Break out to go out
The birds dare to break the egg shell
It does so in order to get out of that Hell
When it finally succeeds, it’ll then fly
To its comfort zone it’ll say bye
Are you being confined in a small space
How long will you remain at that place?
Before you can explore more territories,
Break away from the former glories.
Yesterday’s excellence is today’s average
You must strive to be better age after age
Never accept the available mediocrity
As the only preferable opportunity
Decide to grow from below to hero
And make it a point to vacate level zero
Reach out and arise with power
God’s blessings on you, will shower
Agree to grow, never attempt to be slow
Be not afraid. Never doubt. You’ll flow
The grace of God will be your guide
Taking you along, side by side.
— Israelmore Ayivor