Yes, I suppose God is the only one we can really trust. He's all-good and all-powerful. Some people want to do right, and they try to, but none of us are all-powerful. No matter what we want, we can't always make it happen.
Stefani Carmichael
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The problem is that if we trust in man we are always let down. No, we shouldn't trust in man-- not ultimately. If we don't trust in man or God, we are in an awful lonely mess, too. You see, if we don't trust anyone, we live in fear, but if we trust in God, then we don't have to fear man anymore.
— Stefani Carmichael
Strength of my heart, I need not fail,
Not mind to fear but to obey,
With such a Leader, who could quail?
Thou art as Thou wert yesterday.
Strength of my heart, I rest in Thee,
Fulfil Thy purposes through me.
— Amy Carmichael
He would have to trust God for that, for he was helpless to do anything about it himself. His grandfather had said that was always the best place to be. At the end of oneself was the best place to discover the Lord at work.
— Robin Lee Hatcher
Dedication is writing your name on the botoom of a blank sheet of paper and handling it to the Lord for Him to fill in
— Rick Renner
We must cease striving and trust God to provide what He thinks is best and in whatever time He chooses to make it available. But this kind of trusting doesn't come naturally. It's a spiritual crisis of the will in which we must choose to exercise faith.
— Charles R. Swindoll