When people sell funds from one family to another -- say, Fidelity to Janus -- they know they've triggered a taxable event. But when people sell one Fidelity fund and buy a different Fidelity fund, they don't realize that's taxable as well.
Frank Degen
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That's a winner all the way around.
— Frank Degen
Record-keeping is important. Document everything you do.
— Frank Degen
One of the biggest problems I see these days is when the children feel they have a right to an inheritance and a lot of times [they want to intervene on their parent's financial behalf] before they are ready and willing to do that. I know a lot of lawyers who say the first thing they do is take the parents into a room and ask them if they are ready for this.
— Frank Degen
A lot of parents are very reluctant to share their financial history. They might have a wonderful relationship with their children emotionally, but when it comes to finances, not too many are always ready to talk about that.
— Frank Degen
There's no easy answer here. It's not like you can say (that) when the parent turns 72 they should automatically turn their finances over to their children.
— Frank Degen