Yo soy yo y tú eres tú, todos los de allá fuera son ellos. Y todos somos diferentes e igualmente insignificantes.
Jenny Downham
Yo te he nombrado reina.
Hay más altas que tú, más altas.
Hay más puras que tú, más ...
PABLO NERUDA Yo te he nombrado reina.
Hay más altas que tú, más altas.
Hay más puras que tú, más ...
PABLO NERUDA Tú estabas tan segura de que yo era otra persona, y a mi me gustó que me vieras diferente de los d...
MARISSA MEYER - ¿Recuerdas lo que significa este punto del centro? (...) Soy yo: tu eje, tu principio y tu fin, t...
ÁNGELES IBIRIKA Te quiero, Allie. Soy quien soy gracias a ti. Tú eres todas mis razones, todas mis esperanzas y tod...
NICHOLAS SPARKS Te cansarás primero que yo. Llegaré a donde quieres llegar antes que tú estés allí -dijo el que...
JUAN RULFO Aquí están todos los sitios a los que hemos ido. Y todos los sitios a los que iremos. Y estoy yo, ...
JOHN GREEN Cuando vas por las calles
nadie te reconoce.
Nadie ve la corona de cristal, nadie mira
PABLO NERUDA Pero tú y yo, amor mío, estamos juntos, juntos desde la ropa a las raíces, juntos de otoño, de a...
PABLO NERUDA Juntos tú y yo, amor mío, sellamos el silencio,
PABLO NERUDA Pero los caminos de ella eran más largos que todos los caminos que yo habia andado en mi vida y has...
JUAN RULFO Todos eran efímeros y transitorios, y a la vuelta de cien años no quedaría rastro de ellos sobre ...
MIGUEL DELIBES Yo soy leal a los míos, y, a diferencia de vos, aprendí a ejercer de soldado y mirar a los ojos si...
JORDI BALAGUER - Estamos jugando a pedir tres deseos. Los míos son un pastel, un baño caliente y una cama mullida...
LAINI TAYLOR Dedicada a todos los que siguen queriendo ser diferentes y luchan contra aquellos que desean que sea...
ALBERT ESPINOSA Habla y ellos te escucharán -me apremia-. Es así de simple. Todos los oídos quieren escuchar una ...
PIERCE BROWN —Si yo bajara en busca de tu alma, ni todos los querubines negros juntos podrían apartarme de ti....
SYLVAIN REYNARD El universo conspira a favor de los que lo mueven. Y ésos son los que lo paran. ¿Tú quieres mover...
ALBERT ESPINOSA —Sé quién eres —replicó, sosteniéndole la mirada—. No van a espantarme tus "imperfecciones...
NALINI SINGH -Yo me acuerdo que recordaba -murmuró. Emitió un largo suspiro mientras se sentaba, encogía las p...
JAMES DASHNER Los libros para todos son siempre libros que huelen mal: el olor de las gentes pequeñas se adhiere ...
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Se sabe que las bicicletas han tratado por todos los medios de remediar su triste condición social....
JULIO CORTáZAR ¿Por qué me lo cuentas ahora?
-Porque no quiero que olvides lo distintas que son nuestras cir...
SUZANNE COLLINS Todos somos ateos respecto a la mayoría de dioses en los que la humanidad ha creído alguna vez. Al...
RICHARD DAWKINS (BIóLOGO) Yo no soy mexicano. Yo no soy gringo. Yo no soy chicano. No soy gringo en USA y mexicano en Mexico. ...
CARLOS FUENTES Yo he visto estos solitarios apretujados en increíbles racimos en los andenes y en los coches del t...
ARTURO USLAR PIETRI ¡Los suspiros son aire y van al aire!
¡Las lágrimas son agua y van al mar!
Dime, mujer,...
GUSTAVO ADOLFO BéCQUER Toro: Hay gente que no sabe lo que es el amor.
Pescuezo: ¿Qué es el amor?
Toro: …….e...
DAVID COTOS Creo que si alguna vez tengo hijos y están disgustados, no les diré que la gente se muere de hambr...
STEPHEN CHBOSKY Los Padres son dueños de todo y la gente no posée nada; es la obra maestra de la razón y la justi...
