You can really make jelly out of anything if you have enough sugar.
Judy Alford
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The store jelly doesn't compare. It's fun to give something you couldn't find in a store.
— Judy Alford
You can take the boy off the farm, but you can't take the farm out of the boy. They argue about it, saying 'I had to do it last year'.
— Judy Alford
It said the birds would eat the berries if there was a bad winter, but even with a cold snap, they still weren't eating them. It seemed like such a waste.
— Judy Alford
The end is here, but this is what we're here for -- the next eight games. We're pumping ourselves up, and the vibe on the team is really changing. Hopefully that changes our performances.
— Christine Alford
At first, the chemistry wasn't quite there. That little spark was missing. But today everything was great.
— Christine Alford