You are realised by your uniqueness. Keep it unadulterated as much as you can. Once you adulterate it, you won't even be able to realise you.
Chandrababu V.S.
Being Unique
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Yes, sensible thoughts,actions along with the state of being considerate towards others deter hurtful intents by others.
— Chandrababu V.S.
Being Inconsiderate
An individual who likes to be alone and relies himself more than anybody else in this world is quite an extraordinary person. He might be mentally strong and determined. And, he could be conscientious as well. He wouldn't seek company for accomplishing his responsibilities and duties even if it's not possible to have done singlehandedly. After all, the state of being alone is indeed a wonderful experience one should try to get used to.
— Chandrababu V.S.
State Of Being Alone
A daughter could be the most reliable relative as far as parents are concerned.
— Chandrababu V.S.
Peace and happiness are like Left and Right hand of a human. Right hand is always seeking the harmonious support from Left hand. If either of the two is missing the person becomes a handicapped entity.
— Chandrababu V.S.
Problems and troubles are inevitable in life. But, the mental strength to overcome them makes all the difference in life. After all, the will power to deal with problems has to be attained by the grace of God.
— Chandrababu V.S.
Mental Strength