghanistan proves that anything that adds value to people... IQBAL QUADIR A lot of technologies in the world were unusual in the beginning, and became standard. That's th... IQBAL QUADIR In America, people buy cars, and they put very little money down. They get a car, and they go to wor... IQBAL QUADIR Just as entrepreneurs developed America, they can develop other countries, too. IQBAL QUADIR The best way poor people can come out of their poverty is to get on the global highway, not on some ... IQBAL QUADIR Poor countries are poor because they are wasting their resources. IQBAL QUADIR I have seen the movement of the sinews of the sky, And the blood coursing in the veins of the moon. MUHAMMAD IQBAL I am a hidden meaning made to defy. The grasp of words, and walk away With free will and destiny. As... MUHAMMAD IQBAL Since love first made the breast an instrument Of fierce lamenting, by its flame my heart Was molten... MUHAMMAD IQBAL God is not a dead equation! MUHAMMAD IQBAL Though the terror of the sea gives to none security, in the secret of the shell. Self preserving we ... MUHAMMAD IQBAL But inner experience is only one source of human knowledge. MUHAMMAD IQBAL Vision without power does bring moral elevation but cannot give a lasting culture. MUHAMMAD IQBAL Destiny is the prison and chain of the ignorant. Understand that destiny like the water of the Nile:... MUHAMMAD IQBAL Sexual self-restraint is only a preliminary stage in the ego's evolution. MUHAMMAD IQBAL A wrong concept misleads the understanding; a wrong deed degrades the whole man, and may eventually ... MUHAMMAD IQBAL The soul is neither inside nor outside the body; neither proximate to nor separate from it. MUHAMMAD IQBAL The wing of the Falcon brings to the king, the wing if the crow brings him to the cemetery. MUHAMMAD IQBAL Rise above sectional interests and private ambitions... Pass from matter to spirit. Matter is divers... MUHAMMAD IQBAL But only a brief moment is granted to the brave one breath or two, whose wage is the long nights of ... MUHAMMAD IQBAL Well. The sun was out. ADEEL IQBAL It concerns me. It concerns a lot of people, especially those who have been here for years and years... ADEEL IQBAL The idea of effecting change has been lost in the hearts of many students. Look at the war. We can t... ADEEL IQBAL It hasn't hit home for these students. Until their brother dies or they have to go, they don't care. ADEEL IQBAL The skills that you learn here not only prepare you for a career in journalism, they prepare you for... ADEEL IQBAL They didn't feel like the paper was theirs. A lot of students can't write for us because they have t... ADEEL IQBAL I have seen the movement of the sinews of the sky, And the blood coursing in the veins of the moon. ALLAMA IQBAL "Since love first made the breast an instrument Of fierce lamenting, by its flame my heart Was molte... ALLAMA IQBAL What avails love when life is so ephemeral? What avaiIs a mortals love for the immortal? Love that i... ALLAMA IQBAL Arise, and soar with the suns new-born rays, To breathe new life into dying nights and days. ALLAMA IQBAL What avails love when life is so ephemeral?What avaiIs a mortal’s l... ALLAMA IQBAL But only a brief momentis granted to the braveone breath or two, whose wage isThe long nights of the... ALLAMA IQBAL "I am but as the spark that gleams for a moment,His burning candle consumed me - the moth;His wine o... ALLAMA IQBAL I have seen the movement of the sinews of the sky,And the blood coursing in the veins of the moon. ALLAMA IQBAL Since love first made the breast an instrumentOf fierce lamenting, by its flame my heartWas molten t... ALLAMA IQBAL Arise, and soar with the sun’s new-born rays,To breathe new life in... ALLAMA IQBAL Rich countries have been sending aid to poor countries for the last 60 years. And, by and large, thi... IQBAL QUADIR During the Cold War, the U.S. instituted a policy of sending money to governments in poor countries ... IQBAL QUADIR It is the lot of man to share in the deeper aspirations of the universe around him and to share his ... MUHAMMAD IQBAL If faith is lost, there is no security and there is no life for him who does not adhere to religion. MUHAMMAD IQBAL When truth has no burning, then it is philosophy, when it gets burning from the heart, it becomes po... MUHAMMAD IQBAL Nations are born in the hearts of poets, they prosper and die in the hands of politicians. MUHAMMAD IQBAL People who have no hold over their process of thinking are likely to be ruined by liberty of thought... MUHAMMAD IQBAL Words, without power, is mere philosophy. MUHAMMAD IQBAL The thought of a limit to perceptual space and time staggers the mind. MUHAMMAD IQBAL It is true that we are made of dust. And the world is also made of dust. But the dust has motes risi... MUHAMMAD IQBAL The possibility of a scientific treatment of history means a wider experience, a greater maturity of... MUHAMMAD IQBAL Islam is itself destiny and