We played outstanding team defense. The kids played hard and aggressive and I was proud of how they got after it.
Dan Spranger
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There's some talent down there and they're doing a great job developing the kids. We want to build from the ground up.
— Dan Spranger
We've tried to be realistic. We're not trying to blow smoke at any of the kids. We've been very honest and I hope they understand. They need to know this is where we want to go. It's not an easy road, but we will be rewarded at the end.
— Dan Spranger
In that zone, we require our kids to rotate to the ball and play man defense when it's in their zone. A lot of times zones can get stagnant, but our kids have to move.
— Dan Trease
We played hard, but we just didn't execute as we should have.
— Dan Spranger
We played so well and so hard for the first three quarters. When they put the pressure on in the fourth quarter, I think that, mentally, we were so tired from having played so hard that we couldn't handle it.
— Dan Spranger