VOLTAIRE En cuanto al poder, se aleja a toda vela de la calle y del mercado, de las asambleas y de los parlam...
ZYGMUNT BAUMAN Llega un momento en que nos damos cuenta de que nuestros padres no se pueden salvar a ellos mismos n...
JOHN GREEN Es una mera ficción eso de que no existe un puente de unión entre una y otra gente, y que todos vi...
HERMANN HESSE Supongo que hay dos tipos de personas en el mundo: los que se sientan alrededor de un fuego a mirar ...
JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT Todos los secretos están guardados en un mismo cajón, el cajón de los secretos, y si develas uno,...
LAURA RESTREPO En momentos de pena y sufrimiento, te abrazaré y te reconfortaré, tomaré tu tristeza y la haré m...
NICHOLAS SPARKS La vida es una tapiceria que se borda dia a dia con hilos de muchos colores, unos pesados y oscuros,...
ISABEL ALLENDE Desde temprana edad eran conscientes del escaso valor que el mundo daba a los libros, de manera que ...
JEFFREY EUGENIDES yo me digo "Señor, otras repúblicas de América descienden igualmente de españoles, y viven sin c...
VICENTE BLASCO IBáñEZ Yo supe en el momento en que te conocí que había algo en ti que yo necesitaba. Resultó que no era...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Yo supe en el momento en que te conocí que había algo en ti que yo necesitaba. Resultó que no era...
JAMIE MCGUIRE Es mucho más fácil no saber las cosas algunas veces. Las cosas cambian. Los amigos se van. Y la vi...
STEPHEN CHBOSKY Como yo llevo la comida a casa todos los días, nosotras casi siempre comemos cosas frescas, tanto q...
SUZANNE COLLINS Para mi habías sido como un chico de papel todos estos años… Dos dimensiones como personaje en e...
JOHN GREEN Todo tiene su precio, joven. Preocúpate tú por seguir tus ideales. Y deja que la historia y los he...
RAFAEL OLIVERO Miraba hacia abajo y pensaba que yo era de papel.
JOHN GREEN Mira, todos los hombres son capaces de hacer lo increíble cuando están amenazados sus ideales. Per...
HERMANN HESSE Sólo los sacerdotes y los locos no tienen miedo a nada, y yo nunca me he llevado muy bien con Dios
PATRICK ROTHFUSS El peor tipo de llanto no era el tipo que todos podían ver, los lamentos en las esquinas, el desgar...
KATIE MCGARRY El mundo no se divide en gente buena y mala; todos tenemos luz y oscuridad dentro de nosotros, lo qu...
J.K. ROWLING No hay pecas suficientes para todos los «te quiero» que siento cada vez que te miro. Treinta y tre...
ALICE KELLEN La innovación es lo que le da vida y dinamismo a social media, siempre debes preguntarte si eres t�...
CRISTO LEON No permitas que ninguno de ellos te diga quién eres. Eres la llama que no puede ser apagada. Eres l...
CASSANDRA CLARE La mentira es el único privilegio del hombre sobre todos los animales" - Crimen y Castigo
FYODOR DOSTOYEVSKY —Tú hablas sin palabras. Todos estamos siempre hablando sin palabras.
—¿Y para qué valen...
WILLIAM SAROYAN -¿Te preparas para otra guerra?
-Oh, ahora no. Ahora estamos en ese dulce periodo en el que to...
SUZANNE COLLINS —... Ahora, vamos: dibuja un círculo, tan redondo como puedas. Tenía un mal presentimiento acerc...
CATE TIERNAN Cuando los adultos dicen: “Los adolescentes piensan que son invencibles”, con esa sonrisa maños...
JOHN GREEN Yo no tenía hermanos. Era hijo único. Y por eso sentí durante toda mi niñez algo
parecido a...
HARUKI MURAKAMI Yo sé qué carga es una persona vieja; los hijos te aguantan, te aguantan y, al final, acaban por h...
SVETLANA ALEXIEVICH Tú eres la única que está cerca de mí aunque no esté conmigo.
DANIEL GLATTAUER —No puedo hablar sobre nuestra historia de amor, así que hablaré sobre matemáticas. No soy una ...