will not suffer destiny. MUHAMMAD IQBAL The standpoint of the man who relies on religious experience for capturing Reality must always remai... MUHAMMAD IQBAL When leaders are no longer beholden to the people who elected them, corruption results and the recru... IQBAL QUADIR It is the nature of the self to manifest itself, In every atom slumbers the might of the self. MUHAMMAD IQBAL The Ego is partly free. partly determined, and reaches fuller freedom by approaching the Individual ... MUHAMMAD IQBAL I have never considered myself a poet. I have no interest in poetic artistry. MUHAMMAD IQBAL I lead no party; I follow no leader. I have given the best part of my life to careful study of Islam... MUHAMMAD IQBAL Barack Obama has talked a lot about changing the way America relates to the world, and few areas are... IQBAL QUADIR Another way of judging the value of a prophet's religious experience, therefore, would be to exa... MUHAMMAD IQBAL Be not entangled in this world of days and nights; Thou hast another time and space as well. MUHAMMAD IQBAL A military or government hierarchy is anathema to the dispersed population and diverse tribes of mou... IQBAL QUADIR Divine life is in touch with the whole universe on the analogy of the soul's contact with the bo... MUHAMMAD IQBAL jika seseorang pemuda jatuh cinta kepada seorang gadis, maka janganlah dia merosakkan hati si gadis ... IQBAL SYARIE The bottom line is this -- for how long can the military remain restrained? That we are just around ... IQBAL ATHAS We are seeing a war already. It's an undeclared war. We are seeing the loss of two to three people a... IQBAL ATHAS This is not posturing. This is a very clear indication that Geneva is becoming very doubtful. The bo... IQBAL ATHAS The specter of war, at least until the 19th of April, seems to have gone away. Until then, the cease... IQBAL ATHAS The Tigers have built a much stronger military machine in the four years of the ceasefire. If the in... IQBAL ATHAS It has at least been put off for the time being, but one is not sure for how long. All that has been... IQBAL ATHAS The Tigers have built a much stronger military machine in the four years of the cease-fire. If the i... IQBAL ATHAS We are slipping back into a war situation. If the attacks go on, there will come a time when the arm... IQBAL ATHAS At some point the army is going to react and then the LTTE will retaliate. They have set in motion a... IQBAL ATHAS Everything that possesses life dies if it has to live in uncongenial surroundings MUHAMMAD IQBAL I have never considered myself a poet. Therefore, I am not a rival of anyone, and I do not consider ... MUHAMMAD IQBAL But the perception of life as an organic unity is a slow achievement, and depends for its growth on ... MUHAMMAD IQBAL The immediacy of mystic experience simply means that we know God just as we know other objects. God ... MUHAMMAD IQBAL I, therefore, demand the formation of a consolidated Muslim State in the best interest of India and ... MUHAMMAD IQBAL Life is a story.
Make yours the Inspirational One. IQBAL HUSSAIN girl/boy..!! you do it again and again even after saying so many times..!! no no..!! dats it..!! its... FAHEEM IQBAL The light at the end of the tunnel is not only flickering, but is getting nearer and nearer. MOHAQHER IQBAL My ancestors were Brahmins. They spent their lives in search of god. I am spending my life in search... MUHAMMAD IQBAL people who have no hold over their process of thinking ara likely to be ruined by liberty of thought... MUHAMMAD IQBAL The truth is that the religious and the scientific processes, though involving different methods, ar... MUHAMMAD IQBAL Why hast thou made me born in this country, The inhabitant of which is satisfied with being a slave? MUHAMMAD IQBAL But only a brief moment is granted to the brave one breath or two, whose wage is The lon... ALLAMA IQBAL "I am but as the spark that gleams for a moment, His burning candle consumed me - the moth; ... ALLAMA IQBAL I have seen the movement of the sinews of the sky, And the blood coursing in the veins of the mo... ALLAMA IQBAL "Since love first made the breast an instrument Of fierce lamenting, by its flame my heart W... ALLAMA IQBAL What avails love when life is so ephemeral? What avaiIs a mortals love for the immortal? <... ALLAMA IQBAL Arise, and soar with the suns new-born rays, To breathe new life into dying nights and days. ALLAMA IQBAL Inductive reason, which alone makes man master of his environment, is an achievement; and when once ... MUHAMMAD IQBAL I'm motivated by creating a level playing field for the world so that the weak have a chance. IQBAL QUADIR That is why, according to this newer psychology, Christianity has already fulfilled its biological m... MUHAMMAD IQBAL Art: If the object of poetry is, to make men, then poetry is the heir of prophecy. MUHAMMAD IQBAL The spirit of philosophy is one of free inquiry. It suspects all authority. Its function is to