You are the caretaker of your own life & you alone can mostly determine how long you desire to stay in the sojourn of life.
david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
Living Long
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The power to live long in life,is by learning to use the tool called imagination,always imagine yourself at 80yrs & also very healthy.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
Live Long
Numbering your days does not only give you a heart of gratitude,but also the power to foretell how long you desire to live on this plane.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
Long Life
Life's irony;If reading 50 books can procure long life,then the majority of humans will rather die prematurely.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
Long Life
Life's Irony;"If only observing 30minutes meditation daily can help procure long life,many will still die prematurely.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
Long Life
The power to live long is by learning to appreciate & show gratitude to providence for today's life.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
Long Life