You have a series of old boats, you have some very new expensive boats and we can't control the price of fuel.
Robin Taylor
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We are excited about it. We have 40 boats coming and maybe more, maybe 40 to 50.
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One of the reasons we chose API was their phased approach to implementation. We get immediate control in phase one by eliminating paper and moving it electronically in the organization while getting familiar with the new processes that will be instituted in the following phases. It gives us a chance to develop and automate optimized business rules for Network F.O.B.
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The issue here is indeed control. It is the appropriation of material that they don't own for a purpose that is, however altruistic and lofty and wonderful, nevertheless a commercial enterprise.
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This does not mean the parish is getting into the animal control business. We are not, ... We won't be picking up any animals. The shelter will be for persons who bring their dogs there to WCI.
— Zachary Taylor