When you incarcerate a serial killer, your crime rate goes down - the public is safer. When you incarcerate a drug trafficker, someone else just steps in and takes the job. They don't take their crime to prison with them.
David Jones
Serial killer
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I'm very concerned because of the serial killer. She was aware of that and she promised me that she would never go out looking for a job at night.
— Linda Johnson
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What we've got here is a sexually sadistic pathological serial killer. And he is the scariest of them all, the Hollywood type that we see in the movies and don't really think is going to strike in our neighborhood. But he's out there.
— Pat Brown
Serial killer
Every step of the way, they've treated her like a serial killer for no reason -- a hardened serial killer. And she's not. She's a loving mother who became desperately ill and really did the unthinkable.
— Russell Yates
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Every step of the way, they've treated her like a serial killer for no reason -- a hardened serial killer. And she's not. She's a loving mother who became desperately ill and really did the unthinkable,
— Andrea Yates
Serial killer
He was willing to do whatever was required in order to be the serial killer that he was, ... He's like the wolf preying on the weak sheep.
— Robert McClure
Serial killer