JOHN GREEN A veces, lees un libro y te llena con este fervor evangélico raro, y te convences de que el mundo d...
JOHN GREEN Muchos de los que viven merecen morir y algunos de los que mueren merecen la vida. ¿Puedes devolver...
GANDALS Muchos de los que viven merecen morir y algunos de los que mueren merecen la vida. ¿Puedes devolver...
J.R.R. TOLKIEN Los intelectuales de Occidente son todos aficionados a la silla. Por eso la mayoría de ustedes son ...
ALDOUS HUXLEY Se acabaron todos esos meses que me consideraba un ser maravilloso. Por fin me ve como soy en realid...
SUZANNE COLLINS Algo se marchitó de repente muy dentro de su ser: quizá la fe en la perennidad de la infancia. Adv...
MIGUEL DELIBES Yo no sé si el mundo es triste o malo, ni siquiera me importa, porque el sufrimiento de los demás ...
FERNANDO PESSOA Tu casa, al ser el lugar donde lees, puede decirnos cuál es el lugar que los libros tienen en tu vi...
ITALO CALVINO Pero el amor, esa palabra... Moralista Horacio, temeroso de pasiones sin una razón de aguas hondas,...
JULIO CORTáZAR —Estoy enamorado de ti, y no me apetece privarme del sencillo placer de decir la verdad. Estoy ena...
JOHN GREEN ¿No irá usted a creer que todos esos bípedos que andan por la calle son hombre sólo porque anden...
HERMANN HESSE Algunas veces lees un libro, sientes un extraño afán evangelizador y estás convencido de que este...
JOHN GREEN Siempre he envidiado a las personas que se duermen con facilidad. Sus cerebros deben de estar más l...
DAVID BENIOFF —Nada serio. Cuando has tenido lo mejor, cuesta que alguien diferente cumpla tus expectativas. Sie...
MARIA MARTINEZ Pero en esto yerran los jóvenes tan a menudo y tan gravemente. Ellos, en cuya naturaleza está el n...
RAINER MARIA RILKE Los bits se presentan como si estuvieran vivos, mientras que los humanos son fragmentos pasajeros. T...
JARON LANIER la admiración por el Padre, símbolo de lo cerrado y agresivo, capaz de chingar y abrir, se transpa...
OCTAVIO PAZ En esta historia sólo yo me muero
y moriré de amor porque te quiero,
porque te quiero, a...
PABLO NERUDA Antes de la tragedia, cada hombre se consideraba unido inescindiblemente a los demás, en pensamient...
JOSé RAFAEL HERRERA Era peor la herida... eran peor muchas heridas... que saber la profundidad de lealtad y amor que yac...
ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE La única certeza, transcurridas más de dos décadas desde los años de facultad, era que aquella a...
SíLVIA SOLER Lo que me dijiste no cambió mi manera de pensar y te repito que me encantaría ser el compañero de...
LAURA ESQUIVEL —En París, es común reconocer a alguien atractivo. El francés no desvía la mirada como otras c...
STEPHANIE PERKINS Todos los hombres tienen que destruir su vida. Y según la manera como lo hagan se llamarán triunfa...
CIORAN Sólo en tu corazón está "tu propio bien".
Muchos de los consejeros son fanáticos del auto-e...
VIOLET FLORENCE MARTIN Todos los dioses, todos los cielos, todos los infiernos, están en ti.
JOSEPH CAMPBELL Yo era un liviano trozo de pelusa de diente de león, y él era el viento que me agitaba sobre el mu...
SARAH J. MAAS Ni siquiera puedo respirar cuando no estamos juntos —susurró ella—. Y eso significa que, cuando...
RAINBOW ROWELL Parar el mundo es decidir conscientemente que vas a salir de él para mejorarte y mejorarlo. Para po...
ALBERT ESPINOSA Yo no soy poeta. Leo poesía, pero jamás he
podido escribir un solo verso. Y no porque no lo h...
NICHOLAS SPARKS Ya en el escaparate de la librería localizaste la portada con el título que buscabas. Siguiendo es...
ITALO CALVINO Yo sólo he podido protegerme de mis enemigos; en el resto de los casos, con la moral hecha añicos,...
