When you face challenges on your way to fulfilling your dreams, don’t grumble about difficulties; instead, be thankful that you have the gift of each new day to keep making progress. Try to enjoy the journey as much as the destination.
Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
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Challenges make one to learn not to give up under pressure & inculcates virtue positivity to tackle the moment of struggle with courage & confidence.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Life without challenge is life without adventure & without vibrancy. The moment you stop taking challenge is the moment you stop moving forward. If you encounter a set back while pursuing a target never loose heart.Take the challenge in your stride. It will give you necessary energy to make way of success & to grow.Remember progress starts with a decision to move at any cost to bring you out of present situation.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Challenge yourself to stand up and be who you want to .Never shy off struggle & trust that you can do it, you can. To earn success you have to face challenges first. So be confident in everything you do because that can lead to what will happen in the future. Live everyday like it is just another step to your success.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Challenge is an opportunity to prove your attitude & strength to stand firm & not to give up.When you take challenge in your stride with positive attitude it proves your ability & worth to reach the achievement for which you are capable.But few never reach to level of achievement because they don’t take challenge sportingly.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Storm in life is to test your patience & strength.Don’t let your confidence dim in the moment of demanding situation. Let storm of life make you firm & stronger to take the challenges in stride & let it create opportunity to experience a vibrant life.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha