What you're seeing before your eyes is what's happening in his head.
Jane Modlin
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Basically, it's a play being written right before your eyes -- sort of. The premise is that a retiring police officer has decided he's going to go off into a life of ease, and how he's going to do that is by writing a murder mystery like Agatha Christie.
— Jane Modlin
This is truly an ensemble show. There's not a lead who has to carry the story, so it's a chance to really showcase all of our actors and actresses.
— Jane Modlin
This is a good starter show for some of these kids who've never been onstage before, and we have several who are first-timers, but they're having fun with the roles and characters. It's not Shakespeare, but that's OK with us.
— Jane Modlin
Should the color of some other person's eyes have anything to do with how you treat them?
— Jane Elliott
It has incredibly well -preserved orange-red coloring on the hair and eyes.
— Jane Thompson