Where saiyam (a state free of anger-pride-deceit-greed, attachment and abhorrence) does not leave a clear impression, there the vitaraag dharma (the religion prescribed by the absolutely realized Self, which is at 360 degrees, is impartial, incorporates all viewpoints, does not hurt anyone else's viewpoint or religion) will not work. Even if soil were to be thrown into your lentil soup, yet you do not lose saiyam, that is referred to as vitaraag dharma. If displeasure is shown on your face, yet closure and inner satisfaction prevails within, then there is no problem. That [displeasure on the face] is considered as a defect of the non-Self complex (pudgal). When such defects of the non-Self complex no longer remain, that is an altogether different matter!
— Dada Bhagwan