ÓSCAR DE LA BORBOLLA Lo que pasó es lo de menos. Es una novela, y lo que ocurre en ellas da lo mismo y se olvida, una ve...
JAVIER MARíAS El hombre es el único ser que consume sin producir. No da leche, no pone huevos, es demasiado débi...
GEORGE ORWELL Nos acercaremos a Dios no con el intento de evitar los sufrimientos inherentes a todos los amores, s...
C.S. LEWIS Nos acercaremos a Dios no con el intento de evitar los sufrimientos inherentes a todos los amores, s...
C.S. LEWIS —Te diré a lo que es real. Real es que yo estaba en la cárcel durante el último año, quedándo...
SIMONE ELKELES Le gustaba llevarme a pasear a orillas de lago, donde contemplábamos las olas rompiendo contra las ...
More Jenny Downham
I want the people I love to get up and speak about me, and even if you cry it'll be OK. I want you t...
JENNY DOWNHAM When my second child was born, I gave up acting - two young children out on the road was too difficu...
JENNY DOWNHAM Maybe you should say goodbye, Cal.'
'It might be important.'
'It might make her...
JENNY DOWNHAM It's really going to happen. I really won't ever go back to school. Not ever. I'll never be famous o...
JENNY DOWNHAM It's all right, Tessa, you can go. We love you. You can go now.'
'Why are you saying that?'
JENNY DOWNHAM Bye, Tess. haunt me if you like. I don't mind.
JENNY DOWNHAM It was strange how words meant something when they came out of your mouth. Inside your head they wer...
JENNY DOWNHAM I love you. It hurts more than anything ever has, but I do. So don't you dare tell me I don't. Don't...
JENNY DOWNHAM I wish I had a boyfriend. I wish he lived in the wardrobe on a coat hanger. Whenever I wanted, I cou...
JENNY DOWNHAM Help me, Mikey, she wanted to say. I’m afraid. More afraid than you’d ever believe.’ And he’...
JENNY DOWNHAM I love you. I love you. I send this message through my fingers and into his, up his arm and into his...
JENNY DOWNHAM when I was four I almost fell down the shaft of a tin mine and when I was five the car rolled over o...
JENNY DOWNHAM I want to die in my own way. It's my illness, my death, my choice. This is what saying yes means.
JENNY DOWNHAM Sometimes if you want something badly enough, you can make it happen. If you miss someone so despera...
JENNY DOWNHAM That slow smile again. I love that smile! DId I think he was ugly just now? No, his face is transfor...
JENNY DOWNHAM We make patterns, we share moments.
JENNY DOWNHAM Hold my hand. Don't let go.
All gathering towards this one.
JENNY DOWNHAM Keep breathing. Just keep doing it. It's easy. In and out.
JENNY DOWNHAM Quiero vivir antes de morir. Es lo único que tiene sentido
JENNY DOWNHAM As an actor I worked for seven years with a community theater company based in London. We used impro...
JENNY DOWNHAM There's a gang of boys on bikes blocking the road ahead. They've got their hoods up, cigarettes shie...
JENNY DOWNHAM Statement: A girl and a boy jump into a river. The boy swims over to the girl and says, "God, it's c...
JENNY DOWNHAM Dust Glitter Rain
JENNY DOWNHAM Je veux vivre avant de mourir.
JENNY DOWNHAM Her skin tasted expensive.
JENNY DOWNHAM It's utterly beautiful not to know my own edges.
JENNY DOWNHAM Parents don’t know their children at all.
No one knows anyone, in fact.
JENNY DOWNHAM We make patterns, we share moments. Sometimes, I think I'm the only one to see it.
JENNY DOWNHAM You don't have to be in the brightest, shiniest state of being an individual to feel like you...
JENNY SLATE I was raised to feel that doing nothing was a sin. I had to
learn to do nothing.
JENNY JOSEPH I loved pretending to be a middle-aged Jewish woman. I just wanted to do what I saw Gilda Radner and...
JENNY SLATE I'm a huge reggae fan. I want to go to Jamaica and make, like, Bob Marley 'One Love' pos...
JENNY LEWIS There should be more booing in shops and restaurants and places like that when when the service is b...