trace... MUHAMMAD IQBAL Become dust - and they will throw thee in the air; Become stone - and they will throw thee on glass. MUHAMMAD IQBAL If your liver becomes blood through this your destiny, then ask God for another destiny. It is possi... MUHAMMAD IQBAL Art is a sacred lie MUHAMMAD IQBAL Physiologically less violent and psychologically more suitable to a concrete type of mind. MUHAMMAD IQBAL Let's try hard to stop insulting each other and to prevent all kinds of violence, MUHAMMAD IQBAL Plants and minerals are bound to predestination. The faithful is only bound to the Divine orders. MUHAMMAD IQBAL Psychologically speaking, all states, whether their content is religious or non-religious, are organ... MUHAMMAD IQBAL But to rationalize faith is not to admit the superiority of philosophy over religion. MUHAMMAD IQBAL Some came over the last four years (due to) the drought. So all of them together are going (back) to... IQBAL KHAN If the object of poetry is, to make men, then poetry is the heir of prophecy. MUHAMMAD IQBAL Unbeliever is he who follows predestination even if he be Muslim, Faithful is he, if he himself is t... MUHAMMAD IQBAL The light at the end of the tunnel is not only flickering but it is getting nearer and nearer. We ar... MOHAGHER IQBAL Khudi ko kar buland itna ke har taqder se pehle Khuda bande se khud pooche bata teri raza... MUHAMMAD IQBAL The scientific observer of Nature is a kind of mystic seeker in the act of prayer. MUHAMMAD IQBAL But the universe, as a collection of finite things, presents itself as a kind of island situated in ... MUHAMMAD IQBAL I tell you the sign of a believer; When Death comes, there is a smile on his lips. MUHAMMAD IQBAL Set not the chain of Fate upon thy foot. There is a way beyond this rolling sphere. MUHAMMAD IQBAL Sometimes it is easy going.Sometimes it is too difficult but in every situation. Life Goes On! Eithe... IQBAL HUSSAIN In the first period religious life appears as a form of discipline which the individual or a whole p... MUHAMMAD IQBAL The ultimate purpose of religious life is to make this evolution move in a direction far more import... MUHAMMAD IQBAL Man is primarily governed by passion and instinct. MUHAMMAD IQBAL What avails love when life is so ephemeral?What avaiIs a mortal’s love for the immortal?Love that ... ALLAMA IQBAL Arise, and soar with the sun’s new-born rays,To breathe new life into dying nights and days. ALLAMA IQBAL Why should I ask the wise men: Whence is my beginning? I am busy with the thought: Where will be my ... MUHAMMAD IQBAL From love's plectrum arises the song of the string of life Love is the light of life ... MUHAMMAD IQBAL Ends and purposes, whether they exist as conscious or subconscious tendencies, form the wrap and woo... MUHAMMAD IQBAL It may, however, be said that the level of experience to which concepts are inapplicable cannot yiel... MUHAMMAD IQBAL Thou art not for the earth, nor for the Heaven the world is for thee, thou art not for the world. MUHAMMAD IQBAL I will try to justify my recall and will try to cement my place in the one-day squad if got an oppor... FAISAL IQBAL I made full use of the opportunity. I wanted to be the part of the team. FAISAL IQBAL The pressure was on me to perform because I was making a comeback to Test cricket, and here I scored... FAISAL IQBAL It has to be a fully comprehensive public inquiry that will provide us the information we need as to... IQBAL SACRANIE There is no resolution of the problem as long as this very abusive and profane book is in publicatio... IQBAL SACRANIE The U.S. can now simply order that British citizens can be plucked from our streets and into U.S. ja... IQBAL SACRANIE We are sure that British Muslims will be generous in sending aid to the affected regions, especially... IQBAL SACRANIE The Muslim community should not be treated as a problematic community, but treated as a community th... IQBAL SACRANIE He is an elderly man and he is due to become a grandfather soon. Be merciful. Our religion, Islam, d... IQBAL SACRANIE We appeal to the group that is holding Ken Bigley to release him without delay and without harm, IQBAL SACRANIE Those that believe and choose to wear the jilbab and consider it to be part of their faith's require... IQBAL SACRANIE This is a very important ruling on the issue of personal freedoms. Many other schools have willingly... IQBAL SACRANIE If ever these recommendations are to be considered it would clearly be a matter of religious discrim... IQBAL SACRANIE Certainly Ba can be regarded as the team to beat this year. IQBAL KHAN Most of these people, they're from 25 years (ago), from the first invasion of Russians and some are ... IQBAL KHAN The appeal on the bail decision by the High Court will be filed tomorrow and it can be accommodated ... IQBAL KHAN I don't think anybody is alive in this pile of rubble, ... But we have not lost hope. IQBAL KHAN America to withdraw its troops from Iraq ahead of schedule.
