We want to be able to give you a better student government. We truly want to give you a new vision.
Andy Bates
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As for the future of student government we can only hope that the new president isn't polishing the brass on the Titanic.
— Andy Bates
We can start off small.
— Andy Bates
I can't confirm or comment on government investigations.
— Andy Brimmer
Government and companies should by now know that a hungry worker is not productive. The new round of price increases experienced last week will aggravate the plight of the consumers.
— Andy Hodges
I met someone on the street who said wasn't it great that we're going to have a movie star for president, that it was so Pop, and (laughs) when you think about it like that, it is great, it's so American.
— Andy Warhol
Politics / government