JENNY ECLAIR I can be bolder on the page, as a character. I can gnash my teeth, I can scream and yell, in a way t...
JENNY OFFILL I'm a late bloomer. It's taken me a long time to find my voice, and I think all the records ...
JENNY LEWIS My older sister is bossy, my brother is a stirrer and me - well, I am perfect!
JENNY ECLAIR I don't think that crazy should have a negative connotation - it just means that you're fun....
JENNY MOLLEN When I was growing up, I was so fascinated by Mel Blanc and all of the different voices that he did ...
JENNY SLATE But what now? What am I supposed to do with all these feelings?
JENNY HAN It will get easier each time, I think. I hope. I just have to keep trying.
JENNY HAN Even when you’d lost everything you thought there was to lose, somebody came along and gave you so...
JENNY VALENTINE Would you rather live one perfect day over and over or live your life with no perfect days but just ...
JENNY HAN God help the man who won't marry until he finds a perfect woman, and God help him still more if he f...
JENNY WEBER Rage can be so common it turns ambient.
JENNY ZHANG Every second, every day, every year, we fail to address demand for reproductive health and family pl...
JENNY SHIPLEY NGOs have a significant role to play, alongside governments, in improving the status of women.
JENNY SHIPLEY You don't realize it until you go out and take a look, but there are so many ways in which sexis...
JENNY SLATE I have a huge respect for writers and realise that this is not an area that I find easy. I doubt tha...
JENNY AGUTTER I think I have a hard time expressing myself in my relationships. I use songs to tell people how I...
JENNY LEWIS I was having problems with depression and anxiety disorder, and it felt like not blogging about it w...
JENNY LAWSON I don't believe in fad diets.
JENNY CRAIG I have a fear of poverty in old age. I have this vision of myself living in a skip and eating cat fo...
JENNY ECLAIR I am very short-sighted, and if I don't like a situation I take my glasses off.
JENNY ECLAIR I have my once-a-month nachos, but it's soy cheese and turkey chili on it, so it's somewhat ...
JENNY MCCARTHY With the adoption of the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, the international...
JENNY SHIPLEY Back at high school, there was this quarterback who asks me out. He's never paid attention to me...
JENNY SLATE When I was 18, I took a trip to Thailand with a friend. We stayed for a month. Bangkok was very raw ...
JENNY LEWIS I still catch myself trying to become the object someone imagines me to be, but then there are other...
JENNY ZHANG When I was young, my family didn't go on outings to the circus or trips to Disneyland. We couldn...
JENNY LAWSON I feel I have to be totally cemented in my position, all: 'You can't tell me what to do with...
JENNY SLATE Lack of charisma can be fatal.
JENNY HOLZER I come from a very uncool profession: being a washed up child actor.
JENNY LEWIS People come in and out of your life. For a time they're your world; they are everything. There's no ...
JENNY HAN We stood there, looking at each other, saying nothing. But it was the kind of nothing that meant eve...
JENNY HAN Everything is going to be fine.”
I hate it when people say that, people who have absolu...
JENNY VALENTINE I couldn't take much more of this. Being the object two men competed for wasn't as glamorous as it s...
JENNY TROUT Using creative expression as a means to a professional end makes me curl up a bit.
JENNY SLATE I feel a lot of life in me and a lot of creative energy, and I think it's better suited somewher...
JENNY SLATE At one point, my house was a school for autistic children. I opened up my doors to about 30 kids and...
JENNY MCCARTHY It's absolutely imperative for the parents and the typical kids to have time by themselves, to g...
JENNY MCCARTHY If you give us a safe vaccine, we'll use it. It shouldn't be polio versus autism.
JENNY MCCARTHY I think being a writer is being heavily attuned to the absolute absurdity of things you take for gra...
JENNY ZHANG Mothers have always held such symbolic weight in determining a person's worth. Your mother tongu...
JENNY ZHANG Well, I think in trying to make life seem real enough that one is moved to do something about the mo...
JENNY HOLZER It's weird for me to say I'm lucky when I can't go into a bookstore and have more than f...
JENNY ZHANG Growing up in America, I experienced two puberties. The first opened me up to the possibilities of a...
JENNY ZHANG Asian American success is often presented as something of a horror - robotic, unfeeling machines psy...
