We're talking about whether, in our society, people are going to be paid a living wage, have a chance for health insurance, retirement security and a shot at the American Dream.
Carol Florman
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Those are the things we think we should be focusing on, and those are the things we hope that we can reach out to the American public and educate them about.
— Carol Florman
Frankly, over the last 100 years, the best way that that's been achieved has been when workers unite and use their strength in numbers to demand that they be treated with dignity and respect and be paid a wage that can help them support a family.
— Carol Florman
Either we are going to continue to have a vital, vibrant middle class in America, or we're going to get to the point where there's only the very rich and the very poor.
— Carol Florman
They have not agreed to provide written assurances they will comply with Immigration and Naturalization Service instructions if they do not prevail in the appeals court and cannot obtain a stay from the Supreme Court.
— Carole Florman
The doctor found that he teases his father and helps to take care of his brother and plays what she called 'the proud big brother' role. He calls his stepmother 'Momma,' and they look and interact very much like a close-knit family.
— Carole Florman