We used to send out material before school started but we've found that just being visible gets the word out.
Kyle Waters
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I met neither one before I came to school here, but I'd heard a lot about both, especially Artie and his ability. Coach Jones, I still haven't met him yet, I'm looking forward to that.
— Dominic Waters
The thing I remember most about middle school was how tough it was. You're not quite an adult, but you're not a kid anymore. I try to treat these kids with the respect I would have wanted at that age. These kids ? sorry, young adults ? are very sharp, and they deserve my respect.
— Jen Waters
Moving away from home and on to college is a major life event. We've found that students want something inexpensive and readily accessible; parents want to be able to get money to their child quickly.
— Kyle Waters
I think in the past year, he wrote maybe one check.
— Kyle Waters
We know we're going to have some fraud, but in the grand scheme of things, it's the price we're going to pay to serve our community.
— Kyle Waters