JENNY ZHANG When I hear people flatteringly say, 'You're an expert on East Asia...' I'm certainl...
JENNY SHIPLEY The reader who likes my stories, I think they would see the violence on the surface, but I think the...
JENNY ZHANG Ten years ago in Nairobi we said that the participation of women in the decision-making and appraisa...
JENNY SHIPLEY If you were to make a quick judgment call on my intelligence and articulation when I first moved to ...
JENNY ZHANG I wanted to support things that are helpful to people and maybe bash what I think is dangerous. So I...
JENNY HOLZER A change in bad habits leads to a change in life.
JENNY CRAIG Chinese people as consumers, while they've always valued food and beverage for the health food q...
JENNY SHIPLEY Wait!" he yelled.
I didn't turn around, I walked faster. Then I heard him slam his fist on the ...
JENNY HAN When you come out of the grips of a depression there is an incredible relief, but not one you feel a...
JENNY LAWSON I’ve fallen for the one person I shouldn’t have. For the boy who broke Mary’s heart. For Renni...
JENNY HAN I delete the picture of him from my phone; I delete his number. I think that if I just delete him en...
JENNY HAN Strength isn't about bearing a cross of grief or shame. Strength comes from choosing your own path, ...
JENNY TROUT I'd never been a good damsel in distress. I was a "hands-on" damsel.
JENNY TROUT That's when I finally got it. I finally understood. It wasn't the thought that counted. It was the a...
JENNY HAN The one thing I like about 'Playboy' is they don't have the anorexic look. The women are...
JENNY MCCARTHY Google is one of the most incredible breakthroughs that we have today. Yes, it can scare a lot of pa...
JENNY MCCARTHY When I was a graduate student at the Iowa Writers' Workshop for fiction writing, I felt both cov...
JENNY ZHANG I grew up idolizing Madeline Kahn and Lily Tomlin and Carol Burnett, Ruth Gordon, Rosalind Russell, ...
JENNY SLATE Does self-acceptance ultimately require another person, or is there a kind of love that does not dab...
JENNY ZHANG It can be hard for the cute girl. I was blond, cute, broke. I was beat up. I was thrown inside locke...
JENNY MCCARTHY My favourite food is cake.
What kind of cake?
It doesn't matter. All cake.
JENNY HAN Anyone who has dead straight hair wants curls.
JENNY ECLAIR Sometimes it hurts to look at you,” I said. I loved that I could say that and he knew exactly what...
JENNY HAN So much of art-making is about reducing things to the essentials, so I don't feel particularly c...
JENNY HOLZER i worried he'd let go, but he didn't. We held hands like this the whole rest of the way home.
JENNY HAN I couldn't wait to be an adult woman, and I'm glad I felt that way as a kid because, when I ...
JENNY SLATE There's nothing like the peace of the countryside, the quiet and the lack of distraction. It hel...
JENNY NIMMO I have a slightly contrarian streak as a writer, and one of the things I was interested in was how d...
JENNY OFFILL My parents divorced when I was 3 years old. They had a lounge act in Las Vegas, where I was born. Th...
JENNY LEWIS I'm constantly dodging people in L.A. There are some people I don't ever wanna see again, bu...
JENNY LEWIS Dear ignoramuses,
Halloween is not 'a yankee holiday' celebrated only by gigantic toddler...
JENNY COLGAN I'd paint long strips of canvas and abandon them on the beach, or put bread out in geometric pat...
JENNY HOLZER After graduating from flares and platforms in the early 1970s, I started drama school wearing a pair...
JENNY ECLAIR I've done both theatre and film and the fact is if you start believing, if you start reading things ...
JENNY AGUTTER The things that I've done that have totally been remembered, they've always started with the same ki...
JENNY AGUTTER I had written two or three books before my husband noticed that in every one of them a family member...
JENNY NIMMO Why did my mother, a grown woman, get to talk like all her hopes and dreams had been shat on, kicked...
JENNY ZHANG Even at age 10, I already knew that I was different from most people. My anxiety disorder was still ...
JENNY LAWSON I demo all of my songs on Garage Band, where I pretty much play everything - not very well, but I ma...
