When we were 0-and-4, our coaching staff kept telling us to work hard, keep at it, keep playing hard, and we'd get better.
Arturo Dubois
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You can tell by the stats. We didn't defend.
— Arturo Dubois
We are a defensive team, but I guess at one point we got caught up trying to score with them.
— Arturo Dubois
They came out and played a great game. They got every loose ball. They made all the hustle plays. Every time we needed a stop we couldn't get it.
— Arturo Dubois
Be mindful that the middle child has the skill and talent to be helpful, so there doesn't have to be a routine of having only the older child in charge.
— Anne Dubois
My guess is that they are probably good parents, too, because of their own sensitivity to that position of being a middle child.
— Anne Dubois