You're going to have nights like that and you just have to find a way to fight through it. And we didn't do it tonight.
Steve Adelsperger
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I've been waiting for him to have a game like that. He's capable of putting a game like that together every single night. He's one of the most athletic players in our league.
— Steve Adelsperger
You go to the guy who's hot, and we're going to keep going to the well until it's dry. And he wasn't dry tonight.
— Steve Adelsperger
We'll talk about this game, joke about it, and joke about things that happened.
— Steve Adelsperger
Getting shots in the paint, and we knew that coming in. They exploited, they did what we expected and we just didn't stop them tonight.
— Steve Adelsperger
We didn't rebound, we didn't do anything we talked about. They rebounded, they got second shots, and they made them.
— Steve Adelsperger