We’re playing Three Wishes,” she told her friend. “Cake, hot bath, soft bed. How about you?”<br />“World peace,” said Karou.<br />Zuzana rolled her eyes. “Yes, Saint Karou.”<br />“Cure for cancer,” Karou went on. “And unicorns for all.”<br />“Bluh. Nothing ruins Three Wishes like altruism. It has to be something for yourself, and if it doesn’t include food, it’s a lie.”<br />“I did include food. I said unicorns, didn’t I?”<br />“Mmm. You’re craving unicorn, are you?” Zuzana’s brow furrowed. “Wait. Do they have those here?”<br />“Alas, no.”<br />“They did,” said Mik. “But Karou ate them all.”<br />“I am a voracious unicorn predator.

Laini Taylor

Laini Taylor