To prepare for the "civil war" brewing b... MUHAMMED HAIDER Help the needy and secure your place in Heaven. MUHAMMED HAIDER Share a portion of your wealth with the needy, so you may be protected by their blessings. MUHAMMED HAIDER A common trait of Governments around the world is their marked reluctance to face the consequences o... MUHAMMED HAIDER To get what we need without getting into debt, is the real deal. MUHAMMED HAIDER Occupy Wall Street-The writing on the wall for the American establishment? MUHAMMED HAIDER Attitude is a medium that facilitates turning dreams into reality. MUHAMMED HAIDER Basically, the United Nations stands for the status quo in international affairs, unless of course t... MUHAMMED HAIDER Netanyahu will deal with Jewish extremists with a "firm hand".
We do live in strange times. MUHAMMED HAIDER Life really starts kicking after you find your true calling. MUHAMMED HAIDER Don't buy what you don't need. MUHAMMED HAIDER Is protecting the City of London from EU financial services regulations the same as protecting the i... MUHAMMED HAIDER A dose of adversity is necessary for man to know his true friends. MUHAMMED HAIDER The fire in the belly lights up the path leading to success. MUHAMMED HAIDER Armchair intellectuals are the biggest liability of a democracy. MUHAMMED HAIDER Have confidence, will do. MUHAMMED HAIDER Life is all about domination. MUHAMMED HAIDER Bill providing for indefinite detention and torture of Americans passed. Future detainees could incl... MUHAMMED HAIDER If you cannot take what you give, then you have no business to be in the super power business. MUHAMMED HAIDER There's just too much money in the anti terror racket to be left on the table. MUHAMMED HAIDER The American educational system keeps churning out as many irresponsible political leaders as in the... MUHAMMED HAIDER Britain is a Christian country. Next, is it Catholic or Protestant? MUHAMMED HAIDER Small minds cannot accommodate the big picture. MUHAMMED HAIDER Social media have become the harbingers of social change. Only the change may not always be desirabl... MUHAMMED HAIDER Is capitalism dead? Not yet. MUHAMMED HAIDER Democracy legitimizes the illegal by the brute force of the majority. MUHAMMED HAIDER When was the last time "the finest fighting force in the history of the world" won a war? MUHAMMED HAIDER Life without a goal is like a journey without a destination. MUHAMMED HAIDER One who forgives and forgets gets more out of life. MUHAMMED HAIDER Money is man's best servant. MUHAMMED HAIDER Money hates fools. MUHAMMED HAIDER Two things that man cannot stop running after-women and money. MUHAMMED HAIDER You cannot go wrong with hard work in the right direction. MUHAMMED HAIDER The key to success is finding the balance between hard and smart working. MUHAMMED HAIDER If only we made half as much effort to change ourselves as to change others, the world would be a be... MUHAMMED HAIDER There was a time when journalism meant impartial reporting. MUHAMMED HAIDER The fruit is seldom of a better quality than the seed. MUHAMMED HAIDER Creativity does not flower in one's comfort zone. MUHAMMED HAIDER Life without morals is like a car without brakes. MUHAMMED HAIDER Lack of enthusiasm killed more careers than the lack of talent. MUHAMMED HAIDER The cat knows best how to catch a rat. MUHAMMED HAIDER Fear locks up talent. MUHAMMED HAIDER A hearty laugh lightens the heart. MUHAMMED HAIDER There is no greater wealth than health. MUHAMMED HAIDER The more effort we put into our work, the less luck we would need to succeed. MUHAMMED HAIDER A successful man is one who has mastery over money and women. MUHAMMED HAIDER Taking action is the single most important step toward success. MUHAMMED HAIDER Success depends upon doing. MUHAMMED HAIDER Work for results. MUHAMMED HAIDER Those who wait for luck to turn their fortunes around, have a long wait before them. MUHAMMED HAIDER Good intentions will remain just that, unless we act on them. MUHAMMED HAIDER The good terrorist works for my cause. The bad one works for his own. MUHAMMED HAIDER If only dictators realized how easy it is to get away with murder in a democracy... MUHAMMED HAIDER