JENNY LEWIS I sometimes think my earnestness is confused for stupidity, but it shouldn't be.
JENNY SLATE Those outside of autism need to understand this is an epidemic and we need more government funding, ...
JENNY MCCARTHY I come from a duo, actually, quite literally. My parents are Linda and Eddie, and they had an act in...
JENNY LEWIS Sloppy thinking gets worse over time.
JENNY HOLZER The fact is, sometimes it's hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really specia...
JENNY BICKS The desperate things seem to require attention, the lovely things seem to elicit celebration. If I h...
JENNY HOLZER I like any film where the female characters are complex and have a functioning imperfection.
JENNY SLATE I think of a piece, and then people who are competent fabricate it. But lately I've started fing...
JENNY HOLZER As a five-year-old in Berlin in 1965, I didn't know that funny women existed. It wasn't unti...
JENNY ECLAIR It's funny how a song can start in your mind, and then when it goes through all the filters, it ...
JENNY LEWIS I'm free of stress and worries now because if I don't like something I'm doing, I just f...
JENNY MCCARTHY What is missing from today's dialogue is the effect autism is having on families, our society an...
JENNY MCCARTHY The Pacific had great hope that when the former President Mitered decided to halt nuclear testing, w...
JENNY SHIPLEY I wouldn't call it a faux pas, but I have about 12 tracksuits. I always travel in a tracksuit. I...
JENNY LEWIS My privileged upbringing and education and linguistic fluency gave me such proximity to whiteness th...
JENNY ZHANG Peace is a fragile thing. It takes courage to secure it. It takes wisdom to maintain it.
JENNY SHIPLEY The hardest thing to write was explaining what anxiety feels like. Every time I'd try to really ...
JENNY LAWSON If you could hear the insane stuff going on in my head, it would scare the hell out of you. Probably...
JENNY LAWSON A good fart joke makes me bawl with laughter, so will somebody farting. And the word 'poo.' ...
JENNY ECLAIR I originally recorded [the latter] for the solo record, and I wasn't really confident with the way i...
JENNY LEWIS That time when you're waiting for a job can be the most impactful and important time because you...
JENNY SLATE It's 2014, and the fact that anybody has to fight for the right to do what they want to do with ...
JENNY SLATE Inspiration comes from the world around me. I'm an inveterate eavesdropper.
JENNY NIMMO But just because you bury something, that doesn’t mean it stops existing.
JENNY HAN In your mid-30s, you have to take inventory, or you'll stumble.
JENNY LEWIS Early in my life, without any supporting evidence, I fretted over what I believed was my fate: accid...
JENNY ZHANG I can't watch other people doing comedy. As soon as somebody starts being funny I have to turn o...
JENNY ECLAIR Well, I really don't like heights. I don't get on the top deck of a double-decker because th...
JENNY ECLAIR I always loved to sing and was very, very loud. I wanted to be a movie star, like Judy Garland.
JENNY SLATE I wanted to be in Jim Carrey comedy movies before I met him. I wanted to be a comedian on Stage 19, ...
JENNY MCCARTHY The Rilo Kiley song 'A Better Son/Daughter' is my most requested song - especially for peopl...
JENNY LEWIS When you walk on the beach at night, you can say things you can't say in real life.
JENNY HAN I say, “In the contract we said we wouldn’t break each other’s hearts. What if we do it again?...
JENNY HAN ...When I get you back, I’m gonna put that necklace back around your neck and pin you.” He tries...
JENNY HAN Smirking, he says, "Whatever spell you just tried to cast on me, it didn't work, so I think you need...
JENNY HAN I don’t have to be so afraid of good-bye, because good-bye doesn’t have to be forever.
JENNY HAN I couldn't even be mad at him, because this was who he was. This was who he'd always been. He'd neve...
JENNY HAN You never know the last time you’ll see a place. A person.
JENNY HAN I will never look at you in the same way ever again. I'll never be that girl again. The girl who com...
JENNY HAN Sometimes it’s like people are a million times more beautiful to you in your mind. It’s like you...
JENNY HAN It's the imperfections that make things beautiful
JENNY HAN It's very Western to idealize a kind of love that does not come with any expectations, that stil...
JENNY ZHANG Insomnia is a very prevalent issue. It's a women's health issue, and I chose to talk about i...
JENNY LEWIS Hollow commitments to action in the future are insufficient. Deferring difficult issues must not be ...
JENNY SHIPLEY Stop saying,'I cant love without him',because you have lived even before you met him.So stop being s...
JENNY PABUALAN It looks like John Howard is putting his stamp on this front bench, that he is making all the decisi...
JENNY MACKLIN When Senator Cochran signed on as a co-sponsor to the original bill, it was a regular occurrence —...
JENNY MANLEY Sometimes people come to my shows and think I'm a Christian artist, and they put their hands up ...
JENNY LEWIS When I sit down to write a song, there is no filter. I'm not trying to write for anyone or anyth...
JENNY LEWIS Sometimes it’s like people are a million times more beautiful to you in your mind. It’s like you...
JENNY HAN After Rilo Kiley broke up and a few really intense personal things happened, I completely melted dow...
JENNY LEWIS I hope that the restaurant I go to will have buffalo chicken fingers. I hope that one day I can work...
JENNY SLATE One of the odd things about being a writer is that you never reach a point of certainty, a point of ...
JENNY OFFILL Even the ugliest person's cellulite is more attractive than the most beautiful supermodel's lower in...
JENNY LAWSON On many occasions New Zealand has spoken about the need to ensure that women's concerns are full...
JENNY SHIPLEY It's strange: I've done so many things up until I did 'Obvious Child,' including wri...
JENNY SLATE I've always tried to get around writing love songs, I guess because I've always had a hard t...
JENNY LEWIS I grew up on Loretta Lynn and Dusty Springfield. I remember lying about it; it wasn't cool to li...
JENNY LEWIS Diversity is not a politically correct idea. Diversity in a boardroom or in a Parliament means that ...
JENNY SHIPLEY Well, I think probably the main reason people overeat is stress.
JENNY CRAIG I have a great work ethic - from watching Lucille Ball, not necessarily my own family.
JENNY LEWIS A few nights later, I secretly hope that I might be a genius. Why else can no amount of sleeping pil...
JENNY OFFILL If you ask 99.9 percent of parents who have children with autism if we'd rather have the measles...
JENNY MCCARTHY So basically, I don't know what I'm talking about. But maybe I do.
JENNY MCCARTHY The year my mom worked as a secretary at an apparel company in midtown, she would often come home in...
JENNY ZHANG I say looking on the bright side of life never killed anybody.
JENNY HAN They just take turns. It think it is almost a farce when they elect a president because they very ob...
JENNY AXLEROD She basically won the game for them; she stood on her head.
JENNY POTTER By embracing your subconscious, you gain a different way of seeing and experiencing—an expanded pe...
JENNY DAVIDOW There should be a concerted effort to remind people that what Libby and Rove were doing, if they are...
JENNY BACKUS If she's caught in a circular firing squad with her own army, you let that play out a little bit.
JENNY BACKUS Every morning, we get up and proclaim the good news: It's still too close to call!
JENNY BACKUS They're right across the street from the Republicans, I understand. It's a small town.
JENNY BACKUS His plan is going to needlessly risk the economic prosperity and jeopardize the future of Social Sec...
JENNY BACKUS Roberts wants to restrict the role of government. His early writings ... have really raised question...
JENNY BACKUS When Roberts' record on civil rights is reviewed inside the Judiciary Committee, it's going to sound...
JENNY BACKUS Why do other first world countries give children so many fewer vaccines than we do? Vaccines save li...
JENNY MCCARTHY I don't feel unlucky in love anymore, and it's not all emo. It's a scary place to be in ...
JENNY LEWIS She loves women too much. It's like a drug and she was hooked. Angelina loves danger and dabbling in...
JENNY SHIMIZU I'm not saying she sleeps with a lot of people. But I can't imagine her just being married and being...
JENNY SHIMIZU It seems like he comes from a different place. He wants to have kids and he wants to have a perfect ...
JENNY SHIMIZU I tried a few times, unsuccessfully, to lose weight. It wasn't until I joined Weight Watchers that I...
JENNY MCCARTHY I may be known as the girl who was sunbathing topless with a Prínce but Jordan